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Everything posted by wendy1974

  1. day three down & a lifetime to go! I gotta say it's already been a challange, w/ the pain and nausia & limitations on eating..but I'm trying to stay optimistic about it all.. I know it will get better!

  2. Came home from the hospital this afternoon... now I can't sleep! bummer!

  3. wendy1974

    Good luck Wendy1974

    Thanks so much for thinking of me this morning! I'm ready to go... sitting here waiting for my husband to finish getting ready... I'm soo excited... a tad nervous and REALLY hungry this morning for some reason... prolly cause I know I won't be able to eat for like a WHOLE DAY! At least I know I won't wake up from surgery this hungry! LOL.... Well my firecracker friends... see you on the flip side!!!!
  4. Well, I'm ready to go, just waiting on the husband to get done in the shower.

  5. wendy1974

    Good luck Heather H!

    Go Heather..... it's your 'sleeveday' ... !!! Congrats and let us know how it went and how your doing!!! We're all thinking of you today!
  6. wendy1974

    July Master List

    Hey fellow firecrackers! I'm soooo excited for tomorrow! I have to be at the hossy at 5am, but I'll be the first of the day so hopefully I'll be out and in recovery before some of you get outta bed! I can't wait to get the actual surgery part of this journey over with so I can be a big ol' LOSER!! (how many times in our lives will we say such a thing!?!) So glad to hear that Kathaleena had a great experience and I'm praying my surgery goes as well! I'll be praying for all of us.... Firecrackers ROCK!
  7. wendy1974

    Back home

    Yay, Kathaleena! I'm so glad you had a great experience! I'm praying my surgery goes the same way tomorrow morning! I'm so excited for us!!! So you on the bench soon!
  8. Tommorrow, tomorrow, my stomach comes out, tommorrow! ;0) LOL

  9. Okay, I've been on my liquid pre-op diet since June 21. My surgery is only THREE days away... Yesterday, my Italian MIL made the freakin' best lunch EVER and I caved... I ate roasted potatoes & carrots, salad, and home made chicken Soup w/ cheese tortellini and then I ate a piece (albeit small) of birthday cake for my nephew. OMG, the feelings of guilt have been EATING at me all night!! It was sooooooooo freakin' good though, I have to say. But I'm hoping it won't hurt things too bad for my surgery. Do you think if I follow the liquid diet to a 'T' for the next couple days it will be okay? I mean, how fast can your liver get fatter? I've been doing soooo good up to now... Thanks for your input!
  10. Hi there. I have a kinda touchy situation going on right now and I'm not sure how I should handle it. My ex-brother-in-law passed away this afternoon VERY suddenly & VERY unexpectedly (he & my sister have only been divorced less than a year, and have been pretty close since). Anyway, with the holiday on the fourth and my surgery scheduled for the 5th, they will prolly have the funeral on the same day or a day or two after (at the latest). He is/was a really nice guy, but I don't think I would really be missed if I weren't there, and I am really, really looking forward to getting my sleeve done.... would you cancel surgery and go to the funeral, or just send your condolences and get sleeved? I don't want to come across as an unfeeling bi*** either. UUUUUGGGGHHHH, I'm so confused! Thanks for any suggestions you might have...
  11. Thanks everyone for your input... a few questions I should clear up; I am close with all of my sisters, but there's four of us, so that's why I think she won't miss me, she'll have my older sisters for comfort. My bro-in-law was like family, even though technically he wasn't at the time. They (sis & bil) didn't have any children, thank God, so at least she doesn't have to explain anything to any little people. I asked her what she thought, and she thinks I should go ahead with it. I guess they have to do an autopsy since they're not sure why he died and she doesn't expect his remaining family to start looking into funeral homes until at least Wednesday... So, if I 'm home from the hossy by Thursday, maybe by Friday I'll be able to put in an appearance. (Might not be a pretty one, but an appearance all the same! LOL) Thanks again for all of your suggestions and input, it really did help me make up my mind what to do! Joining the Losers Bench in ONLY FOUR days!
  12. YIKES... I gotta be at the hossy at 5AM on Tuesday...

  13. wendy1974

    Good luck July 1 sleevers!

    I also want to wish them Good Luck and said an extra prayer for them this morning! I'm sure all will be fine & look forward to hearing your stories when you get back online after your surgeries.....
  14. Four days and counting!!!

  15. wendy1974

    Ok July Firecracker are youll ready?

    Yeah, Kath-a-leena!!!! It's almost time! You should be on your way to Mexico right now, but just so you know, I'm thinking about you and praying for you tomorrow!!! I'm sure things will go smoothly and you'll be home recovering in nooo time at all! You're gunna be scootin' your butt over on the losers bench on Tuesday to make room for me! Good Luck and keep us updated on your progress!!! Wendy
  16. Okay, I'm pre-op.. I've got 6 days to go & have been on my liquid diet for about a week now.... I'm ALREADY dreaming about Whoppers w/ cheese! I am sooooo tempted to just go out and get one already... I think knowing that I'll most likely never be able enjoy one quite like I have in the past makes the cravings worse... Good luck with your food dreams...... Wendy
  17. wendy1974

    Ok July Firecracker are youll ready?

    July 5th is my date! Only SEVEN days left, that's just ONE WEEK AWAY!!!! I'm excited, nervous, happy, scared, you name it! I don't know if I've had this many emotions jumbled up at one time since I was preggo with my first kid! Of course, mostly, happy & excited... but the teeny, weeny little doubting voice in the back of my mind pipes in every now and then ....((Not a REAL voice! Don't worry I passed my psych eval! LOL)) I've been on a liquid diet for a week now and I guess it hasn't been so bad! I've "cheated" a little but mostly w'/ veggies & fresh fruit, so I don't consider it 'cheating' so much... I mean, if unsweetened applesauce is on the diet, why not a couple raspberries or strawberries? I mean, I'm not going out and getting the Whopper w/ cheese I've been CRAVING like crazy the last three days! I'm not worried about it, I'm still loosing weight so whatever! Anyway, congrats fellow *****FIRECRACKERS****!! Our time is close... in fact, the whole nation is celebrating with us LOSERS BENCH WATCH OUT! HERE WE COME!!!!!
  18. wendy1974

    Second day of Pre-Op diet...

    Thank you everyone!!! Here I am on day 7 and feeling sooooooo much better! unsweetened applesauce is on my diet so I ate some of that and also snuck a banana the night I had most of my problems. As far as the bathroom goes, while it didn't stop, things slowed down considerably!! ;)I asked the nut about it and she told me to add some Metamucil to my shakes if it becomes a problem again.. I've been a type 1 diabetic for 26 years so my system is used to artificial sweeteners (I still have nightmares about saccharine! Hated that stuff!! LOL) I did stop taking Motrin, the day after I posted this (I went for my pre-op testing appointment & was given my list of things to stay away from). But I gotta say it's ironic to me that we can't take Motrin because it will thin our blood, but my doctor gives a shot of heprin before surgery to prevent blood clots? hmmmm Thanks again everybody! It's so nice to have a place to ask questions and not have to wait for the doctor's office to return calls!!! Wendy
  19. Okay, day one was a breeze... three Bariatric Advantage shakes, one sugar free Jello & one greek yogurt, lots of Crystal Light & decaff coffee... Starting day two... On the plus side, I'm not hungry AT ALL!! BUT, I feel like crap! I woke up with a major headache and sick to my stomach & some very uncomfortable diarrhea!! Making it worse is that I've got my three kids to take care of and now I'm babysitting my nephew and all I want to do is take some motrin and hibernate in bed and not venture too far from the toilet.... So I guess what I'm asking is... if I take Motrin will it help my headache? Will my body get used to this diet and Will the diarrhea get any better if my diet stays the same? AND finally... does the sick feeling go away? Thanks everyone! I soooooo appreciate it! Wendy
  20. One week from now~ I'll be sleeved!!!! yay!!!

  21. Hey everyone! I'm getting sleeved on 7/5 and before I even got my date we (hubby & I) promised our 9 yr old that for her Birthday we would take her to Cedar Pointe during the Halloween Weekend thingy in September... We're leaning towards later September, so I'll be more like 2 1/2 months out.. do you think I could ride roller coasters with her for her first time? She's always been too short in the past and I believe she'll finally meet the height requirements for the big ones, like the Magnum... I REALLY wanna do that with her, but I also don't wanna hurt my stomach either... I haven't had a chance to ask the doctor about this yet, but I thought I'd get your expert options first.... since it's now 1 am and I seem to be obsessing over it! Thanks! Wendy
  22. wendy1974

    Surgery Playlist

    I think you should add... Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A Lot!!! & Wild Thing (not sure who sang that, but EVERYBODY knows that song!) Good Luck!
  23. OMG... day six of my liquid diet and am seriously CRAVING a whopper! SERIOUSLY!!! aaarrrgghhhh!!!

  24. 10 days and counting! woooooo whooooo ;0)

  25. Hi Robin, my surgery is scheduled for July 5th. I just woke up about an hour ago and am drinking my decaff coffee w/ skim milk.... I'm sooooooo sleepy, my 2 1/2 yr old kept me up last night being cranky and crying.... what I wouldn't do for some caffeine right now! UGGHHHH! Thanks for the well wishes, I'm sure I'll get through it, I know I can do it and will be a better person because of it. I'm going to make myself some home made chicken broth later, it's so much better than the stuff in the can! That will help, I'm sure! Talk to you later! Wendy

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