My sleeve was done on 4/30/12 and so far I've lost 48 lbs. I seem to be hovering around the same weight for about 2 weeks. I totally know the feeling of still being hungry an hour after you eat. But, I also know I'm not following anything I should be either. I have not exercised, don't take my meds properly, and am not always eating the right things. However, today its all gonna change. I'm starting a workout routine daily, and with the help of an app on my phone, will eat properly. Has anyone felt as if this is just too hard, even though its really not? I know its all in my head. I've never been the type of person to take "no" or "can't", lightly. I would usually do the complete opposite! So being so restricted with what I cant or shouldn't eat, has been the biggest challenge. Granted, my portion sizes have cut down drastically, but I seem to want to eat more often. Sometimes I think its out of habit and not actual hunger. Please tell me I'm not the only dumb ass!!!! I have a lot of weight to lose and I feel I should have lost more at this point.