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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Anglkrys2

  1. Question: I am over a year out from my sleeve surgery. Woke up this morning with chest pain. Thought it was gas and took gas ex. Also took my Prilosec. I noticed it hurts when I swallow. When I had the band, I had esophagus spasms. Kinda feels like that but without the spasms. Has anyone had this. No pain down my arm or anything

  2. Sleeved 10/09. Started to finally feel good but now I’m getting sharp pain under my right breast. Thought it was gas but it’s not moving. Gas X not helping at all and I do not have a gall bladder. I also feel blocked sometimes when drinking or eating. Related? I don’t know...Anyone else experience this? (I’ve lost 46 lbs so far. I don’t eat much. I can’t take vitamins-they make me sick. I’m not drinking anywhere near the required fluids. All of this my doctor is aware. I’ve had a really tough time. IBS is not really bad and it caused a fissure.)Thx in advance.

  3. Everyone can just stop talking about me now. I still have major complications and both drs are like “that’s ur issue” ..”no that’s ur issue”... got to love being passed around and no one helping! You don’t know me to past judgment on me! You don’t know the complications I have. I was venting...it’s over! Let it go! I’m glad all your surgeons are awesome! Mine suck!!

  4. On 11/06/2018 at 15:21, Vegasurvivor said:

    Conversations here are too often turned into a debate and someone "winning". That's why at times I step back and get out for awhile. Everyone chiming in about the original poster. Where Is she? I don't see her posting. I just hope she feels better. Thats what counts.

    Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk

    I stayed away because people don’t know the meaning of support!!

  5. On 11/06/2018 at 13:40, Vegasurvivor said:

    Pretty much almost everything is a rant on this websight. Many do not post in correct sections and god forbid...let's not go there.. where people do not search before they post and they start the same thread all over again. It happens. In fact the last line of her original post is that she was just ranting and apologized for ranting.
    Your words are a little harsh, just saying..your statement she could very well die. She's not dying. She's here ranting. She's a mom and I get it.

    Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk

    Thank you! You get it!

  6. On 11/06/2018 at 16:56, elcee said:

    My take on this is that the OP was having one of those awful OMG what have I done/I feel sorry for myself moments that a lot of people have in those days or weeks post surgery. She was probably looking for some sympathy whereas instead she got tough love.

    Hopefully she has read some of the responses and realised that there is no point in feeling sorry for yourself, you can't turn back the clock you have to get on with it.

    I am hoping she went to the ER and got that dehydration sorted out and has now worked out what and how to drink. If you don't like plain Water, put cordial or some kind of flavouring in it. Not being able to drink because of a metallic taste is a bit over the top. I'm sure lots of people get that sort of taste for no known reason and drink anyway, I know I do.

    Hopefully she reports back soon and lets us know that yes she is OK

    I did not go to the ER. I am NOT feeling sorry for myself. I was talked into this surgery by my surgeon because it “would not give me the complications my lapband did”! That was a lie! AND I HAD to have all the scar tissue and lesions cleaned up that were created by the band anyway. I am still having trouble. I can drink ice tea so I’m fine. Thanks for the support...

  7. On 10/23/2018 at 12:21, Courtney86 said:

    So glad this is here! I need to confess!!!! Lol I didn’t have a two week liquid diet pre surgery but I had to fast 24 hours before and nothing after 10 am that morning but liquids and nothing at all including Water after midnight. I can say I had a lot of food funerals the weeks before and I actually gained 4 lbs the day of weigh in for surgery :(. So the first week about day five or six when I could do Clear Liquids I consumed 2 32oz bluebell vanilla ice cream cups....& I got soooooooo sick! I did not and currently do not want ice cream anymore blah! You think I learned my lesson then, right? NOPE. So second week into full liquids...I found I could suck and chew down Doritos chips and spit it out...I just needed to chew something!! Then I ventured to find Cheetos white cheddar puffs and did the same thing except I learned I could swallow a little bit with no sickness. So glad to could get that off my chest. Now I’m on soft foods and I honestly have found three recipes on the Baritastic app that has helped me so far. I am using a kids spoon and measuring out two tablespoons of food at a time. TBH I am scared that I will fail at this keeping up with Protein and eating enough. Thanks for forum post :).
    What recipes?

  8. So I’m sleeved10/9 and am technically on the purée stage. Well my 15 daughter was pissing me off so bad that I grabbed a snack size kit Kat at her sports and just ate it, literally the last bite I realized what I did. Now my stomach is doing some kinda painful spasms. Crap! I really can’t believe I did that.

  9. On 10/23/2018 at 11:23, MegPRN said:

    You might want to bring it up with your surgeon. They might recommend a scope to see if you have a hiatal hernia, especially if it's bad enough that you're worried you could be aspirating. Aspiration pneumonitis from acid can be really bad.

    I was scoped by my gastroenterologist before surgery and he never said anything about that. I’ve aspirated and ended up in the hospital before that’s why am freaking out. I’m losing all faith in all my doctors. I just seem to be that person that has that rare case of everything.

  10. On 10/20/2018 at 22:43, crystalml said:

    This is how I feel too. I had my sleeve done October 17, and today is the first day ibdidnt have a Headache , and I felt like eating. And the hunger has gotten worse, and everything sounds delicious, and I'm drinking clear fluids and miserable. I didn't think it was gonna be this way. I thought after I got this surgery, I wouldn't be hungry!!! Now, I'm just asking hungry as I ever was, but hurt myself if I try to eat. This is the worst and I'd rather be fat than be tortured like this. What have I done. "Feeling sad and regretful"

    Sent from my VS988 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Omg! Someone who feels like I do! Thank God! I feel sooooo alone!!!

  11. On 10/16/2018 at 09:34, mousecat88 said:

    Please don't go long without getting in Water. If you go to the ER they will give you IV electrolytes. My friend had bypass a few weeks ago and got dehydrated and they gave her 8 bags of fluids in the ER about 3 weeks out. Dehydration is really common, and dangerous. Nothing to mess around with - if they say go to the ER, go. And then once you are rehydrated, start sampling different waters. Try Mio or Crystal Light or the sugar-free Hawaiian Punch - it doesn't have to be straight plain Water.

    I see my dr tomorrow. As I said, I can’t drink crystal light. Vomiting from a Migraine is a no! My nutritionists are no help. If you don’t fall within their limits, they don’t know how to help you! I have 4 kids! No Er for me!

  12. On 10/15/2018 at 20:13, BarrySue said:

    It sucks. It sucks and it's terrible. It sucks, it's terrible, and some of us get these awful complications. I was miserable and ill for months after my sleeve, far worse than most people.

    Three years out, every single minute of pain was worth it.

    Time makes it better. The pain of surgery and the initial recovery grow more distant every day, and a healthy future gets closer AND longer.

    Hang in there.

    **Edit: I was completely unable to eat or drink at one point. The creative solution was Peanut Butter crackers, because I loved them, and I had so psyched myself out about vomiting that I threw everything else up except this snack I'd always loved. They used it to get me to tolerate food again. After that, I lived on fat free fairlife milk (they filter out the lactose and sugar, fortify with extra Protein and calcium) since NOT ONE Protein Shake worked for me. I mixed my milk with sugar free strawberry Syrup, diet hot cocoa mix, or PB2, that sugar free Peanut Butter stuff that I blended with fairlife milk and ice cubes to make peanut butter ice cream. For Water, I added sugar free hawaiin punch, and I'm still drinking it three years later.

    Thank you so much for understanding. I’m going to look for that milk and the Hawaiian Punch. I’m not giving up but feel so bad...depressed and in pain...not a good combo....and...your understanding and your story give me hope....

  13. On 10/15/2018 at 21:18, Medowsweet said:

    My friend has had no surgery but is a "super taster" and HATES the matalic/chemical taste of tap and most bottled waters.

    She found a few she likes. One is "purified filtered water" tasteless, another is "smart water" which has a "water" taste which she likes and doesn't find offensive.

    Here is what I would do:

    Go buy ONE bottle of EVERY kind of Water in the local store. I know, that means like 20 dollars up front and 19 of them wasted... But for your health it is worth it. ONE will be at least tolerable to some degree. Get a bunch of bottles of the one you can stand and then flavor with fruit/tea/herbs/extracts whatever you like.

    Great idea. I was using smart Water. I’ll have my husband pick up different ones. Ty

  14. I am 1 weeks out. And my gut feeling was not to do it! I had a terrible time with the band and this is no different! I even asked my surgeon AND nutritionist about my health issues BEFORE and they assured me I’d be fine! I have IBS (now terrible diarrhea and a fissure), Migraines (can’t drink anything with artificial sweeteners so I’m dehydrated-water makes me vomit due to the metallic taste in my mouth)! I am hungry, in pain, and dehydrated and the only thing they want me to do is go to ER! I can’t spend 4 months in the ER because I can’t drink Water or anything else!!! I have 4 kids! I should have just accepted my body for what it was! Seriously sick of myself and my dr. It’s all about the money for them! Sorry so negative but I needed to rant and cry....somewhere..

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