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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sue11

  1. Did you have to pay for your port replacement? My doc trashed my port too, and now wants $3,000 to replace it. Just can't do it right now, the budget is already thin with a kid in college etc... I can totally relate to the useless piece of "plastic" in my belly. Sue
  2. Hey Mer... Just came from Oh's office...and the hospital getting pre-ops done for port replacement. I'm scheduled for Thursday, but will probably postpone. 1st off I forgot to make sure they have a low-profile port for me, and they said before they have to order it. Secondly I have to come up with $3,000 in 3 days!?! Praying for Peace ('cause I know better than to pray for patience)! Sue
  3. yes, it's fairly simple, and I'm hoping to talk Oh into doing it under local instead of general. I don't want to deal with the wiped out feeling you have for days after the general. Not so thrilled about the $2,000 or so that it's going to cost me, sure didn't expect my $13,000 investment to cost me another $2,000/yr...sure hope this one holds, loosing the 100# is GREAT...keeping it off is alot of work, I still need my band!!!! Sue
  4. I need to make that same call to schedule port replacement too, but I think I'll wait until after the 1st. Time is a premium right now and I really need to get through Christmas to make sure I can swing it financially. Did you discuss the replacement surgery with Hirai? What did he tell you? Sue
  5. Good luck. Oh will accept no responsibility at all. He wouldn't even fill me for free (my insurance was already covering the apt as a follow up), he just went on and on about how he's "just an employee of the hospital" and has no control over charges and billing. He finally conceeded that he "may" be able to reduce his fees slightly for the replacement port, but that he's at the mercy of the hospital because he's "just an employee". All hospital fees are 100% my problem. What a bunch of BULL! According to him any damage whether caused at a fill or otherwise is the patient's responsibility...it's out of his hands, just a risk of the procedure. I've heard of other docs that will work with their patients when there is a leak issue, but fat chance getting Oh to be so helpful. Unless it can be proved that there is a manufacturer defect (which is determined by the manufacturer after the port is removed...good luck) you're on your own. Your choices are to pay for the replacement or have a useless piece of equipment in you belly. If you have any better luck with Oh let me know...I know he doen't like me, I had a disagreement with him and didn't "kiss his royal toes". As you can tell, I'm not an Oh fan...he's a great surgeon, and I don't know if I would have chosen a different one if I could go back, but the guy is a jerk!!! WOW...am I venting or what!?! Sue
  6. My problem is definitely a leak not a stretched pouch. I've had 5 fills that have disapeared...empty every time. I'm sure it's leaking out again, I have to "try" to feel restriction. I guess I'll call the doc next week. Sue
  7. I've always been able to eat chili and salad, It's the fact that I could eat a FULL meal that alarms me. I lost 100#'s in 9 months with my band working perfectly..still abel to eat good food like chili and salad, but in small portions. I'm not feeling full as I should, and rarely feeling restriction, especially in the AM when I know I sould be tight. I ussually have to use warm water to swollow my AM meds, but they have slide right doe=wn the last few days...not a good sign Sue
  8. Uhhhhh...about that restriction. I keep telling myself it's holding, but I ate a full dinner tonight (chili and salad) with NO problems. Every so often I feel something, but I was so TIGHT the first few days and now there's not much there at all. I'll test it in the AM, if I'm not tight in the morning I'll know for sure. :angry_smile: If I do get a replacement I'm going to get a low-profile port, and they will have to order that, so I'm sure I'll be doing the waiting game too. Sue
  9. My doc (Oh) says he's never seen a leak at the acutal band, that the leaks occure in the port or tubing. Not to say that the band can't leak, but he says he's never seen one. I don't know that I believe him, he's a great surgeon, but I think he'll tell you whatever he needs to to prove his point, afterall he is a surgeon and he's ALWAYS right. As you might guess, he's not my favorite person, though he is a great surgeon. My band seems to be holding still, my restriction is less than the first couple days, but that might just be my tummy "settleing in", I sure hope so, I don;t want to think that I might be slowly leaking. Sue
  10. I'm in the same boat...feeling restriction, but afraid to believe it wil last. I pureed some soup for lunch...gurgling that down now. I'd almost forgaotten what restriction felt like, it's been since July. When you do eat, try drinking hot water (or tea) first, it helps loosen up the band. I have a real love/hate mix of feelings about that lump in the chest. Everybody is different, some swell immediately after the fill and it loosens up after a few days...as long as your not irritating it. I tend to get tighter a week or 2 later. I hope not, cause I'm gurgling water in the am now...and an unfill is my LAST resort...that's what started me leaking! Oh well, I needed restriction and I've got it. Good news is I've dropped 4# (only 14 more to get back to where I was----ahhhhhhh!) Keep in touch. Sue
  11. Seattlelight...Were you in Oh's office today? I had the same type fill at his office today. I've had 4 fills that have leaked out, so now he finnally trys holding preasure on the port. So somebody tell me why he didn't do that 3 fills ago when we first realized there was a leak!!!I'm feeling some restriction tonight too. I'm eating some pumpkin custard...very slowly, it's going down...slowly. You're so good to follow the 48 hrs of liquids, I'm too impatient. I get frustrated with the liquids (hunger) and I want to "test" the fill. Doesn't it feel great to feel that lump in your chest!?! Now comes the real test...will it be there tomorrow and next week?Sue
  12. I have the inamed lapband, 4cc band. Went to my doc and he says he's never see a leak develope from the acutal band. Most are right at the port. He's going to attempt one more fill (using the preasure method that AnnV described above) as one last ditch effort to avoid another surgery. I'm not too hopeful...I'm sure I'll be having my port replaced...and soon I hope. The holidays are kicking my but, I don't have much in clothes to wear (Igot rid of my clothes as I "out shrunk" them).
  13. Peaches9... Did you just have the port replaced? Where you self pay? Did you have to pay for the replacement? Did you have local or did they put you out? Sorry for the long list of questions...just trying to gather as much information as I can before I meet with my doc on Friday. Sue
  14. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Have to agree...EAS...tried it once...ONCE...Yuck!!! Champion Nutrition whey chocolate is so tasty I look forward to it and my kids drink it, though the vanilla is nasty (know quite a few people who agree). There are some places (Vitalady in Puyallup is one) that will let you trymany brands to see what you like. The protien drinks are very different from a slimfast drink. Keep trying. 4 more days and I hope I will have an answer to my "broken" band...I have mixed feelings about Thanksgiving with no band, the adict in me is cheering, but the goal orientated me wants my restriction back. I sure can't do this on my own...up 15 now!!!
  15. Hang in there. It will work! I remember the 1st 6 monthes, wondering when the "Help" would come, knowing the "white knuckle diet" is short lived. You will be amazed when you finally get to that sweet spot, it really does work. I've had a few glitches, not nearly what you've seen, but I don't regret it for a minute and I can't wait to get my band back! Sue
  16. I'm sure my leak is at the port. I went in to get an unfill, gagging on my own spit. He backed off my fill from 3.3 to 2.8. When I left the office I guzzled a water bottle on my way to the car. I haven't felt restriction since then (exept for 1 day after my fill...therefore I know the leak is slow). I'm sure he punctured my port at the unfill...it's the logic answer. I've been in 4 times to be filled and each time the band is empty. I'm loosing my battle with "white knuckle dieting", which at this point is no diet at all...I feel so defeated, and just like with every other diet I've ever been on, this is where I fail. I'm confident that a new port will get me "back on the wagon"Sue
  17. adorKable...feeling your pain (I've had a leak since July!!!)
  18. Cathy...My doc draw out first before any fill, he always checks to see what already in before he fills. Sometimes there can be a little "evaporation" that's normal. What make you think you have a leak. It took me 4 fills (6 months) to feel restriction.Sue
  19. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Just as I thought...nothing in my band (again) so there is a leak, but the leak is too slow to show up on the test. Now I wait 2 1/2 weeks for my follow up apt, then I would guess a port replacement, sure hope that works!?!Sue
  20. I had my leak test today, and it came out exactly as I said it would. My band was empty, but no leak showed. I have a slow leak that doesn't show on the test, but I've been filled 4 times now and there is nothing in my band. Now I have to wait another 2 1/2 weeks for my followup apt to see whaqt the next step is. I'm sure my leak is in the port, so I think I will just have it replaced, the question will be who pays for it? (My dr put a hole in my band during a fill...but will he admit it?)Sue
  21. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Well...I have a "leak test" tomorrow, though I don't expect that it will show anything. I've heard that slow leaks and port leaks are no very detectable on a leak test. I'm sure a I have a slow leak at my port...so I'm not expecting anything. But then we can rule out some things and I will probably have my port replaced. Not looking forward to another scare, mine is just now faded to almost un-noticable, and the $$$ it's going to cost really frustrates me. I didn't spend $13,000 to do this by myself, so if it costs me another $2,500 to get it back I can except that.Sue
  22. sue11

    Who's had their Port Replaced?

    $8,000!!!! WOW...I've heard $1,200 Was that just to replace the port? Sue
  23. Miles2empty... I'm REALLY curious what Oh had to say at your appointment. Please catch me up, I'm in the same boat as you, but am still waiting for the office to call me back. Sue
  24. sue11

    Who's had their Port Replaced?

    I'm looking at having my port replaced with a low profile. I seem to have a slow leak, and I've wanted a low profile...mine sticks out :biggrin: Anybody know the cost of having it done? Sue
  25. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    fleminld... I don't have an explanation why, but when I had a fill I would often have a delayed restriction...not feel alot right away, then it gets "tighter" after a week or so. But, also, the huge difference for me is hormons. I would get really tight with my period, hormons play a huge part in how my band feels. Sue

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