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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sue11

  1. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy... Glad to see you up and posting. Merrillee... What kind of foods are you having trouble with? I can't tell you how mush I crave Wendy's chili!!! nbjen... What hospital does dr Fox work out of? Is he in a group/clinic? We're going to try to make the support group on monday at St Joes. Nasty headache today, what I wouldn't give for a couple excedrine!!! It's the only thing that helps my monthly headache. A baked potatoe probably wouldn' hurt either!!! Wish i had my pain meds already...I'd give that a go. Oh well, at least I should get through all that by surgery day on Thursday. Would sure hate to have cramps on top of it all.
  2. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    legster... I am banding at st Francis on the 24th!!! I'm not sure which doctor you are with. Mine is Dr Oh. He says no milk forever, but on the side (by the education person) I've been told that this is more because it will lead to other high sugar high fat foods. The by-pass patients can not eat milk...cause dumping syndrom, but banders can use skim milk, but must be aware of the sugars. My nutritional educator said that soy milk is OK but there was only one brand that she knows of that is low in sugar, she said it tastes like old carpet. She said to use mocha mix in cereal, baking and such. ARe you on liquids or clear liquids. the soy milk would probably make a really good shake, but would not be a clear. I am a milk lover too, and will probably drink skim milk eventually, after I reach my goal weight :mad: , but I think I'll avoid it for now so I don't hinder my weight loss. What I've heard on potatoes is that the volume of the pouch is so small that it's better to fill it with more nutritional food, potatoes are basically sugar, and we tend to add those yummy fatty toppings. Bread can clump in pouch and get stuck, and she said brown & wild rice are better than white. Now that I've recapped my nutrition class... Do you live in the area...I'm in Tacoma I hit 10# this AM too...a great start on greater things...congrats
  3. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi May bansters, i got bumped up today. I'll be banded on the 24th instead of the 29th (at my request). It's going to work perfectly with the families schedule and the long weekend to recover. I'm really happy to have 5 fewer days to wait...just want to get on with it!!! All you new bandsters take good care of yourselves!
  4. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all, just visited Wenjea in the Hospital after 10AM banding. We went for our walk, though it was not the regular 2 miles, just to the end on the hall & back. She's battling nausea from the pain meds, but she's sipping water & eating popcycles just fine. Speedy recovery to all the new banders this week! Sue
  5. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi all, just visited Wenjea in the hospital after her banding at 10 AM. She's hanging in there, though she's quite bothered by nausea from the pain meds. Congrats to all the other May 17 banders!
  6. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    nbjen... thanks for the encouragement...nobody knows unless they've been there. Wenjea & i were talking last night about realizing how much our lives have centered around food..that certainly needs to change...look where it's gotten me. I'm looking now for other rewards, it seems shopping fills the gap too easily...boy could that get me in trouble. Are you with Dr Oh also? Evila... My Doc has you do 2 weeks of clear liquid & protien shakes pre-op, then clear liquids only for 1 week post-op, followed by 3 weeks clear liquids & shakes. Then it's mushies for 2 week then on to softs & solids. It's more strict than other Doc that I've seen, but it leads to fewer complications (slippage) and great start in getting the pounds off! Many are down 20 lbs by their surgery date.
  7. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, day 4 of clear liquids, can't say I'm enjoying it...I think my feelings would land on the other end of that spectrum. The one good thing...I get to move my ticker! May not be much, but it's movement. Thank God for that one bit of encouragement.
  8. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    For those asking about protien...my Doc requires 90 grams of suplimental whey protien a day. I use the Champion Nutrition mostly. You can find it on Ebay. I love the chocolate as a cocoa in the AM and mix the vanilla with crystal lite, SF syrups or a few berries for a smoothy...yum! We make the drinks with 1.5 scoop per serving (30 grams of protien) it gets you the protien with out excessive calories. PS...these are not the same as meal replaement shakes (Slimfast) which are higher in calories. Happy "Shaking"
  9. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy...call me on my cell
  10. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy and Pinenut... I know things will go well tomorrow. You're in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Have a relaxing, do nothing weekend, even if you're feeling well, jsut kick back and enjoy some R&R. Merrillee... We missed you tonight, but certainly understand. Wendy will be kicking back for a bit, but give me a call if you're on this side of the great waters.
  11. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Pinenut...it would be fun to meet ou if you're feeling up to it on monday. Congrats to your husband. Trying to remember, are you up north or in the Tacoma area? Wenjea...yes, sometimes I have to just close it all down and start over
  12. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Kids are at youth group in the PM...I should be free
  13. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Can you squeeze in a walk tomorrow? Have to be afternoon or evening...nutrition class in the AM
  14. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    So Wendy...are you ready You're almost there!!!
  15. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Oh ya, we are plannign on going the the St Joe support group next monday. https://www.fhshealth.org/Bariatric/support.asp
  16. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey Dawneb, we've been meeting for walks, usually on Friday at 11:00 (I'm in Tacoma). My walking buddy (Wenjea) is being banded on thursday, so she won't be there friday. Maybe could meet Wed or thurs. Sue
  17. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Vitalady is a great place to start. They will let you sample different brands/flavors so you can find out what you like. They have a full stock of vitamins too. It can be a little overwhleming at first, but they will get you on the right track. I don't know if you are close to Puyallup, but they will deliver to Oh's office for you, but I would make the trip out there for the first time. It's worth it to be able to sample the different protiens, they really do vary alot. My favorites are Champion Nutrition (chocolate & mocca) and the nectar (lemon makes a great fruit smoothy base). There are dozens of different add in SF syrups at Cash & Carry to create different flavors. Lots of people like to have vanilla protien to add flavors to also, I'm not all that fond of the vanilla though. I'm on my second day of clear liquids and protien drinks and the shakes are the highlight of my day.
  18. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    2nd day of Liquids, it's warm in my office...I really want a nap!!! Energy level was OK this AM, but in my warm office I can hardly hold my eyes open. Everyone says it gets better after the 3rd day...right? I sure hope so, cause I'd sure love a great big iced coffee right now! Do other Docs restrict caffine?
  19. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I forgot to get popcycles at the grocery store, did NOT want to go back. My sweet teenagers went for me...did that ever taste good! maybee I'll have another.
  20. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Merrillee... 30 WOW!!! Congrats!!! That is sooooooo cool, i can't wait to join you! It's my turn now...it's clear liquid (and shakes) starting today for banding on the 29th!!! Trying to look at it as the beginning of a possitive change...the new me...instead of a "diet". Had to go the grocery store...didn't make it this weekend as I had planned...boy is my tummy rumbling!!! Dawneb... I can totally relate to the insurance frustration. We had a verbal YES from the insurance, started all the testing then the insurance decided it was excluded. I was frustrated to tears. But we made the commitment to self-pay. Still makes me mad, but maybe the financial commitment will creat an even greater commitment to suceed! Now for some broth & a walk!
  21. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Here we go...it's clear liquid (and shakes) starting today for banding on the 29th!!! Trying to look at it as the beginning of a possitive change instead of a "diet" Off to mix my shake and head to work
  22. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    That's a great tip for nausea. I had my thyroid removed one year ago, throwing up in recovery and continued while wheeling me to my room & beyond. More than a little painful with a 5" incision across my neck. I will definitly ask Doc about patch!
  23. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi all, It's so good to hear all your stories. I'm a newbee on this thread, scheduled for the 29th, start my liquids on Monday. I'm ready to get this over with now. Hard to know what to expect, everyone's experiences are so unique. I'm ready now though, even if it's on the rough side, let's get it rolling! Congrats to all those that are on their way!!!
  24. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    It was fun walking today, what a great break in the day! So great to chat and laugh with people who really get where you're at. Love to have more join us. Thanks Merrillee for answering the neverending questions. Takes alot of the doubt away when the unknown isn't so unknown.
  25. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Beckie & Punkytres, did you paste the ticker to the bottom of the edit signture page?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
