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Almont MI sleever

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Almont MI sleever

  1. Almont MI sleever

    Is V8 Ok

    I am one week post op. I was told by my Doc to wait until 4 weeks out to have citrus but i was wondering if V8 juice is ok or is it also to acidic? Since V8 is vegetable juice not just tomato I thought it may ok and help me to get in a serving of vegetables. Tell me what you think. I certainly dont wanna irritate my sleeve! Thanks!
  2. Almont MI sleever


    I had never heard that you couldn't chew gum. I am a little over 5 months post op and have chewed sugar free gum the whole time. I am down 75 lbs and i don't believe it has hurt me any. I dont plan to stop now.
  3. Almont MI sleever

    May Sleevers

    I was sleeved may 28th and am down 44 lbs. My biggest challenge is getting enough fluids and protein in daily. Also remembering to take my vitamins has been hard. I seem to keep forgetting.
  4. Almont MI sleever

    9 Weeks Out

    I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would do a progress report. I started at 270 lbs. and am now 222! I have lost a total of 48 lbs and could not be happier with my decision to have the sleeve. I am wearing clothes that have been packed away for over 2 years. I feel so much better!! I can get my wedding rings on my finger again!! My best NSV so far was about a week ago. We have a really small bathroom and while I was in Front of the mirror getting ready for work my husband went to squeeze by me to use the bathroom and instead of squeezing through like he use to do he just walked right behind me. He stopped and was like wow!! Thats proof of how much smaller you are!! It really made me feel good!!
  5. Almont MI sleever

    Cost Of Vsg In Mexico

    I was sleeved May 28 th with Dr. Garcia in Tijuana as well. $5000 covered everything except the flight to San Diego. It truly was a wonderful experience. My husband was very skeptical of this whole process and it took a lot of convienceing for me to talk him into this and now he is constantly singing their praises. We were treated like royalty from everyone involved. From the driver that picks you up in San Diego, the hotel staff, the hospital staff...everyone was so curtious and professional. I have been an ICU nurse here in the states for over 12 years. The hospital there was cleaner than any hospital i have ever worked in. The area was safe. We walked to walmart to get some drinks and snacks for my husband a couple of times and never felt unsafe. I would recommend Dr. Garcia to anyone. He even has a general practitioner that sees you everyday as well in case you have other medical problems that need to be managed while you are there. They truly are on top of there game. We were beyond impressed!!
  6. Almont MI sleever

    Surgery Today

    Hi, my name is Vicky and i have been a stalker on this site for the last couple months reading and learning so much about the sleeve. Thank you so much to everyone on here for telling your stories to make that possible! I am 34. I have a wonderful and very supportive husband as well a 5 yr old little girl. I have struggled with wt. My entire adult life. Like so many of you I have lost wt. many times over the years only to regain even more every time. I started checking into wt loss surgery a few months back and after reading and starting my research on the sleeve there was no looking back. I am typing this while sitting in my hospital room awaiting surgery. In a few hours i will be sleeved!!! I cannot wait to start the next chapter in my life and get back to the real me instead of the me that I have been the last couple years. I have avoided friends that I havent seen in a while because I was ashamed of how much wt I have gained and didnt want anyone to see me. I cant wait to have our first family portrait made. Yet another thing i have always avoided because I wanted to wait until I lost wt and that never happened. I feel like i have let the way I felt about my weight control everything in my life. I am so excited for my new start and my new freedom from those feelings. It wont be long now!! Thats my story.
  7. Almont MI sleever

    Welcome To The Club?

    I had surgery with Dr. Garcia in Tijuana yesterday. It has been a wonderful experience. I would recommend him to anyone.
  8. Almont MI sleever

    Surgery Today

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes. My surgery is all done. Yesterday was rough but am feeling much better today. I passed my xray leak test and just finished the blue dye for the second one. Hopefully all will be well and I will be discharged tomorrow. Looking forward to starting my new journey and seeing what all I can accomplish. I look forward to a better life ahead!!
  9. Almont MI sleever

    New Here

    I am having surgery with Dr. Garcia on Monday and i am going thru ready4achange.com my coordinators name was Alma. I have not had any problems and she has always answered my questions in a timely manor. Hope this helps!
  10. Almont MI sleever

    Phone Calls

    Hi guys, my husband and I are heading to Tijuana sunday for my surgery and will be staying at the Marriott. Does anyone know if you can call home from there or should I get an international calling card? We are leaving our daughter with family and will want to call daily while we are away. Thanks!!
  11. Almont MI sleever

    Phone Calls

    Thank you!! Thats exactly what I needed to know. How are you feeling so far?
  12. Almont MI sleever

    Phone Calls

    Thank you!! Surgery will be sometime Monday afternoon. Im so excited!
  13. Almont MI sleever

    My Sleeve With Dr Garcia

    Its so good to hear yet another positive experience! Glad you are doing so well. Wish me same good fate. Next sunday it will be me sitting in the Marriott awiting my surgery on monday with Dr. Garcia. Cant wait!! See you on the losers bench!
  14. I am having VSG surgery next week with Dr. Garcia in Tijuana. The total price is $5000 which includes two nights in the hospital and two nights in a really nice hotel. Everything is included except your air fair to San Diego. They pick you up at the airport and provide all your transportation while there as well as taking you back to airport for your flight home. I was able to get a personal loan to pay for everything and my payments are low. Maybe this could be another option for you. I wish you the best of luck! I truly believe the sleeve is the best option out there and I hope you can find a way around this. Keep is posted!
  15. Almont MI sleever

    Pics Of The Marriott In Tijuana

    I cant wait to hear more about your experience and how your doing Cmani....I am being sleeved by Dr Garcia May 28 th. I am beyond excited!! It consumes my every thought! Hope your doing well!
  16. Almont MI sleever

    Hey From Milwaukee

    I am still pre-op but my surgery is only 2 weeks away. I just bought some centrum chewables too. They are orange flavored and definatly arnt delicious by any means but they are ok. Tolerable.
  17. Almont MI sleever

    Today Is The Day!

    Best of luck! Let us know how it goes!!
  18. Almont MI sleever

    Almont sleever

  19. Almont MI sleever

    camera Sd 317

    From the album: Almont sleever

    On a cruise in 2009
  20. Almont MI sleever

    camera Sd 168

    From the album: Almont sleever

    Trip to Vegas with my Hubby in 2009
  21. Almont MI sleever

    camera Sd 071

    From the album: Almont sleever

  22. Almont MI sleever


    From the album: Almont sleever

    Me at my heaviest. Taking in a Spartens game Nov. 2011.
  23. Almont MI sleever

    Im A May Sleever!

    My surgery is gonna be at Mi Doctor Hospital in Tiajuana with Dr. Garcia. May 28 th. If anyone else is gonna be there around the same time drop me a line. Also anyone having surgery with Dr Garcia before me I' d love to hear your experience. Thanks!!
  24. My situation is similar to yours. I took out a personal loan to pay for my surgery and was afarid some of it might get spent or something might come up and then the money not be there. I wanted to pre pay but was afarid to so I'm interested in any response you may get. My suggestion would be to go to a bank and get a cash advance with the credit card. You can even call the number on the back and they will deposit it into your account for you without ever going to the bank. Then you could either put it in a savings account till its surgery time or go ahead and get your cashiers check to pay the balance. I'd love to know when your surgery is. Im mexico bound myself. May 28th with Dr. Garcia. sooooo excited!!!
  25. Almont MI sleever

    Im A May Sleever!

    I just got my surgery date confirmed today and am so excited!!! May 28 th with Dr. Garcia

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
