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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sdb1147

  1. Anyone that's able to pay for themselves, I give you accolades. For me, being retired, my income is fixed and I only wish I could self-pay, but the reality is I can't afford. So, in going forward with what's available for me (Medicare/Aetna), I'll continue my journey towards my surgery. Tomorrow is my endoscopy & ABG blood tests. Wish me luck.

  2. Many doctors charge te insurance companies $45,000 - $60,000, but they have special rates for self-pay patients. I'm in Austin, TX, and ended up paying $15,100 for self-pay. Mexico is cheaper, but I wanted a local surgeon in case of problems & because of easier followup care.

    I believe you are correct about the differences between what a doctor would actually charge vs insurance companies. No wonder our insurance rates are so high!

    I, like you, would prefer to get my weight loss surgery done in the good 'ol USA mainly due to what you stated. If there are complications I'd prefer to have my physician close at hand. Not to say the the doctors in Mexico aren't good at what they do. I've read raving reports/blogs about them.

    Going in for my ABG blood tests & endoscopy tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.

  3. Aloha Kaiwa from Seattle, WA. Local boy been here for 30+ years. Congratulations on your choice to do weight loss surgery. I decided several months ago to pursue that course as I was fearful of the consequences of not doing anything to help myself.

    Having grown up (in Maui) in the islands, you know the kind of diet we have. Even after moving to the mainland I continued my local-style eating and my health has paid dearly. It's not only the diet as there are family genes that make me prone to certain diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc).

    As far as the cost you've been quoted, I find it rather reasonable as here in WA I'm hearing that the surgery can be as high as $30,000.00+ (surgeon, hospital, nutritionist,etc.).

    Good luck on your journey and if you need anyone to walau with, give me a shout.


  4. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel the same? Talking about a requirement to purchase a certain product as part of the must-do's in order to fulfill my obligations for weight loss surgery. I must purchase Bariatric Advantage products exclusively from the hospital for pre-surgery diet products and post-surgery products. For some reason this keeps gnawing at me as wrong.

    I have no choice as what product I can purchase other than what's presented to me. Looking at the cost of the products needed, it'll cost about $500.00 +/- to get my supplies (3-months worth). I'm on a fixed (retirement) income and can ill afford $500.00 for anything! When I go in for my endoscopy this Thursday, I'll have to inquire about a payment plan.

    Has anyone else run into this requirement/problems?

  5. Hi there danielbyhalf and welcome to the site. I pretty much am in the same position as you statistic-wise, except a bit shorter. Just weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 290 having started a self-imposed sort of diet after weighing in at my initial meeting with the weight loss surgeon (302-lbs.). I have Type-ll diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure and sleep apnea.

    I attended several seminars and walked away in most cases unimpressed, except for Dr. McMahon from Swedish Hospital in Seattle, WA. There seemed to be a 'connection' established with him while making inquiries at the seminar. So at this point I've gone through most all the hoops and this Thursday I'll be going in for some additional blood tests & an endoscopy. Providing nothing negative is found, I'll be another step closer to surgery.

    I'm going through Medicare and the doctor assures me that he doesn't see any problems with approval. He did insist that my blood sugar levels be below 150 and would require me to bring my meter in to verify such. I've been doing really well watching my eating habits and practically cutting out carbs completely.

    I'm not having second thoughts about the surgery at this time, but I have been doing a lot of thinking about the diet prior to and post surgery. I'd like to think of myself as a mentally strong individual, but changing my entire lifestyle/habits is going to be challenging...at best. Been raised my entire life with the attitude of "eat everything on my plate at each & every meal". That's got to change and what I'm working on now.

    Best of luck on your journey and wish you the best. Stay in touch & I'll do the same.

  6. Good luck on your endeavours & journey. I know what you mean about your Dad being overweight. Being heavy runs in my family too, subsequently leading to all kinds of health problems (diabetes,high blood pressure, sleep apnea, hypertension, etc.).

    I didn't want to follow in those footsteps so I too started my journey towards weight loss surgery. So far everything's progressing well. This Thursday I see my doctor for an endoscopy & a few more blood tests (ABG's ?). Providing all goes well the, the next step is awaiting Medicare approval, which the doctor said he doesn't for see any problems at all.

    Keep posting your progress.

  7. Hi Atlanta Sleevers,

    I am new to this process and have yet to really get my process moving, so far my insurance is a no go but I am still trying to pursue this surgery. My question to you is how do you go about finding the right surgeon? Can you share your process on the routes you have taken. So far I have been researching Surgeons and comparing. I notice that there are some form of seminar type sessions you are required to take but how do you get an appointment for a consultation? Help.............

    Hi changewithin and welcome to this site. I would suggest you first start with your PCP (Primary Care Physician) and get some suggestions from her/him. You can also go to some of the various web sites (like this one) and search for doctors & hospitals in your area. See if they have seminars or webinars and attend as many as you can in order to get as much information as possible. While you're searching the web, check to see which type of surgery you are interested in so you can have questions at the seminars.

    That's what I did and after attending several seminars I decided to go with Swedish Hospital in Seattle, WA (Dr. McMahon). His seminar was the best and he seemed like a real down-to-earth person. One of his staff members was there also and she was great with respect to her portion of the presentation.

    Good luck on your journey and please keep us posted as to your new discoveries.

  8. I'm glad to be working with Swedish Hospital in Seattle, WA and Dr. McMahon & his team. At my first appointment I completed the psychiatric exam, initial meeting with the doctor, the insurance specialist, a nutritionist and nurse. Spent the better part of the day at the hospital, but it was worth it (saving time & additional appointments). All that's left is an Endoscopy & providing that goes well, then it's just a matter of waiting for final approval (Medicare/Aetna).

    I wanted the sleeve, but unfortunately Medicare doesn't support it (pay) at this time, at least here in WA. So, I was left with two choices: Lap-Band RNY. Initially I was leaning towards the band, but after watching horror stories on YouTube & how many banders convert to sleeve or RNY, I'm leaning towards RNY.

    Keep us posted on your progress.

  9. Nerves are normal. Heck I'm having my Endoscopy on June 7 & I'm nervous about that, nervous in the sense that I know I'm getting closer to that magical surgery date.

    All of us out here on this website will be wishing you well and saying prayers for you. Think of all the positive things (changes) that will happen. By the way, you've got a cute little girl. Lucky lady.

  10. Just think of my situation/problem. I'm retired law enforcement & think how hard it is for me to give up donuts. LOL. There's a joke in there somewhere.

    When I go grocery shopping, I have to steer clear of the bakery shop. Just the aroma throughout the store gets me going.

    Good luck to you & God bless.

  11. Thanks gingersnap for your support. Sorry about your Lap-Band experience, but I'm sure you'll be able to get some help towards your new surgery. Don't give up! I'm not. I was really hoping for the sleeve, but doc said can't do it, unless of course I pay out-of-pocket. Can't afford that.

    He spent quite a while explaining both procedures (RNY vs Lap-Band) and recommended the RNY for me. He said it's the "gold standard" of weight loss surgery. I wasn't crazy about putting a plastic object in my body, or having to undergo saline adjustment shots. I keep thinking of the horror stories of women having saline solution leak into their bodies after breast augmentation.

    Although RNY manipulates &/or changes your internal organs (stomach & small intestine) I'm beginning to think that may be the way to go (for me).

  12. Wish I had that problem (in a way), getting my surgeon to push for the gastric sleeve. Unfortunately, Medicare supposedly approves only RNY or the Lap-Band, at least here in WA. I even asked him if I could be part of a study group, to which he replied there was none here.

    Originally, I was totally against RNY & leaning towards the band. But after spending countless hours watching YouTube & reading research documents (pro & con), I'm starting to lean towards RNY.

    Doc practically assured me my Type-ll diabetes would either be eliminated or greatly reduced.

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