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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by singandsew

  1. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, I'll still take the fabric....I'm still doing some dog stuff...and baby stuff. I have a new site. Storybook Baby - Home Page Can't keep from designing.....It must be my destiny... IS there a meeting on Monday? We all want to know. I've lost a pound in the last two days since eating real food! YIPPEE. ONEderland, here I come! Merrillee
  2. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all, I'm really working hard this week to get past this darn plateau! Going to walk every single freakin' day....and I'm doing as the nutritionist said and am eating actual food 1200-1500 calories. I REALLY want to get under 200 this week! SO anyone want to walk with me, give me a call (253)439-8255. I have an interview tomorrow am, but after that I'm freeeeeeee. Merrillee
  3. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, I will see you there! Probably bring my yummy diet green tea! I definitely need to get out. I've spent the last 10 hours editing a workbook for a seminar my husband is giving next saturday.....on selling automotive work for auto shops. With the dogs whining at me a good amount of the time. Kill me now! I NEEEEEEEED to get out! Mer
  4. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey all! I have on my calendar that tonite is the support group at St. Joes! Is that right? What time is it and in what room? I am coming! MER
  5. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Good Lord, Wendy! You poor baby! The things we do for our kids! God bless ya! Merrillee
  6. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Wendy! Glad to see you back! I missed your smiling face! I really don't think Dr. Sweetiepie Oh is going to lecture you.....too much. LOL It's wonderful that you were able to hold steady through the vacation. I think you showed good control. AND that is the power of the band. It helps keep us in line. Yippee! Can't wait to go walking and catch up! Mer
  7. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    DARN! I forgot about the meeting tonite! I was bored, too. Looking for something to do. Oh well. Mer
  8. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Sue, I think that first 30-40 lbs comes off really fast.....then you have to work at it and use the "tool". I kind of remember Dr. Oh's girl saying that.....when our bodies figure out what Dr. Oh and Hirai did to it...it goes into a kind of rebellion and we have to work a little harder to get the metabolism going on. Then there's our "fat heads" that we're dealing with, too. There's still stuff to work out. Food doesn't help with anything that's bothering me in my heart. Neither does new clothes, or new sewing machines, etc. Now that we've just about taken away the "comfort" of food.....well you get it. We have to deal with our feelings. Fun. Not. I found that I'm really angry with my husband for selling his business, frittering away the money and starting another business from scratch. Screwed us all up, including my daughter, who has had a tough time finding another job since he sold and the new guy didn't want her full time. She just got a fab one and started last Monday, thank God. But everything was fine when we had the old business. We always had enough money, Bec and Jon had good jobs, I felt relatively secure. I don't like starting over. He was unhappy running our business......so I agreed for him to sell. So I'm dumb, too. OK, now I'm prattling on...... Merrillee
  9. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all, I didn't end up getting a fill. Have had pretty bad sinus this week. Argh. But I have lost a few pounds. That's always good. I decided not to reschedule. I really am plenty tight now that I think about it. Just been leaning toward soft liquidy foods....which can be bad for portion control. Have to work on eating the small amounts of real foods that don't stick, which can be difficult for me...but that's what we're supposed to do. BUT, I'm doing ok. Merrillee
  10. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue, Want to walk tomorrow? (Tuesday?) Give me a call! Mer
  11. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Lucy Girl, What size are you in? I have several things that haven't sold on ebay. Maybe we could work something out? Merrillee
  12. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    PS...How did you get a Monday apointment? I've been calling to try to move my fill (Aug 13th) and they say they are booked until September...lucky dog!!! Hi Sue, Thanks for the encouragement......I dont' know how I got it, except I called today and they said they had a cancellation on Monday am at 9:15. Do you want it? I don't think I actually neeeeed a fill....I neeeeed a head adjustment, which a friend of mine is going to help me with. :help: Mer
  13. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi everyone! I just scheduled another fill (my 3rd) for Monday the 30th. I just feel like I can eat anything right now and have stalled out on my weight loss. Of course, a fill can't fix my head...LOL I think I'm having a hard time allowing myself to get under 200....don't quite know what that's about. I'm going to have to pray through it....get some input. I want to be healthy and smaller....but on the other hand there's some kind of fear involved. Talk to me, girls. Anyone else feel this way on their way down? Thanks, Merrillee
  14. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Dawndeb, I need to get myself to one of those support groups. I could use the encouragement and friendship. The up and down thing is a fact of life. We don't lose weight in a straight line, unfortunately. As long as you're in a downward trend overall that's a BIG yippee! I go through the same thing all the time. Down, up, down, up, down down......frustrating at times, but still going down overall. Merrillee
  15. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all! We did it! Walked the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge from one end to the other and back! Not too bad. Even though it was quite warm and muggy, there was a breeze most of the time. I've posted pics on Myspace myspace.com/merrilleesings Woo hoo!!!!! Merrillee
  16. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue! So sorry to hear about your dog. We went through the same thing last January. It hurts. Hope you have a nice vacation, though. How long will you be gone? Merrillee
  17. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue! A sewing party......FUN! AND get that fill bumped up to asap! My machine is here and I've figured out how to sew on it. Today I take out the embroidery unit and see how that works.....It's alll so Pretttttyyyyyyy! I'm still walking the Narrows Bridge tomorrow. Didn't have any takers on coming with me......I think anyone can still walk it....you just don't get a t-shirt...LOL I'll tell everyone about it.....if I survive! Merrillee
  18. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all, This is TOTALLY off topic.....BUT I don't care! I'm so excited!!!! My new embroidery/sewing machine is coming today!!!!! I got a top-of-the-line Singer XL600 that does everything!!!! I feel like a HS Girl waiting for a date! Can't wait to make something fun! Maybe actually for me and not the doggies! LOL YIPPEE! MERRRRRRRILLEEEEEEEE
  19. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Girls......Had my massage and chiropractic today.....She REALLY worked my upper back and neck....probably bruised it....I was a mess. The doc had to work all over my back....He said he loosened up a couple spots in my spine that are attached to the blood flow to the stomach and I should be digesting better, etc. now. We'll see. Is anyone doing the 5K (3.2 miles) walk/run on the Narrows Sunday? I just signed up for it. All the proceeds go to Mary Bridge NIC Unit (babies). AND you get a T-shirt. AthletesLounge Toyota Tacoma Narrows Bridge Run <i>The one and only</i> Let me know. I don't have anyone walking with me yet. I thought it would be a good way to celebrate my new life....doing something I NEVER would have dared before surgery and the weight I've lost so far. Sue, as far as food, meals etc. I guess it ends up being about 2-3 hours apart as it is....the shake to begin with in the am ... like 9 or 10, then some kind of "lunch", then another shake around 3 pm, then the next "meal" around 5 , then another shake around 8. But, yah, sometimes I grab something in between. Mostly from boredom, though. Today I caught myself grabbing this and that after my massage because I hurt.....so I finally just took some tylenol and went to bed for a nap. I'm not doing perfect by any means....but I'm also not eating the thousands of calories a day I used to. I think we all just need to relax and let this process happen. We all get too into our heads and worry way too much about every little thing and end up making ourselves crazy....then we eat. We need to fill our time with other things. Food used to take up all our time.....we thought about it constantly, etc. I don't want to anymore....I want to think about my next project or about helping a friend. Not that food doesn't come to mind occasionally in a scary way....like the urge to "eat a cake"....We're in this for the long haul, and we need to trust that God is in this, directing us and that it will happen. Maybe not as quick as we want.....but our heads have to catch up with our bodies. ONe of the gals I talked to in Dr. Oh's office told me that. She said that we should PLAN on this taking at least a year. We need that time to become the new people we are becoming on the inside too. We're being healed and renewed daily. I think we just have to "get out of the way" and trust the process as much as possible. Merrillee's sermonette #36945
  20. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey all, I have now walked for several days in a row, starting with last week with Sue.....what day was that? Tuesday? So every day for a week I guess. I've got some kind of nasty kink in my neck and shoulder and lower back, though......SO I'm going in for a massage and to see the chiropractor tomorrow. Don't get excited and think I'm lucky, though. Those massage girls can really put a hurt on you......LOL It feels good when they are DONE and not torturing you anymore......LOOOOOL!!!! Sue, I don't know how many calories I eat in a day. But I do have the three prescribed protein drinks, evenly distributed throughout the day and all my vitamins. Then I usually will have some kind of small meal kind of thing at noon and in the early evening. Today I had two hamburger patties from the center of McDonald's small burgers for lunch. YUM....Then tonite I had a ramen soup....yum some more. I drink LOTS of diet green tea. Comes ready made in a gallon jug. You can get regular OR decaf diet at Albertson's.....2 for $5. Regular diet is at WalMart, too, same price. It's really good. No one believes me about how good it is until they try it. Then THEY get hooked, too! It's been my savior from the diet coke habit. REfreshing in the summer after a walk! Drinking some now! Mer
  21. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Wendy! Hope your son's wedding today was wonderful!!!! We can talk about it next week? Merrillee
  22. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey girlfriends! I actually got my husband to go on a walk with me today! We walked the path at Chambers Creek until I got too hot....LOL..... Sorry I didn't call you, Sue. It was spur of the moment. But I also kind of got him to commit to walking daily.....he's a big boy....not huge, but 245 and 5'7" and I worry. He says he's only got a couple shirts that fit right now. Hoping for the best. Merrillee
  23. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Sue, I couldn't have gotten away today after all anyway. Tomorrow looks good, though. Call me or I'll call you. Probably rather go to the mall, though, unless it's cooler. Mer
  24. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, Want to walk today????? Mer
  25. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Sue, Definitely up for walking as much as you want this week. Jon's car is still in the shop, but I will have Bec's tomorrow (tues). Call me! Mer

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