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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by skinnyjeans

  1. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Hi Mimi! I got button down moo moo from walmart. It was only like 5 or $7. Do you have someone who will be staying with you? If not than you probably will want electric recliner. At least for the first week or so. I still have someone help push my recliner back in so I don't strain those muscles. Also if you are having multiple procedures electric recliner will help. I've been able to push myself up with arms (glad I really worked out my triceps) but if you are having arms done too than you can't do that. ALso i'm thankful I worked out my legs (squats/lunges) it sure paid off squatting down to toilet and getting back up. Do as much exercise as possible to be ready for this surgery. Even working out your back/abs because you will need those strong with being hunched over.
  2. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    I'm feeling good. Constipated bad. Finally had BM today and boy was it awful. was on toilet over hour. Tried to take break and walk around but it was so uncomfortable. Even though was taking Fiber and stool softners my suggestion is double up on it and drink lots if this is a problem area. I thought I was getting plenty fluids but apparently wasn't. So bad I stopped up the toilet. UGH. Kept praying it would pass. Still swollen but it's getting better. Scars don't look so bad. Able to stand up more so this is relief for back. Quesyness is subsiding. Couldn't drink Protein shake yesterday. Just tasted awful and made my stomach turn. It's 50g protein and still trying to get 100g a day. Dr. called in some nausea meds but when mom picked up and broght home, they were suppositories. What the heck??! Need to call back today for pills. Had a very good night rest last night. This helped so much. Mom said dr. did good and scar doesn't look bad at all. Will faid to a very thin line. Said boobs are perfect size too. This really gave me quite a boost yesterday. Thank God for mothers. Always know the right then to say. i'm going to post my day 4 pics and hubby will take some tonight since it's been a week. Thank you all for the prayers and best wishes. It's so nice to have a family out here too to encourage and support me through this journey.
  3. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Hi Kate, Just noticed you had a thread here. Dec 7 will be here in now time. You have done great with weight loss and this will help you finish the race we started. I so know the psychological side. You are getting the total makeover. YAY! I never really thought about PS but glad I was brave enough to get those consultations to make a decision. For months it was all I thought about too. Now is over and recovering well. I really hope the new port fixes your leakage.
  4. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie, You are in my prayers. It will be over before you know it. Just remember to take it easy and don't try to rush healing. Sleep all you can. You will love your flat tummy and perky boobies.
  5. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Allie, It's definitely not as bad. It is uncomfortable but tolerable. I showered last night. Sat on step stool and hubby helped me. Bought hand held shower too. Dr. has ordered two showers a day. he has me using Hibiclens too (antibacterial type solution) on incisions. I bought a button down moo moo and wore this when left hospital. I had pockets for drains and was easy to put on. Just had blanket over legs to keep warm and light jacket. Yesterday for dr. appt had some sweat pants on but these were even tight to put on. You will do just fine. Stay on top of medicine and drink lots liquids. I've been drinking Protein shake and eating light lunch (Soup, salad, spinach). Been trying to keep protein at 100g each day. Two more days. I'm excited for you
  6. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    I did get a total unfill.. Glad I did because the swelling is quite a bit. I have both liquid hydrocodone and tablets. With unfill i've been able to take the tablets without any problems. Plus I bought some really good Vitamins and bromelain so i've been able to swollow these too without problems. Before unfill I was having to cut vitamins and they felt like stuck at times.
  7. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    I might have overdone it yesterday. Had dr. appt which is two hr round trip from where we live. Than slept and had first shower. Had lots swelling last night and just felt tingly weird. Also skin been very itchy. I started feeling nausea last night. I think I handled the pain a lot better when I couldn't see the scars. Now for some reason I have this visual image that makes me feel like I should feel worse. Honestly it is quite freakishly frankenstein to look at. I know if will improve over time but it's hard for me to see myself like this. I try not to look into hubby eyes because it's hard to see him see me like this. He's been great though with helping me shower and get up, down around. He did take a few pictures yesterday. I'll try to load them later on. But they aren't pretty. I just have to stay focused on the end result. dr. pulled my vajayjay real tight. This feels weird. There's also a spot on right side that looks kinda weird. Where the drain is located is starting to cause discomfort. When I move wrong it pulls on it and I want to scream. I think I've kept a lot of emotions in because hubby didn't really want me to have this done. I guess i felt like, I signed up for this self inflicted pain so gotta deal with it. Not sure if this makes sense. Pain is still tolerable though. just take it easy and rest. It doesnt hurt to massage the boobs. I'm happy with the girls. They still feel way out there though. My friend who helped me yesterday said I looked good. She said her other friend who had boobs done was so swollen that her boobs were way out there, practically under her chin. Mine feel like when you breast feed and they get engorged.
  8. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Vonhelzing, I have slept in bed with lots of pillows behind me elevated and pillow under knees to keep slouch position. I haven't been as comfortable in recliner as I thought I would be. Seems to make sides hurt little more. I think it's because I tend to lean to the side when in the recliner.
  9. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Today was post op appt with Dr. He said all looks well. i'm still to be in flexed position and gradually straighten a bit each day. Friday he will remove the drain. He did explain that later in the day to expect to be more swollen. My dear friend came and took me to appt and we watched movies. I am still taking pain meds every 4-6 hours so still pretty drowsy. I'm not in a lot of pain, i just believe in staying on top of things. The highest pain felt has been around 5 (Scale 1-10) Mom and dad will be here tomorrow to watch me the rest of the week. Overall, I feel real good. Answered prayers. I had a harder time when I got my lapband than this. Haven't had a bowel movement yet though. Taking benefiber every day and stool softner, so I hope this doesn't cause me distress. The girls are now in a sportsbra for 3 months. I'm supposed to massage them 3x day and shower 2x day.
  10. skinnyjeans

    Wannabthinagain's journey

    I don't have a bootie either. Eager to know how this works out for you. The moo moo worked out great. I wore this leaving the hospital and few days. I didn't have a bed wedge and didn't need one. We had enough pillows stacked and that was all I needed. I found the bed to be more comfortable than the recliner. I had a catheter for 3 days and yesterday was first day getting on toilet. I'm 5'2 and this wasn't bad. Just remember to breathe. For shower you definitely want a lawn chair of something to sit on. For me the bending over back has hurt more than anythng.
  11. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Mimilou-i do have a pain pump. It will run out today sometime. The sides of tummy seem to hurt the most, which I guess is normal since they pull the muscles back in. I only have one drain and it is around 30cc. Last night, had the weirdest feeling in boobs. The swelling hit big time. It was like I was sitting in chair fine, then boom, they grew 5x. Taking the bromelain did seem to help soon after they swelled to bring back down some. I want to take a peek at tummy but hubby won't let me. I slept ok again. Seems like dose in and out every 30 min. Ready to sleep full hour.
  12. skinnyjeans

    Potatie starts her PS journey

    thanks Sue for update. Potatie take it easy and can't wait to hear how you are.
  13. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Thank you all for prayers and best wishes. I'm doing well. Surgery took 6 hours. At hospital and will go home today. I haven't gotten up yet. Think i will feel lot pain when i have to. I have a catheter so it's been good. No nausea and overall feel good just tired. didn't really sleep much. It's been off/on in 30 min intervals. The morphine last night didn't even knock me out for a little bit. I did move a few times and felt bad shockwave pain but subsided quickly. I was surprised that at first my breasts hurt more. Like I did a ton of push ups. I did wake up extra swollen and just drinkng water got big hiccups. Glad I had un-fill. Taking my bromelain to help with swellling and arnica.
  14. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Yay Allie you get pain pump. Those seven days will fly by. I started getting nervous last night about the pain. Tomorrow morning I'll be in surgery 7:30-1:45. 23 years Navy is awesome. Thank your husband. My nephew just left Monday for Navy boot camp. You look so good. Sorry about the back. You are in my prayers.
  15. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Vonhelzing/mimilou, thank you for the well wishes. I'm getting nervous and of course started. Nothing like pms during this time. I felt just exhausted today and bad headache. I have lots work to get done tomorrow before taking off. Also had preop bloodwork today. All should be good to go.
  16. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Kate, I was hoping to get the low profile port but my lapband Dr. is out of town this week so it didn't work out to have done at same time. Hopefully old port won't stick out after TT and it'll be fine. It was going to be around the same $600-1000 to have my lapband dr. replace. I was wondering how they determine if you have a leak. The fill before my unfill I was supposedly at 4.2 and they were only able to get out 3. I just figured I was a real slow looser. I've been at 160 for a year. I'm ok with being here but really would be healthier at 145. I'm glad you had confirmation that it's not psychological. I was able to eat pretty much everything too. Hang in there. When is your surgery?
  17. skinnyjeans

    Potatie starts her PS journey

    Hope you are doing well and getting lots of rest.
  18. bigbaby, check your flex spending because some items are not covered. Mine doesn't reimburse for cosmetic. Get more quotes too. I'd had quotes from 20k-12k.
  19. skinnyjeans

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Today B:Isopure Cookies n cream shake S-5 triscuts & jello L-can tuna, jalapeno mustard, spinach, spray dressing, 2 slice toast S-south beach bar D-Penne pasta, sausage, sauce S-Candy corn Total Cal 1500 Eick... I don't have much restriction right now.
  20. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Almost there Allie. You did so good. What you drop another 20lbs from first consult? So decided to go with implants afterall? My Dr. said I easily could go DD, but told him didn't want bigger than a D. I'm looking for a full D bra that might be in between to take to surgery. He'll use it to size it up. I'm a week from surgery. A size 6 wow. How exciting! can't wait to hear how it goes.
  21. skinnyjeans

    Plastic Surgeon in DFW?

    I haven't had surgery yet but will let you know how I like my surgeon afterwards. He's in Denton Dr. James Kadi.
  22. skinnyjeans

    Potatie starts her PS journey

    I'm so excited for you. it will be here in no time. Flatlands here you come.....
  23. Congrats! Have you asked your lapband dr. who they would recommend? I don't know anyone there, but that is where I started with consultations was asking my dr.
  24. skinnyjeans

    Mommy Makeover

    Congratulations on your mommy makeover. I've wondered about the port revision thing too. Whether it will make a difference with low profile.
  25. skinnyjeans

    Panniculectomy appeal success!

    Congrats Kathy! Glad to hear it was all a success and you are feeling well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
