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Patience is a virtue...

LAP-BAND Patients
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    Patience is a virtue... got a reaction from Butterflybaby in Feeling Like A Failure   
    I kind of feel like a failure for only losing 50 lbs...
    That statement is an oxymoron!! You haven't failed at all. You are 50 lbs lighter!! I know that every hurdle we hit knocks us on our butt but think of where you would be if you hadn't been banded at all? You would be miserable and fat and hating yourself (maybe that's just me?). I do the same thing...sometimes I let myself get discouraged over the littlest things but then I snap out of it. Everyday is different and we have to try to make the most of it and know that any loss is an improvement from where we were when we started this journey. It's ok...go at your own pace and change things up when you're not losing. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon!!!
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    Patience is a virtue... got a reaction from Butterflybaby in Feeling Like A Failure   
    I kind of feel like a failure for only losing 50 lbs...
    That statement is an oxymoron!! You haven't failed at all. You are 50 lbs lighter!! I know that every hurdle we hit knocks us on our butt but think of where you would be if you hadn't been banded at all? You would be miserable and fat and hating yourself (maybe that's just me?). I do the same thing...sometimes I let myself get discouraged over the littlest things but then I snap out of it. Everyday is different and we have to try to make the most of it and know that any loss is an improvement from where we were when we started this journey. It's ok...go at your own pace and change things up when you're not losing. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon!!!
  3. Like
    Patience is a virtue... got a reaction from Butterflybaby in Feeling Like A Failure   
    I kind of feel like a failure for only losing 50 lbs...
    That statement is an oxymoron!! You haven't failed at all. You are 50 lbs lighter!! I know that every hurdle we hit knocks us on our butt but think of where you would be if you hadn't been banded at all? You would be miserable and fat and hating yourself (maybe that's just me?). I do the same thing...sometimes I let myself get discouraged over the littlest things but then I snap out of it. Everyday is different and we have to try to make the most of it and know that any loss is an improvement from where we were when we started this journey. It's ok...go at your own pace and change things up when you're not losing. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon!!!
  4. Like
    Patience is a virtue... reacted to rwrayne in Has This Happened To Anyone Before??   
    I too suffer the exact same problem. My story mirrors your completely. I have spent my 2 years throwing up more than anything else. I feel extreme frustration and the same thought of removing the band. I can't eat anything with real substance. I have survived off of icecream, watered down oatmeal and Protein Shakes. I am always hungry!!!!! I am tried all of the time and moody. I am ashamed to say I have had lap band because I am not thin.
    So, I took myself down to my surgeons office and let it all out. I have been reduced to zero fill and will be starting all over. I eat off of a baby spoon. I put the spoon down after each bite and wait a full minute to take another bite. I do not drink soda or sugar sweet drinks. I now take my time eating or drinking all food or liquids. I have had to rethink my entire way of eating. I am sometimes so hungry I want to shovel food into my mouth. I have had to make myself slow down. I will have my first fill on October 16.
    I told you all of this to say:
    I did not apparently understand the new way I would be eating. I did not listen or hear how my life would be changing so dramatically in relation to food. I am not your traditional success story. But, I am a success; I have lost weight. I have lost 45 lbs. I now walk and or use an eliptical machine. Maybe you should speak to the doctor and put it all on the table. I think if the nurse admitted fault they should be covering some of the fills. I would most definetly be looking into that.
    I wish you the best of luck and hope that you find the solution that works for you.
  5. Like
    Patience is a virtue... got a reaction from LiveStrong41 in Frustrated....   
    That's what I've heard...you have to get your full intake of Protein and calories. If you're not taking in enough then your body has nothing to burn. It's all on a learning curve. I have realized that every day is different from the next.
  6. Like
    Patience is a virtue... reacted to Jean McMillan in Breaking A Weight Loss Plateau   
    A weight loss plateau or stall is a temporary cessation of weight loss that can happen at any point in your weight loss surgery journey and can last days, weeks, or months. Plateaus happen to almost everybody sooner or later (no matter what means they're using to lose weight), no matter how hard they work at weight loss.

    Why do plateaus happen even when we’re doing all the right things? The human body wants to preserve itself. It fights weight loss by adapting the metabolism to accommodate decreased calorie intake and/or increased calorie output. The body's new plan of attack is multi-pronged: increase calorie intake by making you hungrier (so you eat more), use less energy to accomplish physical activity (so you burn fewer calories) and hold on to stored fat (so it can use it for energy).
    I think plateaus often happen because we're in a rut. So even if you believe you're doing all the right things in terms of diet, exercise, and mental or emotional effort - try changing them. If nothing else, it will prevent boredom and help you feel that you're taking positive action instead of being a victim of fate.
    Here are some things you can try to shake up your routine.

    Change the intensity, duration, frequency and type of exercise you're doing, so your body doesn't become too efficient at burning calories when you work out.
    Don't neglect strength training - muscle burns far more calories than fat does.
    Don't over-train - take one day off exercise a week.
    Plan all your meals (the "how much" as well as the "what").
    Weigh and measure your food before you put it on your plate.
    Log your food intake - you might be surprised to see what and how much you're really eating.
    Try calorie shifting: vary your calories - eat 1200 one day, 900 the next, and so on, to keep your body guessing.
    Eat 3 small meals and 3 healthy Snacks a day instead of 3 meals a day.
    Increase your Water intake.
    Decrease your sodium intake.
    Don't weigh yourself every day - switch to once a week.
    Don't skip Breakfast.< br>
    By the way, if you weigh yourself every day and think that no weight loss for three days running is a plateau, you're going to have a long journey ahead of you. Get off that scale, now!
    I have one more suggestion that you probably won't want to hear: CULTIVATE PATIENCE. No, it's not one of my virtues, either. Give it a try anyway.
  7. Like
    Patience is a virtue... got a reaction from bornready in Poll: Why Did You Get Banded   
    I have had this lifetime hate for the fatgirl in the mirror and it was time to shut her up!! I am stubborn enough that I will WIN (I always get my way)!!!
  8. Like
    Patience is a virtue... reacted to summer134 in I'm Too Picky For Liquids????   
    It has to become mind over matter. I know how you're feeling. By the end anything liquid was just terrible to drink down. Seven more days and then you can move on. Please don't move on to anything more solid though as your stomach is healing and you don't want to chance hurting yourself by eating solids too quickly. Try changing flavors up and keep going. It will SO be worth it in the end!! Good luck!
  9. Like
    Patience is a virtue... reacted to Krussell19 in Did I Just Admit To A Little Self Confidence?   
    Umm yes I think I did!
    In the past two years i have lost and gained the same sixty pounds. Well its now off again! Woooo!!
    When i had gained it again i was back to the old me id try to get ready to go out with my husband and friends and nothing fit right. I looked bloated and frumpy no matter what! So id try on ten outfits lock the bedroom door and cry off all my makeup because i hated how i looked and was so embarrassed with myself.
    But two days ago my hubby took me to see magic mike (thanks babe) and i did my hair, did my makeup, got dressed looked in the mirror and went lookin good and walked out! No wardrobe changing session, no negative comments! I was satisfied with how i looked for the first time ever!
    Now im still far from my goal but this was such a big deal for me to not hate what i saw in the mirror!

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