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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sue11

  1. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    MaryumC... Our dietician (Phd) is really against the long term super low calorie diets. She says 800 is the absolute minimum and most people should be at about 1000. It's is really amazing how the body kicks into starvation mode, you can eat 400 calories and not loss an ounce. I think especially since we need to exercize to keep our muscle mass up and to tone up as we loose weight it's really important not to push our bodies into starvation mode. I was very relieved to learn this from her, I sure don't want to continue on the 500-700 calories that I've had on our pre/post-op diet. I'm just starting on mushies/softs and it's nice to be moving towards "normal foods"...in very small amounts of course. Sue
  2. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    For those going to the St joe's meeting...We should try to meet before the meeting to walk down on Ruston Way. I know it's a hard time of day, are you all home getting dinner for the family? My DH & kids are all old enough to fend for themselves.
  3. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Renee... I love my sugar free popsicles in the evening! It's my favorite sweet treat at the end of the day.
  4. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Pinenut... When is your fill, Wendy & I have ours on Monday
  5. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Yes, we made it to the falls, we just left a little later than we had planned, as the day seemed to be clearing as it got past noon. The falls were beautiful then we walked around the North Bend mall and had salmon dinner (I nibbled off DH's plate...my first real food!) at Pt Defiance. A really nice day! It was kind-of nice, our anniversary is often dinner & a movie, but with life not revolving around food we had to find other things to do and actually spent more time together. Mer... I doubt that we will be able to break in the tennies tomorrow, it's my kid's last day of school and there's mom thngs to do. My baby (7th grade) got a 4.0 for the entire year...way to go Taylor...so I have to go to the school to gush on her at at honor roll program/breakfast, and at some point in the day they are expecting me at work. This always seems to be the problem, everything else take priority. Are you going to be in town later in the day tomorrow? Give me a call if you are, maybe I can slip away. The support group at St Joe's meets on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month at 6:45. Wendy & I are going, you should come! Maybe we could meet down on Ruston way for a walk if we can get away earlier.
  6. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Pinenut... Like I said before, it was an unusual group Monday, it was basically all St Francis lap-band which is not the norm. I know Marie (we graduated from High school toghter) and she's always been a strong personallity. She tried to get me to switch doctors last time, convinced that her choice was the best, it's just her way. No need to feel guitly for following your docs instructions, it's interesting to hear another perspective. It's usually not so lop-sided with the opinions, and in talking to Laura (nutritionist that leads group) even though she is the nutritionist for St Francis, she definitely has different opinions on several points of the St Francis pre/post op diets. I don't remember what they said about the Wed group and that one is not on the website, where & when? Wed is a really busy day for us, so it probably wouldn't work.
  7. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Thanks...we are planning on going to Snoqualmie Falls to hike around a bit...something other than just dinner, but it's not looking like the weather is going to cooperate
  8. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... We gotta get you some tennies girl!!! So sorry to hear about the foot...no fun to miss the trip Phyl... Most all the centers seem to have support groups, and all I've heard of are open to anyone no matter where your surgery was. Maybe call the hospitals, or go on line. i think support groups are really important, I've never talked to anyone who is in our possition who says there's not an emotional component to their weight issues, it's HUGE for me! Sue
  9. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Pinenut... It was fun to meet you last night. The mix of the was unusual last night, there are ususally many more people from other doc's there too, and that's the first time in the 3 times I've gone that banders have outnumbered bypasses. Though i think that will be the norm in the future, as the % of banders is increasing. Did you find it helpful/enjoyable? I really like having people with other opinions and other ideas there, it's helpful for all of us. Hope to see you again sometime.
  10. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Pinenut... I'm coming to the meeting, Dark teal T-shirt and jeans See you there! Sue
  11. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Ljuht115... I'm with Dr Oh...almost the same pre/post. I know they have a realy long restrictive period. I believe it is true that the majority of the healing is done in just a few weeks. If you talk to others that are release to a regular diet earlier most can eat anything with little or no restriction until thier fill. It seems alot of them struggle with keeping their wieght from going up durring this period. I think that is one of the reasons why our Doc's keep us on liquids until our fill, to keep us from going back to old habits along with giving the band extra time to settle. I don't think you would have done anything to your band, my understanding is it takes quite a bit to dislodge, but knowing this doesn't help the will power, and why take a chance. I haven't been staying on clears as I am supposed to be right now either. My fill is on Monday and I am eating 1 or 2 servings a day of thick soup or mushies each day. I have taken nibbles of other things too, making sure to chew to mushy, and am sure pretty that I could eat anything I want. I just keep reminding myself that I can do this, that I deserve to do better for myself. My frustrated side wants to see it as deprivation, but I'm working on the head thing to make myself more important than the food. We are all worth the effort! it won't be long before this "bandster hell" period is behind us and we will be able to eat normal health foods in correct amounts. We all need to put yesterday behind and live today to the best of our ability!!! I don't usually post this long, but I can really relate to your struggle...hang in there!!!
  12. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Yes, let me know when you're on this side of the pond! Do you have my cell ###? There is so much food in my house!!! We had a BBQ today, I had little bits of all my favorites, but my head's not fooled. All those good salads, wings, burgers and pies are calling me!!! If I were smart I'd go for a walk, but I'm just too tired. Everybody just left and this is when I usually go get myself a nice plate of leftovers, as I'm ususally a little too busy to eat much while serving and visiting. I'm really looking forward to my fill, the idea of the small protion at least making the tummy hunger go away will sure help with the head hunger too.
  13. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I've got to walk more, and I rarely do it by myself...call me whenever, i'll try to ge free.
  14. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    MaryumC... That's exactly what the ADJUSTABLE band is about. No one is the same and we all have different needs according to our own will power, emotional and physical needs. I've heard of banders who never fill and are sucessful in their weight loss. It's all about the individual need. I've always been one to skip breakfast too, but I have changed that. They say that it slows your metabolism if you don't eat in the AM. I have a protien drink (Warm Mocha) in the AM. It's my morning coffee...warm & yummy. They say that a warm drink "opens" the band in the AM. We all have to do what works best for ourselves. Congrats on your sucess!
  15. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    dawneb... CONGRATS!!! Glad to hear you're doing well. Just make yourself a priority for a bit & I know you'll do well. When I did want to lay flat i put a pillow under my knees to take the preasure (stretch) off the tummy. Gas hit me day 4 and WOW! Just remember if it does...WALK...WALK...WALK!
  16. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Pinenut... St Joe's support group is next the 1st & 3rd Monday at 6:45, so we meet on Monday the 18th...hope to see you there. My husband asked last night if anyone wanted chili, I say "YES!!!" He thougth I was kidding and laughed at me. Blended chili is pretty good! I think I'll have the leftfovers for lunch today! I'm somewhat enjoying my closet right now. 4 Weeks ago I was plowing through trying to find my more roomy clothes that would fit, now it pretty much all fits, and some it too big...fun! My clothes may not be fancy...I haven't wanted to shop for years b/c nothing looked good anyhow, but at least they fit better now. Helps me remember, as I sit here with ny tummy growling, that it IS and WILL BE worth it!!!
  17. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Bandster Hell...so well named! The evening bordedom/head hunger is back with a vengence and add a good dose of true hunger and it's not pretty. I'm getting 600-800 calories on 2 more weeks of liquids and protien, then it's on to softs...can't wait! Sometimes I want to hang a warning sign around my neck at the end of the day saying "Don't push me...you'll be sorry"
  18. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Oh ya...I went right out after church and got a peddie and bought some toe rings...hehehe!
  19. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I had a funny experience this Sunday. I was getting ready for church and went to slide my sandles on...my feet were sloshing around in every pair I tried! I've lost weight many times in the past (as have most all of us) and I've never had my feet get so skinny. it's great because I've always had fat feet, now I'll fit into shoes better. I figure it's probably helped along by the tight restricted diet that s much lower in sodium than usual, get rid of all that excess water weight that swells my hands & feet. Anyhow, I got a chuckle out of it...LOL PS...all my summer clothes that were way too tight are fitting great!!!
  20. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Metalband... I'll be 3 weeks on Thursday, and yes, I still enjoy the comfort of my heating pad, and sometimes my icepack too. My port swelling doesn't seem to want to go away. A week ago I was suffering such sholder pain i hardly noticed the port pain, but the sholder pain is doing much better and now the port pain has increased. I'm sure it's irritated but the increased activity and the fact that I sit at a computer at work. I'm much more comfortable in any possition other than sitting upright. The sholder pain is resolving and I know the port pain will too. It is really hard to believe that some people don't have port pain. Luck them!!!
  21. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    LJUHT115... I've heard that some long time bandsters start thier day with a drink of warm water to "open" the band in the morning before they eat. Not sure if this is the issue, but could have something to do with it?
  22. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    dawneb... I am continually amazed that we can take in so few calories, but the wieghtloss will sometimes stall. It's hard to figure out what your body is living off of. I guess it shows how resilient our bodies are and how well it can protect itself in hard times. I just keep reminding myself that it is coming off and that's what counts. It took me years to put my body in this shape, it's going to take some time to reverse what I've done. I get a little frustrated with other people who know I've had surgery and don't realize it's not the easy quick way out. It still takes dieting, exercize and alot of hard work inside and out to make progress...yipee for us, we're on our way!!! :girl_hug:
  23. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Wierd dogs!!! Just like kids, even when you finally get a moment to pamper yourself they have to find some way to bring you back down to earth. Good luck with the pie tonight, protien drink isn't much of a consulation! I have to say, I can't seem to get food off my mind today. Feeling very deprived. DH & i thought we'd go to a movie, but can't find anything to watch. Guess I'll have popcycle and go for a walk...yipee!?! grrrrrrr
  24. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    cmacinga... I was banded on the 24th...my doc says clears liquids only for 4 weeks, then mushies for 2 then soft. We never do go on full liquids. I asked the nutrition gal at the doc's ofice and she said they took out the full liquid stage because people were taking in too many calories on full liquids (creamed soups & such), being that you don't have any restriction yet. I talked with the Nutritionist (Phd) and she felt 4 weeks clear was too long. I did 2 weeks clear pre and 1 week clear post then added 1-2 serviding a day of a thick Soup (ususally split pea...but no creamed soups) and my digestive system is much happier now I sure am looking forward to mushies...never thought I'd day that...LOL
  25. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    A "Magic Bullet" is a must in my book. They run about $60 at Costco. Comes with 5 or so "cups" that you blend in and drink out of. I picked up the same type thing made by "Cooks" at Penney's for $30. They work great! Blends protien drinks smooth & frothy. A little ice with the protien and you've got a shake. Blends in fruit or blending anythng to smooth, way easier to use & clean than a full size blender. ljuht115... I think our recovery is running parallel. I was at work until about 4:00 today and "hit the wall" One minute you're doing OK, the next you body says "OK, that's enough" and you can barely put one foot in front of the other. I came home and plopped in bed at 5:00, thinking I was done for the night, got a little rest then felt much better. I think I need a little nap at 3:00 each day...it's a nice thought anyway. The port soreness does get worse as the day goes, but that's a little better each day. This too shall pass...won't be long and it will all be behind us.

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