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Everything posted by sue11

  1. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    It sure is hard to keep the shopping to a managable amount. For so long I've bought pretty much anything that I could find to fit, now I've got to be much more picky. I still want to buy everything that fits, which really gets me in trouble...so much fits! Lately I've been staying out of the stores, it was justs getting out of hand. On the high side, it is easier to find thing on clearance sales, with so many more options. I ussually don't have to pay as much for what I want/need. I do need to find some new jeans, I've always bought the same style from Avenue, but I'm in the 14's now and that's a low as they go...such problems...LOL Sandra... I can totally relate to the pantie thing, mine look like clown bloomers by the end of the day...time to buy some new ones. Sue
  2. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    For the ticker...I just click on it the ticker and it opens the tickerfactory window where you can edit, put in the password and update the ticker. Does a great job of keeping track of weight loss, brings me encouragement when I feel things are dragging. Pinenut... Love to see you again at support group, St Joe's is the 3rd Monday at 6:45. I think St Francis is the 2nd Tuesday at 12:00(?), chick the st francis web site to be sure. Laura (St Joes) is having a plastic surgeon in to speak in February...I'm really looking forward to hearing what he has to say. Sue
  3. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee... WOW!!!! You look like your much younger, much skinnier brother...cool! Twinmommy... Onederland!!! Such a huge milesstone...CONGRATS!!! Sandra... Sounds like water weight to me...how's your salt intake or maybe TOM? It sould drop off as quick as it came. Everybody...Isn't it amazing to feel normal!!! Sometimes people stare, but it's because I've changed so much, not because I'm the "elephant in the room". I still stare in the mirror...somebody pinch me! Sue
  4. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    As far as being hungry goes...I was hungry all the time until my 4th fill (6 months out), then I finally got some real relief from the hunger, Until then I would get the all out tummy growling (LOUD) hunger. I was really white knuckling until my 5th fill. Now I get hungry, but not until 3-4 hour after I eat (as long as I eat a good meal of solid food...liquids/mushies just don't satisfy for long.) Still fight the head hunger, wanting to munch, especially on days like today when I'm hanging around the house, but that's where the sefl control comes in...right!?! (Thank God for the band 'cause self control sure doesn't go far for me!) Sue
  5. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Weazer... Thanks for the sweet encouragement. 118!?! LOL I'm dreaming of 150! Maybe as I get closer I'll tweek that a bit. Short of a but lift/saddle-bag-ectomy (my thighs might just need a little help from the plastic surgeon) I have to be realistic, maybe I'll shot for 145, that's what I weighed on my wedding day 23 years ago. That's still 30#'s away. My top half seems to want to be thin, but the bottom half is really feeling the effects of age & gravity...Oh to be 20-something again! Sue
  6. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... That's s cool! I can see it now...group pricing and a private nurse to take care of us during recovery at a beach-front resort...LOL...LOL We need to walk...MWF 7:45 at the mall...be there
  7. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Dawn... I tried to post a responce several days ago...but my computer chose that moment to go on the fritz. Sounds like you have pretty good resriction, have you tried drinking hot water before you eat? I find the good stuff (protien & vegetables) go down easier if I drink hot water to open the band first. I find if I do this and get the good stuff down then I don't crave the bad stuff that slides down so easily. This seems to be working for me, I feel so much better if I get a good tummy full at meals, keeps me from nibbling. Manatee... Congrats on the 180! It's so exciting to have goal weights in reach! Laura... WOW...size 8. I dream of a loose 12 (I'm at 14 now) I think I would have to see the plastic surgeon about the saddlebags in order to get into an 8. Who knows...maybe some day (I never thought I could even dream about anything less than a 14) :rolleyes2: I'm totally with you on the hot tea! Tastes so good and keeps me warm (all that insulation loss sure leaves ya cold!) I love to sip my tea, I'e even been known to slip a water bottle into the microwave before get in the car, keeps me warm and I get more water in. Sue
  8. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... We missed you last night! Wendy & I both commented that we ment to give you a call. About the TT...Go for it! get rid of that extra skin and you'll probably be at your goal weight. What a great problem to have...when to have your TT. I walked past a mirror on a bar in my swimsuit (well, I closer to running...stuck nachos) and I caught a glimps of my thighs flapping in the wind...ugh! Those suckers have got to GO!!! Phyl... We did watch the game on board. They showed the game in a small "pub" on the ship, so a bunch of us squeezed in, watching, cheering, eating fish & chips & lots of good natured rivalry with both Seahawk & packer fans in the house. It was really fun...even if the outcome stunk DH and I are planning a superbowl/cruise reunion party (to share pictures etc...) just wish it was a Seahawk Superbowl
  9. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Dawn... I've
  10. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Phyl... Happy 1/2 Bandiversary!!! Celebration of a new life!!!
  11. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    We got home last night from our cruise...We had a fabulous time. It was even better when I got on the scale this morning and i had gained less than 2#'s!!! I ate myself silly evevery night (the 16 of us had dinners together each night...som much fun, I totally enjoyed myself...including multiple desserts most evey night) It's so great to know that some day I will be able to eat "normal" and will be able to maintain my weight loss. i thought for sure that I would have gained 5+++ #'s the way I was eating...I am very encouraged that this will work for the long run...I love my band!!! Sue PS...highlights...a massage on the beach, parasailing and so much more...i never would have done those things at 270+
  12. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I was soooo happy this morning. We got home from our cruise last night...9 days SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! I took it real easy durring the day, band is tight then and really helped me keep the intake down. but...I ate myself silly in the evenings. There were 16 of us and we had dinner together everynight, and I TOTALLY enjoyed myself for dinner, had 2 desserts most nights. I figured I had gained at least 5#'s. I weighed this AM and I gained less than 2#'s. It has totally renewed my faith that I can loose this wieght and keep it off. If I can eat like I did this week and not gain a bunch of wieght, then I can see that some day I will reach my goal and be able to maintain with a "normal" diet...THIS WILL WORK!!! Sue
  13. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Phyl... We get on the plane in the AM for LA. Friday we get on the boat and cruise to Acapolco and make our way up the Mexican Coast. Last time I looked it was 90+. I'm so excited. I'm not afraid of the plane ride or the beach...it sure feels GOOD! I may not be pretty in a bathing suit (yet), but at least I'm not ashamed and exbarassed anymore. It sure feels good to be more normal. Talk to you all in 10 days!!! Sue
  14. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi all... I'm sooo excited, DH & I leave for our cruise in the AM. For the first time in YEARS I'm not worried about the plane seat, or going to the beach with my friends. I may not look great (yet) but I feel so normal. I'm looking forward to seeing how my weight does. My plan is to be careful, but have some fun, try the "maintenance mode" and see what happens. Sue
  15. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Phyl... We are big WSU Cougar and Seahawk fans...it was a good day Saturday!!! We're trying to find out if our cruise will have the playoff games availalbe, I think the next Seahawk game is Saturday? We'd really like to watch! Sue
  16. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    It sure doesn't come off the way it went on...does it!?! Between the saggy skin and the thikening tummy my body is a different shape. I have to remind myself that stretching my body out like I did is going to have an effect on my skin and toning, afterall, I'm not in my 20's and things just don't bounch back like they did in decades gone by. It's also good to have some perspective on the fact that I am in my 40's and even if I hadn't gained/lost all this weight my body would have "matured"...Oh to be 20-something again!!! Sue
  17. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Weazer... Congrats on the 29.9...That's my next goal too, I'm at 30.5 now. I should make it next month. Dropping the "Obese" will be as sweet as dropping "morbid"...dare we hope to drop the "overweight" label? WOW...what a thought! We leave Thursday for 9 days...Mexican Cruise with 14 friends. I've already decided to enjoy myself, I'll do my best to make good choices, but I'm going to have some fun too. I'm 3# under my goal weight for the cruise...so I'm not goin to get upset if I gain a couple...right!?!
  18. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Mer... Glad to hear the car's fixed. The classes sound great, you're going to have a blast. Some day I'll have time to do some of that too. My daughter & I watched a Project Runway show where they had women who had lost significant weight as their models. They brought in their favorite "fat" outfit & the designer had to remake it for thier new figure. It was funny 'cause that morning I altered at least a dozen garmets...trying to get ready for my cruise next week. Speaking of the cruise (I'm so excited...I feel like a little kid before Christmas) I've been shopping, and I can't believe how easy it is to buy clothes. In my obese days I bought pretty much anything that fit, now there are so many things that fit...so many choices! I used to hate shpping, now it's fun! This could be a problem, I can realy see the potential for trasfer adiction...yikes!
  19. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    OK...somebody mentioned the apron. My apron is ugly...but it's the lower body sag that repulsive!!! I'm a real pear shape, so the gravity effect on the lower body is pretty awful. My DH & I discussed the lower body lift (and a boob job...that's for him as much as me...I just truned 44, but my boobs are 84...sorry guys). I think it's gong to be necessary, but I'm really not looking forward to the all the way around the body incision...yikes! Going into this I was prepared for the possible tummy tuck, that doesn't bother me, but the full lower is a different story. Oh well, no pain no gain. It's just short term pain for long term results...right!!! Sue
  20. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi Lindz...Welcome Mer... How's the car? I bet DH was so glad to see you that it really didn't matter!?! Sue
  21. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Sandra... Sounds like a good idea to take it slow for a couple of days. The good news is you know what too tight feels like. If you think your too tight after a few days then you insist that they take some out. You are in charge. Tightening the band is not always the answer for a plateau. I usually find it means I need to change things up, and often that means more food to get my body out of starvation mode. Stick to your guns and do what you know is right for you. Congrats of the new clothes. I'm so amazed when I try new stuff on, or even folding my laundry...I keep confusing my clothes with my daughter's clothes...I can't believe I can wear that size!!! The X's are gone forever!!! Sue
  22. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I just looked at my WL record and was so surprised. My goal from Thanksgiving throught Mid-Jan was to not gain (what a wimpy goal). I had Thanksgiving, my Birthday, Christmas, New Years and a cruise all in about 7 weeks. I looked at my record and I've lost 9 lbs since Thanksgiving! I'm so shocked! I need to start setting tougher goals for myself, I'm just so paranoid to set a challenging goal. In the past I would feel so defeated when I didn't reach my goal and it would push me toward giving up, so I stopped setting goals. I guess there's still a part of me that doesn't belive that I'm strong enough. An entire life-time of struggling with weight and failing really messes with your self-esteem. Time to believe in myself (and my BAND!!!) Sue
  23. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Merry Christmas!!!
  24. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Merry Christmas!!!
  25. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I NEED to walk today! We've already had about 6 Christmas parties...I love them, but it's so busy I've been to the Y about 2 times this month! I at least need walk!!! Anybody want to lap the mall today? Sue

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