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Everything posted by Piplula

  1. Piplula

    The Man-Pon!

    O M G!!! Man-pon!!! Bawhahahahahahahah
  2. Piplula

    My Nsv

    LOL..that's an awesome feeling!
  3. Piplula

    Shirataki Noodles

    I have read that you shouldn't smell them in the pack, they should be rinsed thoroughly for a few minutes, and then boiled 2-3 minutes to "minimize the authentic aroma" which I have to say frightened me just a bit! So I am glad to have a negative and a positive comment, but I am now back to neutral ground..LOL..anybody else with comments???
  4. Just wanted to chime in here. I want to be sure you understand that just because you have weight loss surgery doesn't mean you will stop taking insulin. Yes ..statistically ..RNY surgery has a greater chance of you coming off your diabetes meds. In fact, the sleeve has similar statistics. HOWEVER, it is not a guarantee that your diabetes will go into remission. I was required to attend two support group sessions before I had surgery. The leader of the group was living proof that weight loss surgery does not always revert diabetes. While she was way better health wise, she still required insulin, but it was in grossly smaller amounts. And yes, she had RNY surgery, not the sleeve. I had the sleeve and my diabetes is in remission. The reason why I choose the sleeve over RNY was because I figured I didn't need the malabsorption issue, and if my diabetes was going to require meds anyway, the sleeve seemed the logical choice for me. This is something you will have to think about and make your decision! Good luck to you!
  5. Piplula

    Second Guessing Myself

    I did this when I was 18 years old. Lost 20 twenty pounds and looked good for awhile..then gained back forty when I began to eat again. You can try it, but I found it very difficult to stick with long term.
  6. Piplula

    The Right Way

    AAAAUUUUUGGGHHHHHH! I am "doing it the right way"!!!!!!!! So sick of people stating "I have lost "insert poundage here which is usually between 20-30#" "the right way" through healthy eating and exercise. Well good for you! I have lost 104# through healthy eating and exercise. Put that in your pipe and smoke it chum! Damn that felt good to get off my chest! Whew!
  7. I really enjoy ProJoe coffee protein drinks ..plan on ordering me some today!
  8. Piplula

    Gmanbat: What A Loser!

    Isn't being a loser ever so cool?!
  9. I have often wondered what the login names of people mean if you have an unusual one. Mine is a mixture of words. My coworkers and I talk in a British accent sometimes and I always say "Pip pip cheerio!"..hence Pip. I also have a rescue cat we named Talula...hence lula...put them together..and Piplula was born. Please share! I am interested in the meaning of your handle!
  10. Piplula

    Foods I Will Miss

    Was nothing better than an ice cold Yuengling on tap in a frosty mug...oh well...a girl can dream!
  11. Piplula

    Ok Ladies- Im Officially Nervous

    Vaginal ultrasounds don't hurt although when the tech is coming at you with a 3 foot dildo looking contraption with a rubber on it can be a wee bit unnerving...but I assure you..it didn't hurt me..I am pretty sure it won't hurt you...although any modesty you had before will be out the door!
  12. This is the hardest part of the process...hurrying up and waiting for approval..good luck everyone!
  13. Piplula

    Ok Ladies- Im Officially Nervous

    Hey there! Take a deep breath! You won't know what it is until the lab reports come back. I had PCOS and endometriosis. I had so many biopsies it was too many to count! I have had dx of possible uterine cancer..and after that, one biopsy that came back as sarcoidosis which if found in the uterus normally is also in the lungs and heart and is considered a very poor prognosis ..you can imagine my relief when it wasn't! I know it's easier said than done to not worry, but try not to cross the bridge until you know. I had a complete hysterectomy in 2010. It was very sad because we did want more children ( we have one beautiful 11 y/o daughter) but it was very joyous for me because the pain stopped, the severe anemia stopped, the bleeding for months on end stopped, and it was a blessing because the endometriosis was so severe it was about to sever my small bowel. So, don't worry if you can...and if you do..just pm me..I'll listen...I already walked that stretch of the road! I'll walk beside so you can lean if you need to!
  14. Piplula

    Foods I Will Miss

    I drink coffee without sugar and 2 oz of milk...I am allowed to have it...weird
  15. Ok I found this site and I think this could be correct although there doesn't seem to be a consensus on the correct calculation. Since its from a Bariatric Center for Excellence..I am going to ASSUME this is correct! http://www.morbidobesity.com/calculating_results.htm So by this site..I have lost 51% of my excess weight..and it will just keep on rolling!
  16. Well...I finally moved into the 30's for my BMI ...was 54% when I started! Slowly but surely wins the race!!!
  17. That is wonderful!!! Keep up the great work!
  18. Piplula

    Just Sick....

    Dehydration is an awful feeling!
  19. For me, I can't drink milk because of the lactose intolerance. I take 4 chews per day because I also drink 2 EAS Carb Control Shakes per day and it has 25% of calcium needs per shake. I was told to take 6 per day as well, but I don't because I figured I am getting in my calcium needs.
  20. I gonna have to order this PB2 cause I love me some PB!
  21. I brought pretty much the standard stuff, but I so wish I had my own pillow!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
