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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by skinnyjeans

  1. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Kate, I really hope the Strivectin works. I'll let you know after I'm all done with my bottles. Swelling is better. Some days though it's back with vengence. I can't wait to wake up that day and it's all gone. I don't go back to dr. until 1/22 so I'm not sure how much swelling still there. But I know it's still quite bit. Especially when I'm sitting down. Right above my scar you can see this hump and it feels squishy kinda. It's amazing too how much my abs may hurt from time to time. Like yesterday was sitting bending wrapping presents and when went to straighten up, ouchy. Also I still don't lay down flat on back because I tend to over stretch and hurt myself. And I let out a big sneeze the other day, and it still hurts bad. My port area has been hurting too. I don't know why more but I think when at work I tend to lean to side causing it irritation. I'm struggling with food right now. Did really well first week after fill, and lost 6 lbs, than Christmas parties hit and been eating junk. Gained 4 back. Ugh. I got stuck this morning eating cocoa pebbles. I so wanted that chocolate for breakfast. I went so long without restriction that I forget to slow down. I really can barely have breakfast or drink first thing in morning without getting painful hiccups. Once I do slow down and eat though I can get good. more than a cup. I think I need another slight fill but have to wait month between fills. Be safe tomorrow going to your appt.
  2. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    You look very good in your pics. Did you take any befores? I like how perky the boobs are. Just the right size. Once the swelling goes down too the tummy will be very nice. It reminds me of mine. I think it's more swelling and not seroma. I did notice how much lower your scar is. I bet because you had LBL and not just TT. That will be nice for bikinis. Also I guess they did you lapband replacement first. I was wondering if you would have any of those scars. You keep on healing and taking it easy. You are beautiful.
  3. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Kate, You have been through a lot. A good cry is allright. I hope you get some much needed rest. I had a few moments too when I thought what have I done. It will improve. OMG, if you don't have to vacuum and change sheets wait. That is a lot to do. I wish I could be there to help you.. I pray tomorrow is a painfree day for you and a day to celebrate the drains removed. Take Care
  4. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie, You are doing great. Already a month. Sure went by fast. Week 4 I felt more like myself, not 100%. This will be week 6 for me. I still have a tugging/stretching feeling. But overall feel great. Probably 90%. I still don't sleep on side. My sides are tender so still on back, elevated slightly. My scar is still tender too. When I wear my jeans, it applies more pressure on scar and hurts. My boobs are still tender too. Right side more than left. YOu had more extensive work, so i bet they will still hurt from time to time. Sometimes, taking a shower the water hits mine jsut right and sends pain right through em. ouch
  5. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Kate, Sorry about the separation. I'm sure it will heal fine. Take it easy. Even though you feel well enough to do stuff, you are healing. I had same issues with right side healing slower. I think because I'm right handed and was using it more so stayed swollen longer. You will be surprised how with time, things will start looking different. For me each day is different. I still feel a lot of stretching feeling. Dont be discouraged. Your results will be fabulous. You had a lot of work done and really just need to concentrate on healing properly. I have 10 weeks restriction and haven't even thought about walking and doing more than dusting. I'm sure I can but know I shouldn't. I'm sure the PS doesn't want you loosing more weight because it will change the results, like you said. I think you should do what you need, to be comfortable with yourself. I wasn't at goal. I'm happy with decision, but knew I needed to have realistic expectations. I don't have the curvy waist yet or see a six pack (or even a 2pack) but hope if I loose down then I will see more. I'm super excited to be flat and not have that lower gut bulge in my pants. Like me, you went in knowing you wanted to loose more and that things would change if you lost more. If you can be happy with that than so be it. The drains can be a pain but they do serve a purpose. Better to be in longer than build up Fluid. I hope you don't have a seroma. Hopefully aunt flo wont come until you get em out. As far as pics, we'd love to see but totally understand you need to be comfortable. I took pics more for me because I wanted to see my progress. If they helped someone then I'm glad they did. Everybody is different and will heal differently. Hang in there doll. The swelling will go down. For me it was week 4 when I could fit in my normal clothes better. Still have swelling and some tenderness and this will be wk6. My Dr. said it will last up to 8 mos for the last residual. I thought that was crazy but he's the expert. You are an incredible lady. Take it one day at a time.
  6. skinnyjeans

    Fanny Moves to Phase Two

    You look amazing Fanny!
  7. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    I was going to ask you about the Mederma. I bought it and used about a week, than I started itching like crazy and my skin around scar was peeling. I think I'm allergic or maybe it was too soon. Dr. gave me the ok, but who knows. I haven't used in over a week and I'm still red and itchy on my scar. Wow, Christmas party girl. Glad you are having fun. I can't belive you are bed ridden a full week with thigh lift. makes sense though with the weight. Glad your daughter will be able to take care of you. can't wait to see more pic. Have fun shopping. I'm still not finished and don't have the energy to go after work. maybe tomorrow.
  8. skinnyjeans

    Plastic Surgeon Consultation Fees

    Alot of them will run specials and waive the consultaton. I'd ask upfront to waive.
  9. skinnyjeans

    Unfill for surgery?

    I had unfill more precautionary, like Fanny said. With extra swelling and possibility of nausea with anesthesia. I stayed unfill for 3 weeks and didn't gain any weight. You don't have much appetite after surgery. My PS didn't care whether I got unfill or not but felt was better since band dr. suggested.
  10. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie, Glad you are not PG. I didn't know that thigh lift was crease of groin. That's interesting. I never talked to my PS about one, but might if tht's how scar is. I couldn't do the big one. My thighs are only bad up top, not all the way down. I wish I had more ME time. Been so busy at work and Christmas parties. I also still tire pretty easily. Been going to bed around 9 and used to go bed 11:30. That's great family complimented you at niece party. I eager to see what my family/friends say when we go out of town for Christmas. have a great night!
  11. skinnyjeans

    Fanny Moves to Phase Two

    Glad you are feeling better. My boobs are uneven still because of swelling so wait and see. Also, one was already bigger than other pre surgery.
  12. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Kate, Glad you had some relief with the constipation. That is the worse feeling. The train does sound like a good idea. Christmas traffic will be tough. I'm so happy you are recovering well. You did have more work done than me too, so stay on your meds as long as you need them and stay with mom to help as long as you can. You don't want to over due it.
  13. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Glad you had a blast at the party. Can't wait to see the family pics. I'm sure your girls are proud of you. Your making me hungry for cheesecake and egg nog. This time of year is so exciting. Wow, I can't belive by end of day you are up 6 lbs or more with swelling. That is still a lot. I've only been up 2 lbs. Your thigh lift will be here in no time. How far down will they cut (to knee?)
  14. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Kate, Where i stayed had great food too. Gourmet. Matter of fact we thought of staying for dinner than checking out just to get more food. They were so nice and had guest trays for my hubby too. Glad you are doing well. You proably will be ok to drive week 3 if off meds and don't tire too easily. My dr. is hr away and drove after working 6 hrs. Of course I didnt' have as much work done as you though. Are your drains in pub area like Allie were? Which drains will your mom remove tomorrow? have you taken any more pics?
  15. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    That's great you have some fill. Sounds like you are eating just right. Did major swelling hit today as expected? Are you still draining bunch? Have a great Sunday too. I'm going shopping for little bit.
  16. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Where you been Allie? How was the party?
  17. Wow Fanny,

    You are going to look fantastic when you're all healed. that was a big surgery. I can see why you stayed week in hospital. I love the new boobs too. So perky. Keep healing.

  18. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    I will definitely say week 4 you finally start feeling more like yourself. My sweet hubby said 6 more weeks than you get to clean house. He's steaming our tile today. I did dust the living room and bedroom, but he's stuck doing the bathrooms and kitchen. Our son does the vacuuming. Hubby took some pics this morning, so I'll work on getting on MMH. Going shopping later on. Have a fabulous day!
  19. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Fanny, I'm so glad you had extra time in hospital to heal. I know the 1 night I stayed was well worth the extra $. I really didn't feel the surgery was too bad. I always thought I had low tolerance for pain, but I guess it's higher than I thought. I also was firm beliver of taking meds around the clock. Didn't wait for pain to come up. Also since I didn't need a breast lift, just implants I think this was a lot easier on me too. I can't wait to see your pics. Take Care!
  20. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Hi Kate, Glad you feel good today. Don't overdue it out shopping. I did this myself and was wiped out. I only went out 2 hrs. I think someone said try mineral oil for constipation. I definitely feel for you though. Are you taking extra stool softner or just recommended amount? I know what you mean about the incisions. I was pretty scared when I saw mine. not that they hurt just looks very painful. My sister said it looked like they cut me in half and I thought they looked jagged, but they are not. Very thin line. They will improve over time. It does feel different as the nerves start waking up. You had a lot of work so I'm sure you just feel it all over. So mom will take drains out. That's cool. Keep resting. Are you getting enough Protein to promote healing?
  21. skinnyjeans

    Before and After pics

    Hi Tiffany, Sent you a friend request. Can't wait to see your pics. Glad your drains are out.
  22. skinnyjeans

    Me and dustin at the Nutcracker December 10 2009

    YOu look gorgeous.
  23. skinnyjeans

    Skinnyjeans turn for a flat tummy

    Had a great day today. More swelling gone down. Another pair of dress slacks fit and back hurt minimal today. Usually by end of day of work I was reverting back to walking bent some. I have forgotten what it feels like to have restriction. It's been since June since really felt restricted. Drinking my morning spark i tried to gulp and got the painful hiccups. At lunch I thought I could eat a piece of string cheese and didn't chew well, so here came the hiccups, stuck feeling and runny nose. I've never had a PB before and hope I don't but had to get the papaya enzyme and drank pineapple juice. I am gunna have to remember the rules again. I did get all my protein today (100g) with shakes to promote healing. Watching a movie with hubby tonight. I can't wait to go Christmas shopping. Have only gotten a few things for our son.
  24. skinnyjeans

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Allie, How was shopping. I love the new bikini pics (hot pink for hot body). And the hair extension tops it all. Glad your anniversary was special.
  25. skinnyjeans

    Kate's "The Works" special

    Kate, You are doing well. Can't wait for the pics. Yep, my mons is more lifted too. Funny though the first fews weeks it was very swollen and hunny called it my fat cat. Nice to see labia haven't seen in awhile. What's a reiki treatment. I'm so glad your mom is taking good care of you while you heal. Today, I have felt great. I was able to walk upright the whole day and had minimal pain in back. I'm sure you have dropped weight. How is the rebanding feeling? When do you have first post op appt with Dr? Take care sweetie

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