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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LaBelle509

  1. LaBelle509

    Family Issues

    You hit it right on the head! They said it out of fear and lack of knowledge!! If you did your homework and gathered all the info on what you are about to do, than do it. Thank God your husband is on your side with this. I learned real early in this journey not to share with everyone about my plan. Even a few overweight family member started acting up! Like: silly me to want to be skinny and take such a drastic step! lol! Let go of the bad energy of their statement, you do not need that right now. You made the best decision for your health and your life. Good luck
  2. LaBelle509

    Drinking And Eating

    At first it's not easy, but it is a good habit to have. So keep at it until it becomes a second nature to you. Really helps keep acid down and reduce acid reflex.
  3. LaBelle509

    Peanut Butter?

    I did! it is on my food list from the NUT.....
  4. Driving home tonight I realized my belly doesn't rub against the steering wheel anymore! That really made me happy. I am doing this!!! Goodnight y'all!! Have a great week...

  5. Drinking while eating will empty out the stomach too fast, resulting in over eating; and some people experience acid reflux because of drinking with their food.
  6. LaBelle509

    Twelve Weeks Pregnant, Four Months Post Op

    CONGRATS ON THE BABY!!!!! I had this surgery so that I can have a baby! but I am sure the doctors will watch you closely. Follow their orders and take good care of yourself. God be with you and your little angel :wub:
  7. I was told to stay away from that!! empty calories+gas= not worth it
  8. LaBelle509

    Feeling Sad

    sorry to hear about your niece. Maybe she's disappointed about her complications, that's why she's shutting down on having the surgery. Keep being supportive, once she's in a better place in a medical stand point and see how well you are doing, she might give it a go again. I don't think you should feel guilty or feel wrong for being excited. I would be a little mindful around her. I have a feeling you two have a close relationship, so you will find a way to be there for each other(=
  9. LaBelle509

    What Shakes Do Yoy Like / Dislike

    Hi!! it's gonna take a while before you find one you like! I can't even tell you how much money I have wasted on shakes People will write how amazing the taste was, and I will run and buy it just to gag on it!! So far my top three: Carnation instant Breakfast, Atkins, and Oh Yeah. Hope you can find one you like
  10. My doc required 5 protein shakes and a meal (4-6oz lean protein with 2 cups green vegetables/green salad). 64oz of water or more. When she told me, I almost fell of my chair I didn't know how I was going to pull that off for two weeks and not starve!!
  11. LaBelle509

    I Wish I Could See The Difference!

    I feel the same you do at times. For the amount of work and sacrifice I should be a skinny person by now lol!! But the reality is, it took time to look the way I do, so it's gonna take time to look slimmer. I feel like I gave up a lot ( EATING, FAVORITE FOODS, BAKED GOODS, FRIED FOOD, SODA) so the Skinny gods should have been a little more generous in return Take pictures! that will help you see the change. My face looks completely different now. My body is not quiet there, but it is happening slowly. And I know this weight loss is going to damage my body, but I have to believe that I am beautiful. Money for plastics is out of the picture for me as well. So We have to believe that at the end we are and will be healthy and beautiful ((HUGS))
  12. Weekend was way too short)= This week challenge: ONLY EAT FROM HOME!! I have a feeling I am eating a little more fat/calories than I wish because of ordering lunch at work. So today, I am cooking my meal for the week in the proper lowfat cooking techniques; that way no heavy cream, fat or sugar get pass by me(=

  13. LaBelle509

    Too Depressed For Surgery... What?

    You mentioned that you have been with your psychiatrist for 12 years, can he make the recommendation for you? he knows you better, and you have been under his care for a very long time. And like you said he is the medical doctor here! I suppose that you plan on staying under his care, so he can vouch for you. Don't give up!
  14. LaBelle509

    perfect ad placement, huh?

    lol!! pure torture(=
  15. feeling a little distracted today! started to eat some chips( but stop myself after the third piece) barely had my water, and I know for a fact I did not eat enough protein. Now I seem to have no motivation to workout tonight.....What is wrong with me?!

  16. LaBelle509

    Bliss Insurance?

    I absolutely did! it covered me for up to 90 days in case of complications. I was so worried that something would come up and be denied coverage by medical insurance. My doctor told me not to take the stricture coverage. It was going to cost me an extra $250 but he assured me I did not need it. I trusted his judgment. I paid the extra $1,151.00 for the BLISS and I was happy to know I could use it, but never had to. Total cost for my surgery was $13,651.00
  17. 3OZ slow cooked beef + 2OZ polanta = yummy supper:) Now I'm gonna enjoy a little TV and off to the gym!!!

  18. LaBelle509

    17 WEEKS

    great job!
  19. LaBelle509

    Quick Question

    best to check with your doctor just to be safe!
  20. LOST 50 LBS!!!!! sooo close to my first goal:) I finally see the direct effect of regular exercise with this surgery!!

  21. LaBelle509

    Week 10----Update Pictures

    Can not believe I am already 10 weeks out!! I really wish I lost more but at the same time I am pleased with what I see so far
  22. LaBelle509

    Week 10----Update Pictures

    thank you guys!!
  23. LaBelle509

    Low Energy--- Iron Supplement

    This Iron supplement is the best I have used so far!! I do feel better and the side effects( constipation) are less severe. Love it

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
