Speeking on the topic about how much weight to lose before hand... My dietician said point blank to me that the insurance company doesn't even know your weight after your first weigh in. That they care nothing about how much weight you lost in between the 6 month period, just that you accomplish working with the dieticians for 6 months, etc. At the same time I am very heavy and couldn't lose so much in that time it would even matter anyway, I think she meant this for all people. She didn't know my specific insurance either, so I don't think it was about my coverage. She told me to work hard at learning to chew my food very well and pace myself through out the day. Not drink but 30 min before and after a meal, etc. She says you should focus on losing weight but more so on making the lifestyle changes you will need when you are recovering and starting anew after the surgery. I am very new at this since that was my first appt, so I only know as I was told and have no experience to go off of yet! Hope it helps though! I am curious if anyone else was told the same.