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    kiki19 reacted to tmorgan813 for a blog entry, Just When I Felt Defeated   
    I was in the process of writing this very depressing blog about my chronic back pain when I had to use the bathroom. I decided when I was done that I should weigh myself as I haven't done that in awhile. Now before I go on, you have to understand that the past month has been nothing but pain filled. My meds have not helped me and I have not been able to go for normal walks...who am I kidding, i haven't really walked at all. Walking from the bedroom to the living room can almost bring me to tears (and I don't cry from pain). Dealing with this pain can bring even the strongest person down. I know, I've been dealing with it for almost 18 years. Now, I don't tell you that to get your sympathy. I tell you to get you to understand that getting on the scale was the best thing I could have done for my emotional well being today.
    Today, the scale said 240.2. That is fifty nine pounds down in nine weeks. I had to take a second look. I remember getting on the scale nine months ago and seeing it up to 330 (my heaviest). Seeing that scale today, and the amount I have lost, is exactly what I needed to make me feel a little better. I am not saying that the numbers took away my pain. Trust me, it did not. But it did help with my mood. I walked out of the bathroom, sat back down at the computer with the heating pad on full blast for my back and erased my depression felt blog post about my pain and not being able to work out. I have since written this. A much more up beat blog post about losing the weight I have struggled with for years and years. It's funny how seeing a few pounds leave can be so inspirational.
    Now, I have no funny things to add. No real words of inspiration. To be honest, the pain is still making it difficult to sit here and type. What I will say is this. I am pretty sure my day will be much better now that I decided to get on the scale today (first time in over a week). I have no idea when I could have ever said those words and truly meant them. For years, the scale is what caused my days to be worse. Not anymore. Getting sleeved is the best decision I've ever made!
  2. Like
    kiki19 reacted to Chimera for a blog entry, Ten Mistakes That Weight Loss Post-Ops Make   
    This is reposted from another WL forum - thought it could be useful to add to a blog post to remember~
    Ten Mistakes that Weight Loss Postops Make
    1st Mistake: Not Taking Vitamins, Supplements, or Minerals Every WLS patient has specific nutritional needs depending on the type of surgery you have had. Not only is it a good idea to ask your surgeon for guidelines, but also consult with an experienced WLS nutritionist.
    Understand there is not a standard practice that all surgeons and nutritionists follow in guiding WLS patients. So, it is important to do your own research, get your lab tests done regularly, and learn how to read the results.
    Some conditions and symptoms that can occur when you are deficient in vitamins, supplements, or minerals include: Osteoporosis; pernicious anemia; muscle spasms; high blood pressure; burning tongue; fatigue; loss of appetite; weakness; constipation and diarrhea; numbness and tingling in the hands and feet; being tired, lethargic, or dizzy; forgetfulness, and lowered immune functioning. Keep in mind, too, that some conditions caused by not taking your vitamins, supplements, or minerals are irreversible. For example, a vitamin B-1 deficiency can result in permanent neurological deficits, including the loss of the ability to walk.
    2nd Mistake: Assuming You Have Been Cured of Your Obesity A "pink cloud" or honeymoon experience is common following WLS. When you are feeling better than you have in years, and the weight is coming off easily, it's hard to imagine you will ever struggle again. But unfortunately, it is very common for WLS patients to not lose to their goal weight or to regain some of their weight back.
    A small weight regain may be normal, but huge gains usually can be avoided with support, education, effort, and careful attention to living a healthy WLS lifestyle. For most WLSers, if you don't change what you've always done, you're going to keep getting what you've always gotten -- even after weight loss surgery.
    3rd Mistake: Drinking with Meals Yes, it's hard for some people to avoid drinking with meals, but the tool of not drinking with meals is a critical key to long-term success. If you drink while you eat, your food washes out of your stomach much more quickly, you can eat more, you get hungry sooner, and you are at more risk for snacking. Being too hungry is much more likely to lead to poor food choices and/or overeating.
    4th Mistake: Not Eating Right Of course everyone should eat right, but in this society eating right is a challenge. You have to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Eat all your meals--don't skip. Don't keep unhealthy food in sight where it will call to you all the time. Try to feed yourself at regular intervals so that you aren't as tempted to make a poor choice.
    And consider having a couple of absolutes: for example, avoid fried foods completely, avoid sugary foods, always use low-fat options, or only eat in a restaurant once a week. Choose your "absolutes" based on your trigger foods and your self knowledge about what foods and/or situations are problematic for you.
    5th Mistake: Not Drinking Enough Water Most WLS patients are at risk for dehydration. Drinking a minimum of 64 oz. of water per day will help you avoid this risk. Adequate water intake will also help you flush out your system as you lose weight and avoid kidney stones. Drinking enough water helps with your weight loss, too.
    6th Mistake: Grazing Many people who have had WLS regret that they ever started grazing, which is nibbling small amounts here and there over the course of the day. It's one thing to eat the three to five small meals you and your doctor agree you need. It's something else altogether when you start to graze, eating any number of unplanned snacks. Grazing can easily make your weight creep up.
    Eating enough at meal time, and eating planned snacks when necessary, will help you resist grazing. Make a plan for what you will do when you crave food, but are not truly hungry. For example, take up a hobby to keep your hands busy or call on someone in your support group for encouragement.
    7th Mistake: Not Exercising Regularly Exercise is one of the best weapons a WLS patient has to fight weight regain. Not only does exercise boost your spirits, it is a great way to keep your metabolism running strong. When you exercise, you build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn, even at rest!
    8th Mistake: Eating the Wrong Carbs (or Eating Too Much) Let's face it, refined carbohydrates are addictive. If you eat refined carbohydrates they will make you crave more refined carbohydrates. There are plenty of complex carbohydrates to choose from, which have beneficial vitamins. For example, if you can handle pastas, try whole grain Kamut pasta--in moderation, of course. (Kamut pasta doesn't have the flavor some people find unpleasant in the whole wheat pastas.) Try using your complex carbohydrates as "condiments," rather than as the center point of your meal. Try sprinkling a tablespoon of brown rice on your stir-fried meat and veggies.
    9th Mistake: Going Back to Drinking Soda Drinking soda is controversial in WLS circles. Some people claim soda stretches your stomach or pouch. What we know it does is keep you from getting the hydration your body requires after WLS--because when you're drinking soda, you're not drinking water! In addition, diet soda has been connected to weight gain in the general population. The best thing you can do is find other, healthier drinks to fall in love with. They are out there.
    10th Mistake: Drinking Alcohol If you drank alcohol before surgery, you are likely to want to resume drinking alcohol following surgery. Most surgeons recommend waiting one year after surgery. And it is in your best interest to understand the consequences of drinking alcohol before you do it.
    Alcohol is connected with weight regain, because alcohol has 7 calories per gram, while protein and vegetables have 4 calories per gram. Also, some people develop an addiction to alcohol after WLS, so be very cautious.
    Depending on your type of WLS, you may get drunker, quicker after surgery, which can cause health problems and put you in dangerous situations. If you think you have a drinking problem, get help right away. Putting off stopping drinking doesn't make it any easier, and could make you a lot sicker.
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    kiki19 reacted to Chimera for a blog entry, Symptoms Of Insufficient Protein   
    Got this in my email this morning from Unjury - a good reminder to myself to keep on working on getting my protein and calorie numbers up after surgery.
    Everything in your body is made with protein. There’s nothing in your body you can make with just carbohydrate and fat. Your hair, skin, muscles, brain, heart, organs, blood, bones...every cell is made with protein.
    What happens when you don’t get enough?
    A doctor we know works with patients who haven’t gotten enough protein in their diet for years. She said that after surgery on those patients and she is putting in the stitches,

    “It’s like trying to sew wet tissue paper”.

    What are the symptoms of insufficient protein ? 1. Fatigue and/or weakness. Not just the feeling that we didn’t get enough sleep last night, but deep fatigue...or weakness where it’s hard to get through the day. 2. Weight loss plateau. When we don’t get enough protein, medical research indicates that the body tries to store calories rather than burning them. 3. Hair loss. We believe it is often preventable with enough protein. 4. Surgical complications. Is there surgery in your future? For many, the answer is yes. The best single numerical predictor of how well a surgery will go is your protein status. And, your body will heal slowly, sometimes very slowly, if your protein status is low.
    These symptoms can also be caused by other things, so it is always good to ask your doctor.
    You can get back on track.
    Here’s what one UNJURY customer wrote:
    “My protein levels were really low my first trip back to the doctor... It was at 6 or 8 when I went in August...At that time, I hadn't started using UNJURY. I was told to increase my protein to try and bring it up.... At the end of October and my (protein level) was normal and up to 18.9 ! look what (UNJURY’s) done for me.”
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    kiki19 reacted to CAsleeve for a blog entry, 7 Weeks Post-Op - Some Thoughts...   
    Had a some rough food times from week 6 to now week 7 post-op. I tried to move from the pureed phase into more solid food and was not very successful in keeping any food down. I was having to throw it up, which is something that is quite foreign to me. However, in just the past two days, I've been able to eat more solid food with no issue.
    I've lost 39lbs in 7weeks. I think this is fan-freaking-tastic! However, I have noticed the weight loss is slowing down a bit. I am also working out pretty intensely to taking long walks 5-6 times a week. I am also down two sizes and finding I don't have very many clothes I can wear in my wardrobe anymore. Believe me, I am absolutely not complaining about this!! I am so ok with buying new clothes, however, I'll likely buy just a couple items along the way until my final resting/goal weight! I've got a huge amount of great clothes from size 22-18 that are all bagged up and ready to be given away or donated. I might try to sell some at the Buffalo Exchange (resale shop) as I still have tags on several items.
    So, I still find lots of comfort going back to the protein shakes and I think they will be a standard in my diet from now on. I'm craving raw veggies and a nice mixed greens salad! Can't wait to be able to have that and keep it down.
    All is wonderful. I am so happy that I got sleeved and I can't wait to rock some cute Spring and Summer clothing (rather than dread the 'skin showing seasons')!!! I am actually looking forward to wearing cute skirts, shorts and a bathing suit!!! I turn 50 in August and you bet I'm going to be on the beach in a bathing suit and struttin' it! It is so weird to actually be able to look forward to that, when I thought I would never be able to get there before.
    One Love.
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    kiki19 reacted to CAsleeve for a blog entry, A Week Shy Of 5 Months Post-Op....   
    Man time flies by so fast. I am very happy with where I am at with my weightloss so far. I was down a total of 60lbs at my 4 month post-op appt. My doc is VERY happy with me. The loss has slowed down quite a bit.
    I need to get back to basics and make sure I get protein in first. I also need to keep doing 5-6 tiny meals a day rather than 2-3 not as tiny. I know it makes a difference. I've been out of my Premier protein shakes and I need to get some more. They help me tremendously.
    I've overdone it by eating a bit too much sometimes and I definitely pay for it - with the feeling of over fullness, belching and throwing up. It is not intentional, but it does happen once in a while.
    I'm working out 5-7 days a week and rather intensely - spinning classes, circuit training, yoga, hiking, etc... I actually like to work out.
    Great so far! I hope to get off another 20lbs in the next month..or month and a half...then the next 20....
    I got a copy of the 'before' photo taken in my docs office....YIKES! I am so glad I got sleeved!!!! I will post before and current photos soon.
    One Love.
  6. Like
    kiki19 reacted to desertmom for a blog entry, Eating To Much   
    So I needed to do a little emotional eating tonight and decided a half cup of wholegrain/flaxseed spaggetti with green pesto and a little feta cheese whould be it and boy am I paying for it.I have pain in the lower left side of my stomach and I am foaming big time.
    I just dont have a cue (hickup or sneeze) when I am full like some people do.I did hickup when it was o late though...lol
    This is not nice.I should know better.I try to never eat to much and have never felt like this since surgery.
    Now I am paranoid about stretching my stomach,stupid I know.Next time I will stick to my protein and veggies and have a sf ice lolly to self sooth when needed.
    Life's become so complicated since I had this surgery...so many changes like moving to either the US or UK in 2 months (not knowing drives me nuts) and then my sweet old aunty died today and now I will have to decide if I am going back to South Africa for the funeral and abandon my 11 year old while she had to compete in 2 international gymnastics competitions with an injury.
    The thing is I think wasnt neccessarily easier before...I just ate my way through all the problems and it did give me great comfort....now,nothing!
    Anyhow,at some point I will have to find not addictive coping mechanisms.And I know I will.
    This sleeve is so far the best thing thats happened to me...I would have gained another 30 pounds in the last 2,5 months if I didnt have it.
  7. Like
    kiki19 reacted to desertmom for a blog entry, Exercise   
    Tip for newly sleeved.Listen to the wize people that says start exercising immediately.
    Now that I have started I can see how much more wobbly I am than befoe.Previously when I had to exercise from day one I was muxh more toned by the time I had lost 40 pounds.My legs are especially soft and now hat I have started I dont know why I didnt do it before.
    Will start doing weights this week to see if I can catch up a little.
    For some reason I am sure the weight loss will start moving again as well.
    Ps.for some of the comments The speed with which your food passes depends on what it is and how much fibre is in the food.That is why I am eating more fibre.Maybe salad doesnt have nutritional value but it for sure helps me not be as constipated and it gives me great pleasure.Mind you I now add other stuff like grilled veggies too as I like it and I have missed it so much.I cannot oly eat proteins.My serotonin levels goes vwry low for some stupid reason (always have) if I cut out all my carbs.so unrefined carbs like veggies seems to do the trick for me and I am a happy sleever.I will start tracking calories burned the moment I get my new BODYBUGG.MInd you will try the old one until it gets here.
    If I burn 500 additional cals per day while eating 800 I will lose weight,I know this for sure.
  8. Like
    kiki19 reacted to desertmom for a blog entry, Exercise   
    so for the past week I have been exercising seriously.With that goes the weight that gets stuck even though you expect to lose load just by sweating..lol
    I am learning to make peace with the slow weight loss.I srill second guess myself all the time about food but I guess I am doing fine when all is said and done.
    Now I just have to keep it up,eating good proteins and fresh veggies.
  9. Like
    kiki19 reacted to mrsteacher for a blog entry, Week 7 Postop - Weigh In   
    Today is week 7 for me postop. I've been losing at a fairly slow (but steady) pace so I was surprised to see that the scale read a 3.8 weight loss for the week (yay!).
    My total weight loss is now at 29.4 lbs lost. I'm happy to write that I am out of the 240's, 230's, and now the 220's. Now to steadily lose out of the 210's
    This puts my average weekly weight loss at - 4.2 lbs (I've decided to factor in the 10 lbs I lost pre op).
    Not sure why the scale jumped so dramatically this week. I've only exercised once this week (deliberately).
    My best meal this week came from the Outback. I had their seared Ahi Tuna appetizer (small plate) and a cup of their baked potato soup (Yum! My new Outback favorite).
    Now to see what the next week brings!
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    kiki19 reacted to vsglosingit for a blog entry, Choices   
    Okay, so its been a rough day. Of course the first thing I want to do is sit on the couch with a glass of wine and a ton of carbs. But no, Instead I am online and reading how other people make the choices everyday to live a healthy and active lifestyle...so I have a choice. I can sit here and feel sorry for my "bad" day or I can hit the gym.
    I had my sleeve done on 2/17/12. So far I have lost 57.8 lbs. Of course I want it to be 75 lbs...but hey its going down and that is what matters.
    Somehow I have to learn how to control using food as my "friend" when nobody else is around. So I just downloaded a few new songs to my ipod and headed to the gym at 845pm.
    Wish me luck!! LOL
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    kiki19 reacted to ChristinaRose for a blog entry, Finding Freedom   
    Sorry this is kind of a doozy! I just felt the words flowing from my hands and couldn't stop.
    Sitting here, 8 days out from surgery, I'm understanding what it means to use food as a necessity and not a friend. For 26 (almost 27) years, I have buried my addiction so deep that it was all consuming and I was blind to it by choice. This past week, after being sleeved and without my friend, unearthing my addiction has been a harsh but MUCH NEEDED reality. I have cried over pizza, lamented over pasta, and been angry for bread. I have seen glimpses of myself that I never knew existed. But deep down I've known that facing my demons will bring resolution.
    I hope this doesn't sound too dramatic, but I've been thinking of analogies to connect the unhealthy relationship between food and the addict. This may sound odd but it's almost similar to an abusive relationship. So many love that person to the depths of their soul while they damage them to the core. It's a cycle of intense love and hatred. The beauty is, it's not the end of the story. There will always be scars and wounds from the past; a reminder of the battle. The sleeve aids us in making peace with the inner addiction. It doesn't necessarily heal us to the core but it is a vehicle for making peace with our addictions on a daily basis. This is a lifelong relationship with food and each of us is worth the freedom and the fight to maintain a healthy peace with our addictions. I am a professing Christian. A believer in the saving grace and immeasurable love of Jesus Christ. I can tell you this...He has picked up this broken life on more than one occasion and put me back together. He is the only real remedy to my food addiction. The key is surrendering every broken piece (not even holding on to one) to the only One who brings the dead to life. This chance at life came from Him. His mercies are new each and every day, and without that, I wouldn't be sitting here sleeved and on the path to a healthy life. People may call me a lunatic or Jesus Freak...I don't really mind; it gives me the opportunity to explain my passion for living. Most people don't believe in a God that offers second, third, and infinite chances. They believe they are too far gone...I am living proof that new life & freedom exist when you accept His everlasting love. Thank you Lord, for giving me hope for a future.
    "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)
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    kiki19 reacted to slimthickens for a blog entry, Down 16 Pounds In 2 Weeks. Feeling Great!   
    Yippee! I can't believe I am down 16 pounds in 2 weeks. I feel so much lighter and like I take up less room in my car, at my desk, everywhere...lol The best NSV for me is that I am officially off ALL 3 of my blood pressure medications as well as my cholesterol meds. I have another 70 pounds to go to get to goal but I am so happy to have already lost 30 pounds post and pre-op.
    If there has been any downside to this process it would have to be the emotional process of letting go of food as a coping mechanism. I've had a few rough days where I had to realize that I would no longer be able to use food to alleviate stress or combat feelings of negativity. I've replaced that tendency with art journaling instead. Now instead of reaching for a bite of something bad for me I will grab my art journal, some paint, paper, stamps etc. and journal everything I am feeling at the moment and when I am done I feel such a release. It has been especially helpful to go back and re-read those entries when I am no longer in that moment of distress and can see things more clearly. I've learned a lot about myself and about what got me fat in the first place in just these 2 short weeks.
    I had another notable NSV when I inadvertantly leaned back in my chair and crossed my legs with ease while visiting with friends. I was so shocked when I realized what I had done that I had to pretend I was still listening to the conversation while I was actually celebrating and having a dance party in my mind...lol My husband has been very supportive of me even if he doesn't fully understand what the hell I have had done with the surgery...poor guy is clueless but glad to have his support nonetheless. Many thank you's to everyone here on the forum for being sources of motivation, inspiration, dedication, discipline and hope.
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    kiki19 reacted to ChaChaBurch for a blog entry, Just Didn't Pay Attention   
    Our church has a Food Bank that is open once a month. As the Director of the Food Bank, it's my responsibility to ensure there is enough food to provide several day's worth of meals for those who come in. Normally, we are able to receive food from a non-profit organization that provides about 50% of our food for free, however, this month, they were booked solid and were not able to assist. So i spent all day yesterday out shopping for food, and putting it in the Food Bank. Thankfully, I had a friend who went with me to help. What i wasn't really paying attention to was how very little I ate, and also how many pounds of food that I handled. Putting food in the cart, placing it on the check-out belt, then sacking it, then taking it to the truck, then taking it out of the truck, and then carrying into the Food Bank, then placing it on the shelves. It is such a tremendous blessing to be able to be involved in this ministry, that I just wasn't really paying a lot of attention to what I was doing physically, as well as the amount of food I was consuming. For my food yesterday, my intake was a cup of coffee, a slim-fast shake, a few bites of refried beans, a few bites of chicken fajita meat, and that was it!! I don't know why I didn't think more abut eating. I just wasn't hungry, and I was having such a great time being able to purchase food for those in need, that I just didn't THINK!
    So when I got up this morning, I felt really bad. No energy, sore and achy. I decided to step on the scale, and I had lost 1.2lbs since yesterday! I don't think it's a good idea to lose that much in one day - and I would strongly recommend that no one else do it. I can tell you that it sure as heck doesn't feel good. Even though today is my 4 week "Surgiversary", I have learned that I'm not as far along the healing journey as I thought I was. I am not invincible (although some days I feel it), and that I need to pay closer attention to what I'm doing, and what I'm eating. Lesson Learned!
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    kiki19 reacted to slimthickens for a blog entry, 4 Days Post-Op & Feeling Better Plus Tmi Alert!   
    Today is day 4 post-op for me and I'm finally starting to feel a little like my old self again. I was able to lay in my bed for a cat nap today for the first time without my organs feeling like they are rearranging themselves inside...lol I was so desperate for sleep the other night that I actually grabbed my pillow and blanket and slept in the passenger seat of my car!! NO LIE!! It was the only place I could think of to simulate a hospital bed at home and it worked. The next morning when I woke up In the driveway I remembered that my back living room couch is a sectional with a recliner on one end!!!! It had to be the pain meds that didn't allow that to come into my mind before I got into the dang car...lol I've been sleeping in the recliner now and it does help but I soooo want to be back in my bed for a full nights rest.
    On another note and one that is typical for the way things go for me in my life, As I lay in the recliner this morning starting to notice that I was feeling a little better and like my old self again I sneezed and then realized that I NOW HAD A COLD!!!! Shaking my head I got up to use the restroom and then realized that I had also just STARTED MY PERIOD!!!!!!! All I could do was laugh and just roll with it...lol
  15. Like
    kiki19 reacted to fanofdmb for a blog entry, Hello Everyone!   
    I am new to the VSG community. I just had surgery on April 10, 2012. That just so happens to coincide with my 37th birthday. So I guess that it would be a rebirthday, right! lol
    I am very happy that I found this site. It is definately inspiring to see all the success and to know that there is a community of people that can be very supportive!
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    kiki19 reacted to gramaof4 for a blog entry, First Major Mile Stone Since Wls   
    Wow!! Today marks a 50 lb loss...the most I have ever lost in one sitting...and the weight continues to melt away....I am excited when I meet up with friends and family who havn't seen me in a while who compliment me on how thin my face looks and even my own brother says he can see the loss in my waist line....
    Easter was a challenging day! I got up early and quickly whipped up 3 pumpkin pies and a chocolate cream pie. I put the big ole' ham in the oven to bake with a brown sugar mustard glaze like all the family loves. I baked up a sweet potatoe and defiled it with butter brown sugar and marshmellows. we did not have a turkey as we were at my daughters and this is what she had to prepare. I make a green bean cassarole and stuffing and a fruit salad, I peeled 5 lbs of potatoes and made mashed taters...and when it was all place in the buffet line for all to go thru, I took a teaspoon of everything and managed to finish most of it before feeling the satisfaction of eating Easter Dinner with my family as I always had in the past. I did skip the pies and the amazing desert buffet my sister in law had prepared but everyone else was able to indulge. Easter was a success!
    I did not lose any weight over the holiday, however I did not gain any either.
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    kiki19 reacted to Lyra for a blog entry, Shame And Vulnerability   
    Over the last week or so I've immersed myself into TedTalks, a yearly convention that is the brain and spirit trust that shows both the absolute best and worst of humanity. It combines science, art, music, humor, and every other aspect that makes us human. It's been inspiring on so many levels, and it has also caused me to really think.
    One of the talks was on shame and vulnerability, why we feel them, and how those feelings (and how we deal with them) are important to our lives. I know that for myself I dealt with those emotions by reaching for the cookie box or eating way too much food. I think a lot of people who know me think that I'm an open person because I like to laugh and joke around. Yet I definitely have some very tall, very large boundaries as I am, at heart, a rather private person. This journey has really been a struggle for me because it makes me uncomfortable to be vulnerable in front of others. To go to the doctor and say, "I need this surgery. That I cannot lose weight on my own and will only continue to gain." To go to my best friends with confidence (all the while feeling shame) and tell them that I am getting this surgery. To realize that shame was illogical, but to feel it anyway. Two of my closest friends sat down with me to talk about why I decided to do this. I could see that my normal flippant responses wouldn't work, and that they were important enough to me to try and be as open as possible. God, it was hard, though. So very, very hard. I think I would rather run through the streets naked rather than open up emotionally like that. The results, though, were that they understood and now are really supportive.
    My surgery of April 25th is quickly approaching, and I realize how much I really want things to change. I want to stand at my 30th birthday in November and look back and realize that not only am I healthier and have started a more active life...but I also want to be a more emotionally open person. Kinder, more compassionate, and more honest with myself and others. I'm not really sure how to do that but I guess that's part of the journey.
    Either way, it's gonna be a hell of a ride.
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    kiki19 reacted to Ruth71 for a blog entry, One Week Post Op ..yay   
    Hi guys one week ago today i had my gastric sleeve 111.5kg on day of surgery and today 106.9kg omg no hunger but i need to drink more finding that really hard. I feel great just getting used to everything emotionally hope you guys are all doing well xxxx
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    kiki19 reacted to Dr.Vincent Polite LCMFT for a blog entry, Things I Didn't Know (Lol)   
    Let me say to every who is think about having this surgery DO IT!
    Man each day is just getting better and better. Many people choose to undergo this surgery as a means to improve health not looks. If your suffering from sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure or other obesity related illness, this is the reset button!
    i'm 3 weeks post op and no longer need my CPAP, blood pressure 120/80, Blood suger 128. The day I got home I walked one mile and have increase that until now i'm riding six mile on my bike. Also waiting for clearance to lift weights.
    Now the downside: I was not aware that I was not to eat more than 1oz, so of course i was trying to eat the allowed 4oz, I figured out that will not happen right now. I think it was a mind thing because I am almost never hungry. Still working on the fluid increase i was able to drink 80 for a couple of days but, that started reflux, so if any one has any ideas on dealing with that let me know. My reflux shows up about 5 to 6am every morning for the last week and a half.
    The fact that i can get out and be active again is so cool! I'm down to 225, but my focus is to get physically fit again. So I hope for those how have doubts that we on the forum, can give you the info you need to make a educated choice. this is a tool not a miracle cure for obesity, so if you can start approaching food and exercise with the right attitude you will be well on your way to being healthy.
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    kiki19 reacted to Sleevie WonderLand for a blog entry, Things I've realized since being sleeved...   
    Disclaimer:  These are strictly my opinions and in know way mean to deter anyone from pursuing VSG.  

    I was sleeved on October 18, 2011.  In addition to my new stomach, I've got new realizations about things and would like to share...

    This sleeve thing is MAJOR surgery.  I knew that when I was going in, but you dont fully understand the magnitude and seriousness of it until you wake up with that pain in your gutt.
    I was not mentally prepared for this surgery.  Yes, I had the psych eval.  Yes, I researched every possible thing I could think of to make sure I was prepared.  I read posts from people who were newly sleeved and complained of pains and troubles during their recovery, but I definitely lived in that "That wont happen to me" world.  I figured those people had to be doing something wrong to cause them so much grief.  Boy did I get a wake up call after my surgery.
    Getting sleeved removed 85% of my stomach.  My desire to eat for no reason in massive quantities is still very strong.  I wish I could sleeve that part of my brain.  I havent stopped wanting to have some steak and fried chicken since my surgery.  If only they made lobster flavored ice pops, I might find some of my desire to eat real food quelled.
    "Sharting" is no joke.  Dont take your gas for granted, it may be more than just air in that bubble.
    You will question your decision to get sleeved.  You will feel trapped when you realize that there is no turning back.  Unlike conventional diets where you can cheat just a little and get back on track; if you try and cheat with a new sleeve, you could kill your self.
    There are an awful lot of food commercials on tv.  No wonder our country suffers so much from obesity.  While in the hospital most of the commercials I saw were about food, cars, and Kim Kardashian's wedding.
    Learning to read my new stomach is still kinda hard even after 6 days in.  It gets frustrating, and at times it makes me angry.  My old stomach would growl, I'd overfeed it, and all would be well.  This new stomach is so picky...sometimes what I think is a small sip will piss new stomach off, and new stomach will give me the worst spasm ever.  New stomach dont take no s***.
    Coughing, sneezing, and laughing are tools of the devil.  Boy do they hurt like hell.
    I thought my couple of days in the hospital would be good for me because I'd be able to get some rest.  WRONG!  I didnt get more than 4 consecutive hours of sleep at a time because there's always an injection that you need to get, or some kind of medication, or a doctor needs to see your incision sites, or the nurse needs to check your vitals, or they need to deliver your nasty fluids for you to try and ingest, or someone needs to clean your room, or they want you to walk, or you gotta go to the lab and drink that nasty stuff so they can check for leaks, or you gotta go pee, or someone wants to offer you communion, or your roommate's family comes to visit and is loud and smells like cigarette smoke and cabbage and stays until visiting hours are practically over in addition to that hospital bed being hard to get totally comfortable in.
    I cant stop thinkin about food and what the first real spoonful of food I'm going to have is.
    Someone asked me if I would do this again.  I havent had any weight loss yet, so I'm not totally sure.  I'll have to revisit this post and answer once I see the difference in a couple of months.  I just hope this pain and discomfort and food craziness in my brain is all worth it.  I think my biggest problem is that Im throwing a tantrum because i havent had real food in over 2 weeks.  I know restriction is the only way i will lose weight, but I really resent not being able to do what I want to do - be in control of what I want to eat and when.  For now my sleeve is calling the shots, and that's a harder pill to swallow than the Prilosec the doc prescribed for me.

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