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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sue11

  1. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    RiahG... Insurance is a pain!!! I had a "yes" from mine, then after did all the pre-op testing they decided it was excluded...wanted to cry, scream, etc... I ended up self pay. For me the financial commitment has made me more resolute to make this work. You may have a financial commitment or a time and effort commitment (pre-op diets and hoops to jump through for insurance), just look at them as motivation to make it work. It's all hard work, there's no easy way out of what we've done to ourselves. It will be worth it all, I'm starting to notice that I can walk into a room and notice that I'm usually NOT the biggest one in the room. :car: Hang in there, you CAN do this!!! Dawneb... I understand your frustration. I tried to move up my fill (2nd one on Aug 13th) but my Doc is booked until September. I feel no real restriction and am hungry and hour after I eat. Will Power!!! I've almost made it a game to see how loud I can get my tummy to rumble before meals...LOL
  2. new2tch... It's always a mind battle, but if you remove the tummy hunger from the battle it's so much easier to fight the head hunger. Jump in with both feet and make the decision it's going to work! The Mocha drink I use is Champion Nutrition (I get it on ebay) and it's really easy & quick in the AM. I like to add sugar free syrups (favorites are English Toffee & Ameretto) to my drinks for a little variety.
  3. I had my 1st coffee drink yesterday, to treat myself. It had been since early May since I'd had caffine. Headache hit before I was 1/2 done and is just now starting to go away. I reallized after I dropped the caffine pre-op how many of my headaches were related to caffine, if I didn't have enough or too little. Next time I think I'll treat myself to a de-caf! I do have a Mocha protien drink almost every morning, not alot of coffee flavor, but it's nice iced or hot. I'm surprised, I don't really miss it that much :car:
  4. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee... Is the VG a 10cc band? Thats great that you're feeling good restriction. Any sliming or PB? I tried to bump up my 2nd fill (scheduled for Aug 13th), but the doc is full until September. I've got 1.8cc in my 4cc, definitely not enough. I'm still loosing, slowly, but quite hungry. I guess my will power will have to hold my until the 13th.
  5. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Oh, and on the protien shakes...a Magic Bullet is a must!
  6. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    RE: Protien shakes My Doc insists that we take protien shakes, he says for life. It's the low carb protien suppliments, not meal replacement shakes. These are the same shakes that body builders use to stay lean but keep muscle. I think there is some merit to my Doc's requirement. With the reduced volume that we are eating is is hard to get enough protien in your diet. The nutritioist a I work with (Phd) says I need about 90 grams a day, that's almost 4 chicken breast or 3 cup of cottage cheese a day...there's no way I can eat that much. I use a protien shake for breakfast each day (30 grams), I ususally make it into a mocha, so I have my coffe drink just like most of america. I usually have one for a snack in the afternoon or evening too. You really have to search around, I HATED the meal replacement drink diets I tried in the past...yuck. Keep trying until you find one you like. I love Champion Nutrition (chocolate and mocha) and Syntac (sp?) lemon (as a smoothy base...add frozen fruit). My kids even love to make smoothies out of my protien too.
  7. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    dawneb... Onederland...WOW...you're almost there!!! I'm scared to even set a onederland goal, it feels like things move so slow. I'm averaging just a smidge over 2# a week which is right about where I should be, just seems so slow. It's good to look back once in a while, I'm 1/3 of the way to my goal. I was pleased that I lost 2# this last week on vacation, I was quite nervous as I ususally gain.
  8. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee... CONGRATS on the goal!!! God's speed to the next!
  9. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I have to share my "This is soooooo cool moment". We're vacationing and I took my daughters horsebackriding yesterday. On the pre-ride forms they asked the question "Do you weigh more than 240#" I got to check the "NO" box!!!!!!!! I was smiling so big, practically giggling...but no one knew why. Sure made me feel better about all those desserts I've passed up this week. I know you all will understand!!!! SO COOL!!!
  10. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    MaryumC... I totally agree with you. Everyone has their own challenges and their own means of coping. Some do better with total restriction from thier trigger foods, but I'm with you, I'm learning that I can survive on a bite or two, and it does help my cravings. I would still love to stuff myself, and I'm hoping that desire will decrease with time, I'm retraining my inner self...for a lifetime.
  11. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I had a "this is soooooo cool moment yesterday. We're vacationing and I took my daughters horsebackriding. On the pre-ride forms they ask the question "Do you weigh more than 240#" I got to check the "NO" box!!!!!!!! I was smiling so big, practically giggling...but no one knew why. I know you all will understand!!!! SO COOL!!!
  12. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    dawneb... Looking forward to meeting you!!! Been a busy couple of days, even though weather hasn't been great. We were lucky yesterday and scheduled our white Water rafting trip for the one slot of time in the day that actually had sunshine, we had a great time. I skipped the rafting last time, feeling more comfortable with my body now. We went on a couple bike rides today, the longest was 7 miles around the airport on the river trail...beautiful!!! It's so great to want to be active, not so worried about if I can keep up. My attitude is changing, a real NSV for me. One little chuckle on the biking...I had to remind myself that it was a good thing that my upper arms were "flapping in the wind". Has anyone else noticed things getting soft and droopy. I told myself in the beginning that loosing the weight would be good enough, I didn't need to get plastic surgery. I'm seeing my attitude changing on that one, I'm seeing into the future and it seems to be full of flaps, jiggles and droops!!!
  13. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... Sound like fun, I really wanted to do the bridge walk. We're down here in Oregon waiting to see what the weather's going to do. We're scheduled to river raft today, but there's thunder storms coming. Oh well, we'll just re-schedule. We're hoping the storms some in tonight, they are fabulous at night!!!
  14. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    dawneb...I'm so diappointed I missed meeting you at the St Joe's support meeting. I've been to every Monday support meeting since the week b4-banding in May. We're on vacation this week so I missed. Wendy goes too (also vacationing). Maybe I'll see you there in 2 weeks, I'd love to meet you. Did Laura lead the group? She a nutritionist with a Phd in exercise physiology, a great wealth of information. She's the one who helped me figure out my weight loss had stalled b/c I wasn't eating enough. Glad to hear you enjoyed the group. We've talked about possibly meeting b4 group to walk down on Ruston, but it's tought for alot of people to get away at that time of day.
  15. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    We're heading to Sunriver, OR for a week. We (my parents, brother & his kids, 10 in all) have gone there for 14 years. Lots of opportunity to walk & bike ride, lots to do, or just sit by the pool. Just checked weather...low 80's...that works.
  16. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    melissa o... Congrats!!! You're lifetime memories will be even more special knowing your fantastic accomplishment!
  17. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Patty... Sounds like you're doing well without the additional fill, remember slow & stead is best for the body, even if it is hard on the patience. Good idea on the mint after meals, I'm battling the desire to drink with & after meals. B4-Band I was using water to fill me up at mealtimes, it's really hard to switch gears. I love lifesavers SF wintergreen!
  18. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I thought I'd really mourn the bread, but I had the berger patty with cheese, tomato and grilled onion...it was BETTER than having a bun!!! It's the muchies that I struggle with...My name is Sue and I'm a recovering chip-a-holic.
  19. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I'd love to walk the bridge, but we leave in the AM for Oregon. Sad note...we just got home from putting down our lab (cancer), now Butch is an only pup.
  20. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, I need to confess, all this food in this house is showing me why I need another fill. I need some accounability and self control (or internal control via the band). For a while I got by, telling myself I'd get sick if I ate too much or the wrong thing. Now I know that I can eat ANYTHING. I scheduled my 2nd fill for August 13th, I really need to bump it up!
  21. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... We need to have a sewing party at your house!!! I never realized how often i pop in to my machine and mend/hem etc. We're redoing my daughter's room, waiting for carpet, so all her stuff is piled in front of my machine...I miss it, & need it. (I'm jealous!)
  22. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I've finally broke through my 2 week plateau. I've gaining/loosing the same 2# and I really felt the last couple days that I was ready to start moving again. Amazing enough, I needed to eat MORE! My "baby" turned 13 yesterday, so there's been extra food & cakes and such. I was careful, took small little amounts of things, and didn't really deny myself anything, but just took tastes and nibbles, let loose the reigns a little. I think it kicked my body out of the starvation mode I've been in, eating 500-900 calories a day since pre-op started 8 weeks ago. I'm going to work on eating moderate amounts of good choices. Live & learn!
  23. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Last summer I had only a few things to wear, even though my closet was full, I was stuborn and wouldn't put away the too-small clothes. This summer i can wear the whole closet, except for a few things that are too BIG...it's like shopping in my own closet!!!
  24. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    twinmommy... I just noticed that last week too...I hate the word "morbid", but it's gone forever!!!
  25. My 1st fill was 1.8 in my 4cc band on June 25 (4 weeks post-op). Can't really say I'm feeling alot of restriction yet. I haven't PB or slimed, but will power is still hanging in there. I have another fill scheduled Mid August, and I think my will power will hold me until then, but past history tells me there is definitely a limit to my self-control, but that's why I'm here!!!

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