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LAP-BAND Patients
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    CCornell87 got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in 400's, 300's, Now Finally 200's!!   
    That's so amazing! My first goal is to see the 300's again! I've been asking others what a good time frame would be to do this in, but its so hard to gauge when most people don't have as much to lose. But Im thinking my birthday is Nov. 16 and 399 would be an awesome gift to myself!! Im pretty sure that's a realistic goal? I want anything challenging but do-able!
    Banded 8/20/2011 - Heaviest: 512 - Current: 467
  2. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in 400's, 300's, Now Finally 200's!!   
    I started my journey at 512lbs...I was banded 3 days ago at 467lbs. I didn't quite catch what length of time you did this all in, but would love to learn more about your story! Having over 300lbs to lose is daunting and its difficult sometimes to see the light at the end if the tunnel. I love, love, love reading everyone's success stories, but I especially enjoy those who've been successful from a weight closer to my own.
    Banded 8/20/2011 - Heaviest: 512 - Current: 467
  3. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in 400's, 300's, Now Finally 200's!!   
    I started my journey at 512lbs...I was banded 3 days ago at 467lbs. I didn't quite catch what length of time you did this all in, but would love to learn more about your story! Having over 300lbs to lose is daunting and its difficult sometimes to see the light at the end if the tunnel. I love, love, love reading everyone's success stories, but I especially enjoy those who've been successful from a weight closer to my own.
    Banded 8/20/2011 - Heaviest: 512 - Current: 467
  4. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from Humming Bird in Am I A Liar?   
    I'm actually very shocked and saddened by how many people on this post are choosing to keep their WLS to themselves. I know I'm only 3 days post op, but I seriously want to shout it from the roof tops! I lost 45 lbs prior to surgery and will be just as proud of those pounds as the ones that are to come...Whether from a special diet or a secret weapon (the band), I think the world needs reminders of how good it feels to get healthy and safe ways to get there! Personally, I will share with anyone who asks and stand by my decision 110%! If I shared with 10,000 people and it only motivated one person, it would be worth it! I feel that by keeping my methods a secret is not doing our overweight society any favors. It's such a shame that there is such a stigma behind it all...I want my actions to combat those misconceptions about WLS, not fan the flame. Being overweight is a miserable feeling, but giving the gift of hope to someone who feels like there is none left is a mission I will gladly accept. And honestly, I was 512lbs at my heaviest and was picked on, pointed at, and laughed at daily. Compared to THAT torture, people who want to question my decision to get LB & get healthy are just a blip on my radar...I'm here to focus on me, and hopefully inspire others to make their lifelong commitments to healthy living too! I understand that not everyone will be supportive or truly understand what it takes to be successful and so I say to each his own! But I encourage those who don't share to do so. We've all hid ourselves from the world, worried what people might say or think...But no more! This is our time, our life and our journey! No matter how we are doing it, stay proud...Some may never "get it," but we'll always have eachother!! )
  5. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from Humming Bird in Am I A Liar?   
    I'm actually very shocked and saddened by how many people on this post are choosing to keep their WLS to themselves. I know I'm only 3 days post op, but I seriously want to shout it from the roof tops! I lost 45 lbs prior to surgery and will be just as proud of those pounds as the ones that are to come...Whether from a special diet or a secret weapon (the band), I think the world needs reminders of how good it feels to get healthy and safe ways to get there! Personally, I will share with anyone who asks and stand by my decision 110%! If I shared with 10,000 people and it only motivated one person, it would be worth it! I feel that by keeping my methods a secret is not doing our overweight society any favors. It's such a shame that there is such a stigma behind it all...I want my actions to combat those misconceptions about WLS, not fan the flame. Being overweight is a miserable feeling, but giving the gift of hope to someone who feels like there is none left is a mission I will gladly accept. And honestly, I was 512lbs at my heaviest and was picked on, pointed at, and laughed at daily. Compared to THAT torture, people who want to question my decision to get LB & get healthy are just a blip on my radar...I'm here to focus on me, and hopefully inspire others to make their lifelong commitments to healthy living too! I understand that not everyone will be supportive or truly understand what it takes to be successful and so I say to each his own! But I encourage those who don't share to do so. We've all hid ourselves from the world, worried what people might say or think...But no more! This is our time, our life and our journey! No matter how we are doing it, stay proud...Some may never "get it," but we'll always have eachother!! )
  6. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from EverythingToGain in Banded 6 Hours Ago!   
    I was banded 3 days ago and am already feeling sooo much better! The gas still comes and goes for me. Tried GasX and that really only helps me with the gas bubbles actually in my tummy from eating. I swear every time I take a sip of broth a bubble goes down with it. Walking makes a big difference...And it doesn't take much walking really. 5-10 min here or there. I have been trying to get out of the house, but don't quite have the stamina to make it all the way around the store, so I'll walk to and from the entrance and grab one of the little motorized carts. I HATE using them and God only knows what people say when my chubby self goes scootin' past them. But, I know its temporary and if it gets me out and working the gas out, I'll do it! The port hurt me the most so far..but I can gladly report that Im writing this from my cellphone laying on my right (port) side! Something I didn't dare attempt less than 24hrs ago! Im back to work after tomorrow, and super confident that it'll be smooth sailing! And another thing...Milk of Mag did help some with the gas. Unplugged me and have been able to pass more of that irritating gas. Just remember, no trips out or anything til its done working on ya...Otherwise, be near a restroom, Haha. Made that mistake today...Good luck!! So excited for both of us, Haha!
  7. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from slojo67 in Surgery In Less Than 10 Hrs...   
    Can't sleep...Don't know if its the grumbling stomach, the crazy amount of anxiety I'm having, or the sheer excitement that when I wake up I'll be headed to the hospital after many, many long months of preparation. It's almost 1:00am here in downtown Seattle. I'm 2 1/2 hours from home, laying next to my hubby in this hotel, my mom in the adjacent bed. This is so surreal! The thought of being put under anesthesia is severely creeping me out, but I keep dreaming of all the sexy high heels I'm gonna work it in once this is all over, lol. While Im seriously craving some good ol' Mexican food from LaFuente back home, I can't imagine it will ever taste as good as finally hiking up to the summit of Saddlerock will feel. Ahh, I love this city...Can't imagine a better place to start this journey. The Space Needle glistens just outside our window and it reminds me how much bigger this world will get once I'm a third my size. I will finally fit into the world I've forced myself into for all these years. But this city, unlike my hometown, is one you could lose yourself in. It will swallow you in a sea of hippies, coffee freaks, and computer geeks. It beckons to those free-spirited and ready to embrace change and uphold a lifestyle that is both healthy and efficient. They call it the Emerald city for a reason. From out of the vast ocean of green, pops a city that was never supposed to survive. Burned to the ground, it was rebuilt and emerged victorious. It overlooks the gloomy Puget Sound tonight, and all seems so peaceful and beautiful. The metaphor of this city is a tale I wish to claim as my own. An emerald in the rough if you will. Busy, but down to earth. Quirky, but smart. Healthy, but energetic and fun. Pretty, but full of gumption. Victorious in the face of adversity and ridicule. I will conquer my dreams...One pound at a time.
  8. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from slojo67 in Surgery In Less Than 10 Hrs...   
    Can't sleep...Don't know if its the grumbling stomach, the crazy amount of anxiety I'm having, or the sheer excitement that when I wake up I'll be headed to the hospital after many, many long months of preparation. It's almost 1:00am here in downtown Seattle. I'm 2 1/2 hours from home, laying next to my hubby in this hotel, my mom in the adjacent bed. This is so surreal! The thought of being put under anesthesia is severely creeping me out, but I keep dreaming of all the sexy high heels I'm gonna work it in once this is all over, lol. While Im seriously craving some good ol' Mexican food from LaFuente back home, I can't imagine it will ever taste as good as finally hiking up to the summit of Saddlerock will feel. Ahh, I love this city...Can't imagine a better place to start this journey. The Space Needle glistens just outside our window and it reminds me how much bigger this world will get once I'm a third my size. I will finally fit into the world I've forced myself into for all these years. But this city, unlike my hometown, is one you could lose yourself in. It will swallow you in a sea of hippies, coffee freaks, and computer geeks. It beckons to those free-spirited and ready to embrace change and uphold a lifestyle that is both healthy and efficient. They call it the Emerald city for a reason. From out of the vast ocean of green, pops a city that was never supposed to survive. Burned to the ground, it was rebuilt and emerged victorious. It overlooks the gloomy Puget Sound tonight, and all seems so peaceful and beautiful. The metaphor of this city is a tale I wish to claim as my own. An emerald in the rough if you will. Busy, but down to earth. Quirky, but smart. Healthy, but energetic and fun. Pretty, but full of gumption. Victorious in the face of adversity and ridicule. I will conquer my dreams...One pound at a time.
  9. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from slojo67 in Surgery In Less Than 10 Hrs...   
    Can't sleep...Don't know if its the grumbling stomach, the crazy amount of anxiety I'm having, or the sheer excitement that when I wake up I'll be headed to the hospital after many, many long months of preparation. It's almost 1:00am here in downtown Seattle. I'm 2 1/2 hours from home, laying next to my hubby in this hotel, my mom in the adjacent bed. This is so surreal! The thought of being put under anesthesia is severely creeping me out, but I keep dreaming of all the sexy high heels I'm gonna work it in once this is all over, lol. While Im seriously craving some good ol' Mexican food from LaFuente back home, I can't imagine it will ever taste as good as finally hiking up to the summit of Saddlerock will feel. Ahh, I love this city...Can't imagine a better place to start this journey. The Space Needle glistens just outside our window and it reminds me how much bigger this world will get once I'm a third my size. I will finally fit into the world I've forced myself into for all these years. But this city, unlike my hometown, is one you could lose yourself in. It will swallow you in a sea of hippies, coffee freaks, and computer geeks. It beckons to those free-spirited and ready to embrace change and uphold a lifestyle that is both healthy and efficient. They call it the Emerald city for a reason. From out of the vast ocean of green, pops a city that was never supposed to survive. Burned to the ground, it was rebuilt and emerged victorious. It overlooks the gloomy Puget Sound tonight, and all seems so peaceful and beautiful. The metaphor of this city is a tale I wish to claim as my own. An emerald in the rough if you will. Busy, but down to earth. Quirky, but smart. Healthy, but energetic and fun. Pretty, but full of gumption. Victorious in the face of adversity and ridicule. I will conquer my dreams...One pound at a time.
  10. Like
    CCornell87 got a reaction from DaBlockzPRbabii in Crazy Skinny Goals!   
    Hey everyone! Thought I should leave my list of to-do's. Some are probably quite a bit simpler than most, but with surgery next month and 300+ lbs to lose...IM READY!!
    I wanna be able to cross my legs.
    Shave all the parts I need to without struggling and missing spots.
    Tie my shoes without struggling to bend and twist around my stomach.
    Sit in a booth at a restaurant.
    Sit in a chair that has arms.
    Finally meet my husbands mother who lives in NY (Im in WA state) and be able to FLY there!
    Use a seatbelt without an extender.
    Play volleyball again.
    Learn to snowboard!!
    Introduce my hubby to Disneyland and RIDE on rides...That place holds some lf my best childhood memories.
    Finally get my menstrual cycle back and regain the possibility of having children in the future.
    Being able to shop in"normal" stores and not online...I don't even care if it's "plus size" or not.
    sleep without pain, walk without pain, sit without pain.
    Learn to dance hip-hop.
    Have better breath control and finally audition for a singing contest...The Voice?
    Give my hubby the sex life he deserves.
    Be the auntie my niece and nephews deserve.
    Travel without the necessary strings that are attached...
    But most of all, I just wanna LIVE!!
    1Cor 10:31

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