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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by singandsew

  1. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Wendy, I just tried to call you on your cell. Hope you're doing better. Keep eating the broth and popcycles. Friday isn't too far. It's worth it to know you're healing properly. Merrillee
  2. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy, That funny feeling in your throat is probably gas pushing on your diaphragm. It's right above your liver and it gets pushed around some, as well. Did you ever watch the video of a lap band being done? They push and move everything around....and FILL you with that darn gas so they can see. I could definitely see how we would feel wierd all over. I can tell you that most of it went away at about 2 weeks. Getting better seemed really slow at the time, but now I can barely remember the pain or wierdness at all. Try some gas-X or Pepsid Complete. It helps. Maybe a half dose of the narcotic pain med with your tylenol? Hang in there, baby. Right now I'm finding I'm just plain afraid of food.....tired of getting things stuck so being extra careful. Soups and chili for me, baby. I can eat a few cracker/chip things, too. Just staying away from anything that might be "sticky". Dave (DH) and I went on a nice walk tonite. One BIG hill...and I made it without too much huffing and puffing.....could barely do that particular hill before. It was invigorating. Made new curtains and pillows for my kitchen. I also signed up to maybe do the Gig Harbor Farmers Market this summer with my doggie stuff and some other things I make. We'll see if they accept me. I DO love to sew. Is anyone wanting to come to my jewelry party on Wed. nite? 7:00 pm? I'll have nice liquids and stuff....LOL Isn't Sue's date this week? YIPPEE for SUE!!!! Merrillee
  3. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    HI Wendy, Yes, the first few days are difficult and painful. Do you have your nice liquid narcotic? They gave me roxicet. Of course, it knocks you out. But it's good. Really - it does subside with time. I promise. Sue, can't you take tylenol? I know I did.....even pre-op. I feel for you. There's got to be a way to get you some relief. I get awful sinus headaches that I used to be able to treat with OTC stuff....but now you can't get it because BIG BROTHER is afraid all us little housewives are out there making METH with it.....Anyway, I finally talked to a pharmacist that recommended Mucinex-D. It actually treats my sinus. SUE, (again) What I ate was a chicken fajita wrap....BUT how I ate it was that I opened it up and just ate the chicken out of it.....I thought I ate it carefully and chewed well. I also had a few tiny bites of the wrap....maybe I just didn't wait long enough between bites? My friend and I were really engrossed in conversation, so I probably wasn't paying good enough attention. I think I'm sticking with simpler things for a while longer. Silly me, Merrillee
  4. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Wendy! So glad to see your posts tonite! I know the pain is tough, but you're doing the right things.....especially the heating pad. That was the one thing that really got me through. I'm having a little bit of a tough time with REAL food.... I keep getting things a little stuck. I barfed TWICE yesterday when I was out to lunch with a friend. A few days before I was at the exact same restaurant eating the exact same thing and did fine....maybe I didn't chew it as well. I don't know. My poor friend was so sweet....but it's got to be a little disconcerting to see your friend run to the bathroom to upchuck - twice. This is definitely the experimental stage of the band project. What I can and can't eat..... I'm sure I'll figure it out. Soups seem to be the safest. Someone on the board here somewhere said the chili at Wendy's is good....and I've had it twice with no problems. OK, gonna get to bed. Merrillee
  5. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue and Wendy.....sorry I didn't make it walking with you after all.....didn't want to use the gas.....I'm freaking about my van only getting 17 mpg....I want my husband to sell it. I DID go walking here with my daughter, though. Feels good. Wendy and Pinenut! Tomorrow's the day! I'll be praying for you. It's all good...a new life awaits! Evilah, It's 3 shakes a day with 30 grams of protein in each. And then all the sugar free popcycles you want....any broth you want is fine, too. Basically, besides the protein drinks, it's anything that's sugar free and fat free liquid. The protein drinks REALLY fill you up AND they help stabilize your blood sugar if you have problems with that. Dr. Harai also told me that if I was feeling especially tempted by any "bad" food to go ahead and have another protein drink....which I have done on occasion. Seems to quell the cravings. I decided I DON'T want to go with my husband and do bookkeeping stuff for him. I disliked it before, and I'll dislike it again. SO, when I'm missing him when he's out of town, I'm just going to hop the train and go see him like I did a couple weeks ago....go antiquing while he works and spend the evening with him out to dinner, etc. Had to get honest with myself about what I really want to do. BUT I DO miss him terribly when he's gone. OK, that's all for now. Have a nice evening. LOST is on tonite......I think it's the season finale? Merrillee
  6. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OOOH and AHHHHH, I just got my order for two 5 lb. tubs of Champion Whey protein from a place on Ebay! I had seen them and Sue recommended them. It was only $61 and some change for the two including shipping. MUCH less than Vitalady. Hers are $34.99 a piece, plus tax, plus you have to drive out there. So I saved a ton. Did a new thing, too. I added a sugar free raspberry drink mix (the kind you add to a water bottle) to the Vanilla.....it was SOOOO good it was sinful. Really rich. YUMMMMMMYYYYY! Going to have to get some other flavors. I have talked to someone who adds diet orange pop to the vanilla.....the fizz goes away and it is supposed to taste like a creamcycle. YUM...... Oh, anyway the store on Ebay that sells the Champion Whey and a ton of other stuff is allsportsnutrition. They have a regular website, but their Ebay prices are even better. $24.24 for the 5 lb protein. $8.99 for shipping the first item and $2.99 for any additional. I am a happy girl. Merrillee
  7. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wenjea and Sue~! I want to walk with you tonite!!!!!! Call me! Merrillee 265-2276
  8. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Evilah, Good choice. I really like Dr. OH. He and his staff are fantastic. Go for it! Sue....Honestly the protein drink is SOOOO filling. And it helps stabilize your blood sugar. I felt fabulous on the pre-op and the few pounds lost was nifty. Just suck on those sugar free popcycles....as much as you want and you'll be fine. What other diet says you HAVE to have 3 shakes a day.....@??? I LOVE my CHOCOLATE shakes. Have a good nite all. Merrillee
  9. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Evilah, I totally agree with Wenjea. Just pick a Doc and DO IT! They are all fine surgeons, and I've never heard anything bad about any of them. It's time to make a new life for yourself! Merrillee
  10. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi All, I'm officially down 30 lbs today!!!! Yippee!!!! Hope all of you who are moms had a good day. My kids made us a really nice brunch. Becca (daughter) made me a nifty bracelet that fits on my medical alert badge thing and matching earrings....my son, Jon, got me the new Michael Buble' cd. I'm in heaven.....LOLOLLOL When do you all want to go walking again? I'm game... Having a jewelry party on Wednesday, May 23 at 7:00 pm. Let me know if anyone wants to come! Email me privately and I'll send you a personal invite with my address. I will have things we can safely eat/drink for all us bandsters. Should be fun. Merrillee
  11. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hello Girlfriends!!!!!! Had a fabulous time with Wendy and Sue yesterday! Can't wait to meet up again! Wanna come to a jewelry party? Evilah, I emailed you and answered your questions.....It's all good. And all worth it!!!!! I promise!!! Pinenut.....you are sooo funny. I do the same thing with my hair! Except I chop it myself! And a couple of my dearest girlfriends are beauticians.....I think I'm finally getting more mature about it and letting them do their thing...I mean how many years can those girlfriends ball me out for chopping my own hair without finally learning to just let them take care of it to begin with.....LOL MY DEAR HUSBAND finally got home last nite after 3 weeks gone working(during the week...then he comes home for weekends and sleeps!) He's a business consultant for automotive shops. He'll be home all this week. I don't like him being gone so much. We're actually good friends, married for almost 26 years! He was going to have our daughter go with him to do some bookkeeping setup for the next shop.....BUT I was his bookkeeper at the shop we used to own and I told him I'm going to brush up on my Quickbooks and go with him.....Not Becca. (Sorry baby, but I miss being with your dad.) He thought that was a fabulous idea. I won't be going on all trips, just the ones that need bookkeeping assistance. And we're going to take one of the dogs.....Buttercup.....our dearest little chihuahua baby. Don't know for sure if I'm going to shut down the dog clothing business.....Becca could probably run that.....she gets ALL the money from it anyway. Am I nuts? I don't know. Sorry to go so OOFFFF topic. We're going out to coffee now........ Merrillee
  12. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, OK, OK....I'm coming to the park. Mer
  13. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wenjea babe!@ It's COLD today! ARe you sure you don't want to meet at the Mall!? Merrillee
  14. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all! Lovely day today! Yippee! Going to get some lab work done at my regular doctor's office this AM. It will be cool to see where my sugars, cholesterol, etc. have gone since the pre-op diet and surgery. Wenjea, Yah, you probably won't want visitors. I was thinking about the evening, but as I remember now, I didn't like people there visiting me..... I just couldn't communicate. I guess I wasn't thinking......LOL DOOO hang in there. Once you get through the surgery, the liquid diet is much easier. I think about a few days before my first fill I was going a little nuts over it and cheated some, but determination generally won out. I didn't want to wreck the work DR. had done. As for MEN! My husband worries me. He's 5'7" and about 240 and his food choices are terrible.....works himself to death all the time. My daughter and I try to get him to eat a vegetable occasionally....but I'm sure that if he really decided to do something he'd be at a good weight in just a short few months. I just pray that he does decide soon. I worry that he's going to have a stroke or a heart attack. He's bursting out of his clothes. He's such a doll....I love him to pieces. Will you all say a prayer for him? I'd appreciate it. Are we walking at the Mall or somewhere tomorrow?! I will be there with bells and whistles!!! I really want to meet you all! Let me know. Merrillee
  15. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Girls, Sorry I couldn't meet up with you to walk. We got a big order and we're working hard to get it done by Thursday afternoon. I want to be in onederland by the end of the month.....don't know if I"ll make it. I've got 18 lbs to go. Maybe I should say by my son's graduation, which is June 15? I should be well into it by then. We've got family coming that doesn't even know I had the surgery. Not going to tell them, either.....oh maybe I will.... Wenjea.....do you want us to visit you in the hospital next week? Hugs, Merrillee
  16. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    punkytres, I understand about your husband not being around. Mine is a business consultant and he HAD to be out of town for my surgery! I did it anyway ...had a girlfriend stay with me and my adult kids were a lot of help. Sucked, though. I REALLY wished he could have been there. He did, too, but we needed the money he was making so I MADE him go. He's been out of town the last two work weeks and will be againg this week. It's tough. I miss him. He calls me, but it's not the same....that's why I went up to visit him the end of last week. It's gooood to have girlfriends....friends to help and encourage you along this process. Merrillee
  17. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hello everyone! Having a good weekend. Haven't barfed again since Applebees on Friday.....LOL...almost did on my Iron pill today. It got a little stuck, so I drank a lot then it went down. Argh. I live in Gig Harbor and work at home. I'm up for walking just about whenever, so email me or call me at 265-2276, and I will see if I can get away. Merrillee
  18. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all, Had a super time with hubby up in Mount Vernon.....He was working all day so I actually spent most of my time antiquing and shopping at Royal Doulton at the Outlet mall close to Marysville.....I was a little naughty there.....LOL We went out to dinner last nite at Applebees. I barfed on some toast with spread.....that was special...made it to the bathroom, though. Then I was able to eat a little rice and 5 (count them! 5) jumbo shrimp on a stick. Little bites and lots of chewing. It was heaven. I LOVE shrimp. I actually ate real food all day. Had about 1/2 a scrambled egg for Breakfast, then some potato for lunch at the outlet mall. I was super scared that eating real food I wouldn't lose weight, but I came home a pound less. Is that cool or what?!!! So I guess the band is "working". REALLY SORRY I had to miss walking with you all on Friday. I will definitely be there next week. Or if anyone wants to walk the mall in the meantime, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I am usually there at least once a week to walk and check out the sales at Macy's and Lane Bryant....LOL SUPER to see all the New people here! It's fantastic! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. Merrillee
  19. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue and Wenjea, Sooooo sorry, but I'm not going to be able to make it to walk on Friday. My husband is working up in Mount Vernon and I'm going to hop the Amtrak tonite to go see him...coming back Friday nite. I reaaaally want to meet you all....next week? Merrillee
  20. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wenjea, Sue, I'm definitely good with 11:00 on Friday. WATERLILLY! Gig Harbor! Me too! Join us on Friday! at 11:00 at the mall! AND if you want to chat in the meantime, let me know. I work at home so I'm here for ya!!!! Merrillee
  21. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, had my first fill this afternoon. Didn't hurt at all. I think they use a topical numbing agent first. I didn't look.... Anyway. Dr. Hirai added 2cc's to my 10cc band, then had me sit in the waiting room and drink 3 cups of water. It is definitely a new sensation. I could chug water before. I had to sip....and I burped a LOT. I could feel it going through that little bit at a time, like through a funnel. But I got all the water down and it got easier toward the end. Since I hadn't had any protein since morning, I mixed some up on the way home and sipped it. I did fine. Just have to do it slower. So, that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it! Yippee. Merrillee
  22. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Friday at 10 am sounds good. I will probably bring my daughter, too. Merrillee
  23. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi All, Just heading out to buy more protein powder and get my first fill! I'll let you all know how it goes. DRUTH, sorry about getting all soap-boxy on you.....glad you were just worried about how much liquid and mushies you were eating.....I think that's pretty normal when you don't have any restriction yet. You can drink tons of liquid, popcycles, mush. I know I can down several SF popcycles in a sitting. nbjen....hang in there...every day is better. Everyone else!!!!! Are we walking Friday again or what!!?? Talk to you all soon. Merrillee
  24. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    druth..... Nice to hear from you, and congratulations on being banded! I'm getting my first fill tomorrow. As for being able to eat anything....what were the rules your doctor gave you? We're supposed to be using a great deal of self-control now and only having fluids....protein shakes, etc. The reason being that they don't want your stomach working much digesting regular food while it heals....so that the band stays in place and doesn't slip, etc. So, it would be wise to stay on the plan, even if you can "eat anything", so as not to mess up the expensive work your doctor did. Eventually, when you've had a fill or two the band will then be working for you as far as limiting the amount you eat....as long as you follow the rules and don't drink after eating, etc. I've lost 24 lbs since being banded a month ago.....not that I haven't cheated a little...But it's extremely important to follow the rules and let things heal. The band doesn't "work" immediately. Not until it's healed and you have had some fills. Hang in there....it's not so bad.....and SO much better than being sick and fat like I have been. Merrillee
  25. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Lucygirl - Just take it super easy for the next few days and don't try to do ANYTHING! Keep eating the SF popcycles, they are my favorite, since you can have a ton of them and they are only about 15 calories. Is your swollen incision on the left? That's where my port is. It was sore for a couple weeks, and they were all hard to one extent or another. I've still got one that's healing slowly. As for WALKING on Friday, I'm in. Are we going to meet at Tacoma Mall again ? (I missed last week....bummer) I'm up for meeting anyone at TM for walking just about any time.....Once the weather gets good we can meet outside!!!!!! Merrillee

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