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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by singandsew

  1. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey girls, I'm sitting here all by my lonesome today....don't even have my car to go do something. Jon's new (to him) one we bought him for graduation is having some kind of problem and he took mine. EVERYONE is either at work or school. Just me and the little doggies here. Woe is me...... On the positive side, I figured out how to decorate up my MySpace page and it looks cute. Even added music. www.myspace.com/merrilleesings OK, I'm a freak. Love you all, Merrillee
  2. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy and Sue! You're doing well! YIPPEE for the new weight loss, Wendy! Go ahead and put it in writing! Keeps you on your toes! HEH HEH. I'm jonesing to walk today or tomorrow. Who's up for it? I think I might go to the mall today and get some in. I'm pretty lazy today after spending the afternoon yesterday with Dave on a quick business trip. Got to get it in, though. Merrillee
  3. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey there, Sue, Did you get my voicemail? Call me! MErrillee
  4. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, Sounds like you had a fab time! Congrats on your stellar star student! Good going! Good mama! 1st and 3rd Monday would mean the next one is in July. Definitely up for it. Call me if you want to walk anytime before then. My dh is out of town until Sunday evening, so I'm raring to get out and break in my new tennies. Merrillee
  5. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    My foot is feeling MUCH better tonite. Who wants to walk tomorrow? Merrillee
  6. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Girls, Sue! I got some really cute pink and white Puma tennies so I'm ready to go as soon as my foot feels better..... Dawndeb, it WILL get better....the port, that is. Mine still tweaks occasionally, even after 10 weeks but, then, it is a foreign object stitched to my stomach muscle. Good for you that you're down so much weight! I've been selling my clothes on ebay. It's fun!!!! PInenut, is the group you guys went to on Monday meet every week? I might like to go. It's good to be reminded of all the how's and why's. Does anyone watch Big Medicine on TLC? There are two doctors, a son and dad, that do bypass surgery. It's been interesting to watch. Last nite an insurance company denied a dear gal that was over 400 pounds. Bastards. The doctors were really upset. It's very helpful to watch the show. The antibiotics for my foot are killing my stomach. Might have to switch or something. Argh. Feeling better, though. Merrillee
  7. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi girls, Loved walking with Sue and Wendy on Monday My friend, Rachel, really enjoyed meeting you, too. Can't believe I did this, but I REALLY boogered up my foot with a BAAAAAD blister and now it's infected! I had to go to the Dr. today and get antibiotics! Needless to say, I didn't go on that business trip with Dave I was talking about. Supposed to stay off my gimpy foot for a couple days. Sheesh!!!!! I talked with my sister today who is about 35+ BMI and only about 10 lbs less than me at this point. Tried to gently suggest she might think about the Band since she has insurance through microsoft (that pays EVERYTHING) OOPS. She didn't appreciate that.... Oh well, later a friend called whose brother is considering it and wants some info. Can't push it on people. We all have to come to it on our own. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather. Who wants to push me in a cart while YOU walk? LOL Mer
  8. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    HI sue, I don't have any of your phone numbers. Email them to me privately. Mer
  9. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, baby. Let's walk tomorrow. Mer
  10. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy, If it doesn't post the first time, just hit the re-fresh dealy on the top of your screen and it will come up. At least it did for me. Mer
  11. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all, OMYgosh this has been a busy week. My son graduated from HS friday nite and we had a party all day and nite today (Saturday). I was pretty naughty and grazed on junk all day. I don't feel too good. UGH. Just have to get through Fathers Day tomorrow and get back to the basics. OH MAN. I want to throw out the rest of the cake, but I think people will get mad at me. I still may ask tomorrow how they all feel about tossing it. I see that Wendy is online right now..... Hi Wendy! Let's go walking Monday! Mer
  12. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hello Girls, The dogs are all nice and clean and fluffy now. No new incidents. We're sewing like crazy, buy today is Bec and Rod's first anniversary so they went off to Leavenworth for the day. No sewing... Wendy, I wonder if what went "plop" in your tummy was in your intestines? The last little bend down to the "end" is right under the port. I certainly had lots of interesting "movement" there at times in the beginning (still do at times - LOL) I'm hoping it's nothing serious for you. Dr. Hirai told me it's extremely unusual for a band to slip. As for weight not moving.....makes me nuts, too.....or weight going up....oh man. I don't know what it is. Sometimes I can be up 2 lbs for seemingly no reason at all.....I don't know. It can't be calories because it would take an extra 7000 calories to be up 2 lbs. So it must be our metabolisms adjusting? At least we all seem to be headed downward in general. That's the good thing. Merrillee
  13. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OMYGOSH! This fill is tight! Good thing....but I barfed on my protein drink this am. Of course I was using it to chase down my meds, like I usually do. NEVER barfed a liquid before. It IS teaching me to eat smaller portions than I was and to REALLY chew things up. HOW is everyone. I was the last to post since yesterday AM. Hope everyone is well. My dogs rolled in poo right after I got home from having my hair done today so I had to get all sweaty and wet and bathe all FOUR of them.... Wrecked my hairdo......so I had to re-do it. Son in law went out and shoveled up the poo so they don't do it again....ick. We are all going to Dave's grampa's tonite for his dad's bd. Mom is making pie and ice cream. I'd better take my protein mix and some green tea. Say a prayer for me. I WANT the pie....but like I said, the fill is really tight....and I don't want to barf. Merrillee
  14. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hwy Wendy, You're right.....Bandster hell. It's all part of the process.....ARgh. Hang in, you'll get your fill and away you'll go again. LOVE my magic bullet. Merrillee
  15. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Dawndeb, Hang in there, you'll be fine. I promise. It's not easy to stay the course on that darn pre-op. SO, now forgive yourself and continue on. You haven't ruined anything. Just remember that the better you do, the easier the surgery will be on you and your LIVER. That's really what the pre-op is for...to de-fat your liver so it is easier to move aside when they do the band. Just go on, now. Chug down tons of sugar free popcycles, jello, broth, etc. Take care, Merrillee
  16. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi girls.....Yippee, I'm down a pound. Walking sounds great. Where are you thinking? And 1 is fine. Let me know. Merrillee
  17. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi there all, got another fill today. Just .4 oz. Trying to break the little plateau I'm at. Poor Dr. Hirai had to poke me like 4 times to find the center of the port. The last time he got it right away. Ick. I don't feel much different, but, then I'm only taking liquids. Wendy, how far off are you from a fill? Another week? I can't remember. Are you hanging in? Popcycles and jello are good to keep you full. Sue, how are you? Is the gas any better? How was the meeting tonite? Did you get to meet Pinenut? I have been listing my really big clothes on ebay and they're selling! Woo hoo! So, I got some new capris tonite - size 16-18! yah! and some cheap tops -1X!. Didn't want to spend much if I'm only going to wear them a couple months. It's tough, cause I LOVE clothes. But next year I can buy some nice things and wear them for a long time. Can't bring myself to sell my really nice skirts. I think I will just add elastic to the waists for now. OK, going to bed. Merrillee
  18. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey! Nobody's been here since me yesterday am? Must be the fabulous weater we're having! We're probably going to do some yard work today....and I'm gonna BEG my husband to put the air conditioner back into our bedroom window. We've had a couple nites now where it was difficult to sleep because of the heat. Probably going to have to bribe him with a cobbler or something.....LOL Merrillee
  19. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue and Wendy! Are either of you up for a walk this afternoon? I've got work to do this am, but can be free later. Mer
  20. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Gosh you all, just reading and catching up here. Feeling really tired this weekend. Probably because my husband has been home all week and he SNORES. Gotta love those men! Glad to hear everyone who's had surgery the last week or so is doing well...on the mend. Let's all keep walking and eating the way we're supposed to so we're all looking FAB by Christmas. My inlaws don't know about my surgery and they weren't supposed to be be coming here until our son's graduation in 3 weeks, but Dave's grampa is having heart problems so they just drove up here from Utah. I was hoping to have 3 more weeks to get under 200. Darn. Anyone got a way for me to lose 13 lbs in a couple days? LOL. OH well. I'm sure they will be thrilled and happy for me even where I'm at. I can really feel my port the last couple of days. Isn't that wierd? Especially when walking. Must be those muscles it's attached to. I think the son in law is barbequeing tomorrow. Not like there's anything I can really eat or want to for that matter. I am REALLY happy to have a hard shell chicken taco from Taco Time once in a while. Makes me happy. That and big grilled shrimp. OH that's what I'll buy for him to bbq for me! I haven't shopped for tomorrow yet. I think I promised my husband a cobler if he would put install my air conditioner in the window. We're really not doing anything special tomorrow, though. Maybe visit Dave's grandpa. Call me if you want to go walking or anything. Or come over in the afternoon and bring what you want bbq'd. 265-2276. Really! I love meeting new people. Merrillee
  21. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy, Definitely up for walking today. DH is out of town for the day and my daughter works here just til 1 pm. So what's a good time for you? Should I come and pick you up? Sue, don't worry about not making it. No prob. We had fun, but it's the last shopping party I think I will have. I always end up spending too much. Praying for you today. YIPPEE for you! Merrillee
  22. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy, I got my bracelet tag at the diabetic drug store Standard & Designer Medical Identification Jewelry | Diabetic Drugstore for $9.98 and made all my own bracelet attachments. I can make you some attachments and/or I can show you how. It's easy. Sue! Come! I'm not in a show for a while....thinking about doing the GH Farmers market. I just sent in an application. BUt you can come and look at what we have here anytime. We also do custom, so if you want something special to match you or your house......fun, fun, fun. I'd LOVE for you to meet my friends....Rachel in particular. Bring Wendy! We'll set her up with a heating pad and popcycles. REALLY....I AM leaving now for the fabric store.....REALLY! Merrillee
  23. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey girls, Doing good today. Praying for Sue. Good girl. You go for it! Wendy, you've lost a LOT of weight now! Wow, I'm jealous. It has taken me much longer than you to get to that 30 lb. point. I guess we're all on our own journey with all our own issues. OK, well I'm off to the fabric store....heh heh. We're in the midst of designing a few new items and we need some stuff. Merrillee
  24. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Wendy adn Sue. Glad to hear you got out. You are brave, Wendy. I didn't go out walking hardly at all, except pushing a cart at Target, for a good couple weeks. The fresh air was probably fabulous for you. Maybe it will help get the anesthesia, and gas etc. out of your system faster. Rachel and I went to Ft. Steilacoom and looked for you guys for a while around 2. Didn't see either of your cars or you. SO, since I'd never been there before and I'm always nervous about places I don't know.....we headed over to the Mall and walked quite a bit (in between trying on new summer outfits...LOL) I DID find a dandy sun-dress for Jonathan's graduation. A little small, but I have 3 weeks. Found some SHOES, too. Yummy. We got home about 6, and after I had a protein drink Becca and I went and walked the Harbor. I feel good. So excited for you, Sue. I hope seeing Wendy in pain hasn't made you worry or anything. You will do just fine. And, really, it's over soon and you have a new life to look forward to. It's a rebirth of sorts. Praying for you all. Merrillee
  25. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wenjea, SO glad to hear you're feeling better! I could probably walk with you all this afternoon. Let me know for sure. I will try to get my friend, Rachel, to come too! Pinenut.....can't believe you went to work at all! I was a freakin' mess and totally depended on my family for at leat a week. They were awesome. Ljuht.....Hopefully you've heard from the cardio by now....saying prayers. Evilah, Yes, I climbed the big hill behind our house and did not die.....YIPPEE! I've never been able to do that before without stopping constantly! Didn't have to stop even once! A miracle! Did I tell you all that my total cholesterol is down to 150?!!!! Can't hardly believe it! I've been one of those that hangs seriously around 400 all the time....or more!!!! ANd my triglycerides were only 200.....and they've been as high as 900! This surgery is a gift from God, I tell you! Merrillee

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