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Everything posted by donna12

  1. donna12

    In the 230's

    thanks everyone, I'm really proud of my 239, teehee. I cannot wait to see 220, the last time I weighed that was 2004, I remember it distinctly. That was the yr I had my emergency hysterectomy and I entered the hospital weighing 220 and after that I packed on the lbs from hormones and menopause and of course in the latter yrs and recent yrs of divorce and separation and emotional eating, packing on the pounds of overeating and eating and eating!!! yes I've always been overweight as an adult, well, since about 25 so I'm ready to take charge and take back my life!!! woohoo
  2. donna12


    aw, thanks guys, you're gona make me cry! Missy I can't imagine having a newborn and going thru that. I wasn't able to have children so there weren't any kids involved in our divorce. Thank you all so very much. My Mr Wonderful is out there waiting for me someday, right?
  3. donna12


    thank you all so very much for your kind words. I firmly believe all men aren't pigs and someday I will meet someone special. I have faith. I do believe however what goes around comes around, and you reap what you sew, in other words one day he will pay for his transgressions, may not be in this life, ok by now you all can tell yes I am a Christian but someday he will have to answer for his actions. Didn't mean to vent on a website about my ex to people that was intended for lap band topics, sorry. Thanks for listening.
  4. donna12

    Im kinda mad

    hang in there. My weight loss is coming off slow, 3-5 lbs a month, wish it was more but right now I can't do much exercising. We'll get there.
  5. Cheznoel, I couldn't have said it better!
  6. I had to have an emergency hysterectomy a few years ago, not too long ago and I feel I'm still going thru menopause, it thru me right into it immediately. I take hormone replacement therapy (patch) to control hot flashes and night sweats. Does this play a role in weight loss? Just curious.
  7. thanks maddysgram, I know I shouldn't compare, I will try not to. I promise!
  8. did you feel it flip or how did you know? Oh my goodness, wow. Hope you're doing fine now.
  9. although I'm very proud of my 54 lbs gone and gone forever I might add, I'm discouraged when I see on here posters that have lost 40 and 50 plus pounds in 3 mos or 2 mos or 4 mos, it just tugs at my heart and discourages me.
  10. I tend to agree with Missy. Once they results, they will want to follow. I too dealt with this to some degree. My brother and his wife were skeptical and to this day do not ask about how I'm doing to my mom or to me and never comment on how they can tell I've lost 54 lbs when they see me. They live in a neighboring state and I only see them maybe once every couple of months and you can tell from my once 294 to 240, especially in my stomach and hips. If I had to guess, I can almost bet that my once very close cousin and my sister-in-law talk about me, topic: oh she took the easy way out, oh she can't do it, oh she will gain it all back, I can just imagine. As I still love these people I cannot focus on the negative, I need to focus on me and my health and I luckily have my mom who supports me in every way and encourages me to the ends of the earth. I wish you well and hopefully things will get better. Hugs Donna
  11. thanks, I was just wondering, because my weight loss is slower than what I think it should be and yes I'm comparing to others on here and I shouldn't. I'm 7 and half months post op and I think I should be down 60 to 70 lbs but I'm only down 54 lbs. I eat only a cup of food 3 times a day, and if I snack and that is not very often, it will be greek yogurt, or a low fat string cheese. The only thing I can think of is I haven't been able to introduce exercising into my journey yet. I'm not able to walk on a treadmill etc. I did buy a exercise ball that I can do crunches on and bands to upper body but to really get a workout, no I cannot do that yet due to some health problems I'm battling now. I've got an infection on a cuticle on a toe due to a pedi and I can't wear tennis shoes, grrr. Looks like I will lose that nail in a week and half which will be even more sore and longer recovery. Thanks maddysgram.
  12. Started out with a Fiber One bar, I know not the smartest choice but the quickest one since I got up for church, didn't quite feel my best but went anyway. Then my mom and I went out for lunch and shared grilled Tilapia, baked potatoe and salad, I ate one bite of potatoe, a few bites of fish and about 4 bites of salad, just didn't agree with me, didn't taste good to me for some reason. Then about 7 hrs later, and why 7 hrs I have no idea as I get hungry every 4 hrs I thought before it gets too late I better eat something so I fixed me some cottage cheese and 3 crackers, ended up throwing that away, just didn't sit well with me. Had a cup of Idaho instant four cheese potatoes I mixed with water in the pantry and ended up eating that, that for some reason tasted good. Don't know if I'm getting sick or what but my taste buds have been off all day. Haven't wanted to eat all day. That's a first.
  13. thanks for the info about breakfast and eating only when hungry. Yes, that is what I thought about the mouth/tongue, thrush. I made an appt with my dr for tomorrow. I suppose she will give me something for it. sigh! another med. to take, sigh again. take care and thanks again.
  14. I guess I should start out by explaining that I'm on my 4th round of strong antibiotics for a cuticle toe infection due to a pedicure and then I started noticing my tongue is numb on the end and mouth burning with certain foods so nothing really tastes good with the exception of tonight. I made a small Quesadilla with low fat cheese, black beans and onions and it tasted good to me. Who knows!
  15. Summerrain, but isn't breakfast supposed to "break the fast and start the metabolism"? I'm never ever hungry in the morning and have to force myself to eat something. Otherwise I could wait till 2 or 3 in the afternoon to eat. Help???
  16. Summerrain I did have a fill this past Thurs. Omgoodness, are you serious, the green zone? I just do not have a desire to eat and can go longer to eat in between meals. The surgeon put .25cc's in. Not quite sure what I'm up to, I don't think I'm up to 5cc's yet and I have a 10cc band. food just didn't taste right yesterday and here I am up this morning and not hungry having to force myself to eat Breakfast. I'm out of Protein shakes or I would drink one, ugh. Like to keep them on hand for something quick and times I don't feel like a meal. thanks everyone for your wise inputs. Donna
  17. donna12


    I will def. order the salmon,I love salmon and will actually see if they have whole wheat pasta, thanks for posting. What was wrong with the broccoli?
  18. donna12


    Don't know why and never asked but my surgeon said NO pasta or rice. I love love Olive Garden and just mentioned it to my mom tonight that we could go sometime, they have a light fare menu like Salmon I could eat that has Italian seasonings on it, of course I love seafood anyway. That may be too much of a solid food for you at this stage in your recovery tho. Have fun.
  19. donna12

    1st stuck

    Yes Kristen, I'm still learning what I can and cannot eat and some days I can eat chicken and some days not, go figure. Most times I can eat it. Early on I got stuck on scrambled eggs but now 7 mos out I can eat them, hm, don't know why, only maybe I was taking too big of bites early on and learning to eat.
  20. donna12

    1st stuck

    PB'ing is also known as Productive Burp where you bring food up without effort, almost like throwing up but without force of gagging. Of course when I get stuck I salivate excessively, then comes the slime I spit out and then the Productive Burping of food and then finally I will throw it all up. And yes I was in agony over the broccoli and thank God that night I got on here and some guy was online and he bless his heart responded to me and gave me the tip to do that. Getting stuck is NO fun. Here 7 mos out and I am still learning to eat. I got stuck one day last week on chicken. Normally I can eat chicken, I ate it today, no prob, but last week, didn't work for me. Just remember to take tee tiny bites, the size of your pinky finger nail and chew like there's no tomorrow.
  21. donna12

    1st stuck

    getting food unstuck: I don't recommend this but this worked for me one night. I got stuck on broccoli one night and was stuck for 5 and half hrs, kept PB'ing, sliming and it just all wouldn't come up so I finally got on here about 2:30 a.m. and luckily someone on here suggested to take a small sip of Sprite that the fizz would unlodge the food and sure enough as soon as I did I threw it all up. That happened about 4 mos ago and needless to say I've not tried broccoli since...lol
  22. As Terry posted above, you will not believe how well food taste now, I mean for me I taste food for the first time in my life instead of scarfing it down like there's no tomorrow and half chewing. I literally taste every bite and it is so good. Unlike Terry, I eat a cup of food, that may be because of restriction I don't know but that is per dr's orders for me, yes I'm losing slowly but I'm happy with my weight loss thus far and so happy with my band.
  23. donna12


    there for awhile I did get a runny nose then I started getting hiccups and the hiccups have stayed, not constant, just when it is a stopping point, like "no more food please" or else!
  24. donna12

    10 month progress.. Pics.

    way to go! You look awesome!!!
  25. I took a shower that night, same day surgery, but I had glue on my incisions, just was told to pat dry instead of scrubbing dry like above posts. It felt good to shower but boy was I sore, could hardly bend over and just wait till you have shave your legs, oh my goodness, talk about pain in the port area, lol. Like CG said rub a dub dub. Enjoy your shower.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
