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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sdb1147

  1. "But, even with all these problems, I am lucky. I have a great job, a very very supportive boyfriend and a great life! Sorry this is post is jumbled, I just needed to get all this out! Feels good to get it out and be able to deal with it!"

    @naterbug you have a lot going for you; good job, boyfriend (support), attitude. Stay positive & remember to take one baby-step at a time. Prayers coming your way from Seattle, WA.

  2. I am having VSG surgery next week with Dr. Garcia in Tijuana. The total price is $5000 which includes two nights in the hospital and two nights in a really nice hotel. Everything is included except your air fair to San Diego. They pick you up at the airport and provide all your transportation while there as well as taking you back to airport for your flight home. I was able to get a personal loan to pay for everything and my payments are low. Maybe this could be another option for you. I wish you the best of luck! I truly believe the sleeve is the best option out there and I hope you can find a way around this. Keep is posted!

    I'm so poor, I can't even pay attention!

    Thanks for the feedback. I too believe the sleeve to be the best form of weight-loss surgery, but unless I win a lottery, the cards dealt me are RNY or Lap-Band. I was leaning towards the band, but after viewing all the horror stories on YouTube, I have a different perspective.

  3. I would discourage the lap band, especially if you would have to jump through Medicare hoops to have it removed if you had problems.

    Thanks @Pookeyism so much for your feedback & suggestions. Going into this, I was really (only) looking at VSG, but without financial support from Medicare, I cannot afford any weight loss surgery out-of-pocket (retired).

    I didn't think about what happens if the Lap-Band fails and have to have it removed. Good point!

  4. This is tough. I had a lapband for 6 years. I think it's a great tool IF you look at it as a short term fix - say like a gastric balloon, only with more invasive (but quick & easy) installation.

    At the same time, I'd have to be on death's door before I would consider RNY, or have it be the only option left. I'd easily have done DS over it, though DS is far from my first choice.

    I assume self pay for the procedure you want (even out of country) is not an option? Perhaps with financing?

    Thank you for the feedback. I'm retired & unfortunately my finances are limited so I can ill-afford to self-pay for $30-40,000 surgery out of pocket.

    The whole point of seeking WLS is to help with my diabetes, hypertention, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, etc. When I inquired about which would help me the most, the doctor said, without a doubt, the RNY procedure.

    So, that's where I'm at. Just gotta work on getting my blood sugars down a wee bit more & all things look like a "GO".

    While I think Medicare is right not to cover the sleeve (not trying to be controversial, that's just MHO), I also understand that it can be frustrating not to get the coverage you want. I'd ask about a private plan that would cover it, but really - self paying the procedure would be the cheaper option.

    Are you currently pursuing your pre-op requirements in hopes that it will be covered? Or are you just getting the generic stuff out of the way, so that when the time comes you can have a(ny) procedure?

  5. Hi all. Just to update my progress, I spent the better part of 5-hours at Swedish Hospital yesterday (Seattle, WA) going through various introductions to team member, procedures, an EKG, psychiatric evaluation, photos & body measurements, nutritionists & meeting with the doctor (Dr. McMahon). I was impressed with the level of sincerity & knowledge of everyone present.

    My first question to the doctor was about Medicare supporting/paying for vertical sleeve surgery and he told me that Medicare does not support it. I even asked if I could participate in a study group (if one was available) and again he said the hospital had no such group & Medicare would not support it. He went on to say that it may be a long time coming before Medicare does pay for VSG, but as of today, they won't.

    So, my choices for WLS are whittled down to two options: Lap-Band & Roux-en-Y. After looking over all my medical records, he recommended the RNY procedure for me. I said I had my heart set on VSG surgery, but that I would consider the Lap-Band (Plan: B), mostly because it appeared to be the simplest & less invasive. He stated that the RNY procedure is the "Gold Standard" of weight loss surgery & would be the best for me due to my Type-II diabetes & other health problems (sleep apnea, high blood pressure, etc.).

    Then I met with one of the head nurses & she quite emphatic about the fact that unless my blood sugar levels were not at 150 or lower for a 2-week period (documented) prior to WLS, the doctor would not operate. My blood test prior to going to the hospital was 176, so needless to say, I'm bummed!

    Still have to go back for additional lab tests and an endoscopy to be performed by Dr. McMahon (June 7).

  6. Good going cmeless. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the dinner with your wife. The next dinner will be in liquid form. LOL ;)

    If I could scrape the money together I would follow in your footsteps. Unfortunately, I'm retired, living on a fixed income & Medicare doesn't offer a lot of solutions for weight loss surgery.

    Now if they only had a payment plan....

  7. Congratulations on your surgery & what sounds like a great recovery. It's all in the attitude. Thanks for sharing. I visit my doctor early tomorrow morning for my initial consultation. Just came from my primary care physician's office where I picked up her referral letter. So far, so good. Keep us posted on your progress. God bless.

  8. Furby036, don't think about the pain & such. That only puts negative vibes into your system. Be positive and think if all the great things that lay in front of you: shopping for new clothes, and what girl doesn't want t go shopping for new clothes?

    Say a prayer & ask the good Lord to help you through this. He will.

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