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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brlgirl

  1. brlgirl

    Met 2 Goals Today!!

    Happy dancing for you!!!!
  2. brlgirl

    Mashed Cauliflower?

    I don't know if you are "on" Pinterest but I found a recipe for Twice Baked Cauliflower and it was amazing. It was very light and oh so flavorful. PInterest has many cauliflower recipes that I want to try since bread has become a definate no-go for me. These recipes include cauliflower pizza crust, bread sticks, roasted cauliflower, etc...
  3. Yesterday I got tired of my super baggy pants...and since I wasn't sure of what size to get I went to Walmart (thought since sizes change so fast I don't want to spend a fortune on clothes). I was so surprised that the size 18W slid right on--no "sucking" in or dancing around to get them zipped...I was amazed because pre-banding I was wearing a size 28W...never thought I would be able to wear a smaller size again. I tried to explain this feat to my husband but he just didn't get it. I am excited and needed to share my excitement with people who will understand and join me in this simple celebration!!!
  4. brlgirl

    October Spooktacular Challenge

    Hello everyone. I had such a busy weekend that I thought I'd take a minute to post my update. This week I lost 3.2--only about 8 to go before I get to onederland!!!!
  5. brlgirl

    I Ran A 5K!!!

    Good for you!!!! My son and I are going to walk a 5k tomorrow. I totally agree with your statement about how successful we'll be as the weight comes off. Good luck to you on your next 5k.
  6. brlgirl

    Getting Banded With Children

    I was banded in April and at the time my son was 3. I was told not to pick up anything heavier than a gallon of milk for about 6 weeks after surgery. Immediately after surgery that was easy as my belly was beyond sore, but as I healed it became harder to not pick him up--especially when he was tired, cranky, or just in need of a hug. I showed him my belly and told him that it was very sore...he would climb on my lap and pat my belly and then lay against me so very gently...while asking..."does your belly hurt?". The post-op restriction doesn't last forever and before long you'll be back to holding/picking up your little ones. During this time take it easy and just relax. Your belly needs to heal. Good luck to you.
  7. not necessarily. I had an EGD because he suspected I had a hernia--which I did and he was able to repair. Not everyone needs one. Good luck tomorrow!!! You'll do great. Be sure to take some socks...the rooms are COLD!!!
  8. brlgirl

    Are Gas X Strips Safe After Banding

    I used the strips and loved them because they were small and so very easy to carry in my wallet or pocket. They do have a funny taste and texture, but so much easier than having to deal with the pills.
  9. brlgirl

    62# Down And Enjoying The New Me:)

    congratulations to you. As I read your post I was able to relate to everything. I have also kept my large clothes and now have finally gotten rid of them (I gave them to a coworker) and have been very happy to be able to get into smaller sizes. Congratulations on your son's wedding!!!! So much good news for you to share.
  10. brlgirl

    True Results Houston!

    My appointment is also on the 25th but not until 3:30. If the appointment went as fast as my last one did you'll be in and out of there by 2:30. I hope to be in and out quickly because I live in Katy and having to go through Galleria/610 traffic at 4:00 is NOT fun. Good luck to you.
  11. brlgirl

    True Results Houston!

    Wow...I see several of us have the same dr...maybe we have been at the clinic at the same time and didn't know it. I typically go the last Thursday of the month for one of their "late" appointments (being a teacher means I can't get there till after 3) Maybe I'll get to meet one of you ladies sometime. Don't you hate that we got to see Dr. Reilly for the surgery and haven't seen him since? I sure would like to thank him for helping me get this far!!
  12. To me...it feels much the same as being full before the band. The exception is that I am full much faster and stay full longer than I did without the band. Good luck to you. Don't worry...you'll figure it out as you go...everyone is different.
  13. brlgirl

    I Will Not Be Buying This...........

    i liked them in both Grease and Xanadu (spelling) even thought the later was a really stupid movie. I just like them...they seem to "fit" together. I prefer country music...but once in a while I go out of my comfort zone...not that this will be much of a stretch.
  14. brlgirl

    I'm Down 6 Sizes!!!!

    I wanted to thank everyone for their awesome support. With each response I read I did a little happy dance!!!! Can't wait to share the next big steps in my journey to be a BIG LOSER!!!!! '
  15. brlgirl

    I Will Not Be Buying This...........

    I may have to sneak a listen...I do secretly like them.
  16. brlgirl

    October Spooktacular Challenge

    wanted to do a quick check in before I forgot. I am down 6.2 pounds!!!!
  17. Can someone please give me a suggestion as to what I can mixed "crushed" pills in so that they don't taste as bad...after taking one the other night I almost thought it was easier to deal with the pain than to swallow that pill.
  18. brlgirl

    Crushed Pills--Nasty

    I was recently "filled" and tend to get stuck kinda quickly. I thought that crushing the pills--that don't come in liquid form--would be good until I get used to this restricition level.
  19. brlgirl

    Crushed Pills--Nasty

    Thanks Rojasanoll. I usually have that because my son loves applesause and I seriously doubt he'll miss a tablespoon.
  20. brlgirl

    I'm Down 6 Sizes!!!!

    I was banded on April 26...I decided not to buy things ahead of time becuase I thought it would be more fun to go to a store and be surprised by the new sizes. I will also admit that I will wear the baggy stuff longer than I probably should so when I finally get something that fits I am amazed at how it looks.
  21. I have been experiencing the same thing since my last fill. I have found that I am seldom hungry...but...last week it seemed that even the smallest bite got stuck. I had to go back to liquids/mushies for a couple days. This week I am doing better, but I really need to be very careful and take small bites and chew very well.
  22. brlgirl

    How Noticeable Are Your Scars

    I was banded in April and my scars are fading...but still noticable--which is typical with my skin type. I am not planning on wearing a bikini top anytime soon so it really doesn't matter.
  23. brlgirl

    How Long Until You Saw A Difference?

    I got banded the end of April and the first of June school was out...so I didn't see any of my coworkers until school started in Aug. By then I had lost about 40 pounds and really got some great comments. It has been slower to see loss on myself. The other day I was brushing my teeth and finally (after 50 pounds) saw the weighloss. I noticed that my face really looked thinner. Don't get discouraged. I think we look at ourselves all the time and it's hard to see. I just keep looking at the scale and watching the numbers go down...and for now that makes me very happy.
  24. brlgirl


    I still drink Diet Coke...I don't drink coffee or tea so I use it as the caffine boost in the morning. Because I have made an effort to stop using a straw, I found a cup that I really like and when I pour the Diet Coke in the "fizz" seems to leave very quickly. It doesn't taste as good so I am slowly weaning my way off them. I have been carring a very small can of soda in my lunch bag to use if, and only if, I get "stuck". I have found that the carbination really helps in that situation...and after the stuck episode I finish the drink and enjoy those last few bubbles. Good luck to you!!!
  25. brlgirl

    Plantar Fasciitis

    not to scare you...but the only thing that made mine go away was surgery to "release" the tendon. I suffered with it a few years ago and after 3 painful shots of cortozone (in my foot--ouch) I decided to have surgery. It was amazing. The pain was gone and remains gone. I found nothing to relieve the pain. Good luck to you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
