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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Piplula

  1. My daughter's soccer game
  2. Piplula

    B12 Injections

    No problem!
  3. Piplula

    B12 Injections

    Honestly.. I don't know because I am not looking at the needle..I certainly can ask the next time I go if you wish..I know it has to be big enough to hit the muscle in my arm
  4. Piplula

    B12 Injections

    I get mine in my arm
  5. Piplula

    Favorite Snack

    I love cantaloupe ..1/4 cup makes that sweet tooth vanish..plus it's melon..nice to add more fluids into the diet. I can make several Snacks out of this container. And after 30 minutes or so it's time for my favorite Protein shake. What's your favorite, healthy snack?
  6. Piplula


    My doctor told me to take two Flintstones multivitamins daily. They are inexpensive, chewable, and taste better to boot!
  7. So, I have suffered migraines most if my life. My first one was when I was 15y/o when half of my face went numb, but I digress. I have noticed the frequency is less since my surgery probably secondary to the fact that my blood pressure is better, but when I do get one it's more intense. I did search before I posted for headaches, which most of the posts I found were occuring because the first few weeks you aren't eating. I am 5 months out. I was curious if anyone else is experiencing this. I am not dehydrated, and I eat very well . Thanks for any insight.
  8. I get a B12 shot monthly. I don't have any problems with my levels if this an option for you to try. I go to my local pharmacy and ask for the shot. No prescription needed.
  9. Piplula

    Periods Or Lack Thereof.....

    I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago. I had some wicked emotional moments..but they were fleeting. Do you have your ovaries? I don't. I am on HRT though. Since its been a long time, I wouldn't think you would, but if you have your ovaries, some of the hormone could be stored in your fat cells...because they should still function normally if your OBGYN left them in....so you may have emotional swings. Are you on HRT? I never once felt like I wanted to slap someone or be aggressive or anything like in some posts you read. Mine were more irritation more than anything..nothing that I couldn't rationalize out..now I am 5 months out and I am fine..I think you will be fine too..but just know its something most people have to deal with.
  10. Piplula

    Lane Bryant Jeans

    You go! I always wore LB jeans..but I wasn't able to wear Target or Wal-Mart jeans..so I stopped in Target and picked the largest pair on the rack..I really didn't know what size I was because I wear scrubs and you can wear baggy scrubs for awhile. Anyway..the first pair I tried was way too big..so I went down a size..still too big...so I went down yet another size ..perfection ..I dropped 3 jean sizes ..and then I put them back on the shelf just because it's still warm weather where I am..but now..I think I can go to most stores and find something to wear ..it's a great feeling! Congrats!!!!!
  11. Piplula


    Nevermind googled it...wish they made it somehow in powdered form..would be great as a powder!
  12. Piplula


    Great job!! Keep up the good work..
  13. OM Goodness!!! I had a stellar day out on the lake. When I was younger, I loved to tube. For those who don't know what that is..you have a boat, some rope, and a tube like air inflated raft or other device....attach rope to tube and boat, hold on for your life..and go! I haven't tubed since I was a normal sized athletic teenager! I thought.."can I even hold myself up because you have to hang on while this boat is pulling you" well..then I thought..this is the mentality that got you fat in the first place..just try". I lasted 30 minutes...amazing!!! It was just like riding a bike... I remembered how manuver my body to swing the tube out and I was parallel with the boat flying....I even caught some great air after they found some waves for me to sail over....and the boat was almost at full throttle! awesome!!!! I even got a standing O from all the boats occupants..I was the only adult to tube with the kids! Thank you sleeve..best decision I ever made was to improve my health! Why I didn't do this sooner I'll never know!
  14. Piplula

    8 Years And This Is What Happens?

    Sounds like he did you a favor...may not feel like now...but it will get better with time.. And remember ..you aren't alone in your journey..we are all here to help!
  15. You go girl ..I plan on posting some pictures so too..I may even join you with the century club..I hope!!!!!!
  16. Piplula

    Advice Please....

    Splurge..you need to show off..you have earned it!
  17. Piplula

    If You/your...

    Have your 11y/o rotf laughing cause your underwear is now saggy & baggy.....you might a gastric sleeve patient. Your hubby gets excited because every time you bend over, your boobs fall out of your bra that is now too big..you might be a gastric sleeve patient.. Are walking down the hall carrying laundry and your pants hit the floor because they are way too big, you might be a gastric sleeve patient. Take a shower in the morning and look down and think there is a small mammal in there with you and then realize its just where your hair is falling out...you might be a gastric sleeve patient.. Please continue to add your own experiences!
  18. Piplula

    Relationship Help

    I am not trying to offend you, but remember the only birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence.
  19. Piplula

    Relationship Help

    It is difficult to talk to a pregnant woman..if you haven't had a baby, you can't possibly relate to the insecurities, emotional roller coasters, and fierce need to protect your baby along with not wanting to be touched sexually or even wanting to be touched all the time....they are crazy ..I was one of them.. My suggestion would be get into couple's counseling because obviously talking to her on your own isn't working. To have the counselor there to diffuse any situation in a calm manner would be beneficial to you and your wife so that important decisions that will potentially effect the rest of your life can be on the table. Even if you got divorced, you have a child coming that you will be responsible for the next 18 years, so that is something to take into consideration..good luck!
  20. Piplula


    What is inter dry
  21. Piplula


    I think we all go through this fear and anxiety. You are normal. I had all the same fear as well. But, I made my mind up that if I didn't do something my prediabetes would surely develop into diabetes, my blood pressure would kill my kidneys, my heart, and possibly lead to stroke , and my cholesterol was already causing plaque in my arteries which would make me at a huge risk of a heart attack..and when I looked into my hubby's and daughter's eyes, I knew they were not getting the best of me. So, on surgery day, I left my crying child at my mom's knowing I was making the right decision ..I just told her this was something I had to do to make me better...a better mom, a better wife, a better me....did I have complications ..yes..a hematoma that hurt like hell...was it difficult..yes...I became lactose intolerant after the procedure and had explosive diarrhea until we figured that out...would I do it again? You bet, because now I can dance with my daughter, play, go on walk, not hide in the house, my hubby is my boyfriend again, my house is a home..and I no longer think if I die some other woman could be raising my daughter because now I know I will be raising her because I will be around a lot longer than I would have been had I not made the decision to go ahead with the surgery. Take a deep breath, write down all the pros and cons ..you are a nurse ..what would you say to one of your patients that needed a heart bypass, an appendectomy, or an aneurysm repair? Would you tell them not to do it? You know the illnesses that are slowly killing you, and you know what statistics are for people who continue to be obese. Take another deep breath... Look at your list, surround yourself with your supporters and find comfort in your decision. Good luck!
  22. Piplula

    I Wonder What Celebrities Are Sleeved?!?

    You know ..I really don't get a crap what celebrity has been sleeved..but since I read through the posts and am now replying..what does that say about me??? LOL!!!
  23. Piplula


    Just wanted some thoughts about yoga? Has anyone incorporated it into your exercise routine? Has it helped you tone up? Any thoughts advice would be greatly appreciated!
  24. I am having to drop my daughter off at school this week. Normally, my husband does it because I have a 30 mile drive to work and he works in the town we live, therefore if I take her, we leave extra early! My daughter doesn't mind because usually I will get drive-thru Breakfast which is a rare treat for her. Anyway..she loves to eat a sausage patty sans the biscuit and a 1/2 of a hashbrown and a small sweet tea. (hence why it's considered a treat). Granted ..it smelled really, REALLY glorious, and deliciously breakfasty! She finishes her normal amounts, hops out the car, we say our goodbyes, have a good day, etc, & I drive away...my thoughts start to focus on that biscuit and 1/2 a hashbrown. Maybe a bite? My conscience screams loudly "NO NO NO..you haven't come this far to stop ..NO!". And you know what..I listened. So I drive the 30 miles smelling the food the whole way..never touching or thinking about it again until I get out of my car at work to throw the bag and all of its contents away. My sleeve is the tool that allowed me to learn self-control, something I was unable to learn until now. So ..what did I have for breakfast? Something pretty satisfying..see the below picture..and a self indulgent pat on the back!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
