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Posts posted by gwynne

  1. well, as most people encountered it the 4th month. So did i.

    strangely body hair didnt fall. more from just head.. i got a pixie cut after 2 months of falling, and realise its really quite sparse..

    been taknig Biotin, and the strangest thing is, hair on my head , i dont see much going on there, but everywhere else is growing real fast.. lol

  2. Hi Everyone!

    Thanks for posting. To answer all questions at a go:

    I'm asian, and our healthy BMI should be between 18-23. So im still on the heavy side here in Singapore. :(

    I'm 170cm, about 65-67KG (as you all know ive been hovering around this weight for 5 months).

    I tried excercising 5 times a week each about 1-2 hours, initial month, i did purely cardio, weight didnt move.

    Then, i change to 3 days of cardio, and 2 days of strength traning, weight didnt move.

    I basically don't touch carbs at all. My daily diet is usually a Protein Shake in the morning, which contains no sugar (meant for diabetics. its nestle nutren diabetes) for about 200 ml drank between 2-3 hours.

    lunch usually tofu, with shredded chicken breast. Or steamed fish.

    dinner is usually again chicken or beef, some vegetables etc.

    I drink alot of Water. well as much as i can accomodate.

    I don't drink any soda, alcohol, or anything sweetened. I do have coffee and tea occassionally.

    Honeslty i think my diet now is pretty standard.. i have no clue what's wrong. n i dont have a clue on how else i can improve this other than what amytug suggest, perhaps vegan...

    But i think i might faint? lol

    As for blood works, i use to have high BP, high cholestrol, diabetes, they were all gone now by the 3rd month out.

    my medications are reducing slowly and steadily. (Drs refuse to drop them off at once).

    my bloodworks including Vitamins etc are all (according to my Dr.) text book standard.

    My surgeon refuse to let me see a NUT. His thoery, "don't fix what's not broken".

    He thinks that if im all well and vitamins etc are good, there is no need to see a NUT.

    He told me to excercise more.

    seriously? can i do anymore than what i'm doing now? i probably have to give up my job and work out full time.. LOL

    I honestly have no clue, what is going on.. i've given up weighing.. I don't think this is all i can lose, because my lowest adult weight was about 60 kg, but that was when i have eating disorder, i was anorexic for awhile during my early adulthood.

    All that said, i'm still trying to figure out how to post a picture here.. :) will do that later ..

    Thank you all for responding...

    still disheartened,


  3. Hi Sweet Susie,

    I tried all kinds of method, i went back to liquid diet for 3 days, just on Protein shake.. then the scaled moved, but it went back up, and even higher prior to the liquid diet by a couple of pounds, then i started excercising like mad for more than a month.. didnt move.. nope.. I control my intake at 800 cal MAX, and that is if im on a good day, the rest of the time, im usually at 600cal...

    Recently, due to the rain here, i stopped excercising, try to eat more, and my scale moved.. i stop obsessing with the pounds i lost, so i havent stepped on the scale for about 2 weeks now, but i did notice my tummy is shrinking.. its flatter now..

    Sorry, my story doesn't seem to be telling you anything, just thoguht i'll share with you..

    but that said, i think everyone is different, you just got to try different methods, give it time, and you';ll eventually find what your body wants.. :)

    And i really think eating less than 800 cal is not going to help. perhaps you should up you intake to 1000... see how it works out for you?

    Good Luck! :)

  4. I used champix (Chantix), and it works, the only problem was i took it post-op, and i think i couldnt take it and had severe nauseausness, then i halved the dosage and it works fine..

    I hve strange vivid dreams though.. not too bad a side effect for me ;)

    But i tried quitting on my own many times, and obviously failed before resorting to this.. It works fine for me..

    I think everyone should try to quit on their own before considering this...

    Champix is like the VST, tis a tool, not really a miracle... You've still got to work for it...

    You can still smoke while on Champix, its like we can still eat unhealthy stuff after VST...

    But what you wnt to achieve with the tool is in your own hands...

    Good luck to all quitting smoke!!

    it's the greatest achievement for me in my entire life...

    My health has improved significantly in just 3 weeks after quitting.. and i keep myself occupied by excercising..

    It's a win win situation...

  5. I've read this in the forum before.

    It is said that if you start off at a bigger size, it take more to lose a pants size, which is true.

    I lost 40lbs to drop a couple of sizes, but thereafter, about every 10 lbs i lose a pants size.. estimated.. lazy to do the maths..

    But yea, i was wondering if it could be the body catching up (losing inches) thingy too...

    Anyway.. don't worry too much about the pants size.. if you're losing the weight, looking better and healthier... then just keep doing what you;ve been doin.. you wil get there!


  6. hey, i was just bored and looking around. i didn't know we've got a small community from Singapore here! I'm from Singapore too... how are you doing and mind sharing where you got your sleeve done?

    I had mine done at raffles.. By Dr. Baladas... was looking for a "support" group or something... so glad to have found u!

  7. Hi,

    I did have a "last meal" before my surgery. Now 4.5 mths post op, i realise there was no need for that at all.

    I'm able to eat anything i wish now just in smaller portions and i like that.. :-D

    So i guess it's really up to you, my surgery didn't require any pre op i'm not sure if that will jeopardise any thing for you tho..

    Anyway good luck for your surgery!

  8. Hi All!

    I came across this cute lil chocolate shop in Singapore though, that is making cakes, chocolates and icecream with Wheylow sugar.

    I bought some to try, and as advertised, they are right, it taste exactly like sugar, there is no strange artificial sweetener after taste!

    This is the link for your referencing.


    Disclaimer: I've not done much research on this yet, if you have any feed backs that this is bad for me, please alert me IMMEDIATELY. :D

    I'm just excited to share this with everyone!

    PS: I do not own this company by the way.



  9. honestly, i did it. I had a stall for about 10 weeks. Of course during this time i was losing inches intially, but eventually, everything came to a stop, the weight, the inches...

    So i went back onto liquid diet for 3 days, and whoop, the scale moved, 3 lbs.

    Then darn! my period came for a visit, and I haaven't step on the scale since then, but i've started eating normal again, cos the fainting spells were pretty bad.

    I'm not for or against this idea, just sharing my story.

    anyway personally, 6 day stall i think its pretty normal, i think you should weigh yourself every 2 weeks.. :)

  10. Hi Gwynne' date='

    I am pre surgery at this time. It's really not that acidic. Orange juice is much worse for me honestly. I mix two teaspoons (10 ml) measured in a 20 oz bottle of Water so it's pretty diluted. A friend of mine is sleeved and I told him about it because he wanted to stop taking the omeprazole. He said it only took him about three days to fully adjust when he made the switch. Ofcourse I will give you the disclaimer "please consult your physician" lol! It's not for everyone but it's really not bad to me. The girlfriend says I'm disgusting for drinking it but oh well. It really seems to help me and I was very skeptical.[/quote']

    :-) goodto know... I'll give it a try.... Thanks! I've still got a bottle left and i didn't know what to do with it..l

  11. I'm not very into nutrition, i just know briefly what's good enough to have, and what's not.

    So far, i've snacked on diabetic digestive biscuits, or my all time favorite, unsalted baked almonds, or boiled edamame Beans, or gabanzo beans.. etc

    I heard the Beans give you lots of gas, but i don't have problems with them, and they fill me up quickly.

    Also, high Calcium milk half a mug at night before i sleep, keeps me sleeping, otherwise, i might wake up in the middle of the night HUNGRY! :)

    If I'm doing anything wrong, please let me know. so far i'm losing steadily, but i'm happy, i just broke a 2 months stall!!

    all is well and is looking good though..

    Good Luck to all!! yay us!

  12. Hi, i was sleeved on 21 apr. got off d pills before surgery n was told nt to take them after that.

    My sugar was pretty high for 5 days after surgery.. It came downnreal slow.. I thimk it was arnd week 3 or 4 until it stablises at the "normal" range... Doctors are still monitoring myac1 but has given me the chance to not be on pills first..

    Be patient.. It' ll happen if u stick to the plan!

  13. Thanks for the post. I've been suffering from this now 10 weeks out.

    I seriosuly doubt mine is cause by dehydration. I do make an extra effort to ensure its not dehydration, but the problem is persistent.

    I can't get sugarfree gatorade here in singapore. no isotonic drink is sugar free here.. so yea, i just drink Water.. lots of it...

    However, I am still on my high blood pressure medication. I suspect it could be that too.. I took my blood pressure once when i felt like i was going to pass out, it read 110/60. according to my GP, because I had an angioplasty done 5 years back, they are very aggressive in keeping my blood pressure low, and this reading is fine according to them... strange tho, i thought this reading is rather low..

    Oh I recently realise, it is worse after standing up from a meal.

    Does this happen to anyone?

  14. The excess skin is just superficial, and that is if you have any. You're young, and it should not be a big issue.

    Important thing here is you become healthier.

    I was 25 when i had an angioplasty, and was diagnose with high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholestrol..

    It was until recently when I went back for a follow up and learnt that my blood sugar is not under control and had to double the dosage of the pills i was taking that I decided something needs to be done quickly.

    We're too young to be on pills this early.

    So far, I'm 10 weeks out, lost about 50 lbs and im off my diabetic pills.

    I'm still mornitoring and hoping the next follow up i can be off my cholestrol pills etc.

    I feel so much lighter post surgery, and not having to pop so many pills, so many times a day is just a great feeling.

    I went into this surgery only in hopes to put my diabetes into remission. In 1 week, i got what i wanted, weight wasn't the first thing on my mind, but it comes as a package and a wonderful bonus aint it?

    I'm not suggesting you ShOULD do the surgery. I think you should do your reseach and be prepared for this major change.

    I've not had any problems coping so far . Having to plan what to eat during outings with friends and family is the last thing on my mind. I've not ordered a meal for myself since surgery. I always share with my friends since i can hardly finish half of whatever I ordered. And that saves me quite a lot of money plus unknowingly, thinking of what to eat has been the last thing on my mind lately. food doesn't rule my life anymore!

    I don't have any thing bad to say about having this surgery, other than the dizzy spells occassionally and the hardest thing now is getting my fluids in.

    I'm sure a lot of people here will be glad to share their journey and thoughts with you.

    Good luck to you!

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