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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by skinnyjeans

  1. skinnyjeans

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    It was hard to wkout out of town on business. I did more walking as the building I was in was huge compared to where I work. Also walked DT Minneapolis. Today I worked out for an hour and felt good. Did the eliptical and weights. Eliptical kicks my butt. Legs feel like jello. I'm exhausted. For too many nights been to bed past midnight.
  2. skinnyjeans

    Dr. John Marsden??

    Me too. 2/07. I really like him. He did my friends too!
  3. skinnyjeans

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    i just scarfed down a piece of pizza today too and the toppings off of two other! I'm ready for tomorrow, but I leave out of town for work Wed. so will have to make myself do something while gone. Going to MN where its a blizzard. Zannie, I actually got my bugg on 2/29, 24hr fitness ran a leap year promotion and with 10% additonal off from website it was only $176 so jumped on it. You can work out just as hard with out it and we'll keep you motivated
  4. skinnyjeans

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    TravelGirl, How do you update your bugg. I got mine around 3 wks ago. Like today I worked out an hour but on my bugg it only says activity of 30 minutes? Not sure why it has this. Burned more calories than i think i ever have.
  5. skinnyjeans

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    Level 2 Intermediate for me Thanks BG for creating. You're so right accountability is important. I will not fail this time and check in
  6. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Babygirl, How do you consistently loose weight? I had another fill today. 4cc in the 4cc band. Hope this one really works. from the last fill i only lost 3 lbs. Depressing. Whats the April exercise challenge going to be? I exercised last week 4x. Felt great. Gotta keep it up this week...
  7. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    i'm definitely in for an APril challenge. I've joined the gym and need to rev it up...
  8. I used Dr. Marsden. He has two offices. He was so nice (just a good ol Texan) and his staff was great too. metroplexlapband.com I had Aetna so don't know about your insurance
  9. skinnyjeans

    Prayers needed

    You are in my prayers HazelEyes. This is a great place for all kinds of support. I've entered your surgery date into my calendar so I won't forget
  10. skinnyjeans

    Bodybugg users report here!

    ok. I did it! Just ordered my bugg. it's for $199 until tomorrow through 24 hour fitness. If your a member you also save 10%. total with shipping $176. bodybugg armband device Can't wait to get it.
  11. skinnyjeans

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    You're in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so excited for you!
  12. skinnyjeans


    hope u get to feeling better. babygirl you are so close to goal!
  13. skinnyjeans

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I have been debating about getting the bugg for a few months. I'm been stalled since Nov and need something to boost me. Do you really think it gives you that extra edge by knowing. It helps to see that so far you guys still loose and didn't grow tired of it.
  14. skinnyjeans

    February 07 Bandiversaries!!!

    Happy Bandiversary. I started my process in Sep 06 with medically supervised weight loss/nutritionist ect after a friend of mine told me about the surgery. Qualified for surgery Jan 4, 2007 and banded 2/16. The journey has been great. Highest weight was 221 and currently weight 170 on good days. I haven't had any complications, no PBs or anything. Weight loss has been slow so that has been the hardest part. Been at the same weight since Nov and filled to 3.2cc. Debating if I should try another fill. I'm apple shaped so I haven't dropped too many sizes and am wearing a 14. I'd love to be a 6-8 so have started going to the gym to hopefully get there. We have a family cruise planned in July so I definitely want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit. I'm considering a PS consultation to see what we can do about my gut. I'd be smaller if it wasnt for my belly. I tried on my sisters size 10 pants and have no problems getting them past my hips, they just wont button. I am so glad I chose to have the surgery and can't wait to see what this year brings. i'm more confident at work and overall feel healthier.
  15. Diane, Just read all the posts and you look great. I too am 5.2 1/2 and we could be body doubles. Except for the breasts, I had a reduction 10 years ago. I have around 35-40 more to loose. I think after reading all these I may be obsessed now with wanting to look as good as you. It may be time for me to have a consulation with PS. Congrats on your progress.
  16. skinnyjeans


    Hang in there travelgirl. It took me almost a year to get motivated. I joined 24 hour fitness this week and i'm so sore. I want to cry. I can barely lift my arms to put a jacket on.
  17. skinnyjeans


    Anybody here? I just spent the hour catchingup. Sounds like you guys are still fabulous. I'm doing well. Down 46 on good days. scale hasn't moved since December and gained 1,5 with superbowl chowdown. I have 3.6 in 4cc band still no issues with PB or vomit. I'm going on a cruise in July so need to work extra hard to loose 30lbs by then. I need all your encouragement.
  18. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Great job Tifferoni, I want to be a 8 so bad. How did you get there so quick? I'm jealous....
  19. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Zannie, Great check in for our bandiversary. You're doing fabulous. I'm doing well. I'm down 46lbs. From a 20w to a misses 14. Loss is still real slow, but I wouldn't trade the band for anything. Still no complications or PB's anything. I'm still real careful to chew slowly. Only weird thing since being banded, after loosing some weight I noticed my outer thigh/hip looked fatter on one leg than the other. Come to find out I had a fatty lipoma. Had it removed so look more even now. Thank God it was benign. I've still got a ways to goal. But feel great!
  20. skinnyjeans

    December exercise

    Hey Babygirl, You are doing great! Glad to see many of you are back. Level1 Moderate for me.. I have some vacation days next week so looking forward to exercising.
  21. Hey Suzanne, It's been tough. We'll get back on track for September. You should count your pacing as daily exercise. I do. welcome Tifferoni
  22. skinnyjeans

    Shortie Porties--Banders that are short!

    i'M 5'2 and yes my pants are now dragging to the floor from loosing weight. Julie NYC-It's nice to know that the clothes are better porportioned as we drop more weight. I did think the chart for my height seemed light, but made it my goal to begin with. Mainly because I haven't been that weight since 8th grade.
  23. Hey Zannie, Oh my, I forgot my bandiversary is in 2 days. I'm not where I had hoped to be. Keep you head up. You'll get off that couch. I've only walked 3 times so far. I found out I hav a lipoma on my right outer thigh. It's really weird. They don't think it's malignant so the Dr. don't think I need it removed. But next year when I'm in a swimsuit, I think it will stick out. I had wondered if WTLS had anything to do with it. I had never noticed it before until loosing weight. I'm hear for you guys.
  24. Yeah Travelgirl Welcome Jean
  25. skinnyjeans

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Yeah Zannie Glad all is well. I'm been stressed out too, but not as much pressure as your experiencing. I dropped 2 lbs this week and i've been at a plateau. I'm not real hungry either.

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