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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sue11

  1. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    As I read your post I had to keep looking to see who wrote it...I thougth it was ME! I can SOOOO relate. Sounds like our metabolism set points are teh same. I react the same to exercise. I too need to eat 5 small meals...3 just leaves me too hungry and I start to feel deprived and depressed. i haven't PB's yet...really close once, and I'm feeling my fill is pretty good right now. I'm down 2-3 sizes and was just telling myself out lound this morning "this is the best thing you've ever done for yourself!" After giving up, I now have a great deal of HOPE, even beyond hope, I have dreams and expectations!
  2. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I've started using Fitday too, it's really helped me learn alot about the food I eat. One thing I've learned is that if I drop below 1000 cal/day I DON"T loose weight, that seems to be my point for starvation mode, my body seems to panic and hang on to every calorie. After a while when I was on liquids I was having about 600 calories a day and I totally hit a plateau. I started to eat more and then the pounds started dropping. It amazes me that I loose by eating more! My magic number for calories seems to be 1100-1200. I do find that I have to change it up when the weight loss stops. I have to jump start my metabolism by changing what I'm doing, eat more or less, but make a change.
  3. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Dawn... I ask people all the time if the exercise will, at some point, become "fun". I enjoy walking with friends, b/c I can distract myself with chit-chat. I keep telling myself to keep going, some day it will be fun, but it's still just a chore. That's great that you're "enjoying" your ellipticle, I hope to be doing 20 minutes at some point soon, I've never been very good at that machine, but I'm getting the hang of it. I'm not sure the ellipticle will ever be my cardio workout, but it's working real well as a warm-up for the weight machines. I don't think I will be able to make it to the next St Joes meeting, it's open house at my son's school :rose:
  4. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    OK, I finally had my 1st "slime" last night. I guess my fill on Monday did something! I'm not sure if the issue was chewing or dry food, but either way, it wan't pleasant. I was eating my dinner in my car in the parking lot wating for my son's water polo match. Had a tough time deciding if I should make a dash for the pool bathroom, but it passed after about 15 minutes. Makes you really want to be careful, especially when you're in public!
  5. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Laura... CONGRATS on the new job. Being away from DH will be trying, but channel your frustration to something positive like exercise or a hobby. I know for me being alone makes me much more likely to binge on really naughty stuff. Weazer... I am amazed at your self control. I "live" on the scale. I keep telling myself that I should weight once a week or so, but there I am every morning, holding my breath as I step in the little black square. You've got great self control! I had my first "slime" last night. Oh joy! I guess the fill I had on Monday (2.6 in a 4cc) did something! I'm not sure if I didn't chew well enough (I'm pretty careful) or if the potato was too dry. Had to happen while sitting in the car. I was running late for my son's Water polo match, so I brought my dinner with me, maybe I was distracted. I wsan't sure if I should make a dash for the pool bathroom or not, but it passed after about 15 minutes, yuck!
  6. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    A boy...Butch, he's my little sweety who's keeping my feet warm while I sit here on the computer. Wendy & I have gone to the YMCA for the last 2 weeks on Tues & Thurs, then walk on MWF. We started with a 5 minute warm up on the eliptical (I've always hated them in the past, but I'm getting over it) we add a minute each time we go, so soon we'll be up to 10-15 minutes. After we warm up we do the weight machines...boring...I like walking (talking) better, but I know it's important to do more. Hope to get together soon...BTW...your picture looks great!
  7. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... OK, I finally measured, Neck - 11.5" Chest - 20" Neck to tail - 18" Have you been our walking lately? Your ticker's really moving! Great job! Sue
  8. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... I'm with you on the Wendy's Chilli...yum!!! I've got my 3rd fill today, and I think this will be the one. It's funny, I usually only have a protien drink for b-fast, and I had that today, but just knowing that it's liquids only today and tomorrow has already got me drooling for FOOD. :faint: I like your comment on the year. I was talking with a friend a couple days ago and we were discussing the "process". I told her I was trying to be patient, it took me 15 years to get where I am, I can work through 15 months to get back!!! I know I can do it! I think it feels different than any other diet b/c there is life-long hope. With every other diet I alway had it in the back of my mind that some day I would rebound, the typical gain it back plus ~10%. That thought would defeat me everytime. But now I feel like I have the tool to make it lasting, this truely is a life change!!! :clap2:
  9. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... YIPPEEEEEE!!! I'm doing a happy dance for you too!!!! Happy Happy Joy Joy I know you were frustrated waiting for that final # to put you into onederland, I knew it couldn't be long...CONGRATS!!! We need to have a party, Onederland for YOU and 1/2 way for ME!!! Yah for us!!! (sometimes you just have to toot your own horn!)
  10. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... Her name is Laura Frank. I think I'm going to check my insurance to see if they will cover a visit or 2, she's such a great resourse! Sorry...I ment to tell you that it was Dawn sitting next to you
  11. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee... to a 38 from a 48...WOW that's great!!! :car: Isn't it interesting that often when the scale is not moving you can still tell your "loosing" b/c the clothes show it, really reminds me that it's not just about the scale.
  12. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Dawn... I enjoyed the meeting Monday too, it sure helps me keep my motivation going to sit & chat with others that are banding it too. I don't know how people can do it without support, but maybe that's just me. AND YES!!! I HIT 1/2 WAY YESTERDAY!!! :clap2: Onederland is the next goal
  13. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I was wondering... Everone gets different instructions from the various doc (it would be nice if there were true standards). Some say 3 meals a day...no snacks, some say eat every 2 hours. Some say eat 1 cup at time...others say 2 oz at a time. I was wondering from real bandsters, what does your doc say and what is your real life practice?
  14. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    I think some hair loss is inevitable, seems to be happening to most all of us. My understainding it's to be expected 3 monthes after any drastic change in your diet or surgery, we've done both. I know I lost alot of hair 3 monthes after each of my kids were born. It came back, I'm not worried, though I'm getting tired of cleaning the shower drain...YIKES!!! I agree, protien & vitamin suppliments to keep it to a minimum, there's some pretty serious balness in my family...women too! :faint:
  15. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    LauraP... That I know of reflux doesn't cause band erosion, but it can cause erosions in the esophagus, nothing to mess with, it can cause you to loose your band too. Watch the acidic foods and listen to your Doc. The Zantac is the way I would go too. Take Care!
  16. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    No problem...it's there to share, that's what it's all about!!!! As far as the fair goes...it's not about total denial. The YL BBQ sounds wonderful, and there's no way I would pass up a warm scone (it's once a year after all!) You modified, made some good choices and treated yourself. A treat here & there is not the end of the world, and can go a long way in curbing those all out loss of control binges. Sounds like you did great! :confused: Sue
  17. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... Are you headed to JoAnn by Tacoma Mall? I was thinking about stopping there too, probably about 4:30ish
  18. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    coastlgrl... the worst is over...just don't push too hard & you'll feel great soon. :confused:
  19. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer... My DH is going to do the 5:30 kid shuffle, so I'm free after I do the 4:00 kid drop-off. I can meet at 5:00, we can walk then meet Wendy at 5:30 if that works for you. We can carpool down to St Joes, though it might be better to park the cars in St Joe's valet rather than mall parking? Anybody else heading to St Joe's support group tonight? Want to meet to walk? Coastlgrl... Maybe I missed it, but when was your banding? Recovery may seem to drag a little, but in no time you'll look back & say "that wasn't so bad" Sue
  20. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    Hey...Auntie Phyl...just noticed you signature line, great verse, one of my favorites (obviously, since I have it in my signature too). We all need that strength from time to time!!!
  21. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    6:45 at St Joes I'm really looking forward to getting together tomorrow, it really helps me. Anybody want to walk before group (maybe Ruston or the mall if it's raining)? I am completely unmotivated on my own, I need the distraction of a buddy to gab with, then it's fun...not a chore!
  22. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    OK...I have a rather goofy NSV. Did you know you loose weight in your nose too? The other day I put on my glasses that I wear for work and the nose piece was riding on the bridge of my nose, I thought I had bent them. Then today I put on my other pair...same thing! I guess my nose got skinnier (LOL), I had to pinch in the nose peice. I suppose you loose weight everywhere, but I never thougth I'd shrink out of my glasses!!! LOL LOL LOL
  23. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    It sure helps when you wake up in the AM to find another pound gone. 2 more & I'm 1/2 way. I hate those "downer" days, guess those are the days I really need to rely on my friend the band, the internal motivation to walk away from the bag of chips. That's a big difference I'm seeing with the band over many other times I've tried to loose weight. Like 99% of us, getting started on loosing is not the problem, it's sticking with it. I'm confident this is the tool I need to continue eating right, even when the emotions are screaming for a bag of chips.
  24. sue11

    Any one in NW WA

    I'm planning on St Joe's on Monday too. Maybe we can meet before. I've only made one meeting in the last couple months and I feel like I need to get in touch. Emotions are sure all over the board lately. Sometimes I feel fabulous, feel like I really making progress and excited about the future, other times not so much. I struggle with "It takes so long...tired of being hungry...will I make it...will it last...is there a huge plateau around the corner". Dealing with TOM today with a massive headache, and REALLY want to munch. This is just the kind of evening I would have medicated with a bag of chips! I guess I'll go to bed...gggrrrrrrrrrrr (that was my tummy)
  25. sue11

    May 2007 Banders

    NSV...they're my favorite I went to a class at my church tonight and saw and old friend that I hadn't seen in 14 years. I have to admit, I had gotten into the habit of dodging old friends, not wanting them to see me. I went to say "Hi" and she responded with "You look great...haven't changed". If she only knew how much I had changed. Made me think about how it took me 15 years to get where I was...helps me be a little more patient (sometimes) on getting back down. Another NSV...I crossed my legs to take notes on my lap. I haven't done that in 14 years (my last baby), sure felt "normal". I can truely say I'm starting to feel "normal", instead of always looking around to see if I'm the fattest person in the room. :car: Is everybody else running out of clothes too? It's really fun to shop the "normal" sizes. Xl are fitting great, and last night I wore my son's L hoodie, put it on just for fun to see how tight it would be. It wasn't tight at all...plenty of room!!!

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