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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Staceyb2121 reacted to FluffyChix in Spouse of a WLS patient   
    Oh yeah. Maybe that is it? Also if you're up in the mountains and have little access to a big hospital, that may be problematic too. Damn, I don't even wanna think about the gas in the shoulders post surgery and high altitude. LOL! Ouchy!!
    Oh btw, Gas X strips were a life saver to me post surgery for bowel gas that happens naturally as part of the surgery. The wind usually dies down for people.
    But post surgery gas is different. It's the stuff they pump into your body outside of the bowels to separate the lining of the stomach from your viscera so they have room to work. It will migrate to your chest, and shoulders after surgery and cause chest, back, and shoulder pain as well as a distended abdomen.
  2. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to Stacy4243 in Insurance was APPROVED! Revision Surgery date 5/2/18   
    Hey guys!
    I am from NY, Long Island area,and looking for other ladies that are going through the sleeve process in NY. I think it'll be a great way to support each other, share things and ask questions!
    My revision sleeve surgery was just approved and my sleeve is scheduled for May 2nd! (I had a lap band that didn't work)
    Email me and we can go through this together!!
    LET'S DO THIS!!!! :)))

  3. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to SilentBotts in Alcohol   
    Had my first drink at about 7 months out, just a small glass of scotch. It hit me quick, one drink pre-op would not have made me close to this buzzed and sleepy.
    As with any off plan food like certain Snacks or carbs, I would stay away if you think it's going to be habit forming. We don't want to deprive ourselves, but the point of the surgery is to be a tool to help us build good behaviors and a better relationship with food.< /p>
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    Staceyb2121 reacted to logicwand in Hydration issues after surgery   
    Not at all. I take limited, slow sips. The Water usually feels like rock going down, then there’s no feeling. But about 30 seconds later I get a shooting pain on my right side. It’s making me not want to drink. Ugh. Same thing with my full liquids - yogurt and cream of chicken Soup.< br>
    Doctor said everything looks great, X-rays, blood work, and I had no soreness when he pushed all over my abdomen. He said keep going slow on drinking and eating and it should go away. I see him for my first follow up on Tuesday.

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    Staceyb2121 reacted to briae13 in Dehydration?   
    I was tracking pretty regularly using the 1oz cups but now I just use a Water bottle. I'd say probably at least 20oz between water and Powerade. Might go back to the cups and try and keep a better eye on it.

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    Staceyb2121 reacted to GassyGurl in More Exhuasted At 3 Weeks Post-Op   
    My nurse told me my body was having to learn where to look for fuel. I felt better after a few days.

    Sent from my XT1254 using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Staceyb2121 reacted to Losebig in Does your stomach feel normal?   
    No abnormal feelings. In fact I've had a few times where I forget and gulp a drink or eat too fast and am reminded quickly!
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    Staceyb2121 reacted to naima in Being too sensitive or not?   
    Hi everyone, I was sleeved going on a year ago and am at my desired goal weight 135. Ive lost 75 pounds and am very happy about it. Im a size 8 and am the size I was in high school. Most family and friends give me compliments but some people are starting to tell me now that my face is looking too thin and then they go one to talk about how when they lost weight their faces started to look sickly and sunken in. They have all gained weigh since then.
    I don't really feel that this is the case for me-sunken face-,and quite frankly i can be very critical of myself on my own. It actually hurts my feelings because there is nothing I can do about it. Its not like im going to gain weight just to make them happy! Im so grateful that i had the opportunity for this surgery and that it was a success. Normally when people tell me about my face looking small, I say "if that's the only repercussion to this surgery- Ill take it.!" Theres a part of me tho that wants to get angry and lash out and critize them and their looks, but I do not. Im grown and know better, and respect others.
    I honestly don't like people who think its ok to criticize others on things they cannot change. those are not my kind of people. However , some of these people Im very close with and are family.
    Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do?

    Here are my before and after pics.

  9. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to Down South Aussie in Does your stomach feel normal?   
    interesting thoughts, im curious to find out these answers also. Just made the decision with my surgeon to go with the sleeve.
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    Staceyb2121 reacted to FluffyChix in Out With the Old--In With the New!   
    Day 2 of 15 is officially out the door and it was successful. I felt WAY more hunger than on Day1. But the good news is that for now, hot clear broth, sf Jello, and sf Popsicle are managing the breakthrough hunger well enough. Do I feel like I could sit down to a 16oz rib eye? Yep. Would it be wise? Nope. So Iron Will 2 v. Felicia 0.
    Today is brought to you by the Letter O, for "Ohhhhh good golly Miss Molly, today's gonna be a humdinger!" Cuz I woke up with the tummy thinking my throat has been cut. I'm Starvin' Marvin' this morning. So I'm tearin' into the black decaff coffee like there's no tomorrow! I read that Day 3 is supposed to be some kind of wall that once scaled presents easier days beyond it. So here's to nailing Day 3! I'm also listening to Tom Petty's Swingin' for inspiration and a little "morning drive music".
    It's not like I haven't had to fight like a girl before--7 years of BC recovery kinda prepared me for this new fight.

    Interestingly, even though hunger is very real, the excitement for the surgery and the commitment to this process continues to grow much faster than the deprivation. This keeps the suckage low and manageable.
    Here's yesterday's Menu. Pretty repetitive, a limited list of playahs, but it is what it is. I can't really figure out how to get my calories higher without making my Protein go off the charts. Maybe I'll try making the Protein Drinks with unsweetened vanilla coconut milk--but that only add 45 cals per 8fl oz.

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    Staceyb2121 reacted to Shannon226 in Not Enough Stomach Removed   
    I was sleeved on 12/18/17. After having the surgery I had pain for about 3 weeks but noticed that I had little to no trouble meeting my liquid and Protein goals. I mentioned to my surgery center that I was really worried by how much I could eat and that maybe my sleeve was not restricting me the way it should. They were also concerned after listening to me and want me to come in for an upper GI x-ray on Friday. Has anyone had this experience? Did anyone have to have the procedure again because there was not enough removed the first time? I'm really freaked out about it. Thanks.
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    Staceyb2121 reacted to Berry78 in This is a pro choice topic, so please if this offends don’t read.   
    Alright, then you have a plan. I do think you're more concerned about the HCG than you have to be. Just get a note from the abortion place that you had an abortion and the date, that should take care of it for the surgery.
    It will all work out, I'm sure!
  13. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to Losebig in How youuuu poopin’?   
    Loose would be a nice change. Pre surgery never had any issues. Post surgery I have a no fiber diet for now, so Miralax is my friend and required daily. Intake is minimal and so is output.. not sure how that will play with IBS.
  14. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to etc. etc. etc. in How youuuu poopin’?   
    Diarrhea? Nah. It's the other problem.
    The people here who do complain of poop issues usually complain of Constipation. That's less upsetting overall and more readily fixable, thankfully.
  15. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to abefroman329 in Raw Veggies   
    I got a burrito bowl with pico de gallo right when I started soft foods and it didn’t go well at all, but no issues with raw veggies now.
  16. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to Creekimp13 in 7days out and hungry....... or is it my head   
    Why shouldn't you be hungry? You're, very literally, starting to starve.
    I went on a rant about this idea of "head hunger".
    If you've eaten a nice meal of chicken breast and veggies...but you desperately still WANT a cheeseburger and fries...that's "head hunger."
    Needing more fuel...and having physiological signs that you need more fuel...is actual real hunger. And YES lots and lots of bariatric patients suffer it when their calorie demands are high (healing) and their intake is dangerously low (first few weeks after surgery).
    Many people suffer nausea...that eliminates hunger. So, they beleive that no one else feels hunger.
    But lots of us don't suffer any nausea, and for us hunger can be overwhelming until our diets open up to more realistic amounts of calories.
    I could have eaten my own leg off a week after surgery...I was THAT hungry. You're not alone:)
    When more foods opened up to me and my caloric intake got to be about 1000 calories a day, I felt wonderful...no more hunger.
    Hang in there...it gets better.
  17. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to Sammy 10-30 in 3 week stall?   
    We all hit this stall, mine was in the month of December, so I made the biggest and returned to the gym and started working out more regularly again and experiencing the largest gains. Those 45 min walks my doctor suggested prior to surgery became my platform to where I am today. I began those walks again after surgery and 45 mins turned into over an hour and that was getting to much, so I pulled out my road bike again and burned over 1500 calories in those 25 miles rides and rewarded by breaking the stall. The reality is at some point to maximize the results of this surgery, physical fitness's is extremely important and you control your own pace and progression. Currently, I am working with a weight lifting trainer at 24 hour fitness, not to push me but to help target the areas visible after surgery and reduce my body fat and he is introducing workouts I have never attempted and a positive influence. Finally, my doctor added pro-botics to my list of Vitamins and that seem to kick that side into gear. Hang in their and do not get to obsessed with the scale and grasp how well we feel, is the point I am making. Good Luck!
  18. Like
    Staceyb2121 reacted to elforman in How to tell older kids Mom's having weight loss surgery?   
    Just be blunt and honest. Assure them that you wouldn't be doing something drastic unless you had no other choice. As for spring break, remind them how lucky they've been in the past to be able to assume there'll be some grand family event while most kids just sit around the house for that week, and that things will be back to normal next year, but this year you're going to need their help. If they push back, remind them about all of the potential health issues you're likely to have if you don't have the surgery, up to and including a fatal heart attack.
    Regarding your concern about their own body image, be honest about how you got to the weight you did. Also tell them that weight issues are NOT hereditary (actually, they may well be in some cases, but let them google it themselves).
    My kids are 21 and 18 and when I told them I was interested in surgery, all my son said was "Let me guess, you're going to schedule it for after we get home from school in May so we can take care of you, right?" All of the care and concern were just a given, since they know I would never do anything significant without meticulous research and preparation and I never make an uninformed decision.
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    Staceyb2121 got a reaction from kelefev in Lapband Removal Recovery   
    I am having the lapband removal and then a couple months later I am having the sleeve. I was told they have to be done separately

  20. Like
    Staceyb2121 got a reaction from SeaSounders♥ in One year , 115 lbs   
    One year ago today took the first step to change my life. I got the lapband and started my journey to loose weight and change my life. The last year has been a challenge to say the least but today I stand here 115 pounds lighter and amazed with all I accomplished this year. I started my journey at 314lbs. Today I weigh 199lbs, and still aiming for goal:)

  21. Like
    Staceyb2121 got a reaction from SeaSounders♥ in One year , 115 lbs   
    One year ago today took the first step to change my life. I got the lapband and started my journey to loose weight and change my life. The last year has been a challenge to say the least but today I stand here 115 pounds lighter and amazed with all I accomplished this year. I started my journey at 314lbs. Today I weigh 199lbs, and still aiming for goal:)

  22. Like
    Staceyb2121 got a reaction from SeaSounders♥ in One year , 115 lbs   
    One year ago today took the first step to change my life. I got the lapband and started my journey to loose weight and change my life. The last year has been a challenge to say the least but today I stand here 115 pounds lighter and amazed with all I accomplished this year. I started my journey at 314lbs. Today I weigh 199lbs, and still aiming for goal:)

  23. Like
    Staceyb2121 got a reaction from PrettyThick1 in One year , 115 lbs   
    Hi Nicole- this journey has probably been the hardest things I've ever done and stuck with. I'm 25 and there's always temptations! I do struggle daily still but I lean on my friends for support. The feeling of success is worth it! I started going to the gym very early in my journey and built a strong support system there. I truly believe that working out has helped me so much. You can do it! If you need anything or just need to talk , message me
  24. Like
    Staceyb2121 got a reaction from SeaSounders♥ in One year , 115 lbs   
    One year ago today took the first step to change my life. I got the lapband and started my journey to loose weight and change my life. The last year has been a challenge to say the least but today I stand here 115 pounds lighter and amazed with all I accomplished this year. I started my journey at 314lbs. Today I weigh 199lbs, and still aiming for goal:)

  25. Like
    Staceyb2121 got a reaction from SeaSounders♥ in One year , 115 lbs   
    One year ago today took the first step to change my life. I got the lapband and started my journey to loose weight and change my life. The last year has been a challenge to say the least but today I stand here 115 pounds lighter and amazed with all I accomplished this year. I started my journey at 314lbs. Today I weigh 199lbs, and still aiming for goal:)

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