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Everything posted by tovanta

  1. Has anyone spoken to their Kaiser Dr. about excess skin removal. I dont think I would be interested reconstruction, however; the excess skin removal procedure would be acceptable for me.... Can anyone provide information regarding this particular procedure....
  2. I just got back from Jamaica, and I have reached my first goal....to look beautiful in my wedding dress....more than fifty pounds down....I felt like a queen going to meet the man that cherishes her no matter what size I am....He simply loves me....I cant start to explain the feeling I had in front of my family and the love of my life.....the weight was not an issue but it surely was the icing on the cake........first goal met....next one will hopefully take place by christmas......the 2 weeks were wonderful....the day was special....and our love is phenominal (and by the way...they had to take my gown up four times....hahhahahahha )
  3. Thank you to everyone.....the day was beautiful ....the achievement made me feel so strong....and it has me so looking forward to the future.....
  4. Dont stock up.....everything I purchased.....i hated...the popcicles were to sweet the soups were nasty....the jello tasted like plastic.....find the basics and work from there......
  5. Thank you so much....I thought that was the case.....I will just have to work it out.....and I will google it...however I believe it is one step under a tummy tuck....Thank you for the info.
  6. I'll just say put on the clothes you use to wear and allow that to be your eyes..... you will then start visually transform yourself mentally, and you will not be dependent only what your eyes tell your brain....you will have the proof of what your clothing tells your brain...
  7. Put on my wedding dress in Jamaica, in 19 more days, after loosing 51 pounds from the first initial fitting.....I have a list....but this is the one I'm most excited about right now....
  8. Mr Sarcastic, when it comes to providing the lables you are number !...thank you so much..
  9. can anyone tell me why .......after eating i get this slimy frothy spit in my mouth....so bad i have to spit it out....along with a little bit of nausea.....its after I eat but I have not pin pointed when or what foods may cause it. Im going to start writing this down.....it is an awfull feeling in my mouth.....am I alone in this....have i over eaten, or am i eating the wrong foods?
  10. tovanta

    Taco Soup

    now we are talking ...i have fallin in love with jennie o italian ground turkey.....I wonder if i can convert a recipe for italian wedding soup...you guys are going to create a monster in me....i love cooking and loveeeeeeeeee new creations
  11. My concern....is this the good protein or the bad one.....im so confused with these protiens....i bought the whey shots from walmart only to have to return it....Can someone help me out.....im soooooo confused.......
  12. tovanta

    Taco Soup

    cant eat hamburger, cant eat much sodium.....sounds so good
  13. I just wonder if there is a difference in cost between the procedures...
  14. tovanta


    It is a crazy sensation, I was like what the hayle is going on .....however it caused me to chew more slowly and be very cognizant of how much I ingest...
  15. What is this Chia seeds????? Just curious
  16. tovanta

    Disgusted By Others Eating

    I am going through my post and only once did I personally respond to someone, So who are you to become judge and jury of my thoughts. I have the right to agree or disagree with whomever I choose....HOWEVER..I have not personally attacked anyone's personality or call them out of their name, I questioned the thoughts of watching another person enjoy their..... BUT SINCE YOU WANT TO CONFRONT ME PERSONALITY....I refused to give you the time of day....your sir are not worth my energy level....But thank you for sharing such lovely thought processes
  17. Allow me to be perfectly honest, if this question was asked of me within the first 3 weeks of my surgery...I would have screamed from the rooftop "DONT DO THIS TO YOURSELF".. HOWEVER, now that I'm officially 7 weeks out (what a difference a day makes) I must say it has been worth every moment....I say this with the understanding that I have more hills to to cross and and valleys to wade in. My only suggestion is research, talk to others, read what ever you can find...BUT search your own heart, only you know who you are as a person and what your own personal strength and determination is....Realize this is a lifelong decision and no turning around once the surgery has been completed....understand the life changes that will need to be made....and understand if you do not follow through with that commitment..or if you believe this surgery will take care of it all......then its all for not...
  18. tovanta

    Bye Bye 27Lbs, I Sure Won't Be Missing You!

    celebrate...going into you closet and pull out those jeans that were just a bit too tight and try them on....then do a happy dance all over the house
  19. I am so glad you are doing well.....however you body is still healing....and even if you feel like joggin 10 miles don't....so leave those boxes alone for a while...no heavy lifting is one of the things that should be on your release sheet. Check with your Dr. who knows your physical abilities better than we do... You dont want to set yourself back....so please be careful.. Good luck in your journey.....we are fairly close together in time
  20. tovanta

    Disgusted By Others Eating

    Reading the post again and thoroughly,,,,I believe the majority of those that are responding in what you would view a "negative" way, is not understanding this simple fact... 1. Why are you watching anyone eat...that takes time to watch someone take more than one bite of food....time is precious and allowing the brain to assess someone else's plate of food and the time it takes for them enjoy their meal is such a waste..If it is a brief glance that's okay but if you are at the point if intently watching some one eat their mail....well that's just rude.... 2. Or, we are wondering if this nausea you feel is so intense, why place yourself in the vicinity of others while they are eating....this is just curiousity to me ....its like hating the site of blood but going to a blood bank for the fun of it... We all understand the topsy turvy of this hellacious rollercoaster ride we are all on....and it is indeed a ride...
  21. tovanta

    Can Anyone Tell Me.......

    well my pre surgery weight (the day of surgery) was 250, Im at 232 now, I had a stall for about 3 weeks but im okay with that...because my clothes are still showing the difference...my mini goal is to cross that line of 200 pounds
  22. tovanta

    Disgusted By Others Eating

    Ms Louise C... My initial response was to the post itself, and some of the words spoken with in it.....for some reason you have personalized this conversation....so rather than creating spasm a mile long.....let's leave it alone ....and respectfully agree to disagree.....my words were never meant to personally cause you to feel alienated.....when you directed my quote back to me ....I thought you felt the need to express your thoughts to me directly....and because I love the art of debate....I responded...however it appears to me that you feel more pain or frustration...rather than thoughts being openly discussed...allow me to say this... do not allow my thoughts to personally affect you .....we are all in here to share.....right or wrong ...we are just sharing....
  23. tovanta

    Disgusted By Others Eating

    Wow now the inspiring evangelist is being completely insulting.....well I take the crown or wall and wear it proudly....
  24. tovanta

    Full Foods

    Ahhhh we are Sleeve twins lol.....you are doing much better than I....I weighed 250 on surgery date and I am at 232 now....Im excited but I am in that dreaded stall....I have only lost 2 pounds in the last 2 or more weeks....but I still feel great....only slightly dissappointed...How do you feel....I can eat anything so I really have to be careful....but im loving life.....my first goal is to slip under that 200 mark....

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