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Posts posted by sdb1147

  1. Had Breakfast with a few old time police officer buddies the other day and when I told them I was going to have the surgery, most looked at me kind of funny. Not sure if it's because they think I'm to old to do it or if they're jealous that I'm doing it. Strange conversations afterwards. A couple of them were genuinely supportive. Said I would be running "straight-pipes" after the surgery, to which we laughed. Might be able to squeeze in one more breakfast before the surgery.

  2. I have seen many people on here say they use different chewable or liquid Vitamins. i use the Bariatric Advantage chewable Iron which I like the taste of, but I can't stand the berry taste of the Multi Vitamins. thank goodness I am almost done. their factory is very close to me so I can go get a different flavor. you should not be required to purchase these from your doctor! Shop around. Vitamin Shoppe online has some I think. just Google them and see what you can find. I heard some people take the Gummy bear Vitamins from costco. uou sholdn't have to take a certain brand, however, I find that after VSG I prefer the BA chewable. i can't stand to swallo any pills anymore.

    Have you tried any liquid vitamins/minerals? I purchased a few 'chewable' vitamins (Centrum, B-complex, etc.) a few weeks ago, then I picked up some of the same vitamins/minerals in liquid form. Liquid is SO much better. I would imagine that taking them will be a whole lot easier (better ?) after surgery too. Thanks for the tip about The Vitamin Shoppe. I live fairly close to one and will have to go and check them out.

  3. I purchased a B-complex (liquid) from GNC (buy one get 50% off another), and I really like the taste (like a berry mixture). I had been trying Centrum chewables, but found them to be chalky tasting and a rather large pill to chew. Thru Amazon, I purchased a bottle of 'Alive' liquid vitamins/minerals & I really like the taste. Kind of an awful looking green color, but the taste is great. I'm already taking a liking to the liquid supplements as they go down so much easier. About the only 'pills' I'm still using/taking is the Vitamin-D (10,000 iu) the nutritionist suggested and Krill Oil (supposed to be better than fish oil, unless one has an allergic reaction to shellfish).

  4. I've got my pre-surgery consent signing session coming up August 1st. (surgery is scheduled for Aug. 14). I'll be meeting with the doctor, getting some vitals, drawing up surgery orders & talking with the nutritionist. I'll find out more then about the Bariatric Advantage "push" and will share the information.

    Thanks Kimbernada for the information about DietDirect.com. I'll look into their web site.

  5. Okay - I talked to a few people, including a lady with the Texas Medical Board, this seems to be the best route for anyone (everyone) this is happening with:

    Start an email thread about your appointments, etc. what is left - establish that your doctor has plans to operate on you, provided your tests and requirements, etc. are met.

    Gather your information - email you doctor and tell them you wish to opt out of their product choice. Be specific and tell them you have

    1) observed many people discussing that they cannot stomach one brand of supplement very long,

    2) you dislike the products in question and

    3) you want and need to pay as you go for supplements

    4) want your consumer rights to be respected.

    Then ask them, point blank, why they feel it is necessary for you to purchase that product from them, what difference there is in that product that makes it so, and (this is a biggie) do they make a profit from MAKING you buy that product.

    Request politely that they respond to each question, and explain, politely, that this has raised concerns with you. Maintain your composure, and then confirm your next appointment.


    If they do not step down, file a complaint with the medical board they are practicing in - and follow up.

    Hope that helps!

    I think, they think, they have you over a barrel knowing that you want the surgery & have gotten this far only to argue with them about the products they push.

  6. Tomorrow is my Medical Status Review where we'll be going over everything prior to scheduling an actual surgery date...I hope. If there is a date in my near future, I'm sure they'll be giving me a pre-op diet plan & I share whatever information I get.

    In preparation for the coming event(s), I've already decreased my caloric intake, having gone from a 2,000+ caloric intake per day to 1,600. I find myself hungry between meals, or at least I 'think' I'm hungry. Old bad habits & thought processes are difficult to break. LOL.

    I'm so ready for weight loss surgery to happen.

  7. Insulin shots were about to be prescribed by my PCP & nutritionist & that scared the heck out of me. I thought, "Oh no, I'm turning into my grandfather"! That was the last straw.

    Began my weight loss surgery journey by attending several seminars/webinars & tomorrow I meet with Dr. McMahon at Swedish for my endoscopy & hopefully he'll have some good news for me.

    Wish me luck & thanks.

  8. My doctor insisted my BS levels be below 150 for at least two weeks. I've done a great job of really watching my diet (carbs) so I'll take him my chart (& meter) tomorrow so he can record for himself. At my initial visit to the hospital I weighed in at 302. As of today I'm 290. By the way, what's a spirometer?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
