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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by singandsew

  1. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, here it is....ME! in my Halloween Trek Geek Costume. The legs are nice, but I still have quite the junk in the upper part to shed....But, hey, it's definitely an improvement! Mer
  2. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Dawn, Nice to see you too!!!! Thanks for the hair compliment. It's sooooo much easier to do. As for "Spanks" I got one at Lane Bryant that I never wore. I'm selling it on ebay....it's for a much bigger girl than you or me....LOL. They also have them at Torrid (in the Tacoma Mall). Oh and everyone....I was talking about that cortisol hoodia weight loss stuff at costco....I went there today to get a couple more for my pantry, but they were OUT! Darn their hides.....So I went to the website... BODYCHOICE NUTRITION and ordered a couple. The price is $24.95 and shipping is free. Anyway, I really LOVE the stuff. I'm down a couple more pounds. Don't know if it's totally attributed to that or the Muscle Milk or both....but it's working for me. And I know one of the gals there last nite was all wierd about muscle milk because it has some kind of fake sugar she doesn't approve of....but it makes me feel better than the Champion whey and it has a ton of other Vitamins, which may save me in supplement costs in the long run. I also found a website that has the muscle milk for a much lower price than Super supplements or even Costco...and lots of flavors. It's a1nutrition.com and the shipping is pretty low. OK, that's my sermonette for the day...... OOOH! I found the perfect boots at Payless Shoes today for my Star Trek Costume mini dress......I AM too sexy for my boots! Mer
  3. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hye Girls, I have to tell you about this stuff I found at costco that I am trying....It's a cortisol, hoodia, weight loss liquid formula in a bottle. It's great for abdominal fat etc. and has chromium in it. Anyway, I've been using it all week and the pounds have been dropping off....AND I don't feel hungry. IN fact, it has really curbed my cravings. WAAAAY cool, huh? It's by a company called Body Choice. And it's their Cortisol Weight Loss Formula. I think it was 18.99 or 19.99 and has 32 1 oz servings. It says it curbs cravings, boosts metabolism and manages cortisol levels. It's in a white bottle with a colorful label. I just put DAVE on a diet and I am giving him the stuff, too. IN other news....ARE we having the support group tomorrow nite at St. Joes? I am for sure going. Who else will be there? I'm going to try to get Rachel to come. She's got youth group some Monday's so I'm not sure if she can yet....Anyway! Everyone come on down so we can oooh and ahhh at each others "newly fitted" boobs! Can I get a Yippe Ki-Oh-Ki-Ay from everyone!!!! Mer
  4. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy....NOT a bummer.....It's Happy time!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!! Mer
  5. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, and now for the NEWS! I realized I had been wearing the SAME stupid bras since I was banded....and shirts were starting to look funky....SO, I went to Macy's yesterday and had a fitting......OK I WAS in a 48DD.....and the new size is.......TADA! 42D! Yippee!!!! I kept "wondering" why my bust size wasn't moving.....It was the old SUPER padded bras....they just stood out there even though my boobs were basically just sitting in the bottom of the cups. LOL. OOOH AAAHHH. I wanted to have a burning ceremony for the old bras.....Dave and the kids weren't "into it"....LOLOLOLOL! Happy day! Mer
  6. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Girls! Goodness! Dawn! I agree with Wendy. Sounds like a gallbladder attack! It does sound similar. Also could have been an old fashioned panic attack. I've had those too. Feels like a heart attack....sweating, pain. Not fun. I used to have them a LOT when the kids were little and I felt overwhelmed. Argh. Whatever it was, I hope you look further into it. Poor baby!!!!!! Mer
  7. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    So I talked to one of my "skinny" sisters yesterday and she says she weighs 160 and is the same height as me....hmmmm. She doesn't think I should go down to 145.....I don't know. At 160 it's so easy to go up to 165 and 170 and I wouldn't like that. I guess I'll just see how it is as I go....It's not like I'm going to get to 160 in the next few weeks or anything. At 1-2 lbs a week that's going to take a few more months....My sis does look good at that weight, though.. ...Maybe get my tummy tuck then....and that should put me down to the 150 or so range....close enough.....Like I said....we'll see when I get closer. Anyone up for walking the mall this week? Call me! Write me. OH! And my friend, Rachel is seeing Dr. Skrinath for a band. She's got just about all her testing done and then will be going in for the final appointment and get a date. She should be doing it in the next month or so. I'm really proud of her for pursuing it and going for it. Hey, I'm proud of us all! Mer
  8. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Dawn and All....I was planning on going to the support group last nite, but I was out with my son too late...oh well. Did anyone go! Mer
  9. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, Thanks for the measurements! I forget....Boy or girl? Actually, I joined a health club...the one I was talking about at the last meeting....and have been going 2-3 times a week. It makes a difference. I hit the bike for like 10 minutes hard then a 2 minute cool down then off to the weight machines that work some specific difficult spots. All in all it's only about 30 minutes....but it seems to be doing more for me than my hour long walks....woo hoo....OF COURSE I'm REALLY tight.....Have I said that before?...LOL! Probably should have had a little taken out but I figure it will loosen as I lose weight. MERRRRRRRRRRR..
  10. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey girls! How goes it? Been quiet here for a couple of days. Today was our 26th anniversary. Is that cool? 26 years on the 26th. My friend, Rachel gave me quite the hair makeover the other day. She is quite an artist. Too much frosted blonde for Dave, though. He's NEVER been nuts negative about my hair before. Liked the style but not the color.....SO, since it was our anniversary I told him we could go to Rite Aid and he could pick my color.....See the above new pic..... I felt really bad about it for Rachel because she spent like 3 hours just on the color......but Dave REALLY hated it....and he's always so nice about anything I want to do to my hair... Jon even disliked it....and I thought he'd be the one to think it was cool.....oh well. We went out to Pomodoro for dinner tonite....I had minestrone soup....just the broth.....and then we shared a burnt creme with coffee for dessert. It was nice. I'm finding that as tight as I am right now cold things are a bother. Cold tea, cold whatever really makes me slime. It only took me a week and a half to figure out I should be drinking warm for a while. Good think it's warm tea etc. time of the year now. OK, Wendy and Sue, when do you want to come over and pick out fabric for your doggies.....AND I still need measurements from SUE!!!!! Come on, now!!!! Mer
  11. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Girls, Got a couple cute sweaters at the Dress Barn Outlet while Dave was doing a meeting in Chehalis this afternoon. Now I'm up in Bellingham with Dave (dh) and Jon (son) through tomorrow nite while Dave is doing a seminar. Probably going to try to find some antique stores and/or hang out at a fabric store and peruse the pattern books in between the times I need to help him in the morning, at noon and at the end of the thing. Our hotel is right across the street from the mall......someone kill me now before I rack up some serious debt....OH! I already did that when I bought my sewing machine......OH well.....It will be good for walking and an iced green tea at Starbucks....LOL It's a little tough to find the right thing to eat on the road being as tight as I am, but we did hit a Wendy's and I got their yummy chili and sucked down the juice and some meat, etc. Gotta love the Wendy's chili. Everyone talks about the sweet spot but is there a real definition of what it is....what it feels like? Now that I'm really good and tight I'm wondering if this is it. Before, when I thought I was at a good place I could still eat PLENTY more. Definitely only the 1-2 oz. now. And I HAVE to chew well, and I HAVE to sip drinks. I could still guzzle before. Interesting... So this is where I guess I need to keep it to continue on. OK, I can do that. Someone said something the other nite at the group about "can you do this for a year?" I think it was in reference to giving up chocolate or something. I've really been thinking about that. It will probably take a year to get to where I want to be, all in all. And since I'll be at 6 months on Oct. 3, I'm already half way there. I CAN do what it takes for a year. Not that I'll EVER go back to eating the way I did before.......boy has this been an eye-opener. My WORST day eating with the band with just SOME restriction has been better than my before life, eating until there was no tomorrow. Don't you all find that to be true, also? YIPPEE for us all! Fight the good fight, girlfriends. "Be excellent to one another....and party on, dudes!" (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure) Talk to you soon..... Mer ps. Sue and Wendy....where are those doggy measurements???....
  12. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey All! LOOK at my ticker! I'm officially in ONEDERLAND! Doing the happy dance here!!!!! YIppeeee Skippee!!!!!!! Happy girl here! Really tight but happy girl!!!!! I've worked out the last two nites in a row, too. Happy happy joy joy! Merrillee ps. Dave says he's at 100% bmi (bowel movement index)......argh@! LOL
  13. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Dawndeb, Cool! Wish I knew it was you there! Nice to put a face with a posting! My band is really tight....but I've lost the 5 lbs I had gained already in 2 days.....good thing. Onward and downward! Sue and Wendy! Send me your doggy measurements soon! I may be getting a job so I want to make sure your outfits are done before I start. LOVED the meeting. What's the name of the nutritionist gal, again? I have a ditzy brain....LOL. Mer
  14. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, sounds good to me. I also have to hit Vitalady this afternoon after my fill.....and then JoAnn fabrics.....bummer (LOL)...to waste time so as to not go over the bridge and back, etc.....so, see you at 5:00.....If you want to meet earlier give me a call. Merrillee
  15. singandsew

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hi Girls! (any guys?) Glad I found you! I was banded 4/03/07 and have lost 46 lbs so far, but having quite a stall lately and eating tooo much...sooooo having a fill today. I have a couple friends from the WA state group who have lost tons more than me in less time, so I get a little discouraged, even though I know we're all at our own pace, and we each have specific food issues to get over. I think I'm having a hard time "letting" myself get below 200. Don't quite know what that's about.....Hopefully with a new fill I'll get past that and find it was no big deal. Talk back to you all soon! Merrillee
  16. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue and Wendy, 5:30 is fine with me.....and we don't have to walk if you don't want to. I might come earlier and get that part done myself, though. Merrillee
  17. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    How about we do the mall at 5:00? Does that sound good? Meet at Starbucks...I need my iced green tea with 2 splendas.....LOL Merrillee
  18. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Sue, Definitely up for walking before group. What time and where? The mall? I think it's supposed to rain. Merrillee
  19. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey all, Nice to see a couple new faces here! I'm getting a fill tomorrow, so I'll be on liquids for a couple of days. YUM...I do like my chocolate protein.....Almost out, though, so I'll have to hit Vitalady on the way out. Hope to see a bunch of you all at the St. Joe's meeting tomorrow nite. What time is it, again? Wendy? Sue? I can't remember. Merrillee
  20. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Wendy. Thanks for responding! I actually found your earlier post about it after I posted. Sent Jon out to get me some last nite and by this afternoon things were "fine". Thanks so much! BTW, are you and Sue going to the group on Monday nite at St. Joe's? I'm planning on it. Hope to see you there!!!!! Merrillee
  21. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Soooo, What is a lap band person supposed to do about constipation? I drink sooooo much, but am having problems. What is safe to use? Anyone? Mer
  22. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Wendy, I was just at the mall yesterday, so I kind of don't feel like going again today....but thanks! I would like to catch up with ya! As for the dishes, etc. You could probably look them up on ebay and see what they are going for.....or just an online search in general, but that would be a little more difficult. Mer
  23. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OOOOH! Do you girls like antiquing? I LOVE that! Especially with girlfriends! And we can stop and have tea.....sugar free, iced or hot. YUMMMMMM Mer
  24. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey all!!! It's working!!!! Eating real food and 1200-1500 calories! Walking every day. Down another pound! Just ONE pound away from ONEderland now!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEE! Mer
  25. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    WENDY! BIG LOLOL! OK, I KNOW who I MEANT.....I've just got a middle aged brain. PLEASE bring fabric....It's my chocolate. Love ya Mer

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