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About GeekyGamerGrrl

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/05/1974

About Me

  • Biography
    37 yrold stay at home slacker (in other words, mom and wife)
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Gaming, reading, writing, chatting with new friends, watching movies, hanging with friends
  • Occupation
    mom, wife
  • City
    West Point
  • State
  • Zip Code
  1. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    AnnaVGS! Welcome to the thread! <3 Nice to meet another gamergirl! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!!! So heres my update... Im stalled. I am waiting anxiously for my freaking therapist to talk to the Psych Doctor. And she hasn't done it yet! I asked her to do this over a month ago!!!! WTF?!?! GAH!!! So at anyrate, I am still awaiting my date.
  2. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Well, I am currently still awaiting a call from Dr. Mahers office. I am thinking I will just call tomorrrow I'm so freaking ready! I am so freaking tired of WAITING!
  3. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Hey folks! How goes it? Any new updates? *hugs all around*
  4. Just waiting, and waiting. Soon though, I will be victorious! <3

  5. GeekyGamerGrrl


  6. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    MsNae, I hope your surgery went well and you are recovering fabulously!
  7. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    GUESS WHAT?!?!?!? I GOT TO 292 documented by a doctor and Dr. Maher is HAPPY with that number! I only have 3 things really standing in my way. *Get my therapist to call the Psych Eval Dr. at VCU *Get my gastro doctor to fax all my files to Dr. Maher *Get my sleep study from Norfolk General Hospital faxed to Dr. Maher These are simple things! I am so freaking excited! Will let you all know my surgery date! <3
  8. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    So happy for everyone scheduled. If I said I wasn't jealous, I would by lying
  9. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Down to 298. 13 pounds to go! Good luck Alicia!!!!
  10. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    So this past weekend my husband and I went to an event in Carlisle Pennsylvania. It was at a fairground. A HUGE one! I walked from one end to the other for 3 days. I drank lotsa water and fluids, I ate half the portions of food I usually do because I wasn't hungry. And yet, I get on the scale....and still at 300. W.T.F?!?!?! I am so frustrated I wanna cry!
  11. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    congrats Aug! <3 I wish you all the best!!!!
  12. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    I am so sorry Alicia. *hugs* I hope you get it figured out soon. Maybe its time to get mean
  13. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    So far, I am down to 300. I have even been down to 298. But because I have been going through some things health wise. Alot of the medications they have put me on, have hindered my weightloss goal. Blegh! It sucks honestly!
  14. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Dr. Maher wants me to get to 285 I started at 311. Thats ALLLLLLLLLOOOTTTT of weight to lose. He suggested weight watchers. So I guess I am going to have to suck it up and do it that way. Ugh! I dunno. I really really want this surgery. And I know I need to do this. But sometimes its hard to get over the hump of food. Know what I mean?
  15. GeekyGamerGrrl

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    I too am at VCU, and excited, because everyone has been so nice, and informative. No matter how many times you call and ask questions, they never make you feel like a bother. Good luck to all that are undergoing the surgery soon. If only I could lose the weight I need to. Its so frustrating! Have a great day everyone!

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