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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shani77

  1. This thread is so sad to me. My best friend is not as supportive as I would have thought. She was great and came to stay with me in the hospital. The problem is that every time I talk to her about my weight loss, she makes me feel like its happening just because of the surgery. Never mind the fact that I get up every morning in the dark to workout and make good decisions about the foods I eat. I don't think she understands how she makes me feel like a cheater for having this surgery.
  2. You are doing a great job! Keep it up!
  3. Your stories are such an inspiration. I'm so glad I had this done. I feel like it has saved my life.
  4. The first two days were the worst for me and I got better and better everyday. Congratulations on your journey.
  5. I'm not sure if it's lactose intolerance or not, I just can't stand them anymore. I'm so glad I can eat other things, because I just can't do them anymore.
  6. Hey guys, I had my follow up with my surgeon today and they ok'd me to start new foods. I had some ham deli meat with low fat cheese. I ate really slow and it went great with my sleeve. The next thing I know, the inside of my bottom lip started swelling. I had to take some benadryl. Has anyone ever experienced that.
  7. I'm so glad you're feeling better.
  8. Hi, I hate needles too, but I figured that I'd hate the blood clot even more. I thought it would be bad, but I didn't feel it at all. You'll do just fine.
  9. My surgery experience went really well. I don't remember when I went out before surgery. I just remember talking to my sister and best friend, and the next thing I know I was attempting to wake up in recovery. I heard a lot of nurses talking and working. Then I remember the guy rolling me from recovery to my room. I was nauseated, but pain meds always do that to me. I did have pain when I moved, but I did have a pain ball and a morphine drip. I stayed for two days in the hosp because my blood pressure went up and I couldn't keep anything down. Once I got home and off the strong meds the nausea went away completely. I'm two weeks out and I'm very close to feeling completely normal. The only discomfort I feel is in my stomach if I bend down. I don't regret it one bit and I'd do it over again in a heartbeat.
  10. I'm just over a week out and I didn't have many problems with incision pain. I had my second day back to work today and I had to leave because I just couldn't get comfortable. My incisions are painful and I am sore on my left side. I know I just had major surgery, but I thought I was pass this point. I hadn't taken any of the hydrocodone because I was going to be at work. I took some when I got home and I am still in pain. Any help guys?
  11. Hey guys, I'm a week out and I'm really struggling. I was finally able to get down one whole protein shake yesterday, but today is a different story. I went back to work today and I guess I waited too long because by the time I go to my shake, I just couldn't stomach it. I did a little better with my other fluids. I did get down a little bit of thinned cream of chicken soup, but I'm afraid I'm not going to have enough protein to heal properly. Any advice?
  12. Shani77

    I'm Addicted...to Salad! Lol!

    I can't wait to get another salad. I was just sleeved on the 14th, so I will have to wait. Enjoy them for me.
  13. That one slip up will not set you back. My pre-op diet was 5 protein shakes and a meal of 5 oz of lean meat and 2 cups of veggies. I ended up doing it for almost 4 weeks, with a few little mis-haps and my doc said my liver looked great. Don't beat yourself up, just be more careful in the future.
  14. Wow, I was sleeved on the 14th and it was quite an experience. I don't remember anything about going into surgery itself, but I do remember the discomfort. I was in a lot of pain and nauseated, and I must admit I questioned my decision for a split second. Then came day two and I felt much better. My nurses and docs took great care of me and I was finally able to go home today. I'm still a little sore and I have a little bit of gas, but other than that, I can't complain.
  15. Shani77

    Sleeved On May 14Th

    Getting in enough fluids is hard for me too. My doc said that I shouldn't worry about it and it will get better. I just get in what I can. I haven't had to throw up since I left the hospital, so I am grateful for that. I am feeling better everyday. I am still tender on my left side, but I guess that is to be expected.
  16. Shani77

    Sleeved On May 14Th

    Thanks so much sister. I'm glad you're doing well too.
  17. Hi all, I'll be heading in tomorrow morning to start the next leg of this journey. I am so excited, but I know that I will have a lot to endure. It will all be more than worth it. Please keep me in your prayers and I'll keep you posted.
  18. Shani77

    I'm Half Way To Goal!

    Congratulations! I can't wait to meet you in wonderland.
  19. I'm so excited! I will start the next leg of this journey on Monday May 14th.
  20. Shani77

    Waiting For Aetna Approval

    Update-I call Aetna and they say they requested info from my doc's office on the 23rd. Now I'm in the middle of he said she said because I go to my doc's office and they say they've already sent it and show me proof. I was super frustrated yesterday, but that doesn't get me anywhere. My insurance coordinator sent the information AGAIN. And now I'm going into my 3rd week of pre-op with no confirmed surgery date. I'm hoping they can hear back and get me in for next Monday, if not, I'll have to wait until the 14th.
  21. Please keep your fingers crossed guys, my approval is pending and I'm really anxious. I can't wait to hear back so I can get a definitive date. I'm so excited.
  22. Congrats! That is so inspiring. I'm still waiting on approval and am getting pretty antsy. I really needed to see this today.
  23. Absolutely! Don't be afraid, you made this decision because you knew this was the best thing for you. Again, please let us know how it goes.
  24. I'm starting my pre-op diet on Monday and I'm a little nervous, but much more excited. I don't have a date yet, but my doc told me to go ahead and start because my insurance is pretty quick with their decisions. I'm determined to stick to it, because I figure if I can't stick to this for two weeks, I don't need to have the surgery. Wish me luck everyone because I'm going to need all of the positve energy I can get.
  25. Shani77

    Starting Pre-Op Diet

    Thanks so much for the comments of encouragement, I really appreciate it.

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