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Everything posted by tovanta

  1. tovanta

    Disgusted By Others Eating

    the last portion of you commentary.. has more power than even you know......This forum is a safe haven, however as you stated it is to" express unexpected aspects"....the fact that you feel you can make any statement and no one refute your thought process is still with in the reigns of some sort of superiority complex... im not upset nor feeling self rightious....what I have stated and still stand by is simply this....how do you judge anyone who is on the very same path you have left.....I have been very small for the majority of my life and it wasnt until I dealt with breast cancer that my weight exploded....I dealt with the facing of death in my own way....so how can I judge or feel repulsed by anyone who is travelling the same path that i have (and not completely as of yet) veered off....some would say that I chose the easy way out by having the surgery ...so who I am to talk..... This forum is a space for ALL to express their thoughts and respond to others thoughts...when ever the time is taken to share an emotion...I can only hope that all varying views and thought processes will come....I for one thrive in the diversity....good...bad...high ....low...if you are willing to say it.....shouldnt we be willing to express upon it.....this is not meant to be a back and forth dialogue between just you and I and if you have been offended....I wish I could apologize...but why should either one of us apologize for thoughts that are genuwine and honest.....whether or not we agree or disagree....lets be open to our differences.... You feel disguist.....and sometimes I feel as if I miss the ability to eat......neither one of these emotions are good...no matter how we look at it...
  2. I am making it day to day....through the stalls I smile.......

  3. tovanta


    normally a napkin will have to do .....I dont want it in my mouth long enought to have to wait and run to the restroom....its a horrid feeling....
  4. please call your dr for this information....this is never the place to ask how a prescription should be measured.....good luck
  5. tovanta

    Alfredo, Spinach & Mushroom Scrambled Eggs

    sounds delicous!!!
  6. tovanta

    Disgusted By Others Eating

    Well sweetie it was meant to be ....this is called sarcasm....because as I read about others and the "disgust they feel"... (mind you astonised was not the chosen word used) in my own mind I wonder why are you wasting lifes valuble time watching someone else eat....the food on the plate....that they have paid for .....with their own money.... how much time does it take to look away and enjoy your meal and or conversation if you are with someone else.... I am glad that you found what I said rude...because it replicates (in an opposite manner) the lack of integrity that has been found in these post.... I just found it funny that anyone who has not even come to a half way point in their own personal journey.....can make such glorified statements of "disgust" ...the word itself is indicative of the most negative feeling a person can have.... all im saying is everyone on this post...did what they did....when THEY felt it necessary to do it....you discovered your own personal strength or need to make a very huge decision to change your life.....and you should Celebrate that!!!! not spend time in judgement of others.....what they eat...how much they eat....because I know for a fact not one of use got fat eating small amount of celery and carrots..... OH... by the way you can control the direction your head turns, the placement of your vision, and there is absolutely no need to peer into someone mouth and destroy their pleasure or experience....and the way the words felt so venomous on this page.....i am only assuming your facial expression displays the same distain..... so to make a long conversation short...try minding your own business...and allow others live their lives the way they please....
  7. tovanta

    Disgusted By Others Eating

    okay Im going to do it.....the rudeness of this topic overwhelms me.....so yes I guess I am being as judgemental as the majority of you on this postt... Really.... escuse me.... if it were not for the sleeve...most of us would still be licking KFC grease off of our fingers...as at matter of fact...I have a feeling some of you are doing behind close doors...(wait that was accusatory so im sorry). How dare we look at anyone and make judgement, feel ill or what ever....damn did you not wear those same moccasins..... all i can say is simply this....stand in the mirror....oh skinny one....point at the figure in the mirror....then notice those 3 fingers pointing right back at you.... God forbid someone talks about the skin that will sag around our bellies....or the thinning of our hair that may take place.... I found that those who frown upon others are still quite miserable themselves..... Wait a minute is this how we Celebrate the few pounds already lost..... whew... now I can stop judging yalll (LOL)
  8. July 30th....the day of my new me...... Well allow me to share a little insight..... Well I'v done it....I have walk the desert (as my mason friends would say)....Let me tell you it was a journey that no matter how I prepared...I was not prepared for. I stayed away from the boards purposely, because I did not want to frighten or speak negatively on the surgery. It was very difficult initially because of the medical problems I had to endure (one of which, is being unable to take pain medication). Had I gotten online initially I would have screamed the horrors of this God Forsaken surgery and who....with any intelligence at all would succumb to this beast called the SLEEVE!!!! But now 45 days away from the faithful day called "surgery" I am happy, I am smiling, I am learning, and creating new ways for myself....I have not been so happy....yes I have stalled, and yes I have slimed, yes I have had the lump in my chest that seems to want to explode...I have passed the rabbit pellets, and I have had many a day of laugher on how my body has responded to what is happening to it.....BUT... I am so glad to have made this decision. Each day is a step into sunshine, sometimes with a few clouds....but even those clouds are beautiful now...and I will peer into them and make shapes out of those puffy marshmellows, instead of endulging in the doldrumsss......The feeling of achieving a goal and starting a new one is so amazing to me at this age....(okay not that I'm old) but sometimes we forget that the new wonders surrounding us on a daily basis. I have slipped into some old jeans (yep some sergio's that is no longer any where near style but)....WHAT A THRILL.... Who would have thought....the diva in me would escape again.....im loving it ...my children are loving it ....and my love is totally estactic....I have always smiled brightly ...but right now my smile can equate to a solar flare....just 45 pounds....what the hell is gonna happen when I hit 60, never mind whats gonna happen when i finally slip under 200.....watch out now......world get ready.....Im here to take over.... My growth has been in the worst times....when those scars would not heal....when the thought of one more bite of mash potatoes or apple sauce would turn me into a ingnorant maniac....but all of the sudden I remember the feeling of going through the hell called basic training....or the hell called breast cancer .....shoot even the hell of raising two teenagers who knew everything in the world and thought I belonged in a (well never mind I divest)...Each and everyone of those journeys has brought more pride and and feeling of empowerment to my journey.....well guess what ....I'M BACKCKKK....and this new road or shall I say adventure... will will bring me out of it like a shine piece of steel put through the fire and well tested....I say...bring life on...I am so readyyyyyy!!!!
  9. Girl right now measure....make that 1/4 cup and mayyyyybbbeee 1/2 cup your friend, items that are more liquid are not a problem, but measure anyway so you dont over do it...remember 1/4 measuring cup is your new friend for a little while and chewwwwwwwwwwww slowly....
  10. tovanta

    Stalls, Fact Or Fiction?

    Other than the stalls, keep a food record....sometimes we can drink our calories or salad dressing our calories....and if we are not careful those little condiments can creep up on us.....so keep a food journal and really take a look at what you are eating and drinking. Remember a cup of apple is equel to four apples.....or more......so take a peek of what you are ingesting .....and dont allow those ugly stalls to discourage you....look in the mirror and simply say ...dammit im gorgeous hahahahha
  11. tovanta

    In 10 Hours, I'll Have My Sleeve!

    I wish you luck, I wish you joy, I wish you endurance, I wish your understanding, I wish you great comfort, and I even wish you tears of celebration......be blessed....
  12. tovanta

    Do U Guys Ever Have Gud And Bad Eating Days?

    of course.....we are what is call.....HUMAN......we are flawed.....in every form.....you make a mistake ...get up and get over it.....but if you celebrate the mistakes then you will just make more.....shake it off.....realize the opps.....and make the next week a better one for yourself.....
  13. and by the way ....so what if another soul notices......YOU KNOW......and that is all that matters......
  14. Now let me see if I can even put this tastefully.....hmmmmm I dont give a flying .....well you know what I mean. I made this decision by myself.... I paid for this decision by myself (well Kaiser did the most of it).....I have never been a person that needed another being to appreciate what I have worked so hard for......If someone notices I grin like a chesire cat.....and my sashay takes on it a new life of its own. If someone ask me if I had surgery (which has not happen as of yet) but I will say yes with a grin....I am not going to hide anything.....I dont feel the need to.....this is the best decision I have ever made in my life....and Im going to revel in it and hopefully in my joy, in my shining light.....someone who may need that one thing to make the decision for themselves.....will do it or at least ask about it ....I will answer all question honestly both the good and bad....and hopefully my smile and my glow will let them know that both the negative and the positive was sooooooooooooooo worth it....I am only at the begginning of this wonderfully marverlous journey....and I fully understand there will be some twist and turn.....but for every step I may take backwards....trust me when I tell you Im going run 10 steps forward.....So I will feel no shame.....I will not accept their judgement....and I will sashay proudly with every pound lost.....
  15. tovanta

    Grapes And Raisens

    I am finally 30 days post op, and I am now including chicken, shellfish as well as fruits and vegetable. I am so excited, however when reviewing the listing for the food from my dr. He had in capitol letters do not eat grapes and raisens....now I really do not understand this. First i thought it was the skin, but then necterines has skin on it....strawberries has the seeds....but the only warning I had was grapes and raisens....would any one have a clue as to why he may have had this in capital letters " NO GRAPES OR RAISENS" ANY INFO WILL HELP
  16. tovanta

    Sleeve 9/3 Anyone?

    I am exactly 31 days post op.......thus far it has been an exciting feeling and the most frightning as well.....I woke up and said "what the hell did i do to myself" .....However I do not regret my decision nor the journey I am on. I did not write in the blogs or encourage or discourage anyone for the first couple of weeks, because my head was shrouded in doubt and fear...however, now I can say that this was the best decision that I could have ever made in my life. I am happy and Im getting stronger day by day....my life is normal with the exception of my eating habits. today was my first test...I had a surprise bridal shower, which was held at the Mission Inn....one of my favorite food spots, and I was able to order and enjoy my day.....so to my surprise I was able to blend in and no one was the wiser. I enjoyed my salmon and the day with my family......so prepare yourself for a roller coaster ride....but before going into the surgery....know for sure that this is what you want to do.....then as the Nike commercial said "Just do it"....good luck in your new journey.....
  17. I see the tickers on so many posts. I also know that instructions are posted on the site but I can not find where it is at this time.....Can someone please help me in finding and assisting me so that I can get a ticker on my signature....I love it
  18. I can not find "faqs" can you share where specifically I can find it on the site please
  19. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op....I would like know what is the true reason for "not drinking with or before your meal" No one has really been able to answer this question....and to be honest when I see my dr. I have so many other questions that I forget about this one important question. I hear the rules are 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after. Can someone offer me some consise info on the importance of this rule....
  20. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op....I would like know what is the true reason for "not drinking with or before your meal" No one has really been able to answer this question....and to be honest when I see my dr. I have so many other questions that I forget about this one important question. I hear the rules are 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after. Can someone offer me some consise info on the importance of this rule....
  21. Thank you that really helps.......
  22. tovanta

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    This is great....I am newly sleeved so my confessions feel silly but here they are 1. I confess that I get really mad at my husband when he is munching on pistachios 2. I confess that im scared that my body will not heal properly 3. I confess I dont understand how 2 oz of food 4 times a day will surfice 4. I confess that I dream about fried chicken 5. I confess that I am so proud of myself for making this decision in my life 6. I confess although I have some fears, that I am totally looking forward to this new jorney in my life 7. I confess I cant wait to see the first time I slip below 200 pounds 8. I confess that end the end I have the fear that I will not loose any weight and i would have done this all for not...but remember this is only my fear....it will not be my reality!!!!!!!
  23. Hello to everyone..... I am 8 days post op and cant wait to move forward......my problem is the sweetness of everthing in my full liquid stage....my Protein, my vitamens, popcycles, ect......Now let me share with you ....my initial body fat did not derive from sweets,,,,,,I was a food girl ....you know collard greens fried chicken, pork chops, rice and gravy ect.....I even made the mistake to purchase several packs of sweet propell Water...thinking this would be better for me I am getting nauseated from all this sweetness.....I drink alot of Soup to attempt to override this .....it is becoming difficult to swallow my protien and my vitamens which is something that I must ingest. Can someone pass words of wisdom to me.....Oher than my broth and Soups I dont have any other outlet.....Help me

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
