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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LaBelle509

  1. LaBelle509

    New Dress / Progress Pic

    LADY YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!! congrats on such an amazing transformation( I am jealous lol )
  2. this is the part of the process that I dislike the most!! I can deal with not being able to indulge in my favorite foods. I don't mind giving up sugar, bread, rice, pizza and fast food...I had the surgery for this purpose. I do mind the fact that I gave up 85% of my stomach and have the scale not budge for weeks!!!! I get down right angry!!! I follow my eating plan to the letter, and when the scale does not move, I feel horrible:(
  3. LaBelle509

    Wow! 235-170 August 2012

    Wonderful job!
  4. :) I opened an account today. I named it "The Plastic Fund" In two years I should/will lose the 102 lbs(and then some) that I still need to lose to be at my goal. And I will save just enough to get the BL/BA/TT that I am soooo going to need. I want to feel and look good!! That will make this journey feel complete. And give me a new lease on life.
  5. LaBelle509

    4 Months Pictures!

    Can not believe how much time went by since my surgery!!! I am grateful of the results that I have enjoyed so far. Like most slow losers, I wish I had lost more! But things are moving along. I am making changes that will not only help me lose the weight now, but keep if off in the long run. I just went through a super stall, BUT to my surprise I got the most comments and compliments during that period!! Go figure lol!! My upper body slimmed down significantly, but my lower body is stubborn and will not be as flexible:( I did lose, but not as drastically as my top did. I hope that will be the next site of improvement or I am going to look very disproportionate:( NSV: I wore heels for the first time in YEARS today! And I felt ( do I dare say ) so SEXY lol!!! I am of good spirit and faith. I am going to win this fight.
  6. LaBelle509

    4 Months Pictures!

    thank you and I will!
  7. LaBelle509

    4 Months Pictures!

    thank you!!!!
  8. LaBelle509

    4 Months Pictures!

    I wish you all the best!!!!
  9. LaBelle509

    4 Months Pictures!

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
  10. That is a hard situation to be in! but you can and will make it. Make sure you let him know how his actions are impacted you. And he's making it so much more difficult to fight your cravings by having unhealthy food in reach. Reminds him of why you did it. But also, remember you did this for you. This is your journey. This is your fight. You need to make changes for yourself. If he supports you, great. If he does not, you are still in charge of your body and what you eat. You can still chose what you eat, how much you eat, and how that will impact your weight loss.
  11. From the album: AFTER PICTURES!!

    can not believe it!! I need to lose more but happy to see the progress so far!
  12. LaBelle509

    Before and after/ Body

    thnx you guys!!! yesterday was the FIRST day I was actually able to see a change in my body. Thnx for all your kind words, it means so much to me
  13. LaBelle509

    How Soon After Surgery Did "you All" Have Alcohol ?

    you should be able to handle one glass!! check with your surgeon's office to be on the safe side
  14. LaBelle509

    Before and after/ Body

    you will!! My face slimmed down first and my stomach went next. It feels so good driving without my belly helping me lol!!! thank you for the encouragement and I love adding pictures. It is about the only way to see the changes. I am so focus on what I need to lose still, that I can not see what I already lost... Crazy!!!
  15. LaBelle509

    Hey Guys

    I have not been here in a while!! Hello to all my sleeve sisters!!
  16. Finally added my four months pictures!! will add more tomorrow:)

  17. LaBelle509

    Before and after/ Body

    I am losing at very slow pace:( but I am making steady progress so I wont complain too much! I am 5'4 and I started this process at 341 lbs. Day of surgery I was 325 lbs. I am now 273 lbs. My heaviest is 348 lbs!!! when I saw that number I swore I will not get to 350 lbs and started the process.
  18. Great week! I found it amazing how I got the most compliments during my stall:)

  19. LaBelle509

    -50 pounds

    very nice!!
  20. Stall is over!! Lost 4LBS!!!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK SLEEVER FRIENDS:)

  21. Super long week ahead!! Going away with the hubby tonight and wont be back till tomorrow night. I am looking forward to that! He knows how to make me laugh and I need that right now. This is going to completely kill my strict eating plan but oh well lol!! I wish you all a great weekend ( KISSES)

  22. LaBelle509

    Energy Levels Low!

    I felt that way too. After my labs came back with a low iron level, my Doc suggested Bifera or SSS Tonic. The Bifera is kind of hard to find but Walmart carries the SSS Tonic. I take 3tbsp with a 500mg Vitamin C after my dinner. Within a few days I felt way better. I also take a B12 in the morning.
  23. LaBelle509

    Hunger Hasn't Gone Away...why?

    I do get hungry. Nothing like the constant " starving " feeling I used to have. A more easy to control feeling. I usually feel it when I did not eat enough Protein. During the days that I am at work, it's easy for me to go long period without breaks. That is a mistake. Now I carry a couple of Protein shakes with me. That helps me a lot. At first I used to feel hungry all the time. But like someone else mentioned, it was mostly head hunger. I wanted to eat!! If I saw a commercial or smelled food, I felt super hungry. But with time I learned to distinguish between my head hunger and physical hunger. That took time. But I was able to do it. With physical hunger, whatever I ate, I felt satisfied and it went away. Emotional hunger will only go away if I ate the specific thing that I was craving. If I ate something else, the "feeling" of hunger hunted me still. Once I learned that, I slowly started to control myself better. I am a slow loser ( going through a stall right now ). I want to see result right away. I want people to notice the progress I have made. That is a lot of stress. In my pre-op class, the nurse warned us against the danger of getting on the scale every day. She also said ( she had the bypass ), to limit the amount of info that we share with others as far as what we are losing. The need to report is added stress. I can see her point now. I get asked DAILY about what I have lost. I found freedom in answering : I dont know or that's my secret ( followed by a cute wink ) . Imagine the struggle we are going through when the scale doesn't move... Now imagine telling some regular person that has never struggle with their weight, that you had weight loss surgery but yet not losing?! The " You are failing " ignorant look that will surely come, would be enough to send me over the edge!!! I have told not ONE soul at work or church how much weight I lost. I still catch a few looks here and there, like " she still looks fat to me ". that is why I make sure they know nothing of my progress. I have enough internal pressure about the way I still look. I refuse to add them too. Tell your husband to hang in there. Make sure he is eating enough protein, drinking enough Water and eating his meals at a set time. If he gets hungry before his meal, don't eat what he is craving but rather something different. Lastly, tell him people will notice. Be patient. Take care.
  24. LaBelle509


    your album title is hilarious! LOL!!! You are doing great and look good:)

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