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Everything posted by sue11

  1. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    My DH & I have talked about this several times lately, he only eats b/c his body needs nutrition and is very rarely hungery, I have alway been pre-occupied with food pretty much every waking moment. I'm starting to see how the band is gong to help with this. Now that food is not such a big deal and not so exciting I can see myself moving on to better things in the future. Thank God, I know this is going to work. PS...great sermonette!!!
  2. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I am constantly amazed when I meet people who have gone through WL Surgery and are not involved in some type of support group, be it a group meeting or on-line chats such as this. I would be so lost, thinking I'm the only one who is mourning food, or throwing my self into starvation mode by not eating enough and losing nothing. I'm on a plateau right now, and while I am frustrated I'm not in a panic as I probably would be if I had noone to talk too. I would be thinking I just threw away how many thousands of dollars!!! I have learned more though this talk forum, my group meetings and talking with individuals then I ever learned in my doctor's required classes. The real struggle, at least for me, is with my head, and nutrition classes, though full of alot of good information, don't address that issue. Thanks to all of you for letting me know I'm not nuts!!!
  3. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I've been craving some good ice tea, but I ususally shop Fred Meyer and they don't carry much. I'll have to swing into Albertson's tomorrow, and I think I'll put out come sun tea. A little splenda and it's such a refreshing sweet tea. I need to have something for our vacation to Oregon next week. I miss my diet colas too! So, you basically eat 3 shakes and 2 meals a day? Any snacks? Do you get hungry between meals? A meal only lasts about 2 hours for me, I'm tired of being hungry, I don't think my will power is going to last much longer. I'm starting to nibble on really bad stuff, I wish I could at least stay with good foods when I get the munchies. I guess that's why I have a band, I don't have enough will power and I don't make good choices. I need a fill.
  4. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Question for anyone... How may calories to you eat in a day? How many meals/snacks? Protien Shakes?
  5. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I can't say my energy has been all that great, there are some afternoons that I would just love to take a nap, and by the end of the day I am TIRED! I think a big factor is that I'm not eating enough, not b/c of restriction, I'm just grunting it out on will power right now. I've been watching my calories for the last few days and I think I was probably about 800-900 a day. My weight loss is stalled for 1 1/2 weeks now, and I'm frustrated. I've decided to try eating more, hopeful kick my body out of starvation mode. I'll give it a try, at least I'll be happier with a little more food while I figure out if that's the issue. It's a little hard to convince myself that eating more will help me start losing again, I sure hope so, I don't think I can really eat any less!
  6. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    My first real plateau...so frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure if I'm eating too much or too little, I think it's too little, but I'm nervous about eating more. I guess I will do a careful review on my calory count. How many calories is everyone generally eating?
  7. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... Glad you and hubbie got to enjoy the sunny (HOT) day today. Between work and my kids I was rinning around town like a pin-ball, what a day, I think we need to go out to Lakewood on emore time to get my son some clothes for the wedding tomorrow (Wendy's son). My boy is having some real weight issues too, one of my big motivations to do get myself under control. I worry about him too...I just know he's going to struggle with it all his life too, breaks my heart
  8. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Sorry, i was at work today and never checked the chat until just now. Are you in town later tomorrow at all, i might be able to slide away later in the afternoon.
  9. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey...I just figured out my BMI has dropped from the "Morbidy obese" range to "severly obese". I hate that word "Morbid", so glad to leave it behind for good! yipee!!!!!
  10. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... I'm just home painting today, my daughter is turning 13 next week, so we're painting and carpeting her room while she'a at camp this week, she'll be so surprised! We should probably go this am as it's going to get hot!
  11. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I've been watching Big medicine...I'm watching it now as I'm blogging (TIVO). I think they do more by-pass b/c they put the really "super obese" patience on the show, and they tend to have by-pass over band. It's probably more their specialty. I find the plastic surgery portions particularly interesting, as it's probably coming at come point in the future.
  12. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... We should get together to walk, i think Wendy might be fairly swamped the rest of the week, only a few days until the wedding. I hate walking by myself, I'm so easily bored! do you think you'll be housebound all week, any plans to come into town?
  13. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    1 week out from 1st fill.. haven't PBed yet, though I think I came close at Costco yesterday. I was winging through to grab just a couple things for a BBQ I was doing that day and there were samples everywhere. I was starved...forgot breakfast since I was so busy cooking, so I had a couple samples. One was a nice bite of turkey breast...perfect...except I chewed 1/2 of it then got distracted with my shopping and swallowed, talk about a lump in the throat! Really need to remember to pay attention while eating, even if it is just a bite! I think I probably need a little more fill, I do get satified fairly quickly, but it's still takes quite a bit more food than what the doc said, and I am stopping b/c I know I should, not necessarily b/c I'm full, and I get hungery in a couple of hours. I'm managing OK, but sometimes it's still just pure white knuckling that keeps me from snacking, I'd like to have a little more help from the band...I think!?!
  14. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Caolin... Have you tried obesityhelp.com ObesityHelp - Gastric Bypass, LAP-BAND® System, DS and Other Surgical and Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options. or Pacific NW Bandsters PNW_Bandsters : PNW Bandsters I'm not in that area, but these sites might help you connect, did you try the local hospital?
  15. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Wendy & Mer... I won't be able to walk today, family's going to the Mariner's game tonight. I'm really excited to se if those *#$@% seats are more comfortable now, I sure hope so! I figer I'll do laps around the stadium with my kids...I wounder how far it is for each lap?
  16. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I was "outed" acciedentally, but after really struggling with who to tell and how to tell them, it was almost a relief that I didn't have to make the decision. It is frustrating to have the "food police" watching...some people will always be that way, but I know people were staring & judging when I was overweight. Oh well, I put myself where I'm at so I'll have to deal with it. It is really great to have people around to support. I need to be able to share with the people around me, it was just hard to figure out where to start.
  17. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    jsrico... Sorry to hear you're so frustrated. Did you take measurements before you started, measure again. How do your clothes feel? You might be loosing inches and gaining muscle from the exercise even though the weight is not going down. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, and if you're exerciseing well the muscle will build quickly and that's good, it will raise you metabolism and you will see results in the future. Hang in there, you can do this!!! I wouldn't be surprised if the change in meds had something to do with it too. Keep drinking your water, your body will eventually figure our that it doesn't have to store it. This WILL work, you CAN do this!!!
  18. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Ljuht115... I just had my fill yesterday (with Wendy) and had my first "food" tonight. My mom made chicken noodle soup for us, I had my protien drink, drank the broth, then ate the chicken veggies and noodles (chew, chew, chew) and it all want down find. I feel satisfied, but I haven't gone to the point of "full" or uncomfortable yet. I suppose you kind-of have to test the waters to find out what too much is, I'm not really sure at this point what "full" really feels like. Maybe I'm not I'm "tight" enough yet, I have 1.8cc in my 4.0 band, time will tell. I scheduled another fill for Mid August, but I may need to go in before then.
  19. sue11

    A-May-zing Bandits July Challenge

    I'm in...time to walk!!!
  20. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    twinmommy... Congrats on not gaining while vacationing, that's really an accomplishment, especially with no fill.
  21. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Ljuht115... Yes, I think Dr Oh has the most strict diet I've heard of from any Doc. No, I haven't totally followed it. Buy his instructions I should not have had anything but clears and protien shakes for 2 more days (7 weeks total). He doesn't do the purreed stage, I asked one of his nurses at my last visit and she said that people down too many calories on pureed food, they go right through the band and people tend to go for cream soups and such with too many calories. They had some people actually gaining weight on purees. I figured I have common sense and some self control, so a couple weeks ago made my own split pea soup and then started nibbling on a few softs. I have been very careful with both the texture and to not over do in calories. Not only did it make my mood better to have something other than clears, but it made my digestive track much happier...water in, water out...if you know what I mean...LOL Good luck on your fill this Friday, it really was easy!
  22. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Had my first fill today too...piece of cake as the doctor said, they he rephrased...no cake. I got 1.8cc in my 4cc band (10cm). It's really hard todnight, I'd like to "test" it, see what "full" feels like, it's been 6 weeks since I've been "full". Oh well a day or 2 and we'll be on our way.
  23. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    dawneb... You're right on target. The hunger means your stomach swelling is down and you're healing well. You're in bandster hell now...no restriction, except for the diet of course. Hang in there!!! Are you on protien shakes? I cooked up a big batch of beef broth with extra onions and a bag of frozen vegetables. When it was cooked well, I took my hand blender to the vegetable, then strained it all. I't may not have been perfectly clear, but I found it more satisfying! My 1st fill is tomorrow, a couple more days until softs...I totally agree on the cottage cheese, it was OK before, but sound like heaven now!!!
  24. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I would be interested in an exercise/water challenge, let me know when the new thread starts Ljuht115... Yes on the late TOM. I was 6 days late (normally you can set your calendar by me). And the really pitty part was that my regular monthly headache started on time, so it hung around more than a week, instead of a couple days. Boy, was I geting grumpy, but Friday things finally progressed and the headache is finally going away. The monthly munchies and cravings that I get were stretched out too, that was a real bear. I'm sure it was just my bodies reaction to the sever diet change. I had the worst cramps I've ever had too, kept me up all night on Friday night, never had that happen before. Hopefully this is not a new norm, only time will tell.
  25. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    We (DH & I) tried to go to Claim Jumper for my last meal out before pre-op diet, but they were so packed we gave up and went to Red Robin. Oh well, We will get back there some day, and with the size of their portions I'll have leftovers to enjoy for a days...LOL

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