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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Piplula

  1. LOL onderland ..stupid iPad!
  2. Awesome! You are rocking your sleeve! I can't wait until I get to order land!
  3. Piplula

    Spicy Foods?

    Hi everyone! So question for the old expert sleeves out there.. I am a chili fanatic..I used to like hot things..but now I am so used to having lightly spiced foods secondary to being sleeved 9 weeks ago. My question is when do you eat spicy food again? I tried some baked chicken breast meat with some seasoning spice and honestly ..it was too much..this from someone who loves habernos. So ..is this something that could be incorporated later? Thanks for the help in advance!
  4. I am so happy for you! A bit harsh I think since we really can't predict one's demise...but if that chat got you thinking then it was worth it! Keep rocking that sleeve...you are definitely an inspiration to me!
  5. Piplula

    Spicy Foods?

    Thanks guys.. I think y'll are right..its an individual preference!
  6. Piplula

    My Big Day Tomorrow!

    Oh and look for recipes mushy foods for the sleeve..they are everywhere and check out the website called the world according to eggface..she has some great recipes there as well!
  7. Piplula

    My Big Day Tomorrow!

    Hi all I am 9 weeks out. Good luck to all of you! Make sure you have your protein shakes ready. Be prepared if you have lactose intolerance afterward..I was after surgery..so have a back up plan for Soy or fat free Lactaid. I have really enjoyed EAS AdvantEDGE Carb Control shakes. 17g of protein for 11oz for 2 net carbs. I also use Unjury protein shakes and enjoyed then. Remember water may not go down well at first..it's ok to have other fluids as long as you get in what your RD recommends. Cold fluids hurt me..maybe not you all so take that with a grain of salt. I enjoyed room temp and warm fluids for the first 2-3 weeks. You may (will) experience diarrhea ..I had it horrible but that's because I became lactose intolerant after my surgery. Now this next part you may not experience..everyone is very different but I personally experienced the worst nausea of my entire life for the first 48 hours. I literally wanted to die and asked what the hell have I done. Once the 48 hours was over it was better and got better with each passing day. Now..I don't have problems..but I stick to my diet. And ..my hospital gave me a me abdominal belt so if you ask I am sure you will get one..but I would pack it in case. Wear the most comfortable clothes you got..who cares if it has holes. I has a 2 1/2 hour drive home..I needed comfort. Also walk..just walk. When you go home and you have more than 30 minutes travel from the hospital..stop every 30 minutes and walk around the car a few times..this can help prevent clots ( was recommended by my doc..I didn't have clots..and if I think of anything else I will come back and post! Good luck to you..it is not an easy journey...but it is one I would do again in a heartbeat and am still kicking myself for not doing it years ago!!!
  8. Piplula

    Water Hurts Going Down, Any Advise?

    Sure...I was not able to drink water for 2 weeks. I have severe reflux with it and my registered dietitian stated it was a common occurrence. Now that I am 9 weeks out, I drink water without any problems. So..for two weeks I drank unsweetened tea (Lipton) Room temp or warm and chamomile tea (room temp or warm. I tried peppermint tea, crystal light, Popsicles (sugar free of course) ..you name it I tried it. My RD states just try to get in 32oz fluid the first week and then work toward 48-64oz fluids/day...I am now up to 48oz/day..so give it some time and sip sip sip! Water may not work for you..try something else. Water didn't work for me until a little farther out..BUT if you continue to have problems..call your RD!
  9. Welcome! I am 9 weeks out! I will say everyone's journey is different..I am still a newbie at this and ask questions and ask for encouragement and always get it right here! So welcome and I will save you a place on the loser's bench! LOL!!
  10. You look awesome! I can't wait until I can post pictures like that!!
  11. Wow!! You looking freaking amazing!! I am off to watch your story!! Big congrats to you!!
  12. Ok ..so I went to a store for the first time..not just digging through my closet and yes..I am finally down one pant size. Now that may no seem like much BUT I haven't seen this size for 11 years much less even squeezed myself into it! They slipped right now and zipped effortlessly with room to spare! (sorry gentlemen..this next part you can disregard!) I also had a change in bra size ..when down a full 2 inches and went up a cup size! LoL ..maybe things just shifted in that aspect! But still who ever heard of going up a cup size wild!!! I am proud of me and my sleeve! I am on a journey and I hope it continues to go well! 9 w and 5 d out and down 49# and I guess that is good!
  13. Ok..I am 9 weeks and some days and I am down 46#. Is this average? I want this to work so badly and honestly this Is by far the most I have ever lost at once. It's that mental thing I guess. So..am I on track?
  14. Wonderful...I am waiting for that moment myself!
  15. Piplula

    New Here, Sure Where To Post

    And welcome to the club! You'll be sitting on the losers bench in no time!
  16. Piplula

    New Here, Sure Where To Post

    Wow..your journey hasn't been easy..and I can say..it still won't be be..BUT ..it will all be worth it!!
  17. Piplula

    Nees Some Encouragement..

    And I am following the diet.. I have met with a trainer and I am going two days a week to the gym..if I go more I am so sore I can't move. I do intend on slowly upping the time I spend there as well..
  18. Piplula

    Not Trying To Be Grose But...

    This can't be "normal"..I have thrown up twice and it's because I tried to eat something I figured I couldn't and I was right! I agree with Cookie. She needs to be strongly encouraged to seek medical attention whether it's a physical or mental problem. Perhaps she is unaware she smells like vomit. If you smell like something all the time, people become used to the smell. Either way, it doesn't sounds very " normal" to me.
  19. Piplula

    Waving Goodbye.....

    LOL..don't wave.. Kick 300's arse to the curb! Congrats!!!!
  20. Piplula

    Liquid Lortab

    Mine was very thin and watery, yellow in color, & tasted nasty! But if you have seen a consistency change, I would be very leary and seek out your pharmacist . If the pharmacist deems your prescription has been tampered with..that friend wouldn't be allowed back in the house!
  21. Piplula

    Pain Anyone?

    So I am 8 weeks out and I still have pain right under my right side bottom of the rib cage..is this common? It's annoying! Not a stabbing sharp pain...just a raw dull pain that gets me attention. Does anyone else have this?? I see my GI doc on the 15th of June so I will be addressing this with him? Anybody else have this problem/symptom??
  22. Piplula

    Pain Anyone?

    It's not one of my entry point..and only after surgery so I feel it...I think my staples are rubbing something ..it's a deep pain..I can push in right beside my rib pretty hard and the pain will let up..it's like rubbing a sore spot deep inside
  23. Piplula

    Pain Anyone?

    I take that back its in the top of my rib cage..right of the sternum..

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