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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sue11

  1. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Pinenut... Ya, we missed you, were hoping to meet you last night. Maybe at the next meeting in 2 weeks if not before. I am finding the meetings helpful. It's great to have access to a nutritionist for questions and meeting people that are in the same place I am is sooooo good for my emotional progress. Mer... Thanks for asking, still working on the gas. Gets pretty bad by the evening, I end up walking/pacing until I can finally burp. I feel like a baby with my fussy time in the evening! We need to walk SOON! PS...Wendy sent me the email flyer you sent out. I love the clothes, it must be really fun to design and sew them! We (my kids & I) had a good belly laugh at the picture of your "happy" boy...lol...lol...lol
  2. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Pinenut... Wendy & I are going to St Joes Support group tonight. My name is Sue & I'll be in a fushia shirt & clack pants. I'll look for you!
  3. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    OK...I've got to gripe...SHOLDER PAIN!!! :welldoneclap: I'm so sick of it! I'm beginning to think that I'm going to have sholder pain every time I eat. I'm taking gasX and walking, and that helps, but Friday PM I was walking up and down my block in so much pain I couldn't speak, the pain from the surgery was easy compaired to this. I'm finding myself holding back on eating and drinking because the gas/sholder pain that follows, I have to force myself to drink my protiens and fluids. Did anyone else have the gas/sholder pain that didn't resolve shortly after surgery? Did it eventually go away? OK...done venting now...I do fell quite good otherwise! :success1:
  4. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Melissa & Twinmommy... I was just logging on to ask anyone about sholder pain. I didn't have any intil about day 4, but since then it's been awful! Friday night I was in more pain than at any part of the surgery, and that was day 9. I was walking up and down my block at 10:30pm, unable to talk because the pain was so intense. I'm at day 12 now, and every night it starts in. I know it's related to gas in my stomach, gasX seems to help some as does the walking. I'm finding that I'm not eating or drinking as much as I'm supposed to because I'm afraid of the gas that seems to come with eating & drinking. Did anyone esle have consistent gas related sholder pain for this long and does it ever go away, I'm beginning to feel like it's going to stay this way forever. Now that I'm done whining...I do feel great otherwise!
  5. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Ljuht115... Wendy & I walk in University Place (SW Tacoma) and we try to go several times a week. We were especially concentrating on Fridays @ 11:00, but we each have had our surgery in the last couple weeks, so we are just getting back on track. If you're in the area give a call and we may be walking that day, we love to meet other banders! Love to have anyone come...drop a note if you're in the area. Hope to meet you soon! I'll send you my cell.
  6. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy & Mer... I see Dr Oh @ 10:15 and could probably squeeze in a short walk before going back to work. I've missed so much already i really don't think it will matter much. My energy level says take a nap, but the pain in my sholder says "WALK!" I'm feeling grumpy tonight...tired of being sore, tired of liquids, missing my comfort foods! Found out today we will have to have our Lab put down, she's got a tumor. It's interesting how I'm learning about myself and how I've used food to comfort and soothe.
  7. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Back at work today, just to put out fires then I'll be back on Friday. It's hard to sit up at a computer, and the sholder pain just hit, so I think I'm going to head home. Those who have been banded awhile... Does the sholder pain eventually go away (how long)? Or does it continue to come with gas pains (in stomach) even after the abdominal gas from surgery has fully absorbed? Seems to come whenever I drink, though it's hard to tell b/c I'm drinking all day long.
  8. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Can't say it's been the best of days. I felt pretty good this AM, went for a mini-walk with Wendy, felt great to get out of the house. About mid-afternoon I started to feel like crap. Head-ache, body aches, stomach ache/upset, GAS and more trips to the bathroom than I can count. Working hard just to get water down tonight. I'd be worried, except it seems my husband & son are feeling a bit the same. Just my luck to get a bug 4 days post-op. Oh well, this too shall pass, and I keep telling myself how wonderful I'll feel when it does.
  9. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    dawneb... Dr Oh has us on clears only for 1 week then add protien shakes. At 4 weeks posop we add mushies. Very restrictive from what I see from other Docs, but seems to be very effective, I certainly don't want to go through all this and not get the best results I can, so I'm glad for the tight restriction, I may not be ashappy about the restrictions in 3 weeks though! I think Dr Shrikanth is a similar, but not quite as restrictive. I think both are safe and effictive. I think the pre-op diet realy get you to that "I can't wait" stage. I really wasn;t nervous, even the morning of surgery, and they take great care of you at St Francis. Wenjea... I'm really ready to get out of here for a bit. Tay & I went for a walk late last night, the fresh air and moon light was wonderful! Maybe the Puppy park?
  10. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Day 4 here. Still fairly painful at port site, but moved from the big meds to tylenol, so i would expext to feel it a little more. I figure if it's about the same on tylenol then that's inprovment. i agree with the rumbling tummy. Not hunger, but gas moving around. I described it as "dinosaur night at the WWF" :drum: I'd like to go for a walk down the block, but am a little worried about being that far from the bathroom...water in...water out! I'm just doing laps aroung the house right now.
  11. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    4th day now. I switched from the big meds to tylenol today, and feel about the same as yesterday. I figure about the same without the heavy drugs is progress. It's the change of possition that causes the most pain. Once I'm up and get loosened up i can stay up for awhile. The intestinal noises sound like dinosaur night at the WWF :drum:
  12. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi all...third day post-band for me. Port pain is pretty nasty, but gas pains have not hit too hard, hopefully will stay that way. Just had a shower, feeling refreshed, but sleepy.
  13. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi guys...I'm an official bandster now!!! Just got home from the hospital. If it weren't for the port pain I'm feeling great. The port pain is pretty intence. haven't really has any gas pains...yet. I'm sure there will be some coming. I've been able to be up quite a bit, though I've really got to hang on to that port. I think I'll lay down now...was right next to the nurses station at the hospital...got 1 hour of solid sleep. with pain meds i can hardy hold my eyes open...so i think I'll got close them!
  14. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I'm official now!!! Home from the hospital, if the port pain were gone I'd feel great. But, that port pain is reall something! all went very well, but very sleepy at the moment. I'm going to snooze now...will post more later. Sue
  15. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Merrillee... sorry I couldn't make it, I had forgotten that my daughter had a band concert at her middleschool tonight. I missed the last one, so I didn't dare miss another. Well...the bag is packed and I'm ready to go, suppose i should go get some sleep now, though I should get plenty tomorrow!
  16. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Thanks all for the encouragement!!! Merrillee... I'm tempeted to try to make it to your party tonight, got to make sure everything is calm and ready at home first, so really not sure. I'm interested in your dog clothes, do you have a show coming up soon? Wendy... I found several sources for braclets & charms, I'll show you sometime.
  17. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Thanks for your thougts and prayer!!! tomorrow is my day! I figure if I can watch Wendy go through her first week (the worst of it all) and I'm still not scared away, then it must be something I really want. did anybody else "nest" before surgery? I cleaned my office at work yesterday then came home and worked until 11:30 cleaning and re-arranging my spare room/office. It will be my hide-away when I need a quiet spot away from the business of the house. I've got everyting arranged and ready to go! I was still wound up so I watched my TIVO'ed "Dancing With the Stars"...way to go Apolo! Merrillee...so sad we missed you yesterday, that would have been so much fun.
  18. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    It's tomorrow for me!!! Did anyone else "nest" I've gotten so much done in the last few days. wish I could be that prductive everyday. Yesterday I cleaned my office at work and cleaned and re-arranged my spare room/office...it will be my get away when i need a little peace & quiet. I'm ready now! I have to go in 8:00AM, but I think I'm not scheduled until latter in the day, not looking forward to waiting around at the hospital.
  19. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    twinmommy... I'm still waitin on my banding (Thursday) but being on clear for awhile I can relate to the emotions. I'm sure recovering from surgery only adds to it all. I was all done in last night and had several things I wanted to get done. My husband and kids are really doing a great job of not reacting to my grumpiness, whish really helps me not to escalate. Sure would make it easier if they could manage to keep the kitchen in one peice (my kis are 12-16-19...certainly old enough).
  20. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Wenjea... So great to turn that corner. Give me a call, i can squeeze in a little walk if you want to get out of the house. LJUHT115... That must be really frustrating! Good for you for finding a distraction. For what I've been able to figure I may be in for quite a wait on Thursday...a movie is a great idea.
  21. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Yep, Merrillee it's my turn on Thursday. Ready to get on with it. I did go to support group tonight. it was good. Met alot of people, there just over 20 people there. They are very encouraging, friendly, open group. The leader was the nutritionist from my ed class today, Laura. She's lively, friendly and knowledgeable. They had a clothing exchange (this was their 1st one) and I came home with several pairs of pants to shrink into. From my one time experience I think this group can be very helpful. Wendy...I met a gal who live in UP who really wants to walk with us. She was realy nice and we seem to be able to relate in many ways.
  22. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Thanks for the history of the local Docs. Seems they are all well trained and have long sucessful track records. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them, just choose one you're comfortable with and go with it.
  23. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    A few of you were talking about hernias. Do you know if they find and repair one, does that add to the cost?? Maybe it just depends on your dr? Just curious since I'm trying to account for every penny. dawneb... I concure with ljuht115. I am having a hiatal hernia reapired also, Dr Oh says any additional cost for the repair will be billed to my insurance and should be covered even though my band is not covered.
  24. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    crabdake... I haven't been banded yet, so I can't speak from experience. but, i do know that diaphram pain is felt in the chest and sholder, and the diaphram can feel pressure from gas and possibly a little tramatized from surgery. When I've had bouts with my hiatal hernia (which will be fixed during banding...yipee!) I felt the pain in my chest, wondered if I was having heart problems, but it was the hole in my diaphram.
  25. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    nbjen... dr Oh is with Franciscan Health Systems. They have meetings at St Francis (Federal way) and St Joes (Tacoma). Anyone is welcome. Are you in auburn? https://www.fhshealth.org/Bariatric/support.asp

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