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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by skinnyjeans

  1. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    Great job Suzanne & Andrea! I'm so surprised that my bra size hasn't gone down. I'm still in a 42C might be able to go to a B. And when I overeat, man the bra is extra tight. that baby comes off, as soon as I walk in the door home.
  2. I'm in too. And no more excuses for me. Birthday is in Oct. and need to get serious. You gals got to keep encouraging me! I'll have to go with Moderate Level 1
  3. skinnyjeans

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    Hey Teacher, Glad your back home! I know it's hard to stay on track when traveling. Things have really slowed down for me and I'm been eating more junk (Ice cream) than I should. My birthday is in a few months and I really need to get with the ball and drop another 10 -15 lbs We can do it!
  4. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    zannie, I know you can do it. You should be proud of yourself for stayin on track. Thanks for the fill advice. I'm going to make an appt. I've been eating more than 1/2c a lot of time. There for a while i could only eat 1/2 a boca burger and the other day I ate the whole thing. Minus the buns of course. And your right why would I want to eat Pasta and other bad stuff. Keep up the great work.
  5. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    Your doing great Zannie You will meet your goal! My last fill was 5/17. I'm at 2.6cc in a 4cc band. I feel like I don't eat a whole lot but sometimes I can. Like I can eat 2 tacos without any problems. Is that too much food? Probably huh.
  6. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    no suggestions from me. still struggling to meet my exercise goal. I keep gaining and loosing the same 2 lbs. I've thought about going a few days on liquids to see if I can bump things up. Do you ever do that too? I bought a pair of 14's today, so feel good about that.
  7. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    I got another day of exercising, I pulled out the old Billy Banks Basic training DVD. It kicks my butt. Since the scale doesn't seem to be moving I gotta get myself moving.
  8. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Helen, 54 lbs is amazing. You were banded 2 days before me and have lost a whole lot more. Are you doing beter with the PB? I've been real careful and haven't had one yet. I have slimed a few times, but no vomitting. Don't get discouraged. It will come off. Remember they said a years time to get it off
  9. skinnyjeans

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    babygirl, sorry your having a bad day Binging on eggs and toast can't be as bad as ice cream and hamburgers (That's how I ended my saturday night. DH wanted a sonic burger and cookie dough blast kept calling my name)
  10. skinnyjeans

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    yesterday I had Protein shake 25g (i'm going to order some new 50grams) 3 pig in blanket Didn't eat all the bread yogurt for lunch sushi for dinner and edamme not enought Water as usual Today tuna & egg for breakfast (i've noticed I have to be careful with scramble egg or I get stuck. anyone else?) Pasta salad 1/4 cup and about 10 shrimp 1 glass red wine 32 oz water few bites of popcorn (watching movies tonight)
  11. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    yea, babygirl 60 lb mark. I'm so excited I fit in a pair of my 14 yesterday! And I finally got 1 day of exercise in Y'all keep up the good work
  12. skinnyjeans

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    Ready to Loose I've been eating those wafers too, but then I read something from Dr office about fiber wafers that expands in the stomach so now I wonder if I should eat those or not. The tend to gas me up pretty much too. I also bought the fiber powder to mix with my morning spark. This helps me also with constipation. Today I had: Spark energy drink Protein shake 25 grams 2 cups Water 100 cal SBD snack bar 9 gram protein McDonalds southwest chicken salad (ALMOST ATE IT ALL) 1//2 c tuna with 6 tortilla chips and hotsauce 1 cup water Still working on the water. I've just never been a big drinker. I forget to drink. I dont drink cokes or anything else, just dont drink
  13. skinnyjeans

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    I'm excited that I didn't gain any while out of town. I had 2 bites of desert items and tried to stick with Protein first rule. today I had Protein shake 25 g 2 sticks big beef Jerky Junior bacon cheeseburger (ate half bun and 3/4 of burger) started off eating too fast and felt a little stuck 3 onion rings 1 hershey minature 1 glass red wine (rough day at work) chicken lasagna (not enough chicken in it so only maybe had 4 small chunks) Might need another protein shake to get more in tonight
  14. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    Zannie I see a difference too. Your face is slimmer and agree with Babygirl, your eyes are more noticable. You're doing great. Babygirl you look fabulous too. I can tell a difference. You just glow.
  15. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    I definitly need to do this because by the time I finish working, Im pooped out. I just wrapped up work at 9 and be at it since 8 this morning. i'm not going to meet my goal, since i've yet to exercise:think
  16. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    Welcome Carole! I'll be honest, I'm not as good as the other ladies with exercising. They have to kick me in the butt. I break my exercise up and I know I don't push myself like I should. My walking is more like a stroll and I only last a few minutes on the eliptical. How or how do I get motivated. I'm so dog tired from work. This software conversion is killing me. I am going to relax this weekend at a scrapbookign retreat and maybe treat myself to a massage, and pedicure. today a co-worker at work said I looked great that I lost a lot of weight. It felt good. Keep up the great work ladies.
  17. skinnyjeans

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    Zannie, How was the fill? Meatballs sound yummy. I have a hard time swallowing them. today I had Spark energy drink w/ 1 tsp fibersure, MSM powder, L-glutamine powder Protein shake 24g Taco salad 1 cup 1 lemon bar chopped beef sandwich (ate 1 bun :0( Protein Shake 24g Water (including shakes & Energy drink) 54oz Still struggle wiht this too tomorrow i'm out of town for the weekend so might not checkin
  18. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    thanks for all the info on Protein, I'm going to look at the WLS supplies and will probably order the variety pack. I'm been drinking either EAS or Atkins drink. I'm goimg to look up the unjury and matrix as well. TODAY, I'm going to do it. I'm going to get on the eliptical. I'll report back later with results.
  19. skinnyjeans

    Accountability Thread for Feb 07 Bandsters

    Hey Ladies, HAPPY 4th. I slept in (felt so good) and havn't had anything yet. I think I'll make some tuna and eat with triscuits.
  20. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters July Challenge

    Congrats to all who have accepted the challenge this month. I'm in the challenge. Intermediate 20 days I got home yesterday and I finally broke my plataeu. Yea, even though it felt like I ate all weekend, it's finally passed. Feeling a lot better. I think it may have been vacation and being more active, not sitting behind a desk for 10 hours. I like the new idea about positive thinking. today was a great day. I'm starting to feel more confident and even sexy sometimes. I really need y'all to keep me accountable to >60 grams of Protein. I'm loosing too much hair. What kind of shakes do you drink?
  21. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    I went shopping today too, and bought some size XL tops. Yea no more 1x out of the Womens and in the misses. I even bought smaller panties. Ladies keep up the good work. I'm going to work harder with exercising in July. I really want to be in 10's by Christmas. I'm out of town and been eating out for every meal. I'm ready for some home cooking.
  22. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Yum, I like hummus too. I like the food accountability too. Here's my day Protein shake 2 slice of turkey pastramie 1 string cheese chek mix, hotfries, pringles, sunflower seeds (junk food, traveling so was bored and ate0) 1 taco bell taco 2 chickn mcnuggets 8oz milk 2 Fiber wafers 30 oz Water I really need to up my protein and exercise. I'm been taking the stairs at work, so getting a little. Bobybugg is calling my name.
  23. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Babygrl, I know what you mean abou the popcorn. You did great. sometimes I grab and handful and that's all I get. AMC sells goldfish crackers, so i'll buy those and eat half the bag. My son eats 2 bags of microwave popcorn everynight. We went to see Fantatastic 4. It was at the movie grill where you order dinner too. I ordered the kids chicknr tenders and ate both. 4 french fries and chips/hotsauce. I was so full, it hurt to stand up. We walked around the mall some afterwards, but it was uncomfortable. I don't know why I'm been eating more than I should. Aunt Flo is next week, maybe that's the deal. We're going out of town next week so I hope I'll stay on track. I weigh myself everyday. I know I probably shouldn't but I think it helps me to try harder the next day, if I see it go up.
  24. skinnyjeans

    Feb Bandsters June Challenge

    Trvelgirl, So funny you mention the bodybugg. I was just reading posts on it. This was the first time I looked up there website to see what it does, and then I started wanting it bad. I'm like you thinking I'll obsess over it. I was trying to think of a reason to reward myself with it, but it is so expensive. I didn't know about the actitrainer. I'll look at that too. I just hate spending so much, but this sounds so much more simplier than fitday. I did that for a month, then quit logging it all. I'm on computers all day at work and sometimes, when I come home, I don't even want to get on it again. That's one thing I wonder if I do purchase something like bodybugg, if I will take the time every night to upload the data. I'm glad I'm not the only one with port pain. I feel a lot better.
  25. skinnyjeans

    Bodybugg users report here!

    This sounds so interesting. My dr. has always told me calorie in must be less than calorie out and this device lets you know just that. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge.

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