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About NancyJerry

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    Bariatric Evangelist

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  1. 15 months later I wouldn't change a thing!
  2. NancyJerry

    baked fish

    Can bake it with some Panko crumbs to give it the crunch of fried fish?
  3. Hard to say, but I lost a little over 70 pounds and I'm shocked at all the places my body has changed. I'm sure in the end you'll feel so good it won't matter if George looks a little different.
  4. NancyJerry


    Hang in there! Even the people that are "there" for you go through a lot of changes after YOUR surgery and the support you had can waiver. Lots of changes ahead, but like someone ahead of me said, remember who you are doing this for in the first place! Premier Protein Shakes are pretty good and give you 30grams of protein.
  5. NancyJerry

    Major victory for me :)

    An amazing story, from an amazing person! Keep up the awesome work!!
  6. NancyJerry

    15 Months Post Op Progression

    Fabulous! I wish I had taken pictures like this that would show this type of progress! Congratulations on all of your hard work!
  7. hi! I see you left ratings for Dr. Cudjoe! He is doing my surgery on 1/29-- I am nervous and excited!!

  8. Taking off for family camping! Should be an interesting week of eating...hmmm.....

  9. NancyJerry

    Before And After Pics

    You look so happy! Congrats!
  10. NancyJerry

    4 months post

  11. NancyJerry

    A Few Issues...

    Wow! Nice loss in 6.5 weeks (I'm down 59 in 4 months)! I still have some reflux issues. Doc says for me to try weaning myself off the Nexium, but I'm not ready yet. I didn't have sweating issues, I had/have freezing issues. My poor husband is really wishing I would wear a snowsuit in the car when he has the AC on!! LOL Water tasted very very VERY funny to me up until about a month ago. Someone said it was due to a PH imbalance and I can believe that. Good luck to you, but a word of caution - if you are struggling with reflux you may want to watch how much lemonade you drink - it's highly acidic and can worsen your reflux. I was lucky to find that I quite enjoy the Premier Protein shakes (my fav is chocolate). 30 grams of protein really helps me get it all in!
  12. NancyJerry

    How Painful Was The Surgery?

    I guess I'll be in the minority here. I tend to wake up slowly from anesthesia in the first place (just slow and groggy) but I was SUPER SUPER nauseous and they gave me anti-nausea meds which knock me out. So the first day I was groggy, nauseous and the gas pain was really awful, but due to my sedated-ness, couldn't get up and walk. The first night I slept in one hour increments then had to get up and pee. - every hour! My nurses were spectacular at giving me pain and anti-nausea meds as soon as the last dose wore off. By morning, I was feeling much better. Then I went down for the x-ray where they give you the clear stuff to drink (can't remember what it's called) and I threw that up!! That sent me back down the anti-nausea med/knock me on my butt groggy path. By noon on the second day, I was up out of bed every hour on the hour WALKING. That is when the the gas finally got out of town and everything else felt better. If I could have walked sooner I would have - and if you can you should! Once home, I took my pain meds as needed. It was more like I felt really good and would "over-do it" so I'd take a pill and go to bed for a little while. By the 3rd or 4th day home I don't think I took any. THE COMPRESSION PILLOW IS KEY!! My hospital gave me one. Good luck to you! And like everyone else said, it's very individual. You will be going through MAJOR surgery. If you need meds take them. You don't need to be a hero. Walk when you can and sip on that Water. You'll do great!
  13. NancyJerry

    Starting Below 35 Bmi Success Stories

    I had my surgery on March 27 with a BMI of 35. Four and one-half months later I'm 14 pounds from goal (according to what my doctor says he'd be happy to see) and more like 20 pounds from what I'd like to see. I feel great and most people are shocked to find out that I'm not at goal yet as they say "I look like I should be" and "I better not be going for the anorexic look." I have stalls (like most people) that last anywhere from 1-2 weeks but I don't freak out, I watch what I eat very carefully and keep a food diary (My Fitness Pal). I work out regularly and started running (will be doing my first ever 5K in just over a week - YIKES!). And I get my Protein in -come hell or high Water. If I don't lose another pound I'd feel like a complete success!! I hope this finds you well. Keep your eye on the prize and you'll be a success story too!
  14. NancyJerry

    Just Need To Vent

    You're doing great. Good anaolgy of going through the jungle with a machete! Here's something to think about....When it's all said and done you will barely remember! It will feel like a fuzzy dream; you'll remember it was frustrating but the finer detail will fade. THEN you'll be in the new jungle of pre-op, move into the jungle of surgery and hospital stay, on to the jungle of the first 2 weeks post op, on to the "can't wait to be able to eat something that I have to chew jungle" and so on. The beauty of this journey is the outcome, not the day-to-day jungles. Keep your eye on the prize and hang in there!! It'll all be worth it!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
