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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by oneangel34

  1. I agree, you might need a fill. I don't binge eat, but I have been able to eat a lot more than I should be able to. I just went for a new fill Thursday. I had a regain of 40 something pounds before I decided to stop my over eating. I was always hungry and didn't have much restriction at all. I'm hoping this fill helps we lose the rest of my regain. Do you think you might need a fill? Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  2. I had lapband surgery in April 30th of 2012. I am 5"1, and I'm 49 years old. My highest weight was 223. I lost 100 pounds and reached my goal weight of 123. Then I had a port leak in early 2014 and had port revision surgery in September of 2014. I have had a huge regain. I am back up to 165. The insurance I have now doesn't cover my Dr's visits anymore. I am not at a good restriction. And I can't afford to get the fills I need at this time. Has anyone else had a regain? And if so, what did you do to drop the weight again? As of right now, I feel like a total failure. Two days ago I went to only liquids. Today I am on pureed. I'm trying to restart and refocus. I am walking again as well. It's tough because I have a really bad back. And I hurt a lot. I feel so lost. I don't know what to do. I am so off track, I don't even remember what I did in the beginning of my journey! Please help.... Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App
  3. I had a fill. I am on full liquids at the moment. I forgot what it felt like to have a fill. I had her check my Fluid level. So she removed the fluid and then added it back, along with a fill. I am At 7.5 cc's now. I fill so much restriction now!! I guess we will see how this works. I weighed in at 151.6 this morning. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  4. I'm so sorry. Do you have restriction at all? I'm setting up an appointment ASAP to get a fill. I had lost down to 149, and I'm back up to 157 tonight. I need a fill so bad. I'm hungry all the time right now. It's a real struggle. I hope you get your restriction back soon. ~ Katie
  5. I am at 151! Getting closer ~ Katie
  6. I am down to 154 as of this morning. Woohoo!! I'm getting a little closer to goal. I'm so excited!!!! Thank you so much for all the help. It means a lot to me!!! Hugs ???? ~ Katie
  7. Wow! That's amazing!! ~ Katie
  8. oneangel34

    April Bandsters!

    Anyone here from 2012? If so how are you doing now? ~ Katie
  9. My back pain is from arthritis in my spine. I also have it in my hips. The pain is made worse by the weight I am sure. That was one of the reasons my other insurance approved me for surgery. But our new insurance says they don't cover any treatment for weightloss. I will look into it, because it can't hurt! I have been on liquids for 4 days and I have lost 4 pounds. I'm just worried that when I start eating solids I will start gaining again. The good news is that at the moment I am starting to feel more restriction! I just hope it stays forever! Lol Thank you so much for your help!! Hugs ~ Katie
  10. I agree, protein first is a must!! It is also what got me to goal before. That and I drank Water like crazy! I know $150 might not be a lot to most, but for me right now it is. But I am really hoping I will get to see my Dr. next month. Working on the money part right now. Carbs.... Ugh. They are the devil to me! Lol I'm back to walking and doing some working out in the pool as well. I also hope that doing liquids and pureed for a few days will help kick a bit of restriction in. We will see ) Thank you so much for your response and support! ~ Katie
  11. I did track in the beginning. But I haven't tracked much at all this past year. I let the frustration and depression side track me. I know $150 doesn't sound like a lot to most people, but to me it is at the moment. I'm not able to work, and my husband lost his job in the oil field. We live paycheck to paycheck now. With not much left over at the end. I am in hopes that I get to see the Dr. next month. Thank you so much for your help! ~ Katie
  12. I have just started getting back to tracking my protein and drinking more Water. I was so far off track, I stopped watching my protein intake. I do know that carbs aren't my friend. I gain fast when I don't watch it! Thank you ~ Katie
  13. I have been using my pool more, and doing some low impact leg workouts (floor workouts) they don't hurt as bad. And I am also trying to walk 30 minutes a day.I started eating sweets, and really bad foods. It went down hill from there. I got into a depression and started to believe it wasn't possible to lose the weight again. Every time I try to start eating right, I get frustrated because I can't do the walking and workouts I use to, and I just give up and eat the junk again. I know I have to do this! I don't have insurance that will cover my lapband. I can't risk having anything happen to it. I wish I would have stopped this craziness a long time ago. But, at least I am doing it now. I have 40 pounds to lose again, but it's not 100...... I just need to work and remember what all I was eating and doing before. I am reading through the posts on here. Trying to relearn all that I have forgotten lol Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App
  14. oneangel34

    AT GOAL!

    I had my surgery on April 30,2012. My highest weight was 223. When I met my Dr. I was 202. The day if surgery I was down to 190 ( thanks to the two week liquid diet:)) ) I set my goal weight for 123. That would be 100 pounds down from my highest weight! I am 46 years old ( as of today! ) I am 5'1. So , I am short! ) I am now 122 pounds! I made it to my goal weight before my birthday! What a great gift I have given myself! A healthy new life! Full of hope! I wish you ALL the best! Remember to always follow the rules and put your health first! ) Today is a GREAT BIRTHDAY!!!!
  15. oneangel34

    AT GOAL!

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes! )
  16. oneangel34

    AT GOAL!

    Thank You! )
  17. oneangel34

    AT GOAL!

    Thank you all so much! I have tried to eat the best I can. If I do eat out I always choose something healthy! (Except tonight, I did have a little cake for my birthday! LOL) But not a lot. I have a bad back so I can't say I worked out real hard. but I walk. I drink my water and eat my protein. I don't drink for 30 minutes before I eat or for 30 minutes after. I got to a place where I was drinking before I would eat, and I stopped losing. Then I realized, up until then I never drank anything before my meals, so I made the change. I went back to the way I had started out and the weight loss started again! At one point I also started eating a little more than I should have been, and I stopped that too! I give my body what it needs. I don't over eat just because it tastes good anymore. I use to measure my food, but I don't any more. I am in my green zone. There isn't any food I CAN"T eat. BUT, There are foods I WON"T eat! I don't eat bread,rice, tortillas, or anything like that. I just try to stick to the lap band rules. And so far, It's working for me!
  18. I passed my Goal Weight of 123 today and I am at 122!

  19. I reached my goal weight today. So I have lost 101 pounds from my highest weight!
  20. I am at 124. ONE more pound to goal :))

  21. I am at 125! My GOAL weight is 123. I AM SO CLOSE!!!!

  22. oneangel34

    What have I done to myself?

    I went threw the same thing. It will get better. I wondered what I had done and I said I would never advise anyone to get the LapBand. But now I am just 3 pounds away from losing my 100 pounds! I think it's the best decision I have ever made!! I am sorry you are having a hard time. But it won't last much longer! Hugs! )
  23. I am at 147! WooHoo!!!!

  24. oneangel34

    Gas Pains

    I used the gas x strips. They helped me a lot! I am sorry you are hurting.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
