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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sue11

  1. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I've found TOM is responsible for most of my PB experiences. It starts a couple days before TOM...it's frustrating, but the up side is it's like an early warning system that TOM will arrive soon. I was chatting with a band friend the other day and was frustrated because I had been having trouble with PB the last couple days and the scale was stuck, it was such a DUH moment, as it came out of my mouth I figured it out. Aside form that, a little hot water bofore eating and things go down quite well. Sorry for the TMI to all you guys out there, but it's a fact of life for us gal-banders Sue
  2. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Isn't that cool, I was looking at the BMI chart last night too. I'm only "slightly overweight" then I was looking how far down the chart it was to my starting point, it didn;t even show up on the chart I was looking at...WOW! 23 lbs to "Healthy" weight, that's what I've set as my goal...HEALTHY! Makes me want to scream...cry...dance!!!
  3. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    When you don't feel good about yourself what difference does it make if the teeth are a little yellow? When you start feeling some pride (the good kind) you start noticing those areas that are worth a little more effort...how you dress etc... I'm by no means a fashion diva, I'm OK with getting my T-shirts ar Target, but I find I don't enjoy wearing the baggy cloths that make me look heavier again. My DH gave me a WSU sweatshirt yesterday, I tried it on and he immediately says "darn, that sure doesn't complement your figure"(it was kind-of baggy). Clothes used to be about hiding...not any more! Sue
  4. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    For all the times I've griped I have to share another GREAT day! 100 pounds today!!! After having the scale taunt me for days at 99.5 I was officially down 100 lbs today!!! It was my Bible Study day so I got to share it with lots of really supportive friends, some even cried happy tears with me (and yes, I was wearing my size 12 pants for the 1st time!) After that I had a dental appointment and my dentist gave me free teeth whittening ($450) as a congrats gift, he's so sweet! Then DH & I went out to dinner (so what if the scales not at a perfect 100 tomorrow...I know I'm there). People have been asking me all day if I'm at my goal weight (they can't see the thighs under my jeans...what they don't see can't hurt...right!) This is truely the best decision I ever made for my physical health, and probably my mental health too. Doing the happy dance, Sue
  5. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    100!!!! HAPPY...HAPPY, JOY...JOY!!! It's my 100 pound day!!! It's been such a good day! I finally dropped that one last lb to hit 100...my scales has been torturing me at 99.5 for days!!! It was my Bible Study day so I got to share it this morning with some really good friends, they are so supportive, and I was wearing my size 12 pants for the 1st time! Then I had a dental cleaning and my dentist gave me free teeth whitening ($450) as a congrats gift. People have been asking me all day if I'm at my goal weight (they can't see my thighs with my jeans on...LOL). I had dinner out with DH (so the scale might not say 100 tomorrow...oh well), and it's just been a great day. There's so often that we (at least I do) come on-line to gripe, so I just had to share my great day! :thumbup: Hope you all had a great Valentines Day too! Sue
  6. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... How exciting! (In an Ouch kind of way) You are going to look so fabulous! I'm not sure what your DH is like, but i don't know that I would really be too upset if my DH was gone post-op. He's great with helping around the house and with the kids, but sometimes he can make me a little nuts when I want to rest and he's running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Oh well, he is very helpful, just not very good with "sick" people, girlfriends are so much more nurturing and compassionate. Sue
  7. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I had a really good evening, I actually went shopping for pants and ENJOYED it. I bought my first size 12, and they fit great! I still haven't found the right jeans yet. It's the same old story as before I gained weight, so many of the jeans are slim or flare cut legs. If they fit in the legs, they're huge in the waist, if they fit in the waist they are totally clinging to my ugly saddlebags...yuck! The good news is I'm looking for a new brand of jeans because the brand I've worn for years start at size 14...too big! I love my band! Sue
  8. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Laureli... How's your husband doing now, that sounds so stressful. Can sure understand the attention shifting during a time like that.
  9. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Dawn... Did you make it to the PS office? If you did you must have come later, Mer & I didn;t see you. Nice to go scope out hte office and talk to the surgeon, Monday should be very informative. PS...I had most of the evening free, so I went shopping, bought my first pair of size 12 pants...they fit great! i never thought I would wear a 12! Sue
  10. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Carol... It's food getting stuck in the band and backing up into the esophogus. The best ways I've found to avoid it is to drink something hot before I eat (water or tea), it loosens the band and lets food pass. The biggest thing is to start slow. I find it's when I'm really hungry that I grab that first bite ot two and forget to really chew, chew, chew...and there I am with the lump in my chest. Drinking the hot water first opens the band, helps slow me down and curbs that intense hunger that leads my to swallow too quickly. This almost always works for me, but maybe others have tricks too. Sue
  11. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Oh my...Peanuts (and ALMONDS!!!) Salties have always been my weakness. Most of the time I can grab a few to cut the craving, but sometimes I talk myself into believing they are "great protien". Definitely better than my old friend the potato chip, but I really have to watch 'cause if can get our of control SO easily! Manatee... Certainly didn't want to hear that you'd have to go under the knife again. That's not good. I guess the one bright side is that they can replace it and you don't have to give up your band. If you don't mind me asking, were you cash pay...do you have to pay for the revision yourself or will insurance kick in? Did you say you have United HealthCare (that's my insurance too)? If I ever had to pay for a revision I would surely be kissing my plastic reconstruction good bye. It's one thing to go into this on a cash pay knowing what the cost will be, but I think we all fear the dreaded unknown complication and costs involved. Let us know when you have to go in, you're in my thoughts & prayers Sue
  12. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Weazer... That doesn't sound so good. Are you able to eat, are you getting your fluids in? Sounds like you're really tight
  13. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, this is too funny. It's so timely that we've been talking about PS 'cause I have a story from yesterday (if there's any guys our there, sorry, I know this is TMI) I had my mammo yesterday. The tech opend my gown, took one look at me and said "just a minute, I'll be right back" She left the room, came back in and asked "have you lost alot of weight?" I smiled and said ya, but I knew where she was headed. She said, "I have you down as needing the large size film, but the small will do just fine." How depressing!!! LOL Though I would not trade it back for the weight, I sure do miss my boobs (DH does too)! LOL Oh well, you can't have your cake and eat it too! But I guess you can have your boobs and eat cake!!! Thank God for padded Bras!!! A very "deflated" Sue
  14. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Sandra... Have you ever tracked your calories? I find if I eat below my minimun (1,000 to 1,200 calories) I totally plateau, that seems to be my threashhold for starvation mode. Maybe you need to eat more, or vary your intake from time-to-time. I do find that it makes a difference what I eat, 1,000 of higher fat seems to react different from 1,000 of good calories. I stick to low-fat, very low-carb and lots of protien. Manatee... Is your insurance United HealthCare? Do they pay for fills? Sue
  15. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee... Been waiting to hear, it's always good to know what the problem is, glad it's not a band issue dirrectly. I'm guessing they will lossen band and put you on meds until ulcers heal? Sue
  16. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Did you get any details from Oh, like how he'll do it, what type of incision, how long in hospital...you proabaly don't have all the details yet.
  17. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... The bra thing only works cause you've got something to pull-up...you lucky dawg!!! LOL (I'm soooooooooo jealous!) Can't wait to see you with you new abs! Sue
  18. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Dawn... The meeting's a week from Monday, on the 18th...right? I'm planning of going, it sounds really interesting. Have you thought about going to the open house on Tuesday?
  19. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee... Your health is #1...That's why we're all on this journey. If you're not healthy then nothing else matters. It must have been distrubing to vomit blood, it's a good you went in. I had some problems with vomiting blood when I was pregnant...sever morning sickness & constant vomiting broke blood vessels in my esophogus, scary, but it cleared up on it's own. Take care of yourself, you're in my prayers, & enjoy the chance to indulge on your favorite ice cream :biggrin: Sue
  20. sue11

    Extra skin...???

    The only way that I know of that the surgery is covered by insurance if for medical neccessity, such as rashes, skin infections etc..., but it is possible.
  21. I totally agree withthe Wendy's Chili, I like it with sour cream. A small chili with reduced-fat SC is 270 Calories and 18 grams protien, and is so satisfying! Re-fried Beans and Soups are others I look for. I like to get McDonald's snack wrap (grilled chicken), but I don't eat the tortilla. McD's apples with carmel sauce (lowfat) is only 105 calories if your looking for a sweet treat, it's like a yummy little 100 calory pack, but it's fresh, sweet and nutritious (don't forget to chew, chew and chew some more!).
  22. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I sure hope I can find someone more reasonable, I dno't want to go cheap...you get what you pay for, but I don't need a $25,000 body. I'm in my 40's and it pretty much down hill (gravity assisted) from here on out, but I think I could see paying around $10-12K for "improvments". Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear ya know! Unfortunatly for me, my issues are in the lower body, butt & legs, which seems to be more pricey than if it's just a tummy tuck. I guess you "apples" have and advantage over us "pears" in that respect...skinny limbs.
  23. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... That'ss the exact surgery I would be concidering...lower body & boobs...are you kidding!?! $25,000!?!?!!? That's not going to happen. Oh well...I guess I will just droop. let me know if you get any more info. Sue
  24. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee... I did the closet purge recently too. I got rid of everything that didn't fit. After I hung up all the clothes I own that do fit I had over 60 hangers leftover! I'm trying not to spend too much money on new clothes, (losts of clearance rack stuff) 'cause I don't want to get too attached...hopefully the current clothes will be too small someday soon!?! The really great part was I got to give a bunch to a friend. She recently went through breast cancer surgery & treatments. The meds she has to take for the next 5 years made her gain weight. She's a single mom & with medical bills and all, it was great to be able to help out a little. I guess that counts as a NSV. Sue
  25. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I have a saddlebag issue...so that part of my body doesn't exactly feel sexy (yet). I tried the "cheeky" panties, and it just felt like I was displaying my worst attribute...some day (probably after a visit the plasstic surgeon)! I feel better if I concenrate on other "angles" where things are looking a little more attractive. I feel fantastic when I stand in my bathroom mirror...it shows me from the hips up...LOL! Sue

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