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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SkinnyRicki

  1. SkinnyRicki


  2. SkinnyRicki

    photo 3.JPG

    From the album: SkinnyRicki

  3. SkinnyRicki

    photo 1.JPG

    From the album: SkinnyRicki

  4. SkinnyRicki

    Before and During Pics

    I am nowhere near the after point, but I am more than half way!!
  5. SkinnyRicki

    After 2 2014

    From the album: Before and During Pics

    Aerial Arts Class! 2014
  6. SkinnyRicki

    After 1 2014

    From the album: Before and During Pics

    Trying on Clothes is more fun now!
  7. SkinnyRicki

    Before, October 2012

    From the album: Before and During Pics

  8. SkinnyRicki

    Before, October 2012

    From the album: Before and During Pics

  9. Are you exercising a ton? I am just under 6 mos out and down about 68 lbs I am looking for ways to kick it up a notch, do you have any tips?
  10. SkinnyRicki


    Not my first but very exciting none the less !!! I fit into a size 16 dress today at jc Penney!! Considering I was in a 24 less than 6 months ago, that is unbelievable!! Flying high! Love my sleeve!!!!
  11. SkinnyRicki

    Rochester, Ny

    Hello all!! I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would update! Surgery date: 1/28/13 @ 305 Cw: 242 Size 24 to size 18/20 Just trying to get more exercise in and keep carbs low! I have been learning how to use kettle bells and I am loving it!
  12. SkinnyRicki

    Rochester, Ny

    Congrats and best of luck!! Don't expect to get much sleep in the hospital, they are in and checking on you it seems like every 10 mins, but take the opportunity to walk as much as possible, I did all night long. Be honest with the nurses about the pain, so you make sure you stay ahead of it with pain meds. Don't expect to see dr Omalley much after the surgery but you will meet all of his students and residents, and they will ask you all the same questions over and over again. Just try to rest and walk. I was at highland with dr Omalley too, and everyone there was very nice. I didn't have much gas pain, I was just sore and thirsty!
  13. SkinnyRicki

    Rochester, Ny

    I am 2 months post op today and I am down a little over 35 lbs. I didn't really have a preop diet, and I had a stall at about 3 weeks but it broke eventually! I am looking forward to continued loss!
  14. SkinnyRicki

    Rochester, Ny

    Yea, it seems like every doc has a different plan for re-introducing foods
  15. SkinnyRicki

    Anyone from Rochester, NY?

    I started out with MVP, and that was what caused all the issues, I was denied a few times and appealed and was still denied, so I ended up waiting until the new year and switching to excellus bc/bs, and I was approved right away and was able to schedule my surgery in 3 weeks! I couldn't even believe it at first because of all the crap I had already gone through with MVP. Bc/bs was much nicer all around, and the only thing I have had to pay we're copays. I also wanted a private room in the hospital so I paid for that but it was worth it!
  16. SkinnyRicki

    Anyone from Rochester, NY?

    Hello rochester peeps!! Glad to see some neighbors! I am almost 2 months out! Which is hard to believe.... It took me forever to get approved and now the time since surgery has almost flown by! I had my surgery with Dr O'malley at highland and I loved highland, they were great!
  17. SkinnyRicki

    Rochester, Ny

    Dr Omalley at highland did my sleeve, each stage has been about 4 weeks. I was very glad to be done with purées! You feel much more normal when you get to eat some regular food! Who was your doc?
  18. SkinnyRicki

    Rochester, Ny

    Hi all! How is everyone doing? My surgery was 1/28 and I am down about 35 lbs! Super excited, it feels slow to me but I know it isn't! When could I have ever list that much myself that fast!? I am excited and impatient for our spring to finally arrive so I can get outside! I'm still on soft foods, in a few weeks I think I will be on to the next stage, I can't wait to eat more fruit and veggies!
  19. I'm in the 270's!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!

  20. Congratulations!!! You look amazing!! I am only a few weeks post surgery but I hope my results are as amazing as yours!
  21. Well I am finally getting sleeved tomorrow, after 3 more months than I thought. I am so excited and scared at the same time.... Reading everyone else's amazing stories has kept me going and I am so thrilled to finally be joining you all!! Keep me in your thoughts tomorrow!!
  22. SkinnyRicki

    Sleeved tomorrow 1/28!

    I am doing well, it is hard to believe that it is done and has been 3 weeks already! I am still on purées, 4 weeks is a long time, when u just want to chew something lol! Dr omalley is good, not really warm and fuzzy but he knows what he is doing!
  23. SkinnyRicki

    Sleeved tomorrow 1/28!

    Things are good! I am still having some pain in the incision on my right side, but it is getting a little better every day. I am also in the midst of the dreaded 3 week stall which is no fun! I did lose 20 lbs though which is exciting! I just can't wait for this stall to break! How are u doing?

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