I called my insurance company yesterday and was told that they would need a to see a record of failed dieting for 6 months! Let's see.........I had gestional diabetes 17 years ago while pregnant with my son. I have been Type 2 Diabetic for 13 years w/high cholesterol and borderline high blood pressure. My BMI is at 37. I am 46 years old and I play tennis 2-3 days a week and walk my dogs the other 2 days a week and I haven't shed a pound in 5 years! I have seen a nutritionist and counted the carbs and I have done weight watchers. I suffer from plantars faciitis, bone spurs in my heels and I have a sore right hip! My hair is thinning on my head because of the Diabetes meds too! I need relief! I'm hoping an exception can be made for me.