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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by skinnyjeans

  1. skinnyjeans

    Fanny Moves to Phase Two

    Fanny, So glad you are doing well. Glad you love the new boobs and tummy. Welcome to the flatlands.
  2. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    YAY, today was able to fit in my dress slacks. Not as loose as they were pre surgery but swelling going down. Had my fill. She only wanted to put 1 cc. Talked her into 2 cc and band still had .4, so now at 2.4cc. Funny how as the Fluid went in I could feel the tightening immediately and gurgling in throat started. On liquids for day than to mushies. It didn't hurt my tummy too much either. Also my weight was down 2 lbs. YAY Mimi-my Dr. said no strenuous activity for 10 weeks. UGH.. long time but think some walking ok. Tomorrow is 4 weeks.
  3. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Happy Anniversay! Hope you found the perfect outfit and are taking pictures to share. Enjoy your romantic dinner with your beloved. Tiffany
  4. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Well office was warmer today and work was good. I'm just swamped and year end is right around the corner. I'm also bummed. Started my period. I had cryoablation (freezing uterine lining) back in April for heavy periods. This didn't work so right before TT in Oct had the ablation where they burn the lining. I was really hoping I would be done with period. Bummed because I hope this doesnt mean I'm looking at hysterectomy next year. If so boy I sure could have used 6 weeks off and combined TT and Hysterectomy. oh well, can't look back now. I ate me a big steak tonight since getting fill tomorrow. It's going to feel weird to have restriction again. I'll be on liquids a day than mushies 2 days. Tried the binder today. Like the way I looked like I had curves in my sweater, but by end of day felt miserable. I am real swollen right now. I sure miss working out too. All in all though I'm so happy with my PS. Thanks Allie- I really hope I'm back in clothes soon too. I just gotta remember that I'm healing and can't rush things. Mimi-Good thing you kept some bigger sizes, you might need them.
  5. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Hey Kate, Sorry about the pain but it is well worth it. YOu had a lot of work done. Gosh, I can't belive you will already be driving. I didn't drive for 2 weeks. I probably could have after a week but didn't want to. You're tough cookie. I'm so glad you are ok. It will get better. Be careful in that shower too, especially since you lost lots of blood. Remember don't try to rush things too quick. You need all the time to heal properly. Take care doll
  6. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Back at work today. It was freezing in my office. wore my coat and scarf most of the day. If it continues to be cold, I think I'm going to have to work from home. Don't want to end up with pneumonia. Worked about 7 hours and was exhausted than drove 1 hr. for my PS appt. Appt. went well. had a stitch on each side of breast that he removed. Didn't hurt. Boobs healing nice. I need to massage the right side more (this one has bigger implant) so massage may help it settle where they will end up. Tummy is healing nice. I'm where he expects me to be. I was able to get in my loose jeans yesterday. They where a little uncomfortable in my scar area but not tight. Still can't wear my dress slacks. I'm going to wear the compression I got yesterday just to see if it feels any different. Oh yea, PS said I can start using Mederma on the scar and belly button looking good. Other than feeling exhausted after driving home from PS i'm feeling good. It is that time of month and don't seem to be any more bloated.
  7. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    wow Allie. You look amazing. So tiny. You got curves. I want curves, but I am happy being flat. Never had a curvy body. Your breast does look like it hurts. They look perky and full. Arnica helps with bruising. It's natural. I have the kind that disolves under the tongue and had very little bruising. But I didn't have lipo either and I think that causes some bruising. 19 years is a great accomplishment. Happy Wedding Anniversary. You two are making love history. Have fun shopping and at the Christmas party. Can't wait to see pics of your long hair. That's partly why I keep my hair long too. Hubby loves it long. Take it easy. You're still healing. I get exhausted quickly too. Barely made 7 hrs at work today.
  8. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    I posted some new pics on MMH. Not sure there is much change in swelling. Posted some close ups of incision. It's still scabbed in front but most scabs on sides are gone. My mom bought me this bikini bottom for a $1 but she didn't bring me a top. So looks funny. Oh well, next time will have better wardrobe. haha http://www.makemeheal.com/pictures/breast-augmentation-implants/tt-ba-a10474 PW byebyerolls Nose has been running all day and feel congested again. Went to mall for little bit because was tired of being indoors. Found a binder and girdle panty. Not sure I will wear them yet until I see PS on Monday to see if he thinks I'm where I should be regarding the swelling. My right side is still tender where the drain was at. Wonder how long it will feel this way. I had another lapband friend come over today and it was nice to see her. She was just banded in Mar this year and is doing nicely. She finally has restriction and it's kinda funny to hear her stories we've all been through. Sue--Congratulations on another 1lb down. I'm an Accounting professional myself. You're level of posiiton is tough. I have a few friends out of work too. Over qualified. I hope things turn around soon for you. Kate-thank you for the nice compliments. Mimi-missed you too. I better get off this computer. Been on it too long. Goodnight
  9. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    I think it's just surgical tape. I have stitches too that will disolve on their own. Work was rough cause got this cold. Ended up only working 3 days and 1 of them was from home. I do tire pretty quickly too. Went to mall today with son for few hours and was exhausted when came home.
  10. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Kate, My dr. is the same way about compressions. He uses the progressive tension suture method which means less drainage and swelling, sounds like what your Dr. does. He said no binders and his work was fabulous. I only had my drain 7 days and it was barely draining 2 cc after the 4 day, so i do agree less draining. I'm on the fence too about compression, because I'm about a size bigger right now than was because of swelling. Only stretchy pants for me. Since I'm 3 weeks out I went to Dillards and got a firm panty/girdle. not sure i'll wear it yet because don't want to disturb my healing. I have appt Monday with PS and will ask him if my swelling seems to be where he expects it to be. make sure you have those crackers and gatorade too. Need to keep replenish electrolytes. My hospital actually gave me a nice cup with bendy straw so I didn't buy any other cups. . i'm so glad you will be with your mom. My mom had to help me with showering too. We just used a step stool and hand held shower. It's uncomfortable but worth it. Be sure and put towel down on seat of stool so it doesn't hurt your bum. My breasts also got real dry so lotion is very good on list. Like Allie for the first 2 weeks PS had me put prescribed antibacterial cream on incision. After that he said stop and when I get the approval I will use the Mederma to fade the scar. I'm gunna have to look for those Protein SHAKEOLOGY of your's. I like they have Probiotics. I will add you on FB. Only my close friends know of my surgery too. I'm so excited for you to have a working band and flat Tummy/Lift. Just remember lots of rest and take it easy.
  11. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    I'm finally feeling better today from my cold. I hope to have hubby take some 3 week pics tonight. Swelling seems a little better. I go PS on Monday for follow up and get tapes removed from breasts. Also have a fill scheduled for Wednesday. I so need this. But think the extra I've been able to eat has helped with healing. Scar is looking really good.
  12. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie, You look smoking hot.. Sorry about the drains hurting. I was so scared to get mine out because years ago when had breast reduction those drains hurt like crazy. I screamed too. I think because they were in so long and skin had already started growing over them. The side wasn't bad. Must be hip like Sue said doesn't hurt as much. Sorry you did hurt your boob. I'm so jealous about your thighs. They really look good now. I wish I could get my inners done. Maybe when I win the lotto. Did you Dr. move you to a stage 2 compression?
  13. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Where you been Kate? It's getting close, are you just jumping out of your skin.
  14. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie, Can't wait for your drains to come out so we can see pics. I know your Dr. appt will be long round trip. Good luck. Glad you found some bras. Did you take them with you to appt to make sure Dr. likes them?
  15. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Funny you say that Allie, Yesterday Dh was please, please, can we try. I'll make it quick. So we did. I told him, I didn't want the big "O", because I was afraid it would hurt. It felt a little weird for me around my belly button, but wasn't uncomfortable. I still enjoyed it, until he prolonged longer than a quickie.
  16. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Sue, My Dr. didn't give me compression or binder. Said he doesn't use them. I'm not so sure I agree now, especially since back at work. I did wear spanx cami today and it seemed to help some. I might order a compression and use anyways. Can't hurt, right? Do you have any suggestions for what kind? Oh yeah, I know you will get the extra weight off. 4.5 lbs in week is great. I know about the accountability. I so need fill but port area is still tender. Kinda scared it will hurt too much, plus I'm still on some potent Vitamins that are big and too nasty to cut. Have about 5 days left of these. Sorry about the job hunt. We've had several layoffs. I'm thankful I've been retained through them. What kind of work are you in? I will be praying for your job situation.
  17. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Thank you for the encouragment for my son. He's doing better today. His girlfriend broke up with him. He's struggling with this a lot. First love. Fortunately, she doesn't go to same school so he doesn't have to face her everyday. I guess in his mind he felt he could move on and start on his career early. I made some calls to colleges and found out he can't even begin EMT program until he's 18 so that wasn't an option for him. He did some more thinking and said he will go back to school tomorrow. While I was out on surgery he skipped school so he has around 5 days to make up. As long as he buckles down, he only has 3 weeks left of this semester to complete. He just gets impulsive and wont listen to anyone. It's like he has to come to the conculsions on his own, has to be his idea. I'm still feeling icky today. Only worked til around 3, than came home for nap. Hope to be in bed by 7. Made some chicken taco Soup for dinner to warm up with. It's rainy and cold here.
  18. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie, So sorry about boob popping. Does it hurt bad still? Did you call the Dr. Are you taking any Arnica for brusing? I'm so with you. With my un-fill, I've had cheeseburger, pizza, oreos, bread, movie popcorn. Too much. Haven't gained but don't know what I should weigh with what was cut-off and added w/implant. I still havent' called for fill. My port area hurts still. It's super tender. Plus I'm still taking my super potent vitamins and the pills are huge. Cutting them down they tasted awful and would get stuck in my throat. Happy you got a good shower. It is amazing how much better we can feel afterwards. I'm coming down with a cold and feel yucky again today. Left work early. Gunna take a nap now.
  19. skinnyjeans

    Fanny Moves to Phase Two

    Fanny, Congrats on your upcoming surgery. I'm excited for you. I'm just 2 1/2 weeks out from my TT and BA.
  20. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Wow, I'm super tired. went work 8-4:30 than took 1 hr nap when got home, and been working since. I knew it would be tough going back to work. Around noon, my clothes got extremely tight. Could feel stomach swell. Weirdest feeling. I can only wear stretchy clothes, nothing fits. UGH. I hope i have more energy tomorrow. So far boss hasn't noticed how slow I'm getting around. He didn't know I was having surgury, while on vacation. Cold front came in last night, so allergies acting up. Nose is runny and red, eyes itchy ect. Need to sneeze but don't want to. It hurts to bad. I hope zyrtec will help me feel better tomorrow. I did post some wk2 picks on MMH. Slight change. Scar healing nice. Home has been pretty stressful. Maybe that causes more swelling too??? My son who is a senior told us he wants to quit and get his GED... He's ready to start living HIS life and get his EMT so he can be a figherfighter. He only has 6mos left of highschool. Totally floored us. Trying to find out what we can do to help him accelerate graduation. kids... Have a great week Friends!
  21. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie, Glad you are feeling so well. Still take it easy though. Don't do too much. Still healing. BALI carries non-underwire in 36DD. My mom wears 36DDD and she buys non wire BALI. Do you have to wear sports bra for anytime? I'm in one for 3 months. I have the same type puckering on my right side. don't like it. Will talk with PS next visit. Can't wait for all swelling go down too. are you able to stand upright yet? when i get tired end up hunching some. Still feel stretching when stand upright. when does it end?
  22. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Mimi, I don't know how much they cut-off so I really don't know what I've gained. i'm weighing same as surgery date so figure it might be gain of 5lbs or so because implants are gunna add back to what they took off. With the holidays I've been eating all the good stuff, but tomorrow is back to bandster eating. This is my first time to ever be totally unfilled. I bet you will do fine. The first week you don't have much of appetite so if you can get fill soon after. I'm going to try to get an appointment this week or next for fill.
  23. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Had a great day today. Went to mall with family, movies--Old Dogs. Oh my. Funny movie. Really hurt the belly though. I had to turn face from looking few times because i didn't want laugh anymore. Was holding on my stomach. But really enjoyed time with family. Each day gets better. I go back to work Monday and not looking forward to it. I have so much work and will be right in midst of month end. Ugh. Means long work hours. I really hope I'm up for it. It not I may have to be sick... Excited to be able to go church tomorrow. We help with our youth and I miss them. Thanksgiving was great, but ended up eating too much. Without fill not sure why my stop point is. Still get pain in port area when over eat, but bad I had to wait for that to fill full. I really have to watch myself until I can get fill.
  24. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Kate, Yep just ask the pharmacy for Hibiclens. My dr. had us take 3 showers using it before surgery and 2 weeks after on incisions. He had strict guidlines. Clean sheets/towels after first 3 shower. No pets in bed.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
