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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by skinnyjeans

  1. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Great job Babygrl on those size 16. You're athletic abilities are amazing. YOu have a drive unlike others and help to inspire us. Periods-I'm on the pill and have regular periods. I'm always been 28 days clockwork. Travelgrl-keep on trucking, you can do it, babygirl is right. what an awesome tool we have. I saw the scale go up 2 lbs too for a week. I went back to journaling my food and noticed eating way too many cal. After making some adjustments I'm down 1lb. We'll all get to our goals. Question-Do any of you have pain in your port if you eat too much?
  2. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    I have reached the point where I have to really be attentive to what I put in my mouth to see the scale move. I don't necessarily mind the 2 lb week goal, as I do better with food right now than exercise. I definitely see the point of others that our workout goals depend on our ability to drive ourselves to complete. My Dr. said the same weight loss for me 1 1/2 to 2 pounds but I find it harder now to loose that. I have to stick real close to 800 cal a day. Maybe this can be added. Instead of a # goal have food goals. I don't know maybe I'm just complicating things more. I really did like the water goal though because it helped me to try harder
  3. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Congrats Zannie for hitting your mark on bandiversary.
  4. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Hello Ladies, I think I have good restriction now after fill 2. I haven't had a full blown PB yet but have serveral times felt that stuck feeling and some slime. Not enough to vomit. I also noticed if I swallow too fast I get painful hiccups. I've even swallowed too quick with yogurt. I haven't lost any in 3 weeks since fill, though so I know I need to pick up the exercise and Water routine. I painted my son's room and this morning was sore from climbing my little step ladder up/down. Also had a sore butt and arms. I also noticed my hair is coming out in more strands than ususal. I was bad all week not drinking my Protein. I usually eat chicken or some kind of meat and yogurt, but not enough, I guess. I really wish I was down 50 by now. I'm also been eating more junk food. chips hotsauce, ice cream. I need to get with it. I do feel a lot better though. I've noticed I can sit in a booth table without my belly rubbing against. I also put on a pair of shorts the other day, I havent worn in 4 years. Felt great! I think you all are doing great. You really inspire me to work harder 6 Days exercise level 1
  5. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I love the amethyst idea.
  6. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Hello ya. Okay, feel behind last month with work issues. I'm been putting in 15 hr days, and am exhausted. Been trying to read some of the posts in the emails. I've been working in another office and came back to my home office and serveral people said whoa, you look great. You've lost weight. Felt really good. Some size 18's I bough a month ago are falling off now. I was able to put on some 16's and it felt sooo good. My hubby calls me baggy butt. Yea! I've never had a butt, just belly, but glad to hear he notices. Y'all are doing great. i'm joining at the level 1.
  7. skinnyjeans

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    You two are doin great with Water and exercise. Keep it up! It's motivation for me. Still doing well with H20, exercise I'm parking farther and that's about it still. I've been eating more too! Gained 3 lbs. I scheduled my next fill 5/24. I really hope that helps, TTYL
  8. skinnyjeans

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    Hey y'all. Work has been so busy that I haven't had time for the computer when I get home. I just am mentally exhausted. Babygrl great advice on the Water jugs. I'll try that. I guess I do better with H20 if I count my Protein drink and energy drink. I make those both with water. Thank you for your encouragement. You're doing great. Keep up the great work everyone. May challenge 3 days 64oz 0 day exercise.
  9. skinnyjeans

    Feb 07 Bandsters: May Challenge

    I'm new to the thread, but would like to join. I know I'm late, but hope to still make the 20 & 20. I really need some help with both. haven't exercised once, since banded and after readin your threads, I feel like I'm wasting prime time of loosing by not using my band to the fullest. It's been 2 years since exercising and I need some motivation bad. I still struggle with getting in 64oz each day I only average around 42oz. Still feel good with progress, but I do need to speed things up for summer.
  10. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I take a centrium chewable multivitamin and those calcium chews. My nutritionist wanted me to drink 1/% milk in between meals, but I don't.
  11. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    add me to list banded 2/16 I'm doing fine with band. Haven't lost in 2 weeks even after fill. I wonder if they missed the port.. Not really eat much less than pre-fill, but still a lot less than preband.
  12. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I just had my fill a week ago. I was on liquids 24 hours than 3 days mushies. Today, I've felt like my throat has something stuck in it. And a little chest pain (like after surgery golf ball). I think I may have over eaten today. I only lost a 1lb though and hoped to loose 5 this week. Oh well still making progress.
  13. skinnyjeans

    Christian Bandsters

    I had some of the same feelings at first too about being banded. I believe this was the tool for me. I even prayed for insurance approval and I feel God gave me the desire of my heart. To be healthy so I can be of more service to him.
  14. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I had my first fill today under flouro. It wasn't too bad. I hard prick at the port, then swallow, swallow. I sat around for 30 min. drinking water per NP. I'm ready for restriction, been eating more. NOw back to liquids for 24 hrs and mushies for 3 days. I think have a 4cc band and they put in 2cc. Hope it wont be too tight. So far I haven't vomitted or PB, so hope to keep that up with restriction. My friend who had a fill a month ago said she lost 10 lbs the week of fill. Anyone else have those results. I'd love to drop another 10.
  15. HI Pat, Congrats on your insurance approval! I know I had pre op jitters too. I kept reminding myself that all my other surgeries were successful and this one would be too. I knew I was making the right decision for long term health and this was what I needed to do. Also it helped that my family was there praying me through. You'll be fine and in my prayers. Keep us updated after surgery.
  16. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Pam_banded Thanks for the reply. Prebanded I used to love to drink Crystal Lite. Now, when I mix it I drink about half, then am tired of the flavor and it tastes gross to me. I few times I've wanted to gag on water and that has always been my beverage of choice. I have another silly question. My bra hurts. It feels so tight even after loosing 18lbs and especially after eating. Is this still swelling or am I retaining water? Thanks!
  17. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hello! I'm feeling rather well, but still very tired. I'm waiting for this surge of energy I should have since surgery. I haven't exercised once yet since banded and am finding it really hard to get off the computer to use my eliptical. I also didnt' loose any last week, but it was my first week of solids, so maybe that's why. Dr. said I can get a fill, but not sure I really need one yet. I am eating more than last week, but only about 2 oz of meat and 2 tsb..veggies. I started using fit day to see how much I'm really getting cause it's hard to tell. How do you drink 64oz a day? I've always been a gulper and that's the only way I can get my water, becuase I knew if it was the end of the day and didn't drink it I'd chug it down. Sipping I'm barely getting 25-30oz a day. Overall still very excited about the band and the sucess i've had so far.
  18. skinnyjeans

    New to lap band

    Congrats Stacey! It will be so worth it. Soon you'll be in your swimsuit.
  19. skinnyjeans

    Today is a great day!

    Hi Helen, I think you are doing great. I had surgery 2 days after you and am down 18. Last week was my 1st week on solids and I didn't loose any, so may be time for my 1st fill. I had so much restriction after surgery that I'm a little scared. I'm traveling next week with work, so I'll have to schedule the week after, just hope I don't gain. I'm not real hungry but can tell I'm eating more like a full cup now versus 1/2 to 3/4. Still having problems drinking enough Water. Always been a gulper. Congrats on your successes!
  20. skinnyjeans

    drinking while you eat

    My Dr. said no drinking 15min before and 30-45min after. I've done well following the rules, but find it hard to get enough to drink all day.
  21. skinnyjeans

    Low BMI Banding

    Want2get BAnded, I have Aetna POS. I called them and found out what my insurance covered. AIGB knows the insurances pretty well and will help u get qualified. I had to have 3 visits there exactly 1 month apart (the first consult doesn't count as the first visit). Then I had an EEG test. I was already on a CPAP machine, so didn't go thru the sleep study there. I also needed 3 visits with a nutritionist. I used Leah McDaniel (on the list AIGB gives you, plus she accepted my ins. so was only out copays) She was great and helped me visualize how much I would be eating after surgery. Then before my last visit, I had all my preop bloodwork completed. It was right around the time I would have had my bloodwork done with PCP, so ins. covered it also. I have recommended serveral friends to AIGB. They just made everything so easy. When I read over all the paperwork my Dr. wanted, I felt overwhelmed. Flora, Maria and Amy were all so pleasant. And after surgery you can go there for the aftercare program every 3 months, to talk with a nutritionist and let them know how everything is going.
  22. skinnyjeans

    Low BMI Banding

    I live in Arlington too. I started going to AIGB in Hurst and they helped me with all my paperwork for insurance. THe staff was great. It really seemed effortless on my part, except for all the food/exercise journals. My insurance required 3months interdisciplinary diet (medically supervised). I didn't even tell my PCP, I used my weight history from my ob-gyn. In all it took me 4 1/2 months to get approval. I am not a low BMI like yours but with you family history hopefully it will all work out. Best of luck! :welldoneclap:
  23. Same with me. 2 weeks post I lost 13lbs and my clothes were tighter too. 21 days post and I put on a pair of jeans and yeah swelling down, they were loose.
  24. skinnyjeans

    6 days post surgery

    Hi staceylynn76, No regrets. 21 days now and have lost 16lbs. Had my followup visit today and all is going well. For me the first 12 days were rough. THe support on this site really helped. PM me anytime you want to talk.
  25. skinnyjeans

    6 days post surgery

    Hi staceylynn76, No regrets. 21 days now and have lost 16lbs. Had my followup visit today and all is going well. For me the first 12 days were rough. THe support on this site really helped. PM me anytime you want to talk.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
