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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sdb1147

  1. Congratulations on the great news. Hopefully, everything will go well for you. I don't see my doctor until Thursday. In my conversation with one of the nurses last week, she said my surgery was approved. I think the referral letter my primary care physician submitted on my behalf had a lot to do with it.

  2. Morning nixi. I have myfitnesspal on my tablet and will look you up. I found it to be a good tool for monitoring foods and activities, although I often times find myself neglecting entries. I'm having my initial consultation with my weight loss surgeon on Thursday, May 17. The only problem is that according to Medicare guidelines, they will only pay for the Y-type surgery or the Lap-Band, neither of which I'm fond of. I'll see how things go and post. Good luck with your input into myfitnesspal.

  3. Hi roriep. I think they are looking as to if you are in control of your facilities, if you know what I mean. If you aren't stable (mentally), they may decide you don't qualify.

    Don't go into the testing/questioning with any pre-conceived answers. Just be honest with yourself.

  4. I've been researching hospitals/doctors that will do sleeve surgery, & there are many out there. The problem (in my case) is that Medicare will NOT pay for it.

    Medicare (here in WA) only supports/pays for Lap-Band & the "Y" surgery, but not the sleeve.

    Last I heard/read, Medicare was supposed to have made a decision by March 30, 2012. My initial meeting/consultation with Dr. McMahon @ Swedish is on the 17th. I'll find out more then & will pass the information I get.

    The thing I don't understand is why has Medicare paid for sleeve surgery in other states, but not WA, unless they're paying for their own.

  5. The more support we have, the better. I too am taking the journey along side you in combating my weight. I started looking at weight loss surgery last year, but thought that was the easy way out. Sound familiar? At my last visit to my primary care physician, she added Glipizide to my list of medications (Metformin & now Glipizide for Type-II diabetes). I said to myself, "That's it"! I'm not going to continue on like this.

    I've had several friends of mine who had diabetes and the disease got to the point of amputation (foot then leg) and soon thereafter, they passed away. Now if death doesn't scare you, what will?

    I started researching weight loss surgery in earnest. After hours, days, weeks & months searching the web, reading library material, etc., I've come to the conclusion that the best type of surgery for weight loss is the vertical sleeve, where about 80-90% or your stomach is actually removed. I've yet to see very many horror stories (on YouTube, email, blogs, etc.) about this type of surgery. Seems to be about the simplest, easiest & it works.

    Go on YouTube if you want to see bad post-op videos about the Lap-Band. On top of that, there are so many stories about esophagus ruptures & polyps & the band itself moving out of position. The RNY surgery moves a lot of things around inside your system and you're doomed to continually take Vitamin & nutritional supplements for the rest of your life. That's almost as bad as having to take my other medications.

    The latest news from Medicare is that vertical band surgery is NOT covered (at this time). At least that's how it is here in the state of Washington. But, I plan on pushing the issue when I go in for my initial consultation on May 17th. Perhaps I can volunteer to participate in a select study group so Medicare can garner the statistics it wants/needs.

  6. @MariNYC, no matter what, I'm wishing you the best of luck for your upcoming surgery. Think of it as as adventure! When Swedish Hospital called me, the consulting nurse asked me about prior attempts (recorded) for weight loss. I told her the only medical records I have are those documented with Group Health (previous care provider) and now with Medicare. She almost sound as though that would be sufficient. I'm somewhat confused. But, remember this, the hospitals and surgeons are in this business (weight loss surgery) to make $$$ for themselves, their staff & the hospital. All the equipment & facilities used cost money. I'm remaining positive throughout.

  7. My initial consultation with Dr. McMahon & the rest of his medical team, will be on May 17th. The first thing I plan on asking is about the vertical sleeve procedure. If they can't/won't do it, I'll look elsewhere.

    I've read elsewhere on this site where Medicare has approved the vertical sleeve, yet for some reason it's not supported here in WA. Confusing at best. Why one state, but not another?

    Someone also suggested I ask about participating in a case study in order to get Medicare to approve (and pay for) the surgery as long as I'm willing to be studied for statistical records.

    Wish me luck.

  8. @tonia, that's what I'm afraid of (lap band slippage) & currently only the lap ban or RNY are the only two alternatives recognized by Medicare/Aetna. I'm hoping that all changes soon. I've got my first counseling session (pre-op) with my doctor & medical team on the 17th. of May. I plan on bringing up stories like yours in requesting the vertical sleeve procedure. If I have to wait, oh well :huh:

  9. Tomorrow morning I fly into San Diego and then headed to Mexicali. Wish me luck. :)

    Good luck with your next step. I have my initial meeting with my doctor and his team on the 17th. of May. That's when I'm going to bring up the vertical sleeve question. As of now, Medicare/Aetna doesn't have the procedure on their list, but I'm hoping that will change soon. Remember, when you go to Mexico, don't drink the water! LOL :D

  10. Hi all,

    I just wanted to share that today marks 3 months since my surgery, and I am down 40.6 lbs and have finally made it into onederland! Never again will I have to look at a '2' as the first number in my weight--yaaay! :D

    Congratulations VST Addict. Great news. Keep up the good work and input into the VST site. Good news is always welcome.

  11. Hello! My name is Samantha and I'm 23 years old. I'm currenlty living in New Orleans' date=' La and I'm a full time bar tender. I was sleeved just 8 short days ago. So far I'm feeling amazing.

    I had my sleeve done by Dr. David Treen at West Jefferson Hospital in Marrero, La on Monday April 30th at 7:30 am. It was a pretty easy time for me all and all. He said the surgery went perfect and there was nothing to worry about. I went to my mothers house after a one night hospital stay. I took my last dose of pain medication on Tuesday May 1st at 8:30pm. So far I haven't had any real pain to speak of.

    I guess that I'm posting this to inruduce myself. When I started my jounrey I joined another forum, that I love, but have found that there is not many sleevers on there. I came here in hopes to find some of the answers me and the other sleevers are looking for.

    I hope to be a strong part of this forum and that I get to make lots of new friends a long the way.


    Good going Sammie. Wishing you the best.

  12. Hang in there tyvette04. Don't let the current pain fog your thought process. No mistake made. Your future's looking brighter already. Think of something positive or someone that makes you feel good about yourself. I've had several surgeries (motorcycle accidents) and the pain of the accident was worse than the surgery, but that was so long ago I don't even remember the pain. I came out alright, just walk funny! LOL :)

  13. beachlover1129, I would imagine your doctor would suggest to just take it easy. Make certain you take whatever medications prescribed for you & your diet products appropriate for whatever your specific surgery dictates. Check with the doctor who did your surgery. Good luck and enjoy your trip.

    I just got notified by my hospital that everything has been approved (Medicare & Aetna) and I'm going in for my initial counseling on Thursday, May 17th., 2012.

  14. @MariNYC, I totally agree with you. After doing extensive searching & investigating over the past several months, my conclusion was that the Vertical Sleeve was the best route to go.

    The "Y" surgery changes way to many things in one's body & one is forced to consume multi-vitamins & supplements for the rest of their lives. I was under the impression the surgery was supposed to help one get off pills: metformin/glipizide for diabetes, etc.

    The Lap-Band surgery introduces moveable parts into one's body that are prone to failure & or re-adjustments. I don't want to be poked in the stomach with a syringe filled with saline solution everytime an adjustment has to be made. Makes me envision the saline solutions used in breast augmentation. Yuck!

    Again you're correct about the nearly total elimination of Ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Vertical Sleeve surgery removes a great portion of the stomach that produces the hormone.

    So, it's Vertical Sleeve for me, otherwise I'll remain a fatty!

  15. Thank you Junior Guru for the information provided. I'm currently in the early stages of weight loss surgery in as much as my primary care physician has forwarded a referral letter to Swedish Hospital in Seattle, WA. I'm attempting to obtain any and all information pertaining to Vertical Sleeve Surgery as it is the procedure of my choice. After all my web surfing, reading and investigation work, it appears to be the best surgery out there.

    I'm glad that some people have the vertical sleeve surgery and Medicare has paid for the procedure. But, why the double standards in as much as one person in one state gets it approved while another person elsewhere gets denied. Makes no sense.

    So, I'm arming myself with all the information I can obtain in order to be informed and present my concerns & questions to the surgeon when I'm notified of my first appointment.


  16. I think it's hard for him to accept since some people' date=' myself included, have had Medicare & Medicaid pay for VSG. They can put whatever information they wish on the internet, but those of us who have had this surgery paid for know it's not accurate.

    When I contacted Medicare initially about WLS, I was told they cover gastric bypass. I opted for that surgery and only found out through my surgeon that the sleeve is covered.[/quote']

    It's not a matter of being disappointed that any of you have had Medicare pay for your sleeve surgery. What I don't understand is why pay for someone living in one area/state but not in another.

  17. I contacted Medicare, again, to inquire about any updates they might have with respect to the vertical sleeve procedure, and once again I ended the conversation in frustration. I'm talking apples & the representative was talking oranges. Typical government speak.

    I kept asking about vertical sleeve & she kept saying Medicare does cover weight loss surgery.

    In the end, she actually asked me if I was a medical provider. After clarifying the fact that I wasn't a provider, she suggested I check with the doctor doing the surgery if in fact the surgery I'm asking about is covered. Why can a doctor get the answer, but not me, the patient?

    I'll discuss with the doctor at Swedish Hospital when I go for my initial appointment.

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