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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by singandsew

  1. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Sue, Honestly, I think I must have picked the MOST expensive PS in Bellevue. He has commercials on TV and is recommended by KOMO4 TV......Crazy money! Look around and ask friends who they've used for surgery. My daughter had a breast reduction and a neck lipo with Dr. Kierney in Puyallup. He did a decent job. Insurance paid for her reduction, but the lipo was $1700. Don't know what his other prices are. Mer
  2. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Ok Kids! Here's the 411 on the EXPENSIVE Plastic surgeon in Bellevue (Dr. Marosan). ARGH! First, he thinks I should wait until fall to have any work done in order to let things settle out. OK, maybe. BUT, he wants to do a lower body lift, which means an incision all the way around my body. Then do a boob lift. Total price? $25,300.00 and some change......OMYGOSH! Then he wants me to come back in a couple months after that and have some fat from my back put into my little tiny behind. I have NO idea how much he wants for that! NOW that we've all picked ourselves off the floor with THOSE kind of crazy prices.......I am thinking I am just going to have good old Dr. Oh do my tummy tuck when he thinks I'm ready.....and nothing else. My boobs don't need anything a good bra can't provide. Really! And I sure don't think I need my whole body lifted. So I had a couple babies, so my behind is small and a little lower than a 25 year old's. Who cares. I am happy and healthy. Just have a big old hangy tummy. I think he quoted a price of under $10,000 for everything and he does it at St. Francis, which I feel a whole lot better about than having it done in a Plastic Surgeon's office operating room. NOW! How about some botox! Merrillee
  3. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, I've got an appointment on Friday, Feb. 1 to see a plastic surgeon about this nasty hangy tummy, etc. I'll keep you all posted about price, etc. Say a prayer. Mer
  4. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, You're just about there, too. Go have that saggy stuff removed! Maybe we can get a two-fer! Mer
  5. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    CRAP! My sister and her kids were here today and I totally forgot about the support group meeting tonite!!!! I went to the Y and worked out and even thought about Laura and it didn't dawn on me that I was missing the group!!!! Since it's only once a month now I was REALLY looking forward to seeing everyone!!!! ARGH! My question of the day is this!: When can I get my tummy tuck done? Do I HAVE to wait until I hit my goal, or is 15 lbs or so til goal good? That last 15 lbs might come off with the excess skin as well as the loss of weight due to not eating much for the week or so after surgery, etc. AM I ANXIOUS to get this going? YUPPPPP! Mer
  6. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    HI! Where IS everyone? Haven't heard hardly a peep for several days! Hope to seeeeee you all at the support group on Monday.....Hope I do better driving this month!!!!! Mer
  7. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    SUE! Have a fantastic time on your cruise!!!!! Mer
  8. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Sue and All! Just picked up the car this afternoon. It's all pretty again, and I'm definitely being more watchful now..... DH was a doll, of course. He's going out of town for another 2 week stint beginning the 5th, coming home for a week, then going out for another 2 weeks. SUCKS, but the money is good. I decided to find more things to do with my silly self...."get a life" as my DH put it.....So, I am signing up for a couple classes at a fashion design school in Seattle (Ballard to be exact). They start next week so I'm really excited. Got the boys to put away all the Christmas stuff in my sewing space so there's more room to spread out a little. Christmas and New Years were nice, fairly quiet. Stayed at 178 so that is good....now for the final 30 or so pounds...THEN the major tummy tuck. Hoping to hit the mark around April. Can't WAIT to see everyone on the 14th for the Support Group at St. Joe's! Mer
  9. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Nancy! Perfect. Just call me! Sue, I'll see you tonite at the Support group!~ Mer
  10. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Nancy, I am in Gig Harbor, but I go over the bridge to your side all the time...AND I don't work. Give me a call and we'll go out. (253)265-2276 Merrillee
  11. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Missing my DH really bad tonite......He's out of town until the 24th. My daughter and I got caught up watching a Lifetime Christmas movie that had me crying my eyes out and begging for it to stop.....but couldn't change the channel.....Sheesh. These two week trips of his are a bugger. But he'll be calling later tonite. On the good side, I just hit 180, so that is super awesome. I was hoping to hit 175 by Christmas, and I just might....or at least somewhere really close. If anyone wants to walk or just get together for some awesome soup (I know a couple places) give me a holler and I'll get right back to you. All done Christmas shopping and feeling a little blue.... Mer
  12. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue, I agree about the liquids....might be better. Keep us updated about how you are. Getting the flu would definitely be yucky. Mer
  13. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Sue, Where's a picture of you, baby. 84 lbs is a LOT and I'll bet you are too sexy for your .... Come on, post one. I'll come over and take a picture for you if you need me to.....LOL Mer
  14. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Thanks, James.....He's REALLY happy I'm not going to die young! I WAS on big time insulin, diabetic pills, 2 blood pressure medications, cholesterol meds, and so on.....Off just about everything now! And I'm sooooo grateful to God that I was able to do this. Merrillee ps. Here's a before pi....be SCARED....
  15. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    WAAAAAY to go, James!!!! Keep it up! It's all worth it! Merrillee
  16. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    OK I am sooooo baaad! Dave is going out of town for 2 weeks starting this coming Sunday......sooooo.....I put on a little black dress and had Bec take some fun pics that I'm going to frame and stick in his suitcase.....so he can miss me realllly baaad...... I know I'm still a little cow-like, but I'm looking pretty darn good.....except when standing next to a skinny person at the mall in front of a mirror at the checkout.....(yes, it happened to me.....)So here's one for ya alll...... Mer
  17. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey everyone! Made it through all our traveling and Thanksgiving and ended up losing a few more pounds. There was NOTHING on the plane I could eat. They only had sandwiches and chips.....argh...I just drank tomato juice, which is sooooo good for us! For Thanksgiving I had a little bit of turkey sloshed in gravy so it would go down and some potatoes the same way. The homemade fudge went down way too easily.....had to make myself step away from it! LOL! I cancelled my appointment yesterday for another fill with Dr. OH. I am still so freaking tight. I'm finally at the point I can drink without too much problem, but I've been so tight the last couple of months that I PB on everything. I"m going to wait until after Christmas for another fill. My friend, Rachel had her surgery last Wednesday. She's doing well. Hardly any port pain.....(the beeee-otch)...LOL I'm going over there tomorrow to help her get on our board here. Have a nice day! Let me know if anyone wants to walk the mall or something. Mer
  18. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, good going on the cushion.....I'm so proud! I'm that way, too. Can't stop until it's done. Sorry to hear about the costco sample. I did that once, too.....a Pasta I think. Hurled my guts out in the back parking lot.....argh Wendy girl! A baby girl grandbaby!!!! WOO HOOOO!!! That is so exciting. Girls are so fun to SHOP for! James! Welcome to the club, dude!!!! It's the best thing any of us have done for ourselves. Finally an answer! Jen! You are doing well!!!! 25 pounds, I see. Very cool! Make sure you are drinking a LOT! WE are up in Toronto, Canada through Tuesday. Can;t remember if I told you all. Dave did a seminar Saturday, we are visiting family Sunday and then he'll be seeing potential clients on Monday and part of Tuesday. Missing my doggies..... Can't wait to see you all at support group next Monday. BTW, Rachel met with Laura herself for her nutrition appointment. Very cool. If she's up to it, I'll DRAG her to the meeting next week. LOL We'll see how tough she is...I told you guys she was out with me shoe shopping WAY too soon after her tummy tuck. I think she's learned her lesson, though. Merrillee ps, where's DAWN!
  19. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey there, Wendy! Nice to see you here today!!!!! Wanna walk sometime today? Mer
  20. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Sue, Good going. I had another fill a couple weeks ago and I am soooo freaking tight I can hardly eat anything. Mostly liquids....WARM liquids. I guess as more weight comes off it will loosen up....but sheesh! I'm just going to deal with it cause I can't afford the bucks for the doc to take some out..... I agree on the taste and move on thing....that is a really good way to go....you don't feel so deprived that way...and I think that's the way skinny people do it all the time. My friend, Rachel is getting her band the day before Thanksgiving! I will be going with her. It's the day after we get back from a business trip to Toronto, Ontario.....Canada.....We leave Friday morning. I just got some new pants today for the trip.....Size 16 in the normal people's department! 16 in Women's department is too big now!!!!YIPPEE!!! Let's walk girls!!!! Call me! Merrillee
  21. Cool thing to do! AmwLady - 04/02 Maizemommy - 04/02 SFeliz001 - 04/02 CJulzGO - 04/02 Sara Mos - 04/02 Adumont75 - 04/02 Darla - 04/02 (mother to Panda) Panda - 04/02 (daughter to Darla) -81.5 as of 10-19-07 SienaK45 - 04/02 Squale(Pat) - 04/03 Kity - 04/03 Sparkette(donna) -04/03 Jennifer - 04/03 RVingDi - 04/03 TerriDoodle - 04/04 TexasP - 04/04 SkinnySomeday -04/04 Wannabethin - 04/04 ShineOn - 04/04 LJWILGeNHOF - 04/04 OnlyMe - 04/05 BandedMe - 04/05 DaveinToronto - 04/05 Cred - 04/05 AlexR - 04/05 gr8ful gal - 04/05 (also her BDay) HouseHuntress - 04/09 Day3447 - 04/09 Cmarie - 04/09 Gr8 (GINA) - 04/09 Chica Chula(Haydee) - 04/09 MsPruett - 04/09 BigAsLife (Di)- 04/09 Tekymom- 04/09 TeachLady (Judy) - 4/10 Vlander - 4/10 TracyK - 04/11 -74 ElizaJo - 04/11 Bubbles - 04/11 Bwaydiva - 04/11 KCQ -04/11 MaltoMeel-04/11 TinyBelle - 04/12 StaceyLynn - 04/12 Lucy22884 - 04/12 Horns10 - 04/12 48lbs and counting Ihomeschool4 (Christy) - 04/12 Ross (husband to Christy) - 04/12 Tater Bug - 04/13 MS_Jen - 04/13 ChicaChula (Haydee) - 04/13 Collector - 04/13 WarpedPegasus- 04/14 ShirleyBee- 04/14 ARD - 04/16 PsWashburn (Phil) - 04/16 DynamoMini (Michelle) - 04/16 Margi - 04/16 Jennifur - 04/16 -69lbs Lunasa - 04/16 SchexyMomma - 04/16 Laura23 - 04/16 -64 lbs GONE FOR GOOD JanieBug - 04/17 LapDancer - 04/17 Keluliana - 04/17 Tigeriffic - 04/17 Angie - 04/18 pinkybar (ellen) - 04/18 Jullee71 - 04/18 FloridaGirl - 04/19 AREELlady - 04/19 Michelle731- 04/19 Katschai - 04/20 NWJenny - 04/20 Sherri - 04/23 GonnaBeFree(Tammy) - 04/24 Galati25- 04/24 Actg1rl- 04/25 Adorable(Denise) - 04/26 TracyinKS -04/26 -57 LauraleeD - 04/26 Brennens - 04/26 BeckyNtN - 04/26 JDarnwest - 04/26 Flax - 04/26 Kathy - 04/27 NBJen - 04/27 Jenn- 04/27 Rachel675 - 4/28 Wolfmaydn- 4/30 Drekagirl1976- 4/30 AnnieMac- 4/30 Mumof2boys (Tina) - 4/30 - (-61lbs.) Mary (MEW) - 05/23 MICHELLE (MDRI) - 05/29 Kat817 - 4/17/06 SingandSew - 4/3/07 -57 pounds!!!!
  22. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue@!!!!!! YIPPEEE for you! So glad to hear you're in ONEderland!!!!!!!!WAH HOOOOOOO!!!!! Good going!!!! Congrats!!!!! Mer
  23. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Sue, Yes, we are self-insured. We have been using the plan through costco. As it is, we pay almost $1000 a month for Dave, me and our son....argh. I've looked around and it seems we will be about that price for whatever we choose (including dental). So....yikes. Just wanted to find one that had the specific things we want.... Mer
  24. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Girls, We are looking into new health insurance. Who do you all recommend. Who actually covers this surgery....for, like, if I can ever get my husband to do it..... Mer
  25. singandsew

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Wendy......"Where did your middle go?"......I was sucking it in,baby........ Mer

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