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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brlgirl

  1. I think by 6 weeks you should be feeling good. I went to work 4 days after surgery and was exhausted but did ok. I also had a hernia repair so I was able to tell people about that if my belly started to hurt...I felt that telling them about the hernia was ok...but I have only told 2 of my coworkers. At 6 weeks you should be back into the groove and able to have fun. As far as explaining your new eating habits you can simply say that you are being more midful of what you eat. I think that you will have so much fun that no one will notice that you aren't eating as much! )
  2. brlgirl

    Houston Docs

    I agree...the wait time is way too long. I am a teacher so I am not able to go for my appointment until Thursday afternoons (which is the ONLY day they work late). I try to get an appointment as close to 3:30 as I can because I really don't want to go through the Galleria/610 traffic as I try to get back to Katy.
  3. brlgirl

    Houston Docs

    I saw Dr. RIley the day of my EGD and very quickly before my surgery in April. WHen I go in I see only the nurse practioners...one I really like and the other not so much. I guess we only get to see the actual dr when he is doing a procedure.
  4. brlgirl

    Do Lap Banders, really need BREAKFAST?

    I am so glad to read this. I have been struggling with the notion if breakfast is really that important. Since I am now "filled" enough that I am feeling full faster and longer--it is rare when I wake up hungry. I have been trying to listen to my body and eat when I am hungry--which can be tricky especially since I am a teacher and I just can't pull out my first meal when ever I want. Thanks for this valuable information.
  5. brlgirl

    My Scale Said What...

    Congratulations to you Westielove.
  6. brlgirl

    Good Crockpot recipes?

    I love my crock pot and have found many websites that have amazing recipes....of course you really need to read them to make sure that you will be able to use it...but most are fine---especially those with meat. When a recipe calls for Pasta or rice I have started taking some of the "creation" out for me then I add the rice/noodles for my family. Great crockpot websites; Pinterest www.crockingirls.com (this is great...has EVERYTHING--desserts, meats, sides, even breakfasts) www.tasteofhome.com
  7. brlgirl

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Thanks...I joined in June and have lost a little over 20 pounds...which I am really excited to add to my pre-ww loss and am at a little over 42 pounds. I have not been perfect in following the program but it does give me the guidelines I so depseratly needed.
  8. brlgirl

    Banned With Children.

    I guess it depends how old your kiddos are. Mine is 3 and he is a real snuggler (which I love). All I had to do was to show him my belly with all the "bandaids" and he would come up and pat my belly and say "Mommy tummy hurt?" I wasn't able to pick him up and carry him for about 6 weeks--which was a very long time--so I felt that the least I could do was to hold him while I was sitting in the chair/couch. Good luck to you!!!
  9. brlgirl

    Cigna Questions

    I have Cigna and got so frustrated after years of diets that I gave up and went with "True Results". I am having to pay for about 1/2 of the procedure, but it was worth it to not have the stress and the depression after being told yet again that I had failed another diet plan. I really hate that insurance companies don't understand that we have tried weight loss programs and have not been successful. We want help and then they make it so darn difficult. UGH!!! Good luck to you on this journey!!!!
  10. brlgirl

    When Did They Notice?

    Thanks for posting this question...it has been something I have also wondered about. I was banded on 4/26 and have lost 35 pounds (13 of those as a result of being sick with pneumonia). Only one of my friends has commented...but she was one who I talked with as I was thinking about embarking on this journey. My husband hasn't even commented--which is a whole different matter. I am a teacher so I haven't seen my co-workers since school was out the first of June. I am hoping that at least one person says something when we go back in about a month--by then I should have lost 40 pounds and am definately wearing smaller sizes. It so so frustrating when those around you don't say anything. I know that I haven't told anyone (except those closest to me) about my surgery...but come one...we all know how difficult it is to lose even 10 pounds and a little compliment makes the journey a bit easier.
  11. Have you tried a few sips of hot tea/coffee??? I had a similiar problem (mine cause by allergies causing a "plug" over the band opening) and the nurse mentioned that a few sips of the warm liquid helps to release that "plug". Maybe it will help you as well.
  12. brlgirl

    What Are Your Signs Of Feeling Full

    oh yes...I will admit that I still have trouble believing that I am able to get "fuller" quicker. I had pneumonia a couple weeks ago and was on an antibotic that took away my appetite. I would eat simply to take the medication and after about 6-10 bites I was DONE. I am hoping that that is what the "Green zone" is like. I can't wait!!! Good luck to you!!!
  13. Take care of yourself and go slow...that was not only major surgery but also had to be quite a shock to your body. Take care and don't be afraid to let your body just heal.
  14. brlgirl

    What Are Your Signs Of Feeling Full

    I don't get hiccups or burps...I literally get a "full" feeling--but I have only had one fill and maybe the hiccups/burps will come later.
  15. brlgirl

    2Nd Fill Yesterday, And Wow

    Sounds great!!! I missed my second fill date becuase I had pneumonia (I did lose 12 pounds in 3 weeks becuase of the antibotic taking away not only my appetite but also my "taste"). I am looking forward to my second fill and hope that I have the same results you did...I am so looking forward to the day when I can eat like I did when I was sick--a small amount and then I'm full. Good luck to you!!!
  16. brlgirl


    I had the hernia "fixed" when I was banded. I had lots of abdominal pain but the hernia didn't cause any outstanding pain. I did notice that for a few days there was a funny kinda feeling...it didn't hurt but it didn't feel good either...kinda like a knot coming untied. After about a week that pain went away and I have been great. The heartburn and reflux are GONE and I feel great. You'll do fine...give it a couple weeks and you'll be great.
  17. brlgirl

    Water Slides

    yea to you!!!! I am still so self consious in my bathing suit...good for you!! Enjoy this vacation.
  18. brlgirl

    Anyone From April Had Banded Filled?

    I was banded on 4/26 and have lost a little over 28 pounds...I was scheduled for my second "adjustment"/fill today but had to reschedule since I am home with pnemonia--which resulted a 6 pound in two day loss. I have really been struggling this month. Hope all goes well once I am feeling better and not taking the antibotic that has taken away my appetite.
  19. brlgirl


    I have this problem...especially in the summer and my husband has this problem because he works in a HOT warehouse. We have found that "Bag Balm" works the best!!! It has a funky smell...but it is soothing and doesn't burn. In fact, it is also an amazing cure for diaper rash. I find Bag Balm--which is in a green tin--at either a farm supply place or at Walgreens with the lotions--usually at the very top or very bottom shelf...but your best bet would be a farm supply place or online.
  20. Thank you for posting this...I have about 4cc in a 10cc band and I have not felt much restriction...other than I do get full faster, but I have to eat more than a cup of anything. I lost about 24 pounds since my surgery in April and this month I have been going up and down with the same 2-3 pounds. Finally, out of desperation, I joined weight watchers to that I could have paramaters, yet still be able to eat. I have been successful this week and hope that this helps with the hunger until I get enough fills that I finally able to eat about a half a cup and be full. Good luck to you...and thanks for reminding me that I am not the only one with these crazy ups/downs.
  21. thanks!!! I appreciate that.
  22. You are only 3 weeks into this. I was very sore up even a month post op. I thought mine had flipped as I felt a large lump under my port scar...but come to find out my port is actually located about an inch under the port scar and the pain I was feeling was/is probably just scar tissue.
  23. brlgirl

    Got Adjusted But Still Hungry

    I am with you!!! I had my first fill and will go back for my second the end of the month...I am hungry. My dr didn't give any restrictions post fill--said I could continue to eat normally and if I noticed any trouble then to call--but I don' t have that much restriction. I am so looking forward to the next fill and hoping that I can finally feel some lasting fullness.
  24. brlgirl

    Good Crockpot recipes?

    Let me say that I LOVE my crockpot and use it at least once a week. Check out this site: www.crockingirls.com They have some great recipes on there and lots of videos to show you how to put the itmes together. I have made many of the recipes before being banded and continue to make them for the family. I think you'll love the crock pot...it makes cooking so easy.
  25. Well...since I didn't hear anything from anyone, I decided to join WW on Friday. I have also decided not to say anything about being banded...I honestly don't think it is any of their business. If I want to use the program to help me to control my eating and to loose weight I can...with or without the band. I was banded in April and have had one fill and have been starving. I know that I am not making the best choices and thought that this proven system will help me to find that limit and still loose weight. I don't know...maybe when I get to that "green zone" I won't need this program and support anymore, but the support I get from the WW community is great...I get to meet people from the community where I live and together we can battle our weight. Sometimes I just don't feel the support here. Y'all can say what you want, but I am going to use this program to my advantage...and will be successful...for the first time ever in my life.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
